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Shaft Fabrication - Drawings


NC Shaft Course Design-Fabrication

Project's Content

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icon Карты операционные (все).frw
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icon Карты контроля.frw
icon Титульный лист для карт.frw

Additional information


1. Introduction

2. Part Designation and Design

3. Analysis of workability of part design

4. Define Production Type

5. Basic Process Analysis

6. Procurement Selection

7. Adopted Routing Process

8. Calculation of surface handling allowances

9. Calculation of cutting modes

10. Calculation of time standards

11. Calculation of operation accuracy

12. Means for drilling the hole 32 13. List of sources used


The level of development of mechanical engineering is a determining factor in the development of the entire economic complex of the country. The most important conditions for accelerating the development of the economic complex are increased labor productivity, increased production efficiency and improved product quality.

The use of improved machine manufacturing methods is of paramount importance. The quality of the machine, reliability, durability and cost-effectiveness in operation depend not only on the perfection of its design, but also on the technology of its manufacture.

The process engineer is the last in the chain of creating a new machine and its quality largely depends on the volume of its knowledge and experience.

These basic prerequisites define the following important directions of mechanical processing technology development in mechanical engineering.

1. Improve existing and find new high-performance methods and tools to carry out dramatically increased finishing operations in order to improve processing accuracy and reduce their labor intensity.

2. Improvement of existing and finding new high-performance processes for performing semi-finished and finishing operations with metal and abrasive cutting tools.

3. Complex mechanization and automation of technological processes based on the use of automatic lines, automated and semi-automated machines, active control tools, fast-acting technological equipment, group methods of processing technologically similar parts.

4. Development of plastic deformation forming processes and application of thin plastic deformation methods for finishing operations.

5. Development of electrophysical and electrochemical processing methods.

3.6 Analysis of basic process.

In the basic process, it is used as a rolled stock procurement, which is more acceptable to obtain a blank in the average production type.

Center holes can be used as process bases during most operations, which ensures the principle of constant bases and ensures minimum values ​ ​ of end and radial run-out of shaft surfaces.

For the average production type, we will use CNC machines, which will increase productivity and reduce labor costs.

For the treatment of the secondary shaft 74054202070, the following operations are used: Milling centered on the MP71 machine, when milling (ending) we use an end cutter with insert prismatic plates T5K10, and when drilling we use a drill, a workpiece in the collet.

To obtain the required diameters, chamfers of grooves and threads, a machine 16K20F3 is used for several mills, the part is attached in the cams of the cartridge with an electric mechanical clamp. Further, splines, a part in the mandrel, are milled on the schlycefreather 5350 machine. Then, a radial drilling machine 2A53, a blank in the cartridge and mandrel are used to obtain the holes. To obtain the specified quality and cleanliness of the surface, grinding is used on the round grinding machine 3B151, the part is attached on the collet expansion mandrel to avoid installation errors and reduce beating.

To perform control of parts and at interoperative transitions, the following are used: standards, barbell, brackets, and other special means of control (templates).

When machining the ends, it is possible to use an industrial milling machine with NC MP71M: the machining time is reduced, accuracy is increased and machining errors are reduced.

When drilling instead of 2A53, it is possible to use a drilling machine with NC Z3040x16/1

At the same time, the principle of unity and continuity of bases is ensured in all operations.

To create a GPS, it is possible to use clock tables and auto operators for automatic feeding-removal of a part from machines, as well as automatic removal of chips.

Drawings content

icon Карты операционные (все).frw

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icon Карты контроля.frw

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