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series 5.905-18.05 "Components and parts of fastening of gas pipelines"


Working drawings of the standard documentation "Components and parts of fastening of gas pipelines" series 5.905-18.05 issue 1 were developed in 2005 to replace the series 5.905-8.1-93, corrected in 2008.  

Working drawings of this standard documentation are used in the design and construction of gas pipelines, natural gas supply systems with an overpressure of up to 1.2 MPa (12 kgf / cm²) for areas with an estimated outdoor temperature of at least minus 40 ° C and seismicity up to 9 points inclusive.  


Project's Content

icon серия_5.905-18.05_вып.1 - Узлы и детали крепления газопроводов (ред. 2008г).dwg

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