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Use of a siemens controller to control the electric drives of the 1620GF1

  • Added: 13.02.2022
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The thesis project consists of a note, a report and four drawings

  • functional diagram
  • structural diagram
  • Set-up scheme
  • controller diagram

Project's Content

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Additional information



Main part

Use of SIEMENS Controller for Electric Drive Control

machine 1620GF

1 Part Manufacturing Process Analysis

1.1 Part description (purpose, design features, chemical

composition and physical and mechanical properties of the material)

1.2 Definition of production type

1.3 Selection of progressive method of workpiece production

Workpiece Design

1.4 Content and structure of the specified process operation

1.5 Characteristics of metal cutting machine

1.6 Cutting tool for specified process operation

1.7 Calculation of cutting modes for the specified process operation

1.8 Determination of main (process) processing time,

time to install and remove part

1.9 Development of control program for the specified process program


2 Design of controller for control of electric drives

2.1 Selection of electric drive control system

2.2 Preliminary calculations for selection of control system elements

2.3 Calculation of statistical indicators of ACS elements

2.4 Calculation of dynamics of the accepted automatic control system

2.5 Practical implementation of the electric drive control system

3 Organization of operator's workplace

3.1 Life Safety Measures

3.2 Environmental safety measures

4 Project Feasibility Study

4.1 Calculation of the total payroll

4.2 Calculation of other expenses

4.3 Calculation of debugging time

4.4 Calculation of Computer Hour Cost

4.5 Design Costs

4.6 Minimum price of scheme development consists of full costs

development and minimum profit

4.7 Economic impact (annual savings)

4.8 Design Cost Efficiency Factor

4.9 Payback Period


List of sources used


Annex A. Certificate project statement


Automation is considered one of the most important areas of technological progress. Without automation, high rates of further productivity growth are impossible. Progress in mechanical engineering and the objective development of production shows that automation of production processes is an important technical, economic and social problem.

The technical need for automation is due to the growing contradiction between the limited capabilities of the operator and the increasing speeds and power parameters of the equipment. Finding ways to increase labor productivity, the struggle to increase production efficiency, to reduce costs lead to the economic need for automation.

Automation of production is a stage of machine production, which is characterized by freeing a person from directly performing the functions of managing production processes and transferring these functions to special devices. In process automation, the worker is not related to the rhythm of the machine, and its role is reduced to monitoring the operation of the machine, its control devices or only to the initial adjustment of the automated unit. Automation leads to further expansion of mechanization, uses special technical means to self-monitor the operation of individual units (feedback, counting and solving devices, etc.), replaces a person in some of his intellectual activities, makes the production cycle continuous and more stable, affects production methods and even the product itself.

A system is an interconnected set of elements (components) that perform individual specific functions for a common purpose. Let's look at the enlarged control scheme of almost any plant. The components of this control system can be departments and services: TPS, OTC, planning, dispatching, OGK, OGT services, etc. When considering the tasks of individual controls, the objectives of their functioning are largely contradictory. For example, it is much easier to establish and maintain a given rhythm of production with an established nomenclature of products than with its frequent change. At the same time, the desire to increase the efficiency and quality of manufactured products, bringing their characteristics to the level of the best world samples, often has a negative impact on the rhythm of production, as it requires restructuring technological processes, revising standards, changing the range of materials and components.

Combining the interests of individual functional units with the interests of the entire system is a critical issue, the solution of which indicates the existence of a management system as a whole. The complexity of production, the sharp increase in the volume and frequency of information update dictates the need to carry out this work with the focus on the most efficient use of modern ACS.

Management is the process of purposefully transferring a system from one state to another by affecting its variables. The main element in the management is the determination of the existing (actual) and desired state of the object, the points of influence on the controlled variables, as well as the selection of characteristics and the sequence of control actions.

From an information point of view, management is implemented essentially in the process of collecting, transmitting, storing and processing information. The higher the level of control, the further the control body from the process, the more important the role of the information system in this process. However, it should be remembered that ACS - man-machine systems that combine the rigidity of formal computer logic with the flexibility of human thinking, are not just a means of processing information: its collection and transfer, automation of many operations, including time-consuming accounting, document processing, but, most importantly, raise self-management to a high quality stage, creating the prerequisites for timely adoption of correct decisions.

The purpose of this work is to use the SIEMENS controller to control the electric drives of machine 1620GF1

The relevance of work consists in use of the SIEMENSna controller production for management of electric drives of the machine which reduces the number of marriage of the made details on production.

Subject Study Application SIEMENS Controller for Electric Drive Control

Object of research is kontrollerSIEMENS

Design of controller for control of electric drives

2.1 Selection of electric drive control system

Important technical characteristics of the main CNC electric drives include a wide range and high smoothness of control of the spindle speed of the machine, constant speed of its rotation during changes in load, fluctuations in mains voltage, engine heating during long-term operation and other factors.

This must be taken into account when selecting the electric drive and its control system.

It is advisable to focus on the use of complete electric drives manufactured by the industry for metal cutting machines.

Currently, complete DC thyristor electric drives with a wide range of smooth speed control and a high degree of speed stabilization are widely used.

Organization of operator's workplace

Depending on how the workplace is organized, the result of work depends to a large extent. The following requirements apply to the planning and organization of the workplace:

the workplace shall be located so that the equipment and accessories are in a certain proximity to the worker, so that the worker does not make unnecessary and unnecessary movements during work;

- levers on the equipment were in the main working area of the worker;

Each workplace must have all the necessary equipment, and an optimal equipment option should be developed for each workplace, technical documentation should be located during work in front of the worker's eyes on a special tablet;

-The workplace shall be serviced in a timely and quality manner by all auxiliary services, including repair, tools and transport;

- favorable sanitary and aesthetic working conditions should be created at the workplace, as well as a rational rest regime.

At the enterprises of the developed and implemented NOT, the labor department and direct wages are carried out under the general supervision of the Director of Economics. Work on NOT is carried out by the workshops and services of the enterprise themselves.

The introduction of each organization of labor in enterprises allows you to solve the following tasks:

- provision and use of modern equipment and technological production;

- to achieve reduction of labor costs for production of products;

- properly organize material encouragement and moral stimulation of labor;

- to achieve regular increase of labor productivity and quality of products;

- Improve the material well-being of workers.

In meeting these challenges, the appropriate division of labour and the placement of labour in the workplace, as well as common best practices, are of great importance.


In degree the project on a subject: Use of the SIEMENSdlya controller of control of electric drives of machine 1620GF1 the research on which it is possible to draw the following main conclusions on a subject is conducted:

1 The reliability of the use of the electric drive of the machine with the SIEMENS controller in remote and inaccessible facilities mainly depends on the means of measuring it.

2 The example of production shows that when measuring the temperature of distant and inaccessible objects, controllers are more reliable than semiconductor devices.

3 The reliability of the ACS can be improved by using the latest generation controllers with a rectangular measurement field instead of a round one, which have the function of adjusting the exposure and displaying the measured value on the monitor .

4 It is possible to improve reliability of ACS by proper organization, operation and related equipment.

Currently, most technological processes are following the path of automation. In addition, the control of numerous mechanisms and units, and often machines, is simply unthinkable without accurate measurements of all kinds of physical quantities .

From an information point of view, the controller is implemented essentially in the process of collecting, transmitting, storing and processing information. The higher the level of control, the further the control body from the process, the more important the role of the information system in this process. However, it should be remembered that ACS - man-machine systems that combine the rigidity of formal computer logic with the flexibility of human thinking, are not just a means of processing information: its collection and transfer, automation of many operations, including time-consuming accounting, document processing, but, most importantly, raise self-management to a high quality stage, creating the prerequisites for timely adoption of correct decisions.

According to the sections of the diploma project, we can formulate brief theses of each section:

The first section shows us how to analyze the manufacturing process of a part. In this section we discuss in detail how to choose the procurement method, how to structure the process operations. We are conducting a detailed review of the characteristics of the metal cutting machine. Calculation of process operation modes is performed.

The second section deals with the design of the controller for electric drive control. Thus, we perform preliminary calculations on the selection of elements of the electric drive control system, as well as perform other necessary technological calculations regarding the use of our equipment .

The third section deals with the organization of the workplace. In this section, we consider the most important criteria as: workplace safety, environmental and technological safety measures. In this way, we reduce all kinds of risks in production using development data.

The fourth section deals with economic justification. This section fully calculates the most important parameters for production. Time standards, cost and economic benefit from implementation of this type of controller for production are calculated. The use of the SIEMENS controller for controlling the electric drives of the machine 1620GF1 will increase the efficiency of the machine equipment; Reduce marriage and loss of material and temporary resources; Reduce cases where operational personnel make decisions under conditions of uncertainty; will reduce deviations in the operating mode of the machine equipment.

Thus, I consider the goals and tasks set to be fulfilled. In this work, the acquired knowledge in all theoretical disciplines is used, professional competencies are confirmed:

PC 1.1 Perform performance analysis of measuring instruments and automation tools.

PC 1.2 Diagnose measuring instruments and automatic controls.

PC 2.2 Repair hardware and automatic control systems.

PC 3.1 Perform work on operation of automatic control systems taking into account the specifics of the process.

PC 3.2 Monitor and analyze operation of system parameters during operation.

PC 4.1 Analyze automatic control systems taking into account process specifics.

Personal computer 4.3 to Make schemes of specialized knots, blocks, devices and the systems of automatic control.

During pre-diploma practice, he managed to confirm the following general competencies (OK):

QA 2 Organize its own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

QA 3 Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

QA 4 Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

QA 5 Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6 Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7 Take responsibility for the work of the team members (subordinates), the result of the tasks.

OK 8 Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan for advanced training.

OK 9 Focus on frequent changes of technology in professional activities, as evidenced by the recall of the head of practice from the enterprise.

Drawings content

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