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Sections AOV, ATS, VK, CC, OG, TX, EM of Neptune Basin


Partitions AOV,ATH, VK, KS, OV, TH, EM of the Pool "Neptune". Drawings + Explanatory Note, Estimate Documentation

Project's Content

icon АОВ.dwg
icon Ведомость+план Нептун.изм.dwg
icon Нептун -экз.заказчику.dwg
icon Нептун- Изм..dwg
icon Нептун-11изм..dwg
icon Нептун.dwg
icon АТХ.dwg
icon ВК.dwg
icon КС.dwg
icon ОВ_1.dwg
icon ОВ_2.dwg
icon Общие данные_ОВ_2.dwg
icon ОВ_3.dwg
icon 10_ПЗ_ЭМ.doc
icon 1_ПЗ_ОЧ.doc
icon 2_ПЗ_ГП.doc
icon 3_ПЗ_АС.doc
icon 4_ПЗ_ТХ.doc
icon 5_ПЗ_ТС.doc
icon 6.1_ПЗ_ОВ1.doc
icon 6.2_ПЗ_ОВ3.doc
icon 7_ПЗ_ОВ2.doc
icon 8_ПЗ_ВК.doc
icon 9_ПЗ_АТХ.doc
icon Вериткальн планировка станции.gsf
icon Демонтаж зданий и сооружений.gsf
icon Демонтаж оборудования.gsf
icon Демонтаж ограждения.gsf
icon Демонтаж отопления и вентиляции.gsf
icon Демонтаж техоборудования.gsf
icon ОСР Демонтажные работы.gsf
icon Подготовительные работы станции.gsf
icon Автоматизация системы вентиляции.gsf
icon Автоматизация.gsf
icon Внутренняя система отопления ОВ.1.gsf
icon Водопровод и канализация ВК.gsf
icon Надземная часть.gsf
icon ОСР Строительство бассеина Нептун.gsf
icon Система вентиляциии ОВ2.gsf
icon Тепловые сети.gsf
icon Техоборудование аттракционов.gsf
icon Техоборудование чаши бассеина.gsf
icon ТХ-Предочистка (тех.пом.).gsf
icon Электрооборудование.gsf
icon Электроосвещение.gsf
icon Внутренняя система отопления.gsf
icon Земляные работы и устройство фундаменов.gsf
icon Надземная часть фильтр.gsf
icon ОСР Станция очистки оборотной воды.gsf
icon Технологическое оборудование.gsf
icon Нар.Водоводы.gsf
icon Наружные сети канализации.gsf
icon Наружные сети теплоснабжения ТС.СО.gsf
icon ОСР Сети водопровода.gsf
icon ОСР Сети канализации.gsf
icon ОСР Тепловые сети.gsf
icon Тепловая камера. Каналы.gsf
icon Устройство автопроездов и тротуаров.gsf
icon Реконструкция бассеина Нептун.xls
icon ССР.gsf
icon Общие данные_ТС.dwg
icon ТС.dwg
icon ar.shx
icon Спецификация_ВК.xls
icon Спецификация_ТХ.xls
icon Титул А4.dwg
icon Титульный.dwg
icon ТХ.dwg
icon ЭМ.dwg

Additional information




Project Composition

List of working drawings (picking)

ISU Help


1.1. Basis and Baseline for Project Development

1.2. Brief description and key figures of the object

1.3. Main indicators of water and reagents consumption


2.1. Construction Site Characteristics

2.2. Territory Engineering Training

2.3. Utilities

2.4. Improvement

2.5. Master Plan Key Indicators


3.1. Information on urban planning, natural engineering and geological conditions of construction

3.2. About the Object

3.3. Space-planning and structural solutions of the existing building

3.3.1. Space planning solutions

3.3.2. Design Solutions

3.4. Structural Solutions for Reconstruction of the Basin Cooling Water Supply System

3.5. Protection of building structures against corrosion


4.1. General Data

4.2. Recirculated water supply system

4.2.1. Operation of the clarifying filter

4.3. Pre-cleaning system

4.4. Attractions



6.1. Pool bowl heating system

6.2. Heating of bypass tracks

6.3. Water treatment plant heating system


7.1. Supply and exhaust systems

7.2. Heat supply to calorifers


8.1. General Data

8.2. Water supply

8.3. Sewerage

8.4. Fire water supply


9.1. General Data

9.2. Automation Kit

9.3. Automatic regulation

9.4. Parameter monitoring

9.5. Equipment protection


10.1. Power supply

10.2. Power electrical equipment

10.3. Electric lighting

10.4. Electrical safety


1. common part

1.1. Basis and Baseline for Project Development

The working project "Reconstruction of the Neptune Basin" was developed on the basis of the design specification of 16.04.2008 and the minutes of the retreats.

The following initial data issued by the Customer were used as the basis for the design:

Conclusion on technical condition of pool buildings structures;

Working drawings of the EXPERT, TX, OB, BK brands.

The following materials and documents are used in the development of the project:

Reference Manual "Pool Design" to SNiP 2.08.0289 "Public Buildings and Structures";

SanPiN "Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements to the device, operation and quality of water. Quality Control ";

MN 55082 "Instructions for designing process pipes from plastic pipes";

SNiP 41012003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";

SNiP 23022003 "Thermal protection of buildings";

SNiP 2.04.0284 * "Water supply. External networks and structures. "

1.2. Brief description and key figures of the object

This Neptune basin reconstruction project provides for the following process systems:

Cooling water supply system - 44 m3/h.

Pre-treatment system - 2.2 m3/h (when filled in 48 hours - 5.5 m3/h).

Water rides.

The recirculated water supply system provides full water exchange in the pool bowl in 6 hours. The water temperature in the bowl is 28 ° C. The standard number of baths is 33 people.

The pre-treatment system replenishes with fresh treated tap water 10% of the volume of water in the bath. The system also purifies tap water when filling the bowl.

To promote health, maintain good physical fitness, relieve stress, improve bathing mood, the following attractions are designed in the bowl:

Countercurrent mounted .

Hydromassage (2 types).



"Fast" river.

Master Plan

2.1. Construction Site Characteristics

The construction site of the cooling water treatment station is located on the territory of the Chaika country health center in the Neptune basin area in Berezniki, Perm Territory. The square is located between the pool building and the stadium. Currently, the site is free from development.

Site with a slight slope to the west. Absolute elevations vary between 134.80 and 135.60 in the Baltic Altitude System.

The general plan was made on the basis of a topographic survey of the site in M1: 500 provided by the customer AVISMA branch of VSMPOAVISMA Corporation OJSC in Berezniki, Perm Territory.

2.2. Territory Engineering Training

The site relief is arranged taking into account the elevations of the adjacent territory.

The volumes of excavation were taken as minimal using and preserving the existing terrain.

Atmospheric water discharge is provided on the planned surface.

2.3. Utilities

Engineering networks are designed taking into account the existing development of the territory, existing networks, taking into account existing and designed driveways, turning sites.

The heat network is designed underground, in railway trays. Pipelines from the pool building to the designed building are made in an underground tray.

2.4. Improvement

The improvement of the territory is reduced to the arrangement of paving around the building, sidewalk, the arrangement of lawns.

2.5. Master Plan Key Indicators

Plot area, m2 - 121.0

Building area, m2 - 49.0

Covering area, m2 - 64.9

Pavement, m2 -30.6

Lawn, m2 - 41.4

Architectural and construction solutions

3.1. Information on urban planning, natural and engineering-geological conditions of construction

The pool building, in which the reverse water supply system is being reconstructed, is located on the territory of the Seagull country health center in Berezniki, Perm Territory.

The construction site belongs to the I climatic area, the construction subdistrict - I century.

The calculated outside air temperature (average of the coldest five-day period) is -36 degrees C.

Weight of snow cover (V district) - 3.2 kn/m2

Wind pressure (II district) - 0.3 kPa

The humidity zone is normal.

Standard freezing depth - 2.2 m

Engineering and geological surveys in the basin area were carried out by Uralstroyizdisky LLC in August 2008. According to the survey, the soils in the section are characterized by the following strata:

The sand is small brown, of low degree of water saturation, medium density, in the upper part of the layer - with plant roots, met with workings from the surface of the earth to a depth of 2.0-2.2 m.

Brown loam, from semi-solid to refractory consistency with wood and crushed stone marl 1520%, is met by all workings at a depth of 2.0-2.2 m from the ground surface, layer thickness is 1.5-1.8 m.

The marl is low-strength, softened, strong-breasted, intensely fractured, with medium-strength interlayers, met at a depth of 3.73.8 m from the ground surface, layer thickness 6.0 m.

The foundations of the cooling water treatment building under construction are loams with the following characteristics Y = 18.82 kN/m3, = 1.92 g/cm3, R = 250 kPa

During the survey period (in May 2008), groundwater to a depth of 8.0 m was not met.

During the period of snowmelt and heavy rains, groundwater of the "headwaters" type may appear in small sands on the border with denser soil differences at a depth of 1.8-2.0 m from the ground surface.

The site belongs to type IV in terms of potential flooding.

By the degree of frosty puffiness, soils belong to weakly and medium-membranes

3.2. About the Object

This project provides for construction and installation works related only to the reconstruction of the rework water supply system of the Neptune basin

The level of responsibility of the building is II.

Degree of fire resistance - II

Functional fire hazard class - F 3.6

Structural fire hazard class - C0

Explosion and fire hazard production process category - D

The technical condition of the structures of the existing pool building is defined in the "Conclusion of Examination of Building Structures of the Neptune Pool Building in the Village of Chaika," made in January 2003 by NIA ERKON LLC

According to this report, the main structural structures of the building are in satisfactory condition. Based on the results of the examination, further safe operation of the building is allowed, provided that all recommendations specified in the report are implemented.

Reconstruction of the pool cooling water supply system should be carried out only after implementation of measures to strengthen and restore damaged building structures. See Report.

3.3. Space-planning and structural solutions of the existing building

3.3.1. Space planning solutions

The pool building is one-story, consisting of two blocks of different heights. In the first there is a pool bowl, in the second - showers, locker rooms, saunas, wardrobe, staff and doctor's offices, lobby. Dimensions in axes of the first unit are 9.0x30.0m, height to the bottom of railway beams of coating is 4.3-4.9 m. Dimensions in axes of the second unit are 3.3x30.0 and 9.0x18.0 m, height to the bottom of coating structures is 3.1 m.

The pool building was built in the early 70s according to the BTMK PKO project.

3.3.2. Design Solutions

Foundations for walls - concrete tape

Foundations for brick pillars - columnar concrete

External walls - made of silicate bricks 750 and 640 mm thick

Coating structures - single-rolled beams with span of 9.0 m and railway ribbed slabs

Partitions - brick in ceramic brick

Doors - wooden

Windows - wooden with double glazing

Floors - plank on lags, mosaic, made of ceramic tiles

3.4. Structural Solutions for Reconstruction of the Basin Cooling Water Supply System

This project provides for the following types of construction and installation works:

- construction of a separate, one-story cooling water treatment building, with a basement, dimensions in axes 6.0x6.0 m, floor height and basement 3.0 m .

The walls are made of ceramic hollow brick, the basement walls are made of FBS blocks, the floor is cast-in-situ B15 concrete according to profoil style, laid on steel beams, the coating is railway multi-pillar slabs, the roof is rolled, the floors are made of ceramic tiles with waterproofing in the basement.

In the pool building:

- removal of partitions in showers

- removal of attachment walls along axis 1

- removal of pit in technical room

- arrangement of openings in walls and arrangement of steel bridges

- dismantling of floors in the room of the bowl, rooms, wardrobe, locker rooms

- construction of attachment along axis 1 to accommodate the ventilation chamber

- device for insulation of walls and coating of the attachment along axis 6

- installation of foundations for equipment and support structures

- arrangement of holes and sleeves in walls

- arrangement of air duct passage units through the coating

- arrangement of beams and suspensions in the coating in the room of the air duct attachment bowl

- installation of underground tray for piping from the pool to the designed water treatment building

- arrangement of cellular plastic partitions in the shower room

- arrangement of new floors and decoration of premises

- arrangement of attractions in the pool bowl

3.5. Protection of building structures against corrosion

The design protection of structures and articles against corrosion consists in painting steel articles with two layers of PF133 enamel GOST 92682 according to the soil layer GF021 GOST 2512982.

Cover beams in the cooling water treatment building shall be painted with fire-retardant intumescent paint "PyroplastST100." Provide fire resistance limit R45 (0.75 hours). Wrap the extreme main beams of the floor (along axes 1 and 2) with mesh and plaster with cement sand mortar. 30 mm.

Process Part

4.1. General Data

This project was carried out on the basis of the reference manual "Design of pools" to SNiP 2.08.0289 "Public buildings and structures" and SanPiN "Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements to the device, operation and quality of water. Quality control. "

This project provides for the reconstruction of the circulating water supply system, the pre-treatment system of the source water for makeup, as well as the arrangement of attractions of the Neptune basin. The capacity of the recirculated water supply system is 44 m3/h, the capacity of the pre-treatment system is 2.2 m3/h (when filled in 48 hours - 5.5 m3/h).

4.2. Recirculated water supply system

To clean water in the pool bath, a cooling water exchange system is used during continuous purification and disinfection of water during recirculation.

Water purification takes place in Europa clarifying filters, with a diameter of 1400mm, DvxØ110 mm (2 pcs) by Astral Pool.

Reduction of water chromaticity and turbidity in bath is achieved by coagulation of circulating water. Aqueous solution of "AquaAurat 30" coagulant is used as reagent. For this purpose, an Easyfloc mono coagulant dosing complex (1 pc.) by Dinotec is installed.

Disinfection is possible by reagent and non-reagent methods. As a reagent method, a method of dosing a chlorine-containing reagent (for example, sodium hypochlorite, or other permitted by SanPiN) with a Dinotec DSC Compact 2000 complex (1 pc.) is used. The DINOZON Vario V2 ozonation unit (2 pcs) of Dinotec is also used. UV disinfection unit UDV-3A300N-10-100 (1 pc.) of NPO "LIT" is used as a non-reactive method. The cleaning method is determined by laboratory.

Continuous supply of fresh purified water from the central water line is provided to compensate for water losses from the bath during operation, as well as to reduce the concentration of dissolved and dispersed contaminants introduced into the bath.

To remove contaminated water from the bath there are overflow trays installed on three sides of the pool bowl. From the trays, water enters the overflow tanks V = 8.0 m3 (2 pcs) of grade 8000VFK2 of Anion company, part of the water is drained into the sewer through the overflow tank.

Pumps with Maxim prefilter, Q = 22m3/h, H = 16m are used to supply water to mechanical filters. (3 slave + 1 rev.) by Astral Pool. These pumps are also flushing pumps. Flowchart of pumps operation: in case of cooling water filtration - 2 rb. + 2 rv., In case of one of filters explosion - 3 rv. + 1 rv.

To maintain the water temperature in the pool bath equal to 28 ° C, water-water heat exchangers HF75, 75kW (2 pcs) from Pahlen are provided.

Cooling water metering is controlled by electromagnetic flowmeter with pulse output ERSV520L, Du80 (1 pc.) of "Take-off" company.

Purified recycled water is supplied to the bowls by means of bottom nozzles.

Cooling water exchange treatment equipment is located in a nearby building. The building of the cooling water treatment station is designed.

To empty the pool bowl, a submersible drainage pump TMW 32/11 HD Twister, Q = 10m3/h, H = 5m, N = 0.55 kW (1 pc.) from Wilo is used. Connection of drain line with sewage - with jet rupture.

A remote-controlled underwater vacuum cleaner is provided for collecting suspended substances from the bottom.

Heat networks

The project provides for :

- design of the heat network from the heat chamber of UT2 unit to the building of the cooling water treatment station;

- design of thermal network from the heat chamber of UT1 unit to the Neptune pool building;

- dismantling of the existing heat network from the heat chamber of UT1 unit to the Neptune pool building.

The project was implemented in relation to the construction conditions in the area with the estimated temperature - minus 36 ° С.

Coolant of the heat network - water with parameters 7550 ° C.

The designed pipelines of the thermal network T1, T2, T3 and T4 are laid in the impassable channel.

Steel welded pipes as per GOST 1070491 are used for construction of pipelines.

Compensation of thermal extensions is solved by angles of route turns, as well as using axial bellows compensating devices (I&C). Before installation I&C are stretched by the value specified in the "List of Compensating Devices" (Refer to drawings of vehicle grade).

Near the I&C, guide supports are installed that forcibly limit the possibility of transverse shear and do not prevent axial movement of the pipe. Clamps as per GOST 2414080 are used as guides. A 2 mm thick fluoroplastic gasket is installed between the clamp and the pipe to reduce friction.

As fixed supports in the design, supports according to the 4.90310 series of statements 4 are provided.

As movable supports of pipelines, sliding supports of welded type are used according to the series of 4.90310 Figures 5.

At the lower point of the pipeline from the UT2 unit to the entry into the CMF station building within the thermal chamber, water lowering valves are installed. Pipeline is made with slope towards heat chamber .

The floor of the heat chamber is made with a slope towards the pit.

For corrosion protection of pipelines and support structures, PF115 black protective enamel is used in two layers along the ground GF021.

To enhance the corrosion protection coating of pipeline valves within the thermal chamber, PF115 black protective enamel in two layers is used.

As thermal insulation of pipelines, thermal insulation cylinders of URSA grade RS1 without coating are used. The cylinders are attached when the cover layer is made of RST250 fiberglass.

The value of the test pressure for the hydraulic test is 1.25 of the operating pressure adopted for the existing heat network.

Installation and commissioning of the heat network shall be carried out in accordance with SNiP 41022003 "Heat Networks," SNiP 3.05.0385 * "Rules for Production and Acceptance of Works," SNiP III480 "Safety in Construction."


6.1. Pool bowl heating system

The reconstruction of the heating system provides for the dismantling of the existing heating system, the replacement of pipes and heating devices.

The project was implemented in relation to the construction conditions in the area with the estimated temperature - minus 36 ° С.

The duration of the heating period is 229 days.

Heat supply of the pool building is carried out from the heat network through the control unit. Coolant parameters - 7550 ° С.

Hydraulic and thermal calculation of the heating system is performed in the Danfoss program.

Hydraulic losses in the heating system are - P = 2 m.v.

The heating system of the pool building is double-tube, horizontal, with the associated movement of the coolant, with upper wiring.

Heating devices - cast iron sectional radiators Ridem 4/500, 500 mm high, company "Demrad" (Turkey).

Control valves on instruments - RTDNP temperature controllers and RLVP shutoff valves from Danfoss.

For system emptying the main pipelines are laid with slope. Ball valves with water drain connectors are installed in the lower points of the system. Automatic air vents are installed to remove air from the heating system.

Pipelines - Rehau polymer pipes - Rehau Raupink. Pipelines at intersections with walls and partitions are laid in sleeves.

6.2. Heating of bypass tracks

A warm floor system is arranged in the pool bowl. Two pipe layouts have been designed.

Heat supply is carried out from the heat network through the control unit. Coolant parameters - 7550 ° С.

For the warm floor system, a mounting cabinet is installed, in which there is a distribution comb with built-in control inserts and a pump mixing unit from Oventrop. The brand of the Alsha 1560 pump from Grundfos.

The maximum coolant temperature in the warm floor system is T = 50 ° С.

Pipelines - Rautitan polymer pipes from Rehau.

Install the heating system and lay the pipelines as per SNiP 3.05.0185 and SP 4110295.

6.3. Water treatment plant heating system

The design of the heating system of the building of the Neptune pool cooling water treatment station provides for:

heating of the cooling water treatment station building;

heating of external process pipelines located in the impassable channel between the building of the cooling water treatment station and the Neptune basin building;

hot water supply for ventilation heater in the cooling water treatment station building;

hot water supply for heat exchangers of cooling water heating of the pool.

The project was implemented in relation to the construction conditions in the area with the estimated temperature - minus 36 ° С.

Water from heat supply system with parameters of 7550 deg is used as heat carrier. C.

The design envisages heating of the treated cooling water of the pool to + 28 ° C with water-water heat exchangers Pahlen HF75.

Steel water and gas pipes according to GOST 326275 are used as pipelines.

The heating system control unit has the following installation:

manual (USVI, ASV-M) balancing valves to provide design flow distribution over heating system components;

automatic balancing valves (ASVPV PLUS) serving to maintain a given pressure drop in the circulation circuit;

pipeline valves;


The heating system of the cooling water treatment station building is two-pipe horizontal with associated coolant movement and lower wiring.

The hydraulic and thermal calculation of the heating system is carried out using the Danfoss computer program.

The cooling water heating heat exchanger of the pool is connected according to a parallel scheme. The temperature of the heated water at the outlet of the cooling water heating heat exchanger of the pool is controlled using the Danfoss control valve VB2. The valve is installed on the heating water return pipeline.

As heating devices, registers made of pipes according to GOST 1070491 are used.

To control the heat flow of heating devices, the installation of each heating device of the temperature controller type RTDN manufactured by Danfoss is used.

Air exhaust from heating devices is provided using manual air vents (Mayevsky crane). Air outlet is provided from upper points of heating pipelines of external process pipelines using automatic air vents.

Water discharge from heating devices and pipelines is provided using ball cranes installed in lower points.

For corrosion protection of pipelines inside the building of the cooling water treatment station, PF837 enamel is used in two layers along the ground GF021.

As support of pipelines of heating of external process pipelines in the channel (See sheet 5) the sliding T3.02 support of series 4.903.10 release 5 are applied. Supports shall be installed at intervals of 2 m.

For corrosion protection of pipelines for heating of external process pipelines in the channel and their supports, PF115 black protective enamel is used in two layers along GF021 soil.

Mineral wool M1100 piercing mats are used as thermal insulation of heated process and heating pipelines in the channel (insulated together (see sheet 5)). Mats are laid in two layers on process pipelines and in one layer on heating pipelines, as well as in one layer between insulated pipes. Fastening of mats is made when performing an integumentary layer from PCT250 fibreglass and in addition is fixed by a bandage tape.

Hydraulic losses of the heating system are 10 m of water. St.

Heating system operating pressure is 5 kgf/cm2.

Test pressure value for hydraulic test 1.25 from operating pressure.

Install and start up the heating system in accordance with SNiP 3.05.0385 * "Rules for the production and acceptance of works," SNiP III480 "Safety in construction."


7.1. Supply and supply systems

The reconstruction provides for the dismantling of existing ventilation systems and the design of new systems P1, P2, P3, P4, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7.

The project was implemented in relation to the construction conditions in the area with the estimated temperature - minus 36 ° С.

Independent plenum and exhaust ventilation systems are made:

Systems P1, B1 with mechanical impulse are provided for the pool hall. Inflow is made at temperature - plus 29 ° С.

For the lobby, pantry, lounge, nurse's office, P2, B2 systems with a mechanical impulse are provided. Inflow is made at temperature - plus 20 ° С.

For showers, stripes, systems P3, B3 with a mechanical impulse are provided. Inflow is made at temperature - plus 25 ° С.

For saunas, systems B4, B5 are provided with a mechanical impulse of periodic action. The systems must be switched on if there are no people and if the air temperature in the rooms is not higher than plus 85 ° С.

Systems P4, B6, B7 with mechanical motive are provided for water treatment rooms. Inflow is made at temperature - plus 16 ° С.

7.2. Heat supply to calorifers

The heat supply system of the air heater of the plenum system P1, P2, P3, P4 are made of steel water and gas pipes according to GOST 326275. Heat supply systems P1, P2, P3 are connected to control unit T1, T2 in the technical room of the pool.

P4 heat supply system is connected to control unit T1, T2 under staircase of water treatment station room.

Coolant - water with parameters 7550 ° С.

Internal water supply and sewerage

8.1. General Data

This section of the project provides for the reconstruction of internal water supply, sewerage and fire water supply systems. The project was carried out on the basis of architectural and construction drawings of the building in accordance with SNiP 2.04.0185 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings."

Prior to installation, existing systems must be dismantled.

8.2. Water supply

Cold and hot water is introduced into the technical room of the pool building. Water metering units UV1 and UV2 are located in the same room. Horizontal sections of pipelines are laid hidden in the floor with slope 0.005 to the water metering unit. Vertical parcels-Hidden in wall constructions. Do not terminate threaded connections in wall and floor structures.

Shower mesh mixer - with automatic disconnection of SLS 02T, with sealing in the wall structure of the company "Sanela."

Washbasin mixer - with wall mount

Pipe material is polypropylene (PPRC).

All pipes are laid in corrugated pipes.

8.3. Sewerage

Sewage pipelines are laid hidden in the floor taking into account the slope. Cleaning is provided to eliminate clogging.

Pipe material is polypropylene (PP).

Releases K1 are made of cast iron pipes Ø100 to wells KK0009 and KK0015.

8.4. Fire water supply

B2 pipelines are laid open along the walls. Pipe material - electric welded pipe Ø57x3.0 GOST 1070491.

To accommodate the fire crane, hose and fire extinguisher, use the SHPK315N hinged fire cabinet of the company "NPO" Pulse. "

Process Automation

9.1. General Data

Section 18/2008ATX is executed on the basis of a task and drawings of sections: "TH", "EM" also contains technical solutions on equipment by control devices, management and automation of the station of water treatment in volume sufficient for reliable, economic and its accident-free operation.

9.2. Automation Kit

According to the degree of reliability of power supply, the pool electric receivers belong to consumers of category II.

The automation set of the water treatment station for the Neptune basin (see project 18/2008ATX) includes:

PID-regulator TPM12 pos. FIC3.1;

Instrumentation cabinet with PIDRegulator pos. TIC4.1, BA4729 circuit breakers, MY4 (Z) IN intermediate relays, CRM2H time relay and SJR2 two-level delay relay;

water overpressure sensor pos. 1 is installed after the pump group to obtain a feedback signal to the pump frequency converter;

water pressure switch pos. 2, installed in front of the group of pumps to protect them in a "dry course";

ultrasonic flowmeter pos. 3 is installed after softening filter pos. F17, to control the supply of water to the pool bowl;

water temperature sensor pos. 4 to control the temperature of the water downstream of the heat exchangers;

tie-in sensors for measurement of level pos. 5.1/2, 6.1/2 installed on water tanks to protect pumps by "dry flow";

water pressure switch pos. 7, installed after the filter group to disable:

ozonation units;

UV lamps;

coagulant dosing agent;

pH dispenser;

Chlorine dispenser.

measuring instruments (pressure gauges, thermometer);

valves control units to ensure trouble-free operation of filters;


control valve with electric drive, pos. NS3.2, on water pipeline

after softening filter;

control valve with electric drive, pos. NS4.2, on water pipeline

before heat exchangers;

The automation set of the water treatment station for Neptune basin needs provides the following functions:

automatic control of process parameters;

control of process parameters;

protection of process equipment against deviation of parameters from the norm;

emergency light and sound alarm at deviation of parameters from the norm.

Valve groups are controlled by means of control panels supplied with the valve group.

Control of UF disinfection unit, ozonation units, coagulant dosing unit and chem dosing unit. reagents are carried out using control panels supplied as part of the units.

Plug sockets are provided to supply low-power electrical equipment with voltage of 220V.

To control the compressor, there is a control box Ya51103274 UHL4 manufactured by Kazan Electric Shield.

Telfer is controlled using the YAVZ3125 power brand box manufactured by the Oktyabrsky plant.

Attraction pumps are controlled using control boxes of Ya51142974UKhL4, Ya5114-3274UKhL4, Ya51142874UKHL4, Ya51104-3274UKhL4 brands manufactured by Kazanelektroshchit in place, in addition, remote control is provided for all pumps from the nurse room.

All control equipment of power electric units has manual controls (start/stop) and is located within visibility in relation to controlled equipment.

All power electrical equipment is powered by IWGng cables laid along existing and designed cable and construction structures. Cable approaches to electrical power equipment are protected by corrugated pipe.

Emergency trip button located on the wall in the pool bowl room is provided for emergency trip of attractions.

9.3. Automatic regulation

The project provides for automatic regulation of:

Source water pressures. The set pressure of 0.4 MPa is provided by a smooth change in the frequency of rotation of the booster pump motors by a frequency converter with PIDregulation.

Source water flow rate. The set flow rate of 15m3/h is provided by a smooth change in the water supply to the pool bowl by a control valve controlled by a controller with a PIDcontroller according to the readings of the flow sensor pos. 3 at the softening filter output.

Water temperatures in the pool bowl. The set temperature of 30 ° С is provided by a smooth change of water supply to the heat exchanger by a control valve controlled by a controller with a PIDcontroller according to the readings of the temperature sensor pos. 4 at the heat exchanger outlet.

9.4. Parameter monitoring

The process parameters of the water treatment station shall be monitored using on-site measuring instruments (pressure gauges, thermometers, flow meters, levels, TPM12 controller) and instruments installed in the instrumentation cabinet (TPM12 controller).

9.5. Equipment protection

The main grounding bus (GPC) is located in the RTD (PE bus). GWN is connected to external grounding conductor. To perform the main system of potential equalization, the following elements are connected to the GWN (external grounding electrode):

The design provides protection of all pumps from damage by means of their emergency automatic shutdown in the following cases:

Low pressure in the source water pipeline. In this case, the pump group H15 is switched off.

Low level (Lmin = 0.4 m) in tanks pos. E2.1, E2.1. In this case, the pump group H4 is switched off.

Electrical part

Section 18/2008EM is made on the basis of tasks and drawings of sections TX, -ATX, OM, -AS and contains technical solutions for power supply of process equipment sufficient for its reliable, economical and accident-free operation.

10.1. Power supply

According to the degree of reliability of power supply, the pool electric receivers belong to consumers of category II.

For reception and accounting of electric energy it is provided I LIE with manual switching of inputs of VRU1A2110UHL4 type of production "Kazanyelektroshchit", for power distribution ShR1, ShR2, ShR3 distribution cabinets the productions Schneider Electric collected in Prisma Plus G IP43 buildings are provided.

Distribution network voltage ~ 380/220V.

10.2. Power electrical equipment

Main electrical parameters for power electrical equipment of the pool:

Rust = 125.38 kW.

Rrasch. = 100.3 kW.

Ipac. = 227 A.

Distribution networks are made of IWGng cable and are laid in metal boxes, plastic boxes, mini-channels and flexible corrugated pipes on walls and cable structures.

C60a, C60N, C120N circuit breakers are provided to protect electrical networks from overloads and short circuits.

On the outlet line there are DPN N Vigi differential switches for 30mA differential current, as well as ID differential load switches for 30mA differential current.

The main consumers of electric energy are electric drives of pumps, ventilation, electric lighting.

To control the process pumps, a control station for 4 electric motors and a control station for 2 electric motors of the STU 38 2021403354 UHL4 type manufactured by Kazan Electric Shield are provided.

Saunas are controlled by Ya51103474UKhL4 control boxes manufactured by Kazan Electric Shield in place, in addition, remote control is provided from the nurse's office.

The countercurrent unit is controlled by means of the control cabinet supplied with the unit.

Plenum ventilation systems for the pool premises (monoblocks: KTSKPS18, KKP-M, KKPS1, KKP-B), are controlled using control cabinets of the following types: SHSAU TO-V-KVU-S, SHSAU TO-V of the Company remote ventilation room of the pool, for plenum ventilation

The exhaust fan is controlled using the control box Ya51103174UKhL4 manufactured by Kazan Electric Shield in place.

Valve groups are controlled by means of control panels supplied with the valve group.

Control of UF disinfection unit, ozonation units, coagulant dosing unit and chem dosing unit. reagents are carried out using control panels supplied as part of the units.

Plug sockets are provided to supply low-power electrical equipment with voltage of 220V.

To control the compressor, there is a control box Ya51103274 UHL4 manufactured by Kazan Electric Shield.

Telfer is controlled using the YAVZ3125 power brand box manufactured by the Oktyabrsky plant.

Attraction pumps are controlled using brand control boxes

Ya5114-2974UKhL4, Ya51143274UKhL4, Ya5114-2874UKHL4, Ya511043274UKHL4 manufactured by Kazanelektroshchit in place, in addition, remote control from the nurse's office is provided for all pumps.

All control equipment of power electric units has manual controls (start/stop) and is located within visibility in relation to controlled equipment.

All power electrical equipment is powered by IWGng cables laid along existing and designed cable and construction structures. Cable approaches to electrical power equipment are protected by corrugated pipe.

For emergency disabling of attractions there is an emergency disabling button located on the wall in the pool bowl room.

10.3. Electric lighting

Electrical lighting of the water treatment plant is performed in this detailed documentation.

Lighting and stock factors are selected on the basis of SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting."

To illuminate the premises, a system of general uniform lighting is adopted.

The design provides for working and emergency lighting. Illumination of working surfaces from emergency lighting is not less than 5% of normalized illumination from local lighting.

The lighting type is as follows:

lamps with fluorescent lamps ALS.PRS 418, IP54;

illuminator with filament lamp NPB 1108, IP44;

The board of a working light of ShchO2 is powered from ShR2, and emergency board ShchOA2 is powered from I LIE.

Lighting is controlled by switches installed in the filters room.

Power lines are executed by three-vein cable VVGNG 3х1.5 (phase - L1, the zero worker - N, zero protective - RE conductors) to board ShchO2 and ShchOA2.

Group electric lighting networks are made with three-core cable VBGng 3x2.5 (phase - L1, zero operating - N, zero protective - PE conductors).

Group networks of emergency electrical lighting are made with three-core cable VBGng 3x1.5 (phase - L1, zero operating - N, zero protective - PE conductors).

Protective grounding of metal bodies of lamps should be performed by connection to grounding screw of EP-conductor housing.

Main indicators of lighting plant:

Installed power - 0.98 kW, including:

working lighting - 0.58 kW,

emergency lighting - 0.4 kW.

10.4. Electrical safety

The main grounding bus (GPC) is located in the RTD (PE bus). GWN is connected to external grounding conductor. To perform the main system of potential equalization, the following elements are connected to the GWN (external grounding electrode):

- ventilation system air ducts;

- metal pipelines of water supply and sewerage at the entrance to the building;

- metal building structures of the building;

- metal electrical structures;

- metal housings of process equipment.

The connection is made by welding of strips 40x4, 25x4 mm.

All newly installed process electrical equipment, control stations and lighting equipment are grounded by TNS system. As conductors of protective grounding (PE), a special 3rd (5th) conductor is used.

To perform additional system of potential equalization, all open and third-party conducting parts are connected to each other at the same time:

- enclosures of boards, cabinets;

- metal pipelines;

- metal building structures of the building;

- metal electrical structures;

- metal housings of process equipment.

Connection is made by welding of strip 25x4 mm.

The band of the main potential equalization system is welded to pins inserted into the wall at a height of 0.2 m from the level of the clean floor.

The grounding line is painted with PF115 enamel yellow-green (yellow stripes on green background at a distance of 150 mm from each other).

Drawings content

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