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Section TX of the Community Center


1. Characteristics of the adopted technological scheme of production as a whole and the characteristics of individual parameters of the technological process, requirements for the organization of production, data on the complexity of manufacturing products for production facilities


The projected object is a two-story building, rectangular in plan, of simple geometric shape, with the main façade facing the roadway of the local passage.


The features of the three-dimensional scheme make it possible to compactly place the premises of the utility space according to their functional division into zones: for serving visitors and auxiliary purposes. On all floors, it is possible to adapt the space directly for specific types of social activities.


On the ground floor there is a retail shopping area, catering, a café, a pharmacy, utility and storage rooms, a staircase and an elevator.


On the second floor there is an open plan, bathroom. node, stairs and elevator.


In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated 23.10.2015 No. 34425-AB / 08, when determining the number of storeys of a building, the number of floors includes all above-ground floors, including the technical floor, attic, and basement, if the top of its floor is above the average planning mark of the earth by at least 2 m; in accordance with paragraph B 32.1 of Appendix "B" to SP 118.13330.2012 SNiP 31-06-2009 "Public buildings and structures", the technical floor is a floor for placing engineering equipment and laying communications; space for laying communications with a height of less than 1.8 m is not a floor; Thus, when calculating the number of floors and determining the number of storeys of the building, the space for laying communications with a height of less than 1.8 m is not taken into account; The projected building has a number of storeys - 2.


The maximum height of all elements of the designed building does not exceed the permissible height provided for by the urban development plan of the land plot (20.6 meters from the surface of the earth).


The technical area is a separate fire compartment allocated by fire walls and fire ceilings (walls and ceilings, with fire resistance limits of the structure, ensuring the non-spread of fire beyond the boundaries of the fire compartment during the entire duration of the fire). horizontal technological niches between floors and structural elements of ceilings, in technological channels of enclosing walls, in technological channels of floor construction. Ventilation, smoke removal, air conditioning systems are located in the space between the ceiling of the roof of the canopy of the open observation deck in a protective metal case of a smooth geometric shape. The horizontal transition of the vertical elements of engineering support systems from the column zone on the surface of the operated roof to the area attached to the elevator shaft is carried out for all systems in the interfloor space between the second floor and the lower surface of the roof. The principle of the three-dimensional solution of the designed building corresponds to the functional purpose of the building and is adopted taking into account the adjacent historical buildings in terms of proportions and color solutions of the façade. The planning and functional organization of the building is solved taking into account its technological processes.


The planning system ensures the safe operation of the premises, the building and has 43 emergency exits. SP 1.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits". There are four independent escape routes in case of fire. The configuration of the building is taken into account the shape of the site, architectural sanitary, hygienic and fire safety requirements.


The load-bearing structures of the building are made of reinforced concrete frame-wall structure on a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation with monolithic reinforced concrete floors.


The roof is flat with insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam boards. The exterior walls of the above-ground floors are made of self-supporting autoclaved aerated concrete blocks with horizontal reinforcement, plastered on a basalt plaster mesh from the inside; On the outside of the first floor, the walls are finished with facing bricks, on the second floor with decorative elements in the ventilated façade system with basalt wool insulation.


The entrance group is also made of a ventilated façade, stained-glass glazing made of aluminum profile.


Self-supporting exterior walls of above-ground floors are recommended by the project as three-layered: the inner layer is made of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks with horizontal reinforcement between the rows of masonry; the middle layer is mineral wool insulation; The outer layer is autoclaved aerated concrete blocks. The inner and outer layers are attached to each other with flexible ties.


The entrance to the building is installed from Machugi Street. Parking spaces are located on the plot. 


The center of the compositional solution of the designed object, taking into account its 

The functional purpose is the central entrance of the main façade. 


The plasticity of the main façade is solved due to symmetry, as well as a cascade 

protruding in terms of three-dimensional elements of above-ground floors. In addition to achieving the goals of architectural expressiveness, this solution allows you to create a harmonious combination of façade and side wall spaces. The decoration of the façade and side walls of the building is made taking into account the artistic solutions of the adjacent buildings.



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