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Scraper Conveyer


Course work on lifting machines. Explanatory note, general view, drive, chain with scraper, specification

Project's Content

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Additional information





Chapter II






List of literature used


Scraper conveyors move the load by scrapers moving along a trough or pipe. Such conveyors are used to process bulk or lump cargoes entering the chute through a loading funnel. The working branch is usually the lower, less often the upper, sometimes both branches. The contour of the gutter section and the configuration of the scrapers should be the same - rectangular, semicircular, trapezoidal in shape. Scraper conveyor scrapers are stamped from sheet steel or cast, and chutes are made metal, less often wooden. Scraper conveyors, compared to plate conveyors, have a smaller mass, can be loaded and unloaded at any point along the entire length of the trough. The use of scraper conveyors is limited due to the crushing of weights and the rapid wear of the trough, especially in the transfer of abrasive materials. In addition, scraper conveyors are characterized by a high energy consumption spent on overcoming harmful resistances. Scraper conveyors are usually used to move the load up to 100 m.

Scraper conveyors constitute a significant group of continuous transport machines based on the principle of drawing the transported load along a trough, flat flooring or bedding from the load using scrapers attached to the traction element. In scraper conveyors, several modifications of this principle have been implemented, differing in the nature of the interaction of the scraper web with the load and the design of the scrapers, trough and traction element. In one of them, the load is moved by continuous high scrapers attached to the chain, supported by rollers on guides. High are called scrapers with a height equal to or greater than the height of the side walls (sides) of the trough. In this case, the load moves in separate portions in front of each scraper.

In terms of versatility, they occupy one of the first places among continuous transport machines, and in the length of the working body their total length is approximately an order of magnitude higher than tape ones. Conveyors with open trough are used for large and medium-flow loose and connected cargoes, for small-piece, granular and dusty - mainly sealed sealed ones. Batch drawing conveyors with high scrapers are used in coal and food industries. Continuous drawing conveyors with low scrapers and hermetic gutters are used in the food industry (transportation of grain crops, flour, bran, combined fodder and their numerous ingredients), in the chemical industry (transportation of calcium carbide, lime, hot char, granulated soot, soda ash, fertilizers, chemical chemicals, etc.), in pulp and paper, wood processing and wood processing industry. in the metallurgical industry (transportation of bauxite, coke, crushed ore, concentrates and cinders of non-ferrous metals, etc.), in foundry shops (transportation of moulding land, pulverized clay, sand), in the production of building materials (transportation of crushed dry clay, fine gravel, lime, chalk, cement, sand, ground stone, etc.). in power engineering (transportation of fine coal, milling peat, coal dust, ash, boiler dust), in railway and water transport (loading and unloading operations with grain, fertilizers, fine coal, sand, etc.)

The purpose of the course work is to develop and calculate a scraper conveyor .

To achieve this goal, the following objectives have been achieved:

Review and study of relevant literature.

Patent information search on the subject of this work.

Preliminary traction calculation of conveyor and drive.

Detailed pipeline calculation.

Selection and calculation of structural elements of conveyor, bearings, tensioner.

Proposal to improve conveyor design.

2.3. design calculation

In design (approximate) calculation of scraper conveyors, traction force (circumferential) on the drive shaft, design power of the drive motor, chain tension in the branches running on and off the drive shaft, chain pitch, diameters of drive sprockets, gear ratio, gearbox size, couplings and, if necessary, braking torque, parameters of the tensioner are determined.

For simple conveyor routes, the design calculation can be final.


During the course project on "Lifting Installations," the knowledge gained during the past period of training in such disciplines as: theoretical mechanics, material resistance, materials science and machine parts was fixed.

The purpose of this project is to design a scraper conveyor, its drive, a traction element, which consists of both standard (engine, clutch, bolts, sprockets, bearings, etc.) parts whose shape and dimensions are determined on the basis of design, technological, economic and other standards.

In the course of solving my tasks, the method of selecting the elements of the scraper conveyor and drive was founded, design skills were obtained to ensure the necessary technical level, reliability and long service life of the mechanism.

The experience and skills gained during the course project will be in demand in the execution of both course projects in special disciplines and in the execution of a diploma project.

Drawings content

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цепь со скрребком.cdw