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Drive to belt conveyer with single-stage cylindrical reduction gear


Drive to belt conveyer with single-stage cylindrical reduction gear

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Table of contents

1. Kinematic and power calculation of the drive

1.1. Determination of overall drive efficiency

1.2. Determination of electric motor power and selection of electric motor by catalog

1.3. Determination of the total gear ratio of the drive and its breakdown by gears

1.4. Determination of torque on gear shafts and their rotation speeds

2. Define allowable stresses to calculate teeth for contact and bending endurance

2.1. Selection of gear material, heat treatment and hardness of tooth working surfaces

2.2. Definition of allowable contact stresses

2.3. Defining Allowable Bend Stresses

3. Gearing Calculation

3.1. Gearing Design Calculation

3.2. Gearing check calculations

3.3. Determining Gear Geometrical Parameters

3.4. Defining Forces in the Engagement Pole

4. Sketch Layout Development

5. Shaft calculation

5.1. Design calculation of shafts

5.2. Calculation of shafts for endurance

6. Calculation of rolling bearings

6.1. Calculation of high-speed shaft bearings

6.2. Calculation of low-speed shaft bearings

7. Calculation of key connections

7.1. Calculation of shaft-to-wheel keyway connection

7.2. Calculation of key connection of input shaft to coupling

7.3. Calculation of the key connection of the output shaft with the chain drive sprocket

8. Gearbox Part Design

8.1 Gear Design

8.2. Low Speed Shaft Design

8.3. Design of bearing assemblies

8.4. Design of gearbox housing elements

9. Selection of lubrication method, grade and oil quantity

10. Gearbox assembly


List of sources used

Design of bearing assemblies.

The choice of the type of bearings and their verification by dynamic lifting capacity are made, respectively, in paragraphs 4 and 6 and are finally adopted: radial ball bearings of light series No. 306 - for a high-speed shaft and No. 207 - for a slow-speed shaft .

The diagram of installation of bearings is accepted. Ends of inner rings of high-speed shaft bearings rest against collars on shaft. Ends of inner rings of low-speed shaft bearings on one side rest against shaft collar, and on the other side - against spacer bushing. Ends of external rings rest against ends of screwed-in bearing covers secured in housing by bolts. Bearings are controlled by a set of thin metal gaskets installed between sealing gaskets for flanges of blind covers.

When designing bearing covers, the outer diameter D of the bearing is decisive. Depending on diameter D, the dimensions of the screwed covers are determined.

High-speed shaft bearing has diameter D = 72 mm. Wall thickness, diameter and number of bolts attaching the cover to the housing:,. Dimensions of other structural elements of the cover are accepted according to recommendations [4].

Low-speed shaft D = 72 mm. Wall thickness, diameter and number of bolts attaching the cover to the housing:,. Dimensions of other structural elements are accepted according to recommendations [4] and checked by simulation of cover operation under load.

The distribution of equivalent stresses and deformations in the through cover of the slow-moving shaft of the reduction gear confirms the admissibility of the accepted dimensions.

Rubber reinforced cuffs according to GOST 875279 are installed in the through covers of bearings with holes for the outlet ends of the shafts, respectively, entry chamfers are provided in the covers.

Structural dimensions of elements of the reduction gear box housing (Fig. 11, 12), inspection cover, drain plug, rod oil indicator are determined according to recommendations [4], [ 5], [8].

Design of gearbox housing elements.

Housing serves for fixation of gear box parts in it and protection of gears and bearings from dirt. The gearbox housing is detachable, consisting of cast cast iron crankcase and cover. For ease of processing, the parting plane passing through the shaft axes is parallel to the base plane of the housing. To form a connection, the parting plane is formed by flanges and bosses.

Housing cover is attached to the base by bolts with external hexagonal head and nuts. To facilitate disconnection of the cover with the reducer housing, two holes for push-out bolts are provided in the cover flange.

In the upper part of the housing cover there is an inspection hole (hatch) closed by the cover, designed to monitor the assembly and inspection of the reduction gear box during operation, as well as to fill oil. A corkscreen is welded to the inspection cover, which serves to communicate the internal cavity of the housing with the external environment and thus prevent an increase in pressure inside the reduction gear box.

To drain oil contaminated with wear products, a drain hole closed by a plug is provided in the reduction gear box housing. Sealing gasket made of paronite is installed under plug. To monitor the oil level, a iron oil indicator is used.

Eyes in housing cover are provided for lifting and transportation of reduction gear box.


The designed horizontal one-stage reducer with kosozuby cylindrical wheels is presented on the assembly drawing 1311.KP.00SB.

Working drawing of driven shaft - 1311.KP.01.05 .

Working drawing of gear wheel - 1311.KP.01.06.

Main characteristics of the gear box:

the rotating moment on conducted to a shaft, N · T2 m = 189;

driven shaft speed, rpm n2 = 323.3;

Efficiency ¼ ed = 0.95;

gear ratio U = 4.5;

axial distance, mm aw = 112;

number of gear teeth z1 = 20;

number of wheel teeth z2 = 90;

tooth modulus, mm mn = 2;

tooth inclination angle β = 10 ° 5038;

working width of gear rim, mm bw = 45;

degree of accuracy of 9-B transmission production;

overall dimensions of LxBxH, mm 340х246х230.

List of sources used

Alexandrov A.R., Danilov V.K., Polovinkina N.B. Engineering mechanics. Gear mechanisms. Tutorial. St. Petersburg: Ed. SPbGMTU, 1997.

Anuryev V.I. Handbook of the designer-machine engineer. T. 1, 2, 3. M.: Engineering, 2001.

Machine details: Atlas designs. Textbook for engineering universities, V.N. Belyaev, I.S. Bogatyrev, A.V. Boulanger and others; Ed. Dr. Techn. sciences prof. D.N. Reshetov. M.: Engineering, 1979.

Dunaev P.F., Lelikov O.P. Design of machine units and parts. Textbook for engineering universities. M.: Higher School, 1985.

Ivanova M.A., Polovinkina N.B., Cherenkova S.V. Design of housing parts and assembly of a cylindrical reduction gear box. Methodological guidelines for course design. St. Petersburg State Technical University, 2016.

Ivanova M.A. Machine details and design foundations. Rules for design of course projects and calculation and graphic works. Tutorial. St. Petersburg State Technical University, 2014.

Site Materials http://www.pnbgear.narod.ru

Chernavsky S.A. and others. Design of mechanical gears. Training and reference manual for knots. M.: Engineering, 1984.

Yakovlev V.P. Design of the mechanical drive of measuring devices: Methodological guidelines for course design. L.: Ed. LKI, 1985.

Danilov V.K., Senchurin L.P., Polovinkina N.B., Alexandrov A.R. Design of mechanical drives of deck mechanisms. Methodological guidelines for course design. St. Petersburg: Ed. ASW "Pegasus," 1993.

Drawings content

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