Road reconstruction
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Project's Content
Адский план.dwg
Ведомость таблица.dwg
График распределения земли.dwg
План пк1137-пк1140..dwg
Поперечные профили.dwg
Пояснительная записка ОС.doc
Пояснительная записка 194-06 ПЗ.doc
Расстановка знаков 194изм.dwg
Сводная ведомость обьемов работ 194-06.doc
Сводная ведомость земляных работ 194-06.doc
Additional information
1 General provisions
The construction project for the organization of overhaul of the national highway P82 Oktyabrsky - Parichi - Rechitsa km 112.0 - km 116.0 was carried out according to the construction project developed by the branch of the Gomel road department of the Belhiprodor RUP in accordance with the task of the Gomelavtodor RUP No. 96/06 dated June 26, 2006 and the requirements of the SNiP iP Construction.
The "Repair Organization" project is the starting material for the development of the work execution project (according to SNiP 3.01.0185 * Chapter 3, item 3.10). The section "Organization of repair" is not allowed as a PPM.
The design provides for a mandatory process sequence of works performed in accordance with the linear schedule.
Transport schemes for delivery of construction materials to the facility, organization schemes and technologies of certain types of work are taken into account in the process of preparation of the repair organization design, which made it possible to choose the most optimal option, which ensures saving of labor and fuel and energy resources, maximum use of construction machines, mechanisms and equipment, based on 1.5 shift work of the main mechanisms.
Construction organizations, relationships and construction management
In accordance with the task, the general contractor construction organization is selected on a competitive basis. Prior to the start of repair by the road construction organization that won the tender, specialized areas for the performance of road construction work by an integrated in-line method are determined.
In agreement with the customer, the repair organization project is tied to the production bases of the nearest construction organization DSU19 in Rechitsa. Transportation of workers to the facility is provided by DSU vehicles.
The construction site is planned to be located on unused lands on the right km 113.906 (at the junction) with lighting from a mobile power plant. The difference in the cost of electricity received from the mobile power plant and recorded in the estimated norm is payable when calculating for the work performed at current prices .
All major repair sections of the road and structures on it are linked into a single integrated flow by a linear schedule of work, developed by the general contracting organization on the basis of the approved repair schedule.
Major Design Solutions for Materials and Structures Overhaul
The list of intermediate transportation range of the main construction materials shows the points and distances of transportation of materials to ABZ and the road.
For the preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures, the supply of crushed stone and screening at ABZ is provided with RUE "Granit" by rail to the station. Rechitsa and then by road for a distance of 4 km. Asphalt concrete enters the object by road at an average distance of 17 km.
For the preparation of crushed stone sand mixtures, the supply of crushed stone and screenings to the mixing site (at ABZ) is provided according to the above scheme. Prepared by C2, C5 CSTs are transported by road to the site for an average distance of 17 km.
Reinforced concrete blocks of the pavilion, foundation slab, foundation blocks of road signs are transported from KSM OJSC DST2 Gomel by road for km 114.03 at a distance of 87 km. Small reinforced concrete products (side stone and signal columns), concrete are transported from the Rechitsaremstroy housing base by road for an average distance of 13 km.
The missing ground for earthworks is used from the Kirovo quarry and is transported by road to the end of the site (km 116.0) at a distance of 28 km.
When calculating the costs for empty mileage during transportation of building materials and soil to the object, the use of vehicles DSU19 of Rechitsa is provided. The distance of supply of vehicles from DSU to ABZ is 4 km, to the object (the end of the km 116.0 section) - 15 km.
Organization of main types of road construction works and production technologies
5.1 Preparatory works
The following preparatory works are required prior to commencement of works:
Breakdown of the axis of the road, junctions and intersections, transit lanes of bus stops, footpaths;
2 Disassembly of existing devices and structures:
milling of asphalt concrete pavement on sections of leveling, at arrangement of bars with width of 2.0 m along the main road, at conjugations with existing asphalt concrete pavement on abutments.
disassembly of landing sites on pc 1138 + 38 and pc 1139 + 60 and asphalt concrete pavement at the stopping site of pc 1139 + 60;
pavilion of brickwork on pc 1139 + 60;
road signs: boards - 14 pcs., metal posts - 13 pcs.
After completion of repair works, the road lane shall be cleaned. Asphalt granulate from disassembles is transported to the storage site km110.4 (bypass road by the bridge) for further use at the base of landing sites and footpaths. The unused part of the asphalt granulate and asphalt concrete from the dismantling is transported to ABZ for further processing. Concrete and brick battle is transported to the LDD444 base.
Works to restore the route are carried out by the customer together with the contracting organization. The transfer of the route to the contractor shall be executed by an act no later than 15 days before the start of work. The works shall comply with TKP 451.03-26-2006 "Geodetic works in construction."
5.2 Earthwork
On the sections of cutting of existing slopes of the embankment and the device of bus stops, cutting of the vegetable layer on slopes 10 cm thick and 15 cm thick at the sole of the embankment is provided with storage in place in the withdrawal strip with subsequent use for strengthening work (see the list of distribution of plant soil). Newly poured and disturbed slopes of embankments are strengthened by sowing grasses with cladding with vegetal soil with a layer of 8 cm.
According to the protocol of the technical council, to bring the width of the roadway to 15.0 m, the project provides for the cutting of existing slopes by an excavator-planner. The widening curve (abutment on pc 1154 + 76 on the left) is developed by the excavator with a ladle capacity of 0.3 m3 in bulk in the amount of 15 m3 with manual rework of the soil for removal in the amount of 5 m3. Ground from cutting of existing slopes in the amount of 690 m3, from slices is used for plating of the roadbed on sections of the device of transfer lanes of bus stops, at the abutments
existing soil in the volume of 750 m3 and imported soil from the Kirovo quarry in the volume of 1100 m3. The underdeveloped shoulders, backfilling of damaged pits (after nomadic stumps) and filling of berms under road signs are carried out by soil from the Kirovo quarry in the amount of 4680 m3.
The coefficient of relative soil compaction is 1.08. The distribution of soil by types of development and transportation is given in the earth works distribution schedules (see sheet No. 3 of OS). The total volume of paid earthworks on the road is 8020 m3, per 1 km of the road - 1960 m3.
The ground of the roadbed and shoulders is compacted layer-by-layer by rollers on the pneumatic duct with 8 passes along one trace. During compaction, the soil is moistened to optimal humidity using watering machines. Finishing and strengthening works are carried out using an auto grader and an excavator-planner with mounted equipment.
5.3 Artificial structures
On existing reinforced concrete pipes along the road with a diameter of 1.0 m in the amount of 3 pieces and a diameter of 2x1.0 m − 1 pc. Restoration of the protective layer of concrete heads is provided: removal of weak concrete and application of polymer cement mortar up to 3 cm thick on the surface of the heads. All pipes are subject to head clearance .
5.4 Roadwear
Before strengthening the existing asphalt concrete surface, it is cleaned from dust and dirt, bottling bitumen emulsion and device of leveling layer.
The upper layer of coating from hot dense crushed stone fine asphalt concrete together with leveling with thickness less than 3 cm and leveling layer from hot porous crushed stone fine asphalt concrete with thickness more than 3 cm are laid by wide-grasping asphalt laying. In order to prevent the occurrence of cracks in the areas of the widening device after the device of the lower layer at the interface junction, the design provides for the laying of the "SSDor200" reinforcing mesh.
Cold milling of the existing asphalt concrete surface at the leveling areas, at the conjugations with the existing asphalt concrete surface at the abutments is carried out by a cold milling machine with a width of 2000 mm. After milling, the surface is cleaned with brushes or a vacuum unit until the loose particles are completely removed and collected. Asphalt granulate is exported to ABZ for further processing.
The compaction of asphalt concrete mixtures is provided by a link of three self-propelled rollers: vibration combined, vibration smooth-waltz and on pneumatic wheel travel. To ensure required flatness it is necessary to strictly observe the requirements of Job Instruction regarding selection of skating rinks link and their movement modes.
After laying asphalt concrete layers, the shoulders are strengthened along the road and at the junctions with crushed stone sand mixture C2.
Crushed stone-sand mixture C5 for the installation of a base at abutments and bus stops, C2 for strengthening the shoulders is transported by road, leveled by an auto grader, moistened and compacted by a medium and heavy roller with smooth rollers and a self-propelled roller on a pneumatic wheel .
The technology of works on the construction of road clothes and quality control of works are carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.0385 "Highways."
5.5 Road arrangement and protective road structures
Work on the construction of the road and the installation of guides for organizing the safe movement of vehicles is carried out after the strengthening and final finishing of the shoulders. For the installation of signal columns and struts of road signs, the use of drill crane machines is provided. The bottom of the road sign panel shall rise above the road surface 1.52.0 m.
Road marking is done with marking paint.
To apply horizontal markings on the roadway (axial, edge, transitional speed lanes), the Bumblebee marking machine is used. Marking of the pedestrian crossing, noise lanes and vertical marking of the side stone at bus stops is carried out manually.
5.6 Ensuring even coverage
Ensuring the evenness of the coating according to the "IRI" method is achieved by observing the design longitudinal profile, the transverse slope of the coating, the technology of laying and compacting the asphalt concrete mixture. To ensure smoothness, the mixture must be fed and laid continuously. In case of process interruptions of asphalt laying, the laid mixture under the ironing plate must be heated to achieve the required compaction, after which the laying process should continue.
In order to avoid irregularities in compaction along the boundary of the leveling layer with a thickness of 3 cm from porous asphalt concrete, the project provides for a 2 m wide bar device with filling it with porous fine asphalt concrete.
Quality Control
Overhaul quality control is carried out in accordance with the documentation of the industry quality management system of construction products.
The vertices of the rotation angles and their characteristics are indicated in the road plan. Vertical elevations are indicated in the longitudinal profile.
To carry out permanent geodetic control over the repair of the object, the contracting organization is obliged to accept the geodetic basis from the customer according to the act and keep it until the completion of the overhaul (commissioning) of the object.
Quality control of geodetic works is carried out in accordance with TKP 451.03-26-2006 "Geodetic works in construction."
The repair organization project strictly prohibits the commencement of work without the required geodetic breakdown.
The work is carried out taking into account the requirements of building codes, rules and state standards. At the same time, input, operational and acceptance control is carried out, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.0185 * "Organization of Construction Production" and SNB 5.01.0199 "Bases and Foundations of Buildings and Structures."
Quality control of roadbed compaction, its geodetic parameters, as well as applied soils, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of P202 to SNiP 3.06.0385 (item 13), SNiP 3.02.0187 "Earthworks" and "Instructions for quality control of roadbed compaction by accelerated methods."
Asphalt concrete mixtures shall comply with the requirements of STB 10332004. During the works on the leveling layer arrangement and strengthening of asphalt concrete pavement, the quality control of the works shall be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.0385 item 10.3910.41.
If the shoulders are strengthened, the quality control shall be performed in accordance with SNiP 3.06.0385 item 7.357.36. Instrumentation control methods shall comply with GOST 26433.294 "Rules for performance of measurements of parameters of buildings and structures."
Quality control during road arrangement shall be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.0385 item 13, 14.
During preparation of concrete mixture it is necessary to monitor quality of initial materials (concrete components), correctness of their storage and technological processing (accuracy of dosing, duration of mixing, moisture content of aggregates and working mixture).
Concretes shall comply with the requirements of GOST 2663391. During works, quality control shall be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.0491 Annex 9 and SNiP 3.06.0385 item 12.57.
Instrumentation control methods shall comply with GOST 26433.294 "Rules for performance of measurements of parameters of buildings and structures."
Operational control of overhaul quality shall be carried out in accordance with RD 0219.1.202001.
9 Estimated cost
In connection with the performance of work on one half of the carriageway with systematic traffic on the other, traffic intensity for 2006 year according to the accounting data of the Belhiprodor RUP 4775 auto/day, a 1.2 factor for milling the existing surface, the arrangement of the leveling layer and the strengthening of the existing asphalt concrete surface of the main road was applied in the combined estimate calculation, according to the SNB 8.03.1272000 section 3 p. 3.1.
The total estimated cost of overhaul of the national highway P82 Oktyabrsky - Parichi - Rechitsa km 112.0 - km 116.0 in the base prices of 1991, RSN 2001 is 523.436 thousand rubles, including CMR − 403.030 thousand rubles.
The estimated cost of overhaul of 1 km of the road is 127.667 thousand rubles.
General Data
The construction project for the overhaul of the national highway P82 Oktyabrsky - Parichi - Rechitsa km 112.0 - km 116.0 was developed by the branch of the Gomel road department of the Belhiprodor RUP on the instructions of the Gomelavtodor RUP No. 96/06 dated June 26, 2006.
The initial data for the design were the list of defects and survey materials performed by the branch of the Gomel Road Department of Belhiprodor in 2006.
The road is assigned to category III, according to the task.
The main design solutions are agreed with Gomelavtodor. The project is agreed with all interested organizations.
Brief description of the area and existing road
2.1 Climatic, engineering-geological and hydrological conditions
Description of climatic, engineering-geological and hydrological conditions is given in volume 194/06-IG "Engineering geologic report."
In general, engineering, geological and hydrological conditions are favorable for the overhaul of the road.
2.2 Existing Conditions
The road belongs to the transport corridor and is part of the CIS road network. The existing traffic intensity for 2006, according to the data of the Belhiprodor register, is 4775 autos/day, including with an axle load of more than 11.5 tons − 259 autos/day, which is 5% of the total intensity;
The beginning of the pc 1120 + 00 section corresponds to km 112.0 of the existing kilometer and the end of the repaired section, the end of the pc 1161 + 00 - km 116.0 of the existing kilometer and the beginning of the repaired section .
By the nature of surface runoff and the degree of moisture, a section of the road is assigned to type I terrain on sections pc 1120 + 00 - pc 1128 + 00, pc 1144 + 60 - pc 1159 + 00, to type II terrain - on sections pc 1128 + 00 - pc 1144 + 60, pc 1159 + 00 - pc 1161 + 00.
In the plan, on the section of the road to be overhauled, there are 2 turning angles with rounding radii of 2800 and 3650 meters .
An earthen bed with a width of 16.0 − 19.0 m passes in an embankment with a height of 0.8 − 2.5 m. On adjacent sections of the road at the beginning and end of the passage, with repair, the earthen canvas has a width of 15.0 m. The soils of the earthen canvas on the sections pc 1120 + 60 - pc 1125 + 60, pc 1134 + 00 - pc 1146 + 60, pc 1147 + 60 - pc 1161 + 00 are represented by dusty sands, in sections pc 1125 + 60 -pc 1134 + 00, pc 1146 + 60 - pc 1147 + 60 - sands small. The filtration coefficient of bulk dust sands is 0.10.2 m/day, small - 0.3 m/day, in the single case (well 10 depth 1.3-3.0 m) - 1.2 m/day.
The earthen canvas is in satisfactory condition, the slopes are established, overgrown with grass. Existing shoulders are underestimated, reinforced by GPS 0.18-0.30 m thick.
On the repaired section of the road there are three reinforced concrete pipes with a diameter of 1.0 m and a reinforced concrete pipe with a diameter of 2x1.0 m. Local damage and defects in the surfaces of the heads in the form of shells are observed on the pipes. Slopes of embankments in the pipe area are delayed.
Road clothing is represented by a surface with a width of 9.0 m from asphalt concrete: on the section pc 1120 + 00 - pc 1140 + 60 thickness of 1217 cm, on the section pc 1140 + 60 - pc 1161 + 00 thickness of 2231 cm on the base: on the site pc 1120 + 00 - pc 1151 + 60 - from a gravel-sand mixture with a thickness of 1321 cm, on the site pc 1151 + 60 - pc 1158 + 60 - from a gravel-sand mixture with a thickness of 1119 cm, on the site pc 1158 + 60 - pc 1161 + 00 from crushed stone 11 cm and gravel-sand mixture with a thickness of 10 - 14 cm.
On the asphalt concrete surface, transverse slopes do not meet the requirements of TKP 453.03-19-2006, there are irregularities and edge destruction. On sections of the road pc 1140 + 00 − pc 1141 + 50 on the left, pc 1141 + 00 − pc 1151 + 60 on the right, pc 1142 + 50 − pc 1144 + 00 on the left, pc 1146 + 60 − pc 1147 + 50 on the left there is a track track with a depth of up to 3 cm along the rolling bands with a width of 1.3 to 1.6 m.
On the road section there are 2 junctions and 1 intersection with asphalt concrete pavement. Asphalt concrete pavement in unsatisfactory condition, potholes, cracks, destruction of edges, radii of rounding do not meet regulatory requirements. The intersection on the pc 1146 + 76 represents dirt exits into the forest and field.
At the congress in n. Novokrasnoye has two "pocket-type" bus stops without transitional speed lanes. The location of bus stops does not meet the requirements of TC P 453.03-19-2006. The existing pavilion of brickwork on the pc 1139 + 60 in unsatisfactory condition.
Road signs are partially in poor condition and in insufficient numbers. There are no signal columns.
Along the entire length of the road on the left at a distance of 16.036.0 m from the axis, a communication cable of the KSPP 1x4x0.9 was laid, on the right at a distance of 27.037.0 m - a cable of the ISS 4x4x1.2. On the section pc 1120 + 00 - pc 1138 + 90 on the right at a distance of 6.57.0 m from the axis of the road there is a communication cable PRPPM 1x2x0.9, on the section pc 1120 + 00 - pc 1132 + 50 on the right at a distance of 35 meters - a cable TZB 7x4x1.2.
On pc 1133 + 07 and pc 1133 + 24 the road is crossed by VL10 kV with a wire suspension size of 7.3 and 6.7 meters, respectively .
The width of the existing diversion lane is 22 meters.
The road is served by LDD 444 Rechitsa (DEU44 Svetlogorsk).
Design solutions
3.1 Road Plan
The boundary of work at the beginning of the road section is accepted on pc 1120 + 00, which corresponds to km 112.0 the existing kilometer and the end of the section with repairs, at the end of the section - on pc 1161 + 00, which corresponds to km 116.0 the existing kilometer and the beginning of the section with repairs .
The total length of the road section to be overhauled within the work limits is 4100 m. The road plan has been left unchanged and meets the requirements of TKP 453.03-19-2006.
The road section is fixed and tied to local objects (see sheet No. 2 AD).
3.2 Road Lane Preparation
The main work on the preparation of the road lane is as follows:
Breakdown of road axes, junctions and intersections, transit lanes of bus stops, footpaths;
Disassembly of existing devices and structures:
milling of asphalt concrete pavement on sections of leveling and arrangement of slabs with width of 2.0 m along the main road, on conjugations with existing asphalt concrete pavement at abutments.;
disassembly of landing sites on pc 1138 + 38 and pc 1139 + 60 asphalt concrete pavement on the stopping strip of pc 1139 + 60;
disassembling the pavilion from brickwork on pc 1139 + 60;
disassembly of road signs: boards - 14 pcs., metal posts - 13 pcs.
After completion of repair works, the road lane shall be cleaned. Basement remains and uprooted stumps are transported for burial in pre-opened trenches in the road lane on the left km 115.4. Asphalt granulate from disassembles is transported to the storage site km 110.4 (existing bypass at the bridge) for further use at the base of landing sites and footpaths. The unused part of the asphalt granulate and asphalt concrete from the dismantling is transported to ABZ for further processing. Concrete and brick battle is transported to the LDD444 base.
3.3 Longitudinal profile and earthwork
According to the task, the existing longitudinal profile with correction of irregularities of the transverse and longitudinal profiles by the leveling layer is saved in the repaired area. In order to reduce the leveling layer, it is envisaged to mill the coating along the main road on individual sections (see cartogram - sheet No. 9 AD).
The minimum radii of vertical curves: convex - 8000 m, concave - 7500 m. The maximum longitudinal slope is 8.5 ‰.
The longitudinal profile is made in reference elevations (see sheet No. 3 AD).
To ensure the uniformity of the coating according to the IRI method, the longitudinal profile is designed along the spline line. The design line was checked for flatness using the amplitude method, according to SNiP 3.06.0385 with an automatic system for setting vertical elevations with a pitch of 10 m and an amplitude value of 8 mm. The design line meets the requirements of coating flatness according to the scale of the International Flatness Index IRI and TKP 453.03-19-2006 .
The temporary references are anchored to the road axis and are shown on the longitudinal profile .
According to the protocol of the technical council of RUP Gomelavtodor, the project provides for leaving the existing earthen with a width of 16.0 m. Taking into account the plaque and the strengthening of the shoulders, the design width of the earthen will be 15.0 m. In some areas with a total length of 1530 meters, where the width of the roadway exceeds 16.0 m, it is cut, bringing it to a width of 15.0 m and laying slopes to 1:3.
The design adopted two types of transverse profiles (see sheet No. 4 BP).
Type 1-Set up in areas where an existing roadway is preserved.
Type 2 - arranged on individual sections of cutting of existing slopes of the roadway with bringing it to a width of 15.0 m and slopes to 1:3.
On the sections of cutting of existing slopes of the embankment and the device of bus stops, cutting of the vegetable layer on slopes 10 cm thick and 15 cm thick at the sole of the embankment is provided with storage in place in the withdrawal strip with subsequent use for strengthening work (see the list of distribution of plant soil). Newly poured and disturbed slopes of embankments are strengthened by sowing grasses with cladding with vegetal soil with a layer of 8 cm.
The widening curve at the junction of the pc 1154 + 76 on the left is developed by an excavator with a ladle capacity of 0.3 m3 in bulk in the amount of 15 m3 with manual soil rework for removal in the amount of 5 m3. Soil from cutting of existing slopes in the amount of 690 m3, from cutting of existing roadway in the amount of 750 m3 and imported soil from the Kirovo quarry in the amount of 1100 m3 is used for plating of the roadbed on sections of the device of transit-speed lanes of bus stops and abutments. The underdeveloped shoulders, backfilling of damaged pits (after nomadic stumps) and filling of berms under road signs are carried out by soil from the Kirovo quarry in the amount of 4680 m3.
The coefficient of relative soil compaction is 1.08. The distribution of soil by types of development and transportation is given in the earth works distribution schedules (see sheet No. 3 of OS). The total volume of paid earthworks on the road is 8020 m3, per 1 km of the road - 1960 m3.
3.4 Artificial structures
On the repaired section of the road there are 4 reinforced concrete pipes: diameter 1.0 m − 3 pcs., 2x1.0 m − 1 pc. On all pipes, the project provides for the restoration of the protective layer of concrete heads: the removal of weak concrete and the application of polymer cement mortar up to 3 cm thick on the surface of the heads. All pipes have head clearance.
Structural solutions for pipe repair are given on sheet No. 13 AD.
3.5 Roadwear
The project provides for a check calculation of the existing road surface, taking into account the reinforcement of asphalt concrete with one layer, based on the promising intensity (11 years) and traffic composition. At the same time, the calculated modulus of elasticity is − 293 MPa with the required − 280 MPa.
Road clothing is provided of the same type (see sheet No. 5 AD).
Type 1 - length of 4100 meters. Strengthening of the existing coating is accepted by dense crushed stone fine asphalt concrete of type B of grade II according to STB 10332004 with a thickness of 4 cm with an alignment: up to 3 cm thick - from dense crushed stone fine asphalt concrete laid together with the coating, more than 3 cm thick - from porous crushed stone fine asphalt concrete of grade II according to 33200STb.
To eliminate the gauge on the road, the project took into account the additional volume of the leveling layer of porous crushed stone fine asphalt concrete (see the gauge elimination list).
To prevent cracks at the junction of the existing and new coating at the widening points, the design provides for the use of SSDor200 glass mesh.
In order to avoid irregularities in compaction and ensure evenness according to the IRI method along the boundary of the leveling layer of porous asphalt concrete and its smooth removal, the project provides for a 2 m wide bar with filling it with porous crushed stone fine asphalt concrete (see sheet No. 9 AD).
The shoulders are reinforced to the full width of 3.0 m in accordance with the protocol of the customer's technical council with a gravel-and-sand mixture C2 according to GOST 2560794 with a thickness of 8 cm, on sections of the device of transit speed lanes of bus stops - with a thickness of 10 cm by a width of 1.5 m (see the shoulder reinforcement list).
3.6 Junctions
The project provides for the arrangement of two abutments, one intersection with asphalt concrete pavement and a device for crossing on a pc 1146 + 76 representing soil exits into the forest and field. At the junction of the pc 1137 + 41, reinforcement is provided for the entire length of the existing asphalt concrete surface with hot dense crushed stone fine-grained asphalt concrete of type B of grade II according to STB 10332004 with a thickness of 4 cm together with a leveling layer of the same material. At the end of a covering the strengthening of a face of SPS S2 is considered.
At the junction of pc 1139 + 06 (in n. Novokrasnoye) within the radius of rounding, it is envisaged to strengthen the existing asphalt concrete surface with hot dense crushed stone fine asphalt concrete of type B of grade II according to STB 10332004 with a thickness of 4 cm together with a leveling layer of the same material. At the boundary of the work, it is envisaged to interface with the existing asphalt concrete pavement (see sheet No. 10 AD).
At the intersection of Pc 1146 + 76 within the radius of rounding, a coating device is provided for hot dense crushed stone fine asphalt concrete type B grade II according to STB 10332004 with a thickness of 4 cm and porous crushed stone fine asphalt concrete type II according to STB 10332004 with a thickness of 6 cm on the left.
At the intersection of pc 1154 + 76 on the left within the radius of rounding, it is provided to strengthen the existing asphalt concrete surface with hot dense crushed stone fine-grained asphalt concrete of type B of grade II according to STB 10332004 with a thickness of 4 cm together with a leveling layer of the same material. On the right, within the radius of rounding, a coating is arranged of hot dense crushed stone fine asphalt concrete type B grade II according to STB 10332004 thickness 4 cm and porous crushed stone fine asphalt concrete type II according to STB 10332004 thickness 6 cm on the basis of ShPS C5 according to GOST 2560794 thickness 24 cm On the left, asphalt coating is provided.
The roadsides at the abutments within the asphalt concrete pavement are fixed to the full width of the S2 SHBS according to GOST 2560794 with a thickness of 10 cm.
3.7 Road Arrangement and Road Service Structures
At the junction in n. The project provides for the re-arrangement of two bus stops, the arrangement of transit speed lanes and pockets in accordance with TKP 453.03-19-2006. According to the existing asphalt concrete surface of the "pockets," strengthening is provided with hot dense crushed stone fine-grained asphalt concrete of type B of grade II according to STB 10332004 with a thickness of 4 cm together with a leveling layer of the same material. On the transition lanes of bus stops, a coating is arranged of hot dense crushed stone fine asphalt concrete type B grade II according to STB 10332004 thickness of 4 cm and porous crushed stone fine asphalt concrete type II according to STB 10332004 thickness of 6 cm on the basis of SCHPS C5 according to GOST 2560794 thickness of 24 cm (see sheet No. 6 AD).
Landing platforms are adopted with width of 2.0 m and length of 12.0 m with new side stone BR 100.30.15-M and BRT 100.20.8-M. The coating is made of sand asphalt concrete of type G according to STB 10332004 with a thickness of 4 cm on the base of asphalt granulate from disassembly with a thickness of 12 cm. Wooden benches and garbage collectors are installed on landing sites. A new pavilion of software type 36.261 is provided on the PC 1140 + 26 (see drawings of section AP).
For safe traffic of pedestrians in the area of bus stops, pedestrian paths with a width of 1.0 m are arranged from sandy asphalt concrete of type G according to STB 10332004 with a thickness of 4 cm on the base of asphalt granulate from disassembly with a thickness of 12 cm.
To ensure safe driving conditions and driver information, existing road signs in the amount of 6 boards on 3 metal racks are used. The project provides for the installation of new road signs and the replacement of existing ones in unsatisfactory condition in the amount of 24 pieces at 18 racks. The placement of road signs complies with the requirements of STB 114099 and STB 13002002. Above the pipes, at the junction in n. Novokrasnoe, on curves in the plan at fill height more than 1.0 m, in accordance with STB 13002002, installation of reinforced concrete signal columns in the amount of 93 pieces is provided (see list of guide devices).
In addition, in accordance with STB 12312000, the project takes into account the horizontal marking of the axis and edge of the roadway, transit lanes, a pedestrian crossing and the vertical marking of the side stone at bus stops. The device of noise bands and the width of horizontal markings of 0.15 m is adopted in accordance with the protocol of the technical council of Gomelavtodor. The arrangement of road signs, guides and road markings are shown on sheet No. 11 AD.
3.8 Organization and road safety
The design solutions ensure safe traffic conditions throughout the section of the road to be overhauled. The main ones are as follows:
longitudinal profile elements provide design visibility of the road, optimal driving mode and reduction of driver fatigue;
road signs, fences and road markings are provided for drivers' information;
noise lanes are provided on approaches to an unregulated pedestrian crossing from crushed stone of fraction 510 mm with painting in orange.
asphalt concrete is used in the upper layer of the coating, prepared on crushed stone of strong rocks and stone screening, which provides the required surface roughness;
for the period of work, the road section is fenced in accordance with RD 0219.1.312003 according to the attached diagrams (see sheets No. 5, 6 of OS), which include:
a) speed limitation and warning about repair works with the installation of signs 3.24.2, 3.20.2, 1.23, 1.18.5, 1.18.6;
b) regulation of the right of priority travel by signs 2.6.2, 2.7;
c) organization of traffic on a strip free of repair work with a width of not less than 4.0 m with installation of guide cones, panel-and-post fences on approaches with signs 4.2.2;
d) signs 1.23, 1.32.2 are installed, which warn about repair works, and limit speed 3.24.2 during repair of the shoulder, and guide milestones from the side of the work.
According to the construction technology, the minimum length of laying and rolling asphalt concrete pavement is accepted 150 m.
Upon completion of repair works, the project provides for disassembly of temporary technical means of traffic management.
The project is agreed with GAI of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Gomel regional executive committee.
Main provisions for road operation
The designed road complies with the operational safety requirements for category III roads.
5.2 Operation of the facility
The main set of road operation works shall include:
supervision of the road, structures and diversion strip (current, periodic and special inspections) and keeping it clean and in order;
elimination of congresses and entrances in unidentified places;
cleaning of roadways and garbage collection, elimination of slipperiness caused by bitumen effusion;
elimination of minor deformations and damages of the coating, cutting, cleaning and pouring cracks on asphalt concrete coating, restoration and filling of deformation joints in the coating;
opening and closing of culvert holes;
maintenance and maintenance of components and systems of dispatching and automated traffic control, technological and signal-ringing communication;
keeping the road arrangement elements clean and in order;
replacement and restoration of damaged road fences, signs, guides on dangerous sections of the road, temporary marking, removal of worn out markings and application of a new one;
clearing from snow and ice of the road and structures on it, clearing from snow drifts;
elimination of winter slipperiness using anti-icing materials;
maintenance of automatic systems for early detection and prediction of winter slipperiness and organization of traffic in winter;
restriction of traffic on the road in the spring-summer and autumn periods of the year in accordance with the established procedure;
organization of control over the passage of heavy and large vehicles on the road.
The complex of works on maintenance of the road must be carried out in accordance with RD 0219.1.332004 "Classification and composition of works on ongoing repair and maintenance of roads." Work on the maintenance of the road in winter is carried out in accordance with RD 0219.1.182000 "Winter maintenance of public roads of the Republic of Belarus." At the same time, the requirements of RD 0219.1.312003 "Arrangement of work places during the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of roads, streets and roads of settlements" should be fulfilled.
During operation, it is necessary to monitor the state of the road in accordance with the requirements of RD 0219.1.272003 "Procedure for assessing the operational state and quality of maintenance, public roads."
During the operation of the highway, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of STB 12912001 "Roads and streets. Requirements to the operating condition permissible under road safety conditions. "
The above mentioned regulatory documents are valid at the date of the structure design. The maintenance and operation of the road must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents in force on the territory of the Republic of Belarus during its operation.
At high temperatures in summer, when shear resistance of asphalt concrete pavement is significantly reduced, restrictions on axial loads of vehicles should be introduced.
5.3 Information on road load-bearing structures
The design provides for the following roadway design:
for existing asphalt concrete pavement:
coating layer of hot dense crushed stone fine asphalt concrete of type B grade II according to STB 10332004 with a thickness of 4 cm with leveling;
On the transfer lanes of bus stops:
base from SFCS C5 according to GOST 2560794 thickness 24 cm.
lower layer of hot porous fine asphalt concrete grade II according to STB 10332004 thickness 6 cm;
upper layer of coating of hot dense crushed stone fine asphalt concrete type B grade II according to STB 10332004 with thickness of 4 cm.
5.4 Terms of effective operation of the road
Duration of effective operation until overhaul:
11 years of road clothing (assigned for non-rigid road surfaces in accordance with Manual 3.03.0196 to SNiP 2.05.0285, item 6.6);
paving of pavements for 6 years (in accordance with VSN 4188, para. 5).
The above-mentioned period can be ensured with the qualitative implementation of all design solutions during the construction work and the implementation of a complete set of works on the maintenance of the road by a specialized road organization during operation.
Estimated cost and organization of major repairs
The estimated documentation is compiled in 1991 prices, RSN - 2001.
The cost of overhaul of the road is 523.436 thousand rubles, including CMR - 403.030 thousand rubles. The cost of repairing 1 km of the road is − 127.667 thousand rubles .
The project is tied to the production bases of the nearest road construction organization - DSU19 in Rechitsa.
The overhaul period of the road section is set at 4 months.
Detailed decisions on the organization of overhaul of the road are set out in volume 194/06 - OS.
7.1 Introduction of scientific and technological achievements, resource-saving technologies and progressive solutions
The construction project provides for:
application of 2000 mm wide cutter;
application of wide-grasp asphalt laying;
use of "SSDor200" reinforcing mesh.
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