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Repair of rolling machines

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The topic of the diploma project: "The mechanical section of the repair and mechanical workshop with detailed development of the repair technology for caliper groups of rolling machines models 1A824, 1A825, 1A826 based on MMK Ilyich OJSC"

Project's Content

icon !!!_0_Диплом.doc
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icon plot.log
icon Без имени-2.psd
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icon Винт поперечной подачи.cdw
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icon Колцо опорное.frw
icon Кольцо для ПЗ.frw
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icon Кольцо упорное 2.cdw
icon Кольцо упорное.dwg
icon Комплект колец.dwg
icon План цеха новый вариант.cdw
icon Планировка C.dwg
icon Приспособл для правки шлиф круга.cdw
icon Приспособление для нарезки колеса.cdw
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icon Профиль черв_фрезы.frw
icon Роза ветров.frw
icon Спецификация.spw
icon Схема обработки чер_кол.frw
icon Схема обработки чер_кол_1.bak
icon Схема обработки чер_кол_1.dwg
icon Схема обработки чер_кол_1.frw
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icon Схема обработки чер_кол_ток.frw
icon Схема припусков.frw
icon Схема сборки.cdw
icon Схема токарной обработки зуб вен чер колеса.cdw
icon Схема установки с кольцами.cdw
icon Схема установки с кольцами.dwg
icon Схема шлиф профиля черв вала 1.cdw
icon Схема шлиф черв вала 1.cdw
icon Схемы установки черв_колеса.frw
icon Фартук станка.cdw
icon Форма под червяк.frw
icon Фр. черв. кол.dwg
icon Фр. черв. кол.frw
icon Фр. черв. кол_1.dwg
icon Фр. черв. кол_1.frw
icon Фреза (тим.).dwg
icon Фреза m6.dwg
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icon Фреза М6 Перенесенная.cdw
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icon Фрезы m2_1.frw
icon Фрезы m6_проба.frw

Additional information




1 General part

1.1 Service purpose and technical characteristics of the equipment (unit) to be repaired

1.2 Analysis of the design of the equipment to be repaired (unit)

1.2.1 Technical Requirements Analysis

1.2.2 Analysis of accuracy standards

1.2.3 Analysis of operating parameters

1.3 Conclusion on processability and repairability

2 Process Part

2.1 Development of process route of equipment repair (unit)

2.2 Selection of disassembly and assembly methods. To Define a Disassembly and Assembly Sequence

2.3 Analysis of equipment (unit) state. Preparation of a list of defects. Select parts to be repaired or replaced

2.4 Selection of recovery methods for parts

2.5 Development of process processes of parts restoration (manufacturing)

2.6 Selection of repair equipment

2.7 Calculation of allowances, repair, operating and intermediate dimensions

2.8 Purpose of treatment modes of recoverable surfaces

2.9 Time Standards

2.10 Selection of control method

3 Design part

3.1 Design of special worm cutter

3.2 Design of locking rings for gear wheel treatment

3.3 Design of tooling for grinding wheel straightening

4 Design Part

4.1 Define Site Demand Plan

4.2 Calculation of number of workplaces and process equipment

4.3 Calculation of the number of production personnel

4.4 Determination of area of the site. Plot Layout

4.5 Lifting and transportation equipment of the section

5 Organizational part

6 Economic part

7 Occupational safety

8 Civil defence

9 Conclusion on the project


List of used literature


The topic of the diploma project: "The mechanical section of the repair and mechanical workshop with detailed development of the repair technology for caliper groups of rolling machines models 1A824, 1A825, 1A826 based on MMK Ilyich OJSC"

The diploma design contains a detailed description of the repaired machines (1A824, 1A825, 1A826), calculations of the dimensional chains of the repaired units (caliper and apron) were made. A technological repair route has been developed. The choice and technology of restoring worn-out parts with the purpose of treatment modes of restored surfaces is justified.

A special worm cutter is designed for machining the worm wheel. The tooling was designed: for repair of the worm wheel (set of fixing rings), an accessory for straightening the grinding wheel. Design calculation of the mechanical section of the repair and mechanical workshop was made, the total area of ​ ​ the section was 648 m2. The total annual time spent on repair work is 50032.5 hours.

On the mechanical section there are 18 metal cutting machines.

Section 9 "Civil Defense" defines the damaging effect of an air shock wave and the effect of thermal radiation, loss of people.

The graphic part is 12 formats A1, the explanatory note contains 109 pages, 10 figures, 28 tables, 4 diagrams.


In modern production conditions, the efficiency of industrial enterprises and the quality of their products are directly related to the technical condition of technological equipment. Equipment downtime due to malfunction and repair, disrupting the production process, can dramatically worsen the economic performance of the enterprise, and reduced accuracy - increase scrap and negatively affect the quality of products. The task of ensuring the proper technical condition of the equipment with minimal losses of production is solved by the rational organization of its maintenance and repair.

The organization of equipment repair and maintenance is subject to changes. It changes under the influence of quantitative and high-quality changes which result in the park of the equipment and also change of nature of production, its organization and other reasons.

Equipment repair and maintenance management is one of the most complex areas of industrial production management. The variety of repair facilities, their structural and technological complexity, the absence of stereotyping in the work performed, the combination of design, technological and production functions in one service make the work of the engineering and technical personnel of the repair service very complex and responsible. In modern conditions, as mechanization and automation of production processes increase, the economic results of enterprises increasingly depend on the quality of organization of repair and maintenance of equipment, on the work of the repair service of the enterprise.

Equipment repair, previously considered an area of ​ ​ pure practice, begins to receive its theoretical and scientific base. In this, great merit belongs primarily to repair teams of machine-building plants. The repair services of machine-building plants created and tested in practice a system of periodic repairs and developed the main provisions of its theory. In the conditions of practical work on equipment repair, the repair services clarified the structure of repair cycles and the duration of overhaul periods. The work carried out at the plants to establish the repair complexity of a large number of equipment models made it possible to create empirical formulas for determining the categories of repair complexity. Based on the experimental data obtained by the departments of the main mechanics of the plants, the standards of labor intensity of planned repairs and most other standards of the PPR system were established.

It is impossible to solve this problem without conducting experiments because changes in the structure of the repair cycle and the duration of the overhaul periods cause an increase or decrease in the number of equipment failures and the amount of unplanned repair work. The same number of failures and the amount of unscheduled repair work that can be carried out under a particular structure of the repair cycle and certain overhaul periods can only be established experimentally.

Thus, these and many other issues of improving the organization of repair and maintenance of equipment can be solved only through experimentation in production conditions. Therefore, the success of further work on the creation of the theory of planned preventive repairs and the science of equipment repair depends to a large extent on the initiative that workers of plant repair services will show, on how actively repair service teams will participate in this work, on the degree of interest in this work of plant repair personnel.

Organizations of the scientific and technical society of the engineering industry make a significant contribution to the development of the organization of repair and maintenance of equipment, to the practical implementation of progressive ideas in the field of repair and to the dissemination of best practices of repair teams.

General part

1.1 Service purpose and technical characteristics of the repair object

Rolling machines are designed for rough and finishing of external cylindrical, conical and shaped surfaces of rolls of rolling mills made of iron and steel at enterprises of machine-building and metallurgical industry.

The main types of work performed on the machine: processing of external cylindrical surfaces in centers; treatment of external conical or shaped surfaces according to template by method of electrocopying. Machines provide high requirements for shape accuracy (deviation from roundness within 0.04mm) and surface roughness (Ra 1.6).

No machining of parts with shifted center of gravity relative to rotation, such as eccentric and crankshafts, body parts with unbalanced masses, is provided on roller-rolling machines.

Walcetokar machines of the Kramatorsk Heavy Machine Tool Plant have become widespread in our country. These machines are arranged as heavy lathes and consist of units typical of heavy lathes - the bed, front and rear heads, caliper, apron. To improve the processing performance of long parts, some machines provide two calipers with aprons.

Valcetocar machines, as a rule, have stepless drives of main movement and supply from DC motors. Drives of this type provide stepless control of spindle speed and supply over a wide range.

Modern machines are equipped with high-power motors.

The type of climatic design of the machine is UHL4 and the nominal values ​ ​ of climatic factors according to GOST 15150-89.

Technical characteristics of the machine are described in Table 1.1

Cutting motion-Rotates the spindle with the workpiece. Feed movements - rectilinear translational movements of the caliper in longitudinal and transverse directions, and the upper part of the caliper - at an angle to the axis of rotation of the part. Auxiliary movements - quick mechanical and manual mounting movements of the caliper along, across the axis of the machined part and at an angle to it; electromechanical control of variable speed variator of spindle rotation speed; electric control of caliper supply.

A peculiarity of the operation of rolling machines of 1A824, 1A825, 1A826 models is the possibility of turning rough and finishing the external cylindrical, conical and profile surfaces of rolling mill rolls at enterprises of the machine-building and metallurgical industry.

The main components of the machine: the bed, the front head, the rear head, two calipers and two aprons, electrical equipment.

In accordance with the assignment for the diploma project, the object of repair in the machine is the caliper and apron. The caliper is supplied from the apron mechanism. The drive for this is an individual DC motor located on the apron. The carriage together with the apron can move along the bed, both in the operating mode and in the fast movement mode.

In the carriage of the caliper, a mechanism for switching on and reversing the transverse supply is mounted, transmitting movement to the screw of the upper longitudinal slides.

Actuation of screw of cross slides and splined shaft of transmitting movement on upper part is performed by means of electromagnetic couplings.

1.2 Analysis of the design of the equipment to be repaired (unit)

1.2.1 Technical Requirements Analysis

The apron assembly drawing is provided with a schedule and contains all the necessary sections.

Technical requirements and inspection as per drawings:

• straightness of horizontal and vertical guides of all housing parts within 0.03 at 1000 mm length;

• flushing of limbs relative to axes is not more than 0.25 mm;

• the force on the caliper displacement handle shall not exceed 150 N at length L = 210 mm;

• The working planes of the guides and wedges shall be contiguous along the whole length and, when checked for paint, shall have at least 10 spots on the area of 25 × 25 mm and 12 spots for export and the tropics;

• threaded holes (except for those specified) according to accuracy class 7H;

• to make landing of internal rings of bearings to shafts with preliminary heating in oil to t ° 70÷100 of °C;

• check gears for painting by rotation of the assembled gear at easy braking. The contact spot should be located in the middle and have the following dimensions - along the length of the tooth at least 70%, along the height of the tooth at least 50%;

• side gaps in assembled transfers have to be within 0.13÷0.21 mm;

• the mutual displacement of the gear clutch at the ends shall not exceed 1 mm;

• axial play is not allowed in the shaft housing;

• inspect all parts carefully before assembling; Maintain cleanliness during assembly;

• before installation of racks 1A824F2 850.007 on the housing of cross slides, after careful degreasing, install bushings 1A827F2 860.002 (zone 5A) on epoxy glue in the racks, leaving the remains of epoxy glue as a "sample witness" for glue hardening. Installation of racks on slides without a "master" glue hardening is not allowed;

• after hardening the glue (check by the "specimen" for brittleness) remove excess glue on the rails, paying special attention to the teeth and sealing planes of the rails;

• to establish laths on plane D (zones 5A, 6A) and previously to fix by screws without inhaling;

• accumulated error of rack pitch along the whole rack installation length is not more than 0.05 mm;

• the difference in height of the set of two racks according to the size K is allowed not more than 0.03 mm along the entire length of the racks installation;

• The fit of the pins along the paint shall be not less than 70% in length and in full diameter;

• installation of a sensor that has not passed the test for the value of radial run-out of the gear and periodic error is not allowed;

• insertion of the sensor gear in engagement with the rack is performed by the M10 × 30.66.05 GOST147675 screw, providing minimum readings on the "Lumo11" table when manually rotating the sensor gear to the right and left;

• set the clearance of 0,005 mm in the engagement of the sensor gear with the racks, squeezing the sensor with the gear with the screw M10 × 30.66.05 GOST 147675 with further locking with nut M10.6.05 GOST 592970;

• the sensor gear is pressed to the rack by the spring 1.6 × 14 × 45 OST 2 D81573 and the adjusting screw M6 × 20 GOST887875.

1.2.2 Analysis of accuracy standards

The accuracy of apron assembly shall comply with GOST 1809772.

The main indicator of accuracy during apron repair is straightness and parallelism of the trajectory of longitudinal movement of the caliper relative to the spindle axis of the front head in vertical and horizontal planes. This indicator is given in the standards of accuracy and rigidity of roller cutters (GOST 1809788).

Straightness of longitudinal movement of caliper in vertical plane (Fig. 1.1):

• the largest length of movement - 630 the 1000 mm;

• tolerance for machines of accuracy class H - 25 μm;

• The largest length of movement is 1000 sound1600 mm;

• tolerance for machines of accuracy class H - 30 μm.

Straightness of longitudinal movement of caliper in horizontal plane (Fig. 1.2):

• the largest length of movement - 630 the 1000 mm;

• tolerance for machines of accuracy class H - 16 μm;

• The largest length of movement is 1000 sound1600 mm;

• tolerance for machines of accuracy class H - 20 μm.

1.2.4 Analysis of operating parameters

The 1A824 valcetocar machine is operated under the climatic conditions of UHL, located according to GOST 1515089 in the workshop of Ilyich MMK OJSC at an ambient temperature of + 10 ° C to + 45 ° C, at a relative air humidity of 98% at 35 ° C.

The mode of operation of the rolling machine is 2 shifts. Put into operation since 1994, the last repair current T5.

Recommendations on restoration of machine operability are given, drawn up in accordance with the adopted "Unified system of planned preventive repair and rational operation of technological equipment of machine-building enterprises."

When operating the machine in accordance with the requirements and recommendations set forth in the previous sections, and observing preventive measures, its overhaul cycle (life up to the first overhaul) is 12 years.

It should be borne in mind that the most efficient use of the machine can be ensured by rational alternation and periodicity of inspections and scheduled repairs, which are carried out taking into account the operating conditions specific to each individual machine.

Typical repair works performed during scheduled repairs.


External inspection without disassembly to detect defects of the machine as a whole and in units.

Check of strength and density of fixed rigid joints (bases with foundation; stands with base; spindle head; feed boxes with frame; carriages with apron; pulleys with shafts, etc.).

Opening of unit covers for inspection and check of mechanisms condition.

Recess of play in screw pair of transverse slide drive.

Check correct switching of spindle and feed speed handles.

Adjustment of main drive friction clutch and spindle band brake.

Tightening of clamping strips of carriage and wedges of cross and cutter slides.

Cleaning of mating surfaces of cutter holder, grinding of nicks and scratches.

Check the condition of guide frames and carriages, grinding of nicks, scratches, bolts.

Cleaning and washing of treads on carriage, caliper slides and tailstock.

Tightening or replacement of loosened or worn fasteners - pins, screws, nuts, and springs.

Cleaning, tensioning, repair or replacement of the main drive belts, the quick displacement drive of the caliper and the lubrication pump drive.

Check of condition and minor repair of cooling system.

Check of lubrication system condition and minor repair.

Check of condition, cleaning and minor repair of enclosures, boards, etc.

Identification of worn parts requiring repair or replacement during the nearest scheduled repair.

Inspection before overhaul. Works performed during inspections before other views

repairs and, in addition, identification of parts requiring restoration or replacement, sketching or ordering of drawings of worn parts from parts subject to disassembly.

Note: During the inspection, those listed works are performed, the need for which is due to the condition of the machine.

Minor repairs

Partial disassembly of spindle head, feed box, apron, as well as other most contaminated units. Opening of covers and removal of casings for internal inspection and washing of other units.

Grinding of mounting surfaces for accessories on the spindle and pinhole of the rear head without removal of the latter.

Check of clearances between shafts and bushings, replacement of worn bushings, adjustment of rolling bearings (except spindle ones), replacement of worn ones.

Adjustment of the main drive friction clutch, addition of discs, adjustment of the spindle band brake.

Grinding of burrs on gear teeth and splines.

Replacement or restoration of worn out fasteners and adjustment parts of cutter holders.

Sewing or grinding of adjusting wedges, pressure strips, etc.

Grinding of lead screw, drive shaft, drive screws of cross and cutter slides of caliper.

Grinding and flushing of cutting head mounting surfaces.

Check of operation and regulation of levers and handles of controls, locking, fixing, safety mechanisms and limiters; replacement of worn cracks, pins, springs and other parts of specified mechanisms.

Replacement of worn out parts that are supposed to fail operation until the next scheduled repair.

Cleaning zaboin, hangnails, zadir and scratches on the rubbing surfaces of guides of the bed, carriage, a sled of a support and the back grandma.

Repair of enclosures, panels, screens, etc.

Repair and flushing of lubrication system and elimination of leaks.

Control of smooth movement of carriage, caliper sled; tightening of wedges of pressure strips.

Check of condition and cleaning of gear couplings.

Check and repair of pneumatic equipment and cooling systems; elimination of leaks.

Identify parts that need to be replaced or repaired in the near scheduled repair.

Check of machine installation accuracy and selective other accuracy parameters.

Idling the machine at all speeds and feeds, noise testing, heating and machining accuracy and cleanliness.

Note: In case of small repair, those of the specified works that are caused by the state of the machine under repair are performed, with the exception of the works provided for in the last three points, which must be carried out in all cases.


Check the machine for accuracy before disassembly.

Measurement of wear of friction surfaces prior to repair of basic parts.

Complete disassembly of the machine and all its units.

Flushing, wiping all parts.

Inspect all parts.

Clarification of pre-prepared (during inspections and repairs) list of defective parts requiring restoration or replacement.

Repair or replace worn parts.

Repair of cooling system.

Change of lubrication system pump and its repair.

Grinding or machining of guide surfaces of frame, carriage, caliper sled, tailstock.

Replacement of treads on carriage, caliper slides, tailstock.

Assembly of all machine units, checking of correct interaction of units and mechanisms.

Covering and painting of all unprocessed surfaces in accordance with the new equipment finishing requirements.

Idling of the machine at all speeds and feeds.

Noise and heating check.

The apron mechanism is lubricated automatically by an individual plunger pump. Industrial oil IGNSp20 TU 38.101.79879 filtered to 40 mcm, volume 20 l.

Kinematic and power parameters of longitudinal feed drive elements are given in Table 1.2, transverse - Table 1.3.

1.3 Conclusion on processability and repairability

The technological efficiency of the design is manifested in the reduction of costs for the design, technological preparation of production and the manufacturing process, as well as the reduction of operating costs by increasing the service life, maintenance and repair.

Having analyzed the criteria for processability to parts, such as: rational choice of the method of obtaining blanks; possibility of application of high-tech methods of parts processing; possibility of alignment of technological and design bases when withstanding dimensions, roughness and spatial deviations of geometric shape and mutual arrangement of surfaces with geometric errors of machine tools, it is possible to come to the conclusion that parts are technological.

Repairability is a property of the product, which consists in adapting to the prevention, detection, and elimination of failures and faults through maintenance and repairs. The quantity of repairability is determined by the cost of time and funds for troubleshooting, preparation of spare parts for repair, replacement and restoration of the faulty unit, post-repair adjustment, inspection of repair quality, as well as organizational time. That is, repairability is characterized by the adaptability of machines and mechanisms to the possibility of troubleshooting, repairability.

Repairability has a significant impact on the level of costs associated with the operation of industrial equipment and is one of the most important ways to ensure the reliability and durability of the machine.

Since the apron is a complex structure, it is not economically feasible to manufacture it. It is preferable to repair individual sections with various known repair methods.

After analyzing the possible methods used in repairing the apron and caliper of the 1A824 roller mill, it can be concluded that the repair object is repairable.

Process Part

2.1 Development of process repair route

When repairing the machine, it is necessary to follow a certain procedure for the clearest organization and best repair work.

The sequence of these actions is: determination of mechanism faults; establishing the sequence of its disassembly; disassembly of the mechanism into assembly units and parts, their washing; determination of the nature and magnitude of wear of parts and their defects; repair of parts; assembly of mechanisms with fitting of parts; verification and regulation of the assembled mechanism.

Prior to repair, the equipment shall be cleaned of chips, dirt, dust and coolant.

Prior to repair the equipment shall be cleaned of chips, dirt, dust and lubricating and humidifying liquid.

The transfer of equipment for overhaul is executed by a special act drawn up by the inspector of the department of chief mechanics together with the mechanic of the production workshop. The report includes the results of external inspection and tests on the go, as well as the comments of a specialist (machine tool) working on the machine.

External inspection shall establish completeness of all machine mechanisms, determine presence of malfunctions, as well as burrs, nicks, dents, cracks, fractures, bends and other defects of parts visible without disassembling the mechanisms; besides, state of lubricating and protective devices is evaluated.

The machine repair diagram is shown in Fig. 2.1.

2.2 Selection of assembly disassembly methods. To Define a Disassembly and Assembly Sequence

The successful repair of the machine depends to a large extent on how it was disassembled. Disassembly operations are responsible repair operations performed according to a certain technology for each unit. Before disassembling the machine, you need to familiarize yourself with its device, purpose and interaction of assembly units and parts. If this is difficult to carry out during his examination, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions and drawings attached to this machine and only then begin to disassemble it. In the same way, prior to the detailed disassembly of an assembly unit, it is necessary to study its internal device and methods of fixing individual parts well, to establish the order and methods of disassembly.

In the conditions of the mechanical section of the repair and mechanical workshop, a single series-parallel stationary manual assembly and a general assembly with fitting and regulation became the most widespread.

Figure 2.1 - Machine Repair Process Diagram

Before the disassembly, it is necessary: to prepare an area near the machine sufficient for the normal operation of mechanic repairmen and the correct placement of parts removed from the machine, as well as for their cantoning; check availability of all slings and other load-gripping devices required for operation; procure the required number of linings, spacers and caps for laying of removed parts; prepare tools and accessories, the use of which eliminates the possibility of damage to suitable parts.

The apron assembly sequence is shown on sheet 30.DP.0203.06.04 of the graphic part of the project.

2.3 Analysis of equipment (unit) state. Preparation of a list of defects. Select parts to be repaired or replaced

During this operation, to assess the technical condition of the part, defects are detected and the possibility of further use of the part, the need for its repair or replacement is determined. During the defect, the following are established: wear of working surfaces, that is, changing the dimensions and geometric shape of the parts; the presence of dyes, cracks, chips, holes, scratches, balls, etc.; residual deformations in the form of bending, skew; change in physical and mechanical properties as a result of exposure to temperature, moisture, etc. The part is first inspected, then its shape and dimensions are controlled with the appropriate verification and measuring tool. In some cases, the interaction of this part with others associated with it is checked to establish that it is more appropriate to repair it or replace it with a new one.

The part to be restored must have a significant margin of safety, allowing to restore or change the dimensions of the mating surfaces, without reducing their durability and preserving the operational qualities of the assemblies and the product as a whole.

In the 1A824 roller mill, parts such as the lead screw and nut (screw pair) are most susceptible to wear; worm and worm wheel; caliper guides; electromagnetic couplings.

For reasons of strength during operation and repair, the following limits of changes in the dimensions of parts as a percentage of the nominal size are allowed: the thread diameter of the lead screws and worms is 8%.

It is calculated that the change in diameter does not exceed this limit after the screw is changed.

Based on the above, we draw up a map of defects and repairs.

2.4 Selection of recovery methods for parts

Since the worm works in movable connection with the worm wheel, and the screw in movable connection with the nut, as a result of which friction forces arise, restoration by spraying is not practical, and the build-up method is bulky and does not justify itself. Let's switch the worm and screw over the profile so that the width of the turn after the recess corresponds to the original width, this is the most economical method (the strength condition is observed).

The repair of the worm wheel will consist in replacing the gear rim, and we will make a new bronze nut.

Restoring worn surfaces by machining to repair dimensions is the most versatile and common method. To restore the shape of worn surfaces, the allowance is removed until wear traces are eliminated. This changes the dimensions of the restored surface, and to restore the original nature of the blend, you need to resize the surface of the mating part accordingly, which must be replaced by a new one.

Consider the possibility of shifting the worm. In order that the profile of a worm did not change, all diametrical sizes change to a certain coefficient of shift χ (fig. 2.2). We define this coefficient by the formula:


where δand - value of teeth wear to the side,


zmin - allowance for grinding on the side, which is determined by the formula:

where - tolerance for radial run-out of the turn;

- tolerance for error of turn profile;

m is the engagement module.

Knowing shift coefficient χ we will make calculation of the worm gear.

Figure 2.2 - Worm wheel tooth profile

Source Data:

Module m = 6 mm

Worm diameter factor q = 13

Number of worm turns z1 = 1

Worm View ZA

Profile angle ax = 20 °

Turn height factor h = 2 + 0.2 ∙ cos γ

Head height factor ha = 1.0

Design thickness factor s = 1.571

Inter-axial distance aω = 126 mm

Coefficient of shift of a worm χ = - 0.12

Coefficient of shift of a worm wheel χ = 0.12

Number of teeth of worm wheel z2 = 29

Calculation of worm and worm wheel diameters:

Dividing diameter:

worm d1

Turn travel Pz1

During machining to the repair size, the recoverable wear is up to 10% of the nominal size depending on the strength and rigidity of the part.

Advantages of the method:

• high accuracy;

• Performance;

• versatility;

• simplicity;

• prevalence of equipment;

• minor heat generation;

• small thermal deformations.

Disadvantages of the method:

• the need to refine or replace the mating part;

• reduced strength and rigidity.

When choosing the method of repair of guide machines, we are guided by the amount of wear and how much the enterprise is equipped with special equipment and equipment.

During operation of the machine, the surfaces of the strip and guides wear out, an increased gap is formed, which during repair is eliminated by stamping, milling, finishing, grinding, installation of compensation linings and other methods. The most rational method is the butacryl recovery method, since it completely eliminates labor-intensive running operations, provides good operating conditions, and increases the durability of the coupling.

In order to create a layer of butacryl of rational thickness, a layer of metal up to 15% of the nominal height of the strip, but not less than 1.5 and not more than 3 mm, is removed from the rubbing surface of the strip by construction. Surface roughness shall be Rz 80. The enlarged surface of the strip is thoroughly degreased, and a separating layer of soap is applied to the mating surface of the guide.

A solution layer with thickness of about 0.5 -1 mm is applied on the defatted surface and held for 10-15 minutes until a dough-like state is formed. This operation is repeated several times until the buildup layer of acryloplastic is 0.5-1 mm more than necessary. Then the bar is installed in place and fixed with screws. In this case, the excess acrylic plastic is extruded and the necessary mating is automatically installed. The repair of the strips ends with the removal of the lugs of plastic and the execution of lubricating grooves.

Hardened plates made of this material are wear resistant, work well in tandem with iron, steel, bronze; Note here that friction factor makes 0.18 while the required amount of antifriction material is added to the composition to decrease to 0.14.

Electromagnetic couplings, widely used in equipment drives, serve to connect and disconnect the driving and driven shafts without stopping the driving shafts, as well as for starting, braking, reversing and switching speeds and supplies.

During operation, it is necessary to periodically adjust the clearance between the disks, achieving a given torque. Specified clearance is created in electromagnetic couplings by selection of remote rings or cutting of ends of mating parts, and increased total clearance is eliminated by setting of additional disks. Discs with scratches are repaired by grinding, but if grinding does not give the necessary result, then they are replaced by new ones. It is also possible to repair the sleeve discs with epoxy compositions.

To do this, a large number of holes with a diameter of 3-4 mm are drilled in a steel disk, after which the disk is washed and thoroughly degreased. The prepared disk is installed in a special device and covered on both sides with a thin layer of plastic 1-2 mm thick. The hardening of the plastic can take place in the open air or in a thermostat.

Plastic-lined discs work well in tandem with steel discs. The replacement of conventional friction materials with friction plastic makes it possible to increase the service life of friction surfaces several times.

The body and armature are made of soft steels having a minimum value of residual magnetic induction, in order to prevent the disks from sticking together when the coil is disconnected. The compression force of the disks depends on their thickness (in electromagnetic couplings, the thickness of the disks is usually 0.4-0.25 mm). In order to increase durability, the discs are made of 65G steel, which is heat treated.

Dents in the slots of the holder (leash) are eliminated by welding with subsequent mechanical treatment (soldering). Faulty coils are either replaced with new coils, or the winding is rewound in them. Before installation, working surfaces of friction discs are cleaned from solid particles, also in cavities of cones of units of non-contact couplings, into which discs are inserted. The contact ring working surface shall not have a run-out (tolerance 0.02 - 0.04 mm). The lead of the outer discs shall rotate with the clutch relative to one axis (permissible deviation from concentricity 0.03 mm).

2.5 Development of process processes of parts restoration (manufacturing)

When selecting a workpiece, it should be borne in mind that in repair production it is most rational to use simpler and cheaper methods of obtaining workpieces. On the basis of it for a gear wreath of a worm wheel we choose material according to the passport of the machine - Br.O5Ts5S5.

The preparation of the worm shaft is as follows:

• Surface control and wear detection;

• washing and cleaning of the surface;

• grinding of worm outer diameter;

• grinding of worm profile.

Basing of worm shaft is performed in centers with driving cartridge.

The preparation of the worm wheel is as follows:

• cutting of worn gear rim;

• surface cleaning;

• casting of a new toothed rim;

• turning of the gear rim;

• cutting of teeth on worm wheel.

Basing of worm wheel is performed by two methods:

• processing on own shaft with special retainers;

• on splined mandrel if shaft is damaged.

When completing the preparation, we monitor the accuracy of installation of the worm and worm wheel with an indicator.

Depending on the shape, dimensional links, accuracy requirements, the state of the surfaces to be treated, we will select the technological bases and set the sequence of their change during the part repair. When selecting process bases, we will follow the following rules:

1. when processing castings, forgings, welded blanks, unprocessed surfaces can be used as bases only in the first operations. Unprocessed surfaces cannot be reused as bases for subsequent processing. Therefore, do not reinstall the workpiece until the finishing bases have been processed for subsequent processing;

2. To ensure high basing accuracy, surfaces of sufficient size, free of defects, with higher accuracy and low roughness should be used as technological bases where possible;

3. If you have surfaces that are not machined, it is recommended that you use these surfaces as draft bases. In this case, maximum accuracy of mutual arrangement of treated and unprocessed surfaces will be ensured;

4. If all surfaces are treated, the surfaces with the lowest allowances should be used as draft bases in the first operations;

5. The base for the first operation should be selected based on the best surface conditions used to base the workpiece in subsequent operations;

6. The most accurate processing is achieved with respect for the principle of base unity, that is, when using the same base surfaces on all operations;

7. when finishing, it is recommended to follow the principle of base alignment, that is, use as technological design and measurement bases. It should be borne in mind that when combining process and measurement bases, the basing error is zero;

8. Final machining bases shall have the highest dimensional and geometric accuracy and the lowest surface roughness. Their deformation under the action of technological forces, clamping forces and workpiece weight shall be minimal;

9. selected process bases in combination with clamping devices shall ensure strong and reliable fastening of the workpiece and its constant position during processing;

10. accepted bases and basing method should ensure safe operation, easy installation and removal of the workpiece, simple and reliable design of the device.

In repair production, three types of workpiece installation are used:

• in appliances;

• with reconciliation on the machine;

• with reconciliation against layout risks.

It is time consuming to install the workpiece with reconciliation, but it avoids the need for special appliances. Therefore, both types of procurement installation with reconciliation are widely used in repair production conditions.

When choosing the technological bases and methods of installation of the workpiece, it is necessary to strive for the preferential use of universal, readjustable and universal-prefabricated (USP) devices. If the installation in a universal, readjustable or universal assembly does not meet the requirements of accuracy, strength and reliability of attachment, safety, simple readjustment, the possibility of using the installation with reconciliation should be considered, and only if there is no acceptable result in this case, special devices should be used to install the workpiece.

On the basis of these requirements, we will draw up schemes for installing the workpiece at various transitions during machining, (Fig. 2.3-2.4).

Figure 2.3 - Worm shaft installation diagram

The following rules should guide the determination of a rational structure and sequence of operations:

1. if possible, operations should be equal or multiple in terms of labor intensity;

2. each subsequent operation should reduce errors and improve surface quality;

3. First of all, the surface should be treated, which will serve as the technological basis for subsequent operations;

4. in order to timely detect hidden defects of the workpiece, it is necessary to provide for primary treatment of surfaces on which defects are not allowed;

5. treatment of complex surfaces (cutting threads with cutters, processing of shaped surfaces, teeth of gears, splines, etc.), which require special adjustment of the machine, should be allocated in independent operations;

6. It is recommended to separate rough and finishing workpieces with significant allowances into different operations;

7. To avoid the risk of damage during the treatment of finished surfaces, they should be finished at final operations;

8. When finalizing precise surfaces, it is not recommended to include transitions that require a tool change in the operation.

9. machining of surfaces with exact mutual arrangement should, if possible, be included in one operation and performed in one fastening of the workpiece;

10. machining of stepped surfaces shall be carried out in such a sequence that the total length of the working strokes of the tools is minimal;

11. the processing sequence should be such that the stiffness of the workpiece is reduced to the least extent. For example, for these reasons, rough machining of stepped shafts should begin with machining of stages of the largest diameter;

12. The transitions made by the different tools should, if possible, be arranged in such a sequence that the path of the least resistant tools is the smallest. For example, for these reasons, the drilling of the stepped holes should be performed first with a larger diameter drill;

13. when determining the sequence of transitions, provide for advance execution of those that prepare the possibility of performing subsequent transitions;

14. When machining holes, do not combine in a single drilling and swelling operation;

15. the processing sequence shall ensure the required quality of the part execution. For example, when machining thin-walled sleeves, the opening must first be swept and the outer surface treated on the mandrel; chamfer treatment before finishing precise surfaces; roll the corrugations before machining the chamfers;

16. the number of tools used during the operation shall not exceed the capacity of the tool holder, turret or tool magazine;

17. the combination of rough and finishing operations on one machine leads to a decrease in the accuracy of finishing operations due to increased wear on the machine when performing rough operations;

18. if the workpiece is subjected to heat treatment in the manufacturing process, the mechanical treatment is carried out in two or more steps separated by heat treatment. The treatment of the steel heat-resistant parts by the blade tool should be carried out as far as possible before the final heat treatment.

Results of selection of processing types and stages are presented in the form of Tables 2.3 and 2.6 Selection of repair equipment

The list of equipment for repair and measuring instruments is drawn up in the form of Table 2.5.

2.7 Calculation of allowances, repair, operating and intermediate dimensions

Calculation of allowances, repair, operating and intermediate dimensions is performed in the form of Tables 2.6 and 2.7.

surface treatment Ø 199.4 mm

2.8 Purpose of treatment modes of recoverable surfaces

The calculations of cutting modes are given for two turning operations, and the rest are summarized in summary table 2.8.

1 Face clipping 2.5 × 45 °.

Source Data:

Current operation

Machining View - End Crop

Machining Mode - Draft Turn

Processed material - Bronze B.O5C5C5

Procurement Type - Casting

Surface condition - with crust

Surface accuracy requirements:

quota h14;

roughness Ra 6.3;

allowance z = 1.8 mm per side;

billet diameter D = 205 mm;

final treatment diameter d = 150 mm.

Machine Information:

type - lathe;

model 16K20F3;

speed limits (b/s) 22.1 - 2240 min -1;

feed limits (b/s) 0.01 - 40 mm/v;

drive power of the main motion 10 kW.

About the tool:

type - turning cutter, undercut with mechanical attachment and replaceable polyhedral hard alloy plate;

material of cutting part - solid alloy BK6;

geometric parameters:

φ = 95°;

φ´= 5°;

α = 6°;

γ = 5°;

λ = 0°;

r = 0.8 mm.

For these processing conditions, the cutting depth, mm, is equal to the processing allowance z:

Adjustment to [2] is required to obtain the specified roughness. We accept

Tool persistence period is assigned [2]

Cutting speed, m/min, at longitudinal and transverse turning is determined by empirical formula:

Let's put the numerical values in formula (2.2), find the cutting speed:

where Kmr is a factor that takes into account the quality of the material;

Кφр, Кγр, Кλр Krp - the coefficient considering geometrical parameters of the cutting part of a cutter.

These coefficients are determined by [2]:

Kmr = 0.75; Кφр = 0.89; Kαr = 1, Kαr = 1; Krp = 1.

Machine drive allows processing with assigned parameters of cutting modes.

2 Face clipping 2.5 × 45 °.

Source Data:

Current operation

Machining View - End Crop

Processing Nature - Finishing Turn

Processed material - Bronze B.O5C5C5

Surface State - Processed

Surface accuracy requirements:

quota h14;

roughness Ra 1.6;

allowance z = 0.7 mm per side;

billet diameter D = 205 mm;

final treatment diameter d = 150 mm.

Machine Information:

type - lathe;

model 16K20F3;

speed limits (b/s) 22.1 - 2240 min -1;

feed limits (b/s) 0.01 - 40 mm/v;

drive power of the main motion 10 kW.

About the tool:

type - turning cutter, undercut with mechanical attachment and replaceable polyhedral hard alloy plate;

material of cutting part - solid alloy BK6;

geometric parameters:

φ = 95°;

φ´= 5°;

α = 6°;

γ = 5°;

λ = 0°;

r = 0.8 mm.

For these processing conditions, the cutting depth, mm, is equal to the allowance z on

Machine drive allows processing with assigned parameters of cutting modes.

2.9 Time Standards

Time standards for detailed technological operations are determined by technical calculation by standards. In this case, we calculate the work time elements:

• preparatory and final time;

• technological (main) time;

• auxiliary time;

• operating time;

• workplace maintenance time

• rest time and natural needs;

• piece time;

• Piece and calculation time.

To compare the scope of repair work, as well as to compare the scope of repair work of a workshop or enterprise over several years or other periods of time, a physical unit is needed with which it is possible to measure the physical scope of work performed during repair; it must be stable, do not change over time when the organizational and technical conditions for the repair are changed.

We set the time standards for one operation, and summarize the rest into Table 2.8.

We define That for the turning of the chamfer, which we calculate using the formula:

Time standards for operations on the model 16K20F3 machine are determined as per [3]:

where TP.Z - preparatory and final time, min.;

TSh - piece time.

where Ttsa - time of a cycle of automatic operation of the machine on the program, min.;

ateh, aorg, aotl - time for technical and organizational maintenance of the workplace, for rest and personal needs.

where TMV - machine and auxiliary time as per program, min.

where F.y - time for installation and removal of the part by hand or by hoist, min;

F.Op - auxiliary time associated with the operation, min;

Tw.ism - auxiliary non-overlapping time for measurements, min.

We substitute the values in formula (2.9):

The pre-final time standards are designed for the adjustment of CNC machines for processing parts according to the implemented control programs and do not include actions for additional programming directly at the workplace, and are determined by the formula:

where - the norm of time for organizational training, mines;

- time limit for adjustment of machine, accessory, tool, software devices, min.

The standard time for organizational preparation consists of:

• obtain work order, drawing, process documentation, cutting and auxiliary tools, etc. - at the workplace - 4 minutes;

• obtain a work order, drawing, process documentation, cutting and auxiliary tools, etc. - in the tool-dispenser pantry - 9 minutes;

• familiarize with the work, drawing, process documentation, examine the workpieces - 2.0 min;

• Instructing the master - 2.0 min.


The standard time for organizational preparation consists of:

• set initial modes of machine operation (number of revolutions, supply, etc.), time for one measurement - 0.15 min;

• time per instrument - 0.6 min;

• time per size for the program set - 4 minutes;

• set initial coordinates X and Z - 5.0 min.


We substitute the data into formulas (2.12 and 2.8):

2.10 Selection of control method

When selecting control methods, we establish quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the product, assign control forms, select measuring means for monitoring the product during repair and the finished (repaired) product. The final control operation of the repair process is testing, during which the result of repair and assembly is checked. Tests of machines or assemblies are carried out under artificially created conditions similar to operational ones.

Product assembly quality control. Technical quality control of the manufactured products occupies an important place in the design of technological processes of general and node assembly. Quality is ensured by prevention and timely detection of product scrap at all stages of the production process. Preventive control is aimed at checking components, semi-finished products and parts of adjacent industries, at checking assembly equipment and accessories, as well as at systematic verification of the correct process of assembly. The quality of products in the assembly shops is controlled by workers, equipment controllers and site masters. Less work is done by supervisors, performing intermediate and final control. The routing technology indicates the control operations and control elements included in the assembly operations.

During assembly and general assembly, check:

1. availability of necessary parts in assembled joints (inspected);

2. correct position of mating parts and assemblies (inspected);

3. clearances in assembled fillets (probe);

4. accuracy of mutual position of conjugated parts (for radial and axial run-out, etc., are performed in control devices);

5. tightness of connection in special accessories and density of parts surfaces abutment on paint during assembly;

6. tightening of threaded connections, density and quality of rivets installation, density of rolling and other connections;

7. dimensions specified in assembly drawings;

8. fulfillment of special requirements (balance of rotation units, adjustment by weight and static moment, probe check is performed during assembly and after its completion);

9. performance of parameters of assembled articles and their components (capacity and developed head of pumps, accuracy of dividing mechanisms, quality of contact in electrical connections, etc.);

10. appearance of assembled articles (absence of damages of parts, contaminants and other defects that may occur during assembly).

The control function also includes checking the prescribed sequence of assembly transitions (tightening order of threaded joints, sequence of welding joints, etc.) and checking the mandatory execution of auxiliary operations (washing and cleaning of mating parts, washing of pipelines, etc.). The task of designing the assembly technology is related to the choice of organizational and technical form and controls.

The choice of measuring means should be made in accordance with design, economic considerations.

Test of assembled articles. Test of assembled products - final control operation of their manufacturing quality. Machines are tested in conditions approaching operational. All types of tests can be reduced to acceptance, control and special ones.

During acceptance tests, the actual performance of the machine (accuracy, performance, power, energy costs, etc.), as well as the correctness of the operation of various mechanisms and devices of the machine, are revealed.

Items that have previously been defective are subjected to control tests. At particularly high requirements for products, they are subjected to rolling after assembly and tested. Then they are disassembled (partially or completely), the state of the parts is checked, reassembled and subjected to short-term control tests.

Special tests are performed to study wear, check the reliability of individual devices, establish the suitability of new grades of materials for critical parts and study other phenomena in machines. Special tests are of great duration. Their program is developed depending on the purpose of the tests. These tests are carried out not only by the assembled articles, but also by their components (gearboxes, water and oil pumps and other mechanisms). Tests are carried out on special stands.

The list of test equipment is given in Table 2.5.

3 Design part

3.1 Design of special worm cutter

Design of worm cutter for worm wheel cutting.

Worm cutter is designed for cutting teeth of worm gear wheel replaced during repair.

The cutter is used on the 5K324 toothshield and operates with radial feed.

Source Data:

Type of transition worm - ZA archimedes

Number of worm entries - z1 = 1

Module - axial mx = 6 mm

Number of teeth of worm wheel - z2 = 29

Coefficient of shift of the cut wheel - χ = 0.12

Wheel Gear Line Direction - Right

Degree of accuracy - 7-С

Axial distance - a0 = 126 mm

Worm geometric parameters:

Dividing diameter - dm = 78 mm

Outer diameter - da1 = 88.6 mm

Calculation of worm cutter is performed as per [13].

1. Average calculation of mill diameter dm0:

2. Axial pitch of milling cutter teeth:

where Px is the axial pitch of the worm.

For Archimedean worm:

3. Cutter outer diameter:

where and - a stock on a repoint, mm;

С - radial clearance, mm;

4. Outer diameter of overwrapped cutter:

5. The number of teeth of the cutter is chosen so that it does not have common factors with the number of its entries, the number of teeth of the wheel was not a multiple of the number of teeth of the cutter and the number of its entries. Number of milling cutter teeth is taken equal to z0 = 10 mm.

6. Length of mill working part:

Taking into account the length of the threaded part of the worm, we take l = 112 mm.

Assign worm cutter features as per GOST 932480.

Collar diameter d1 = 50 mm, collar length l1 = 4 mm.

Diameter of cutter mounting hole d = 32 mm.

Assign the precision class to the mill.

In accordance with the requirements for the accuracy of the wheel being cut (degree of accuracy 7-C), we assign accuracy class A. to the mill. We summarize the required tolerances and limit deviations into Table 3.1. Roughness - in Table 3.2.

Defines the geometry of the mill.

In order for the dimensions of the milling cutter to be minimally changed during reels, the selection of the rear angle and the value of the nape K is made with the provision of the minimum value of the side rear angle:

To ensure the required accuracy of the profile in the bottom case, a ground profile is provided.

Value of additional backlash

Angle of screw lifting along the average diameter:

Since the rear surfaces of the cutter teeth are helical, different from the surface of the main worm, the angles of the profile of the cutter teeth in the axial section should be calculated taking into account the bottom displacement, depending on the amount of occlusion K, the number of grooves of the cutter z0, the pitch of the screw chip groove PZ, the direction of the turns (right-lead cutting). For right-of-way therefore we have:

3.2 Design of locking rings for gear wheel treatment

To implement the selected worm wheel repair method, there are three options for installing a tooth milling workpiece:

1. Basing of part on machine table with adjustment of splines along internal diameter with attachment by axial clamp.

2. Basing and fixing of blank on splined mandrel.

3. Wheel blank is assembled on splined shaft installed in centers.

The first version is the most versatile and does not require special equipment and can be used when there are no suitable devices. But the part requires labor-intensive reconciliation, which can be disrupted during the fixing process.

For single production, the use of the second version can cause some difficulties due to the need for a special mandrel that will be used for this wheel. This method can be used if a mandrel of suitable size is available.

The third option is more preferable and rational, since on the one hand complex special equipment is not required, and on the other hand provides the highest accuracy of the worm gear. Because assembly machining eliminates a number of assembly assembly errors.

It is proposed to use a designed set of split rings to secure the wheel blank on the shaft and base it in the axial direction.

Set of split fixing rings consists of three pieces, namely, support, thrust and pressure rings.

Diagram of worm wheel installation on splined shaft using split fixing rings is shown in Figure 3.2.

Assemble the kit in the following sequence:

• support ring 1 is put on bearing journal and fixed by tightening of screw M 12;

• a worm wheel blank is put on the splined shaft, manually pressed against the support ring 1;

• a stop ring 2 and a hold-down ring 3 are put on the splined shaft in series, the last ring is fixed. Then we fix the thrust ring. Due to the fact that the thrust ring mates with the pressing ring 3 along the conical surface, when tightened, the thrust ring 2 slides along the cone at an angle of 15 °, moves to the end of the blank and tightly presses it against the thrust ring 1, fixing the blank in the axial direction.

3.3 Design of tooling for grinding wheel straightening

When grinding the profile of the worm shaft, we use an accessory for straightening the profile of the grinding wheel by enveloping.

The accessory is presented on sheet 30.DP.0203.06.04.02 of the graphic part of the project.

Device consists of: arch 1, trunnion 2, pin 3, slide 4, carriage 5, protective casing 6, diamond 7.

In the process of straightening the circle, the diamond communicates movement along the generatrix of the helical surface reproducing the worm surface in space. The surface of the circle thus filled is an envelope of the surface of the worm with the axial profile of the required curvature.

On the 5K823B model threaded grinding machine configured for grinding the profile of the worm shaft, in the centers of the machine, instead of the worm shaft, an accessory is installed that is attached to the lead of the front head spindle. When straightening, the tool moves with the table and rotates about the axis of the centers at a speed set for the pitch of the main worm. Straightening of the circle is performed during reciprocal movement of table and slider 4 with diamond 7. When grinding an Archimedean worm, the diamond tip must be in the plane passing through the axis of the worm to be ground.

10 Project Conclusion

In the process of repairing the 1A824, 1A85, 1A826 roller cutters, rational and economical methods for restoring apron parts were developed. The necessary set of repair equipment has been designed.

A mechanical section of the repair and mechanical workshop was designed for the organization of overhauls of roller mill units in the conditions of MMK Ilyich OJSC, and machine equipment in the amount of 18 units was rationally installed on the layout drawing of the workshop.

The number of workers and employees of the site is 31 people.

Economic justification of repair production efficiency in this area was carried out.

In the section "Labor Protection," calculations of the contour grounding of sound pressure and other measures for labor protection were made.

The section "Civil Defense" defines the damaging effect of an air shock wave, affecting the effect of thermal radiation, loss of people in an accident with an explosion of fuel and gas air media (TGVS).

Appendix A

List of used literature

1. Balabanov A.N. Short handbook of a technologist-machine engineer. - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1992. – 464 pages.

2. Handbook of Technology and Machine Builder/Ed. A. M. Dalsky, A. G. Suslov A. G. Kosilova and R. K. Meshcheryakov. - M.: Engineering, 2003. T. 1, T. 2.

3. General machine-building standards of time and cutting modes for rationing works performed on universal and multi-purpose CNC machines. Part 1. Time standards. M.: Economics

4. Paley M. M., Dibner L. G., Fleed M. D. Technology of grinding and sharpening of the cutting tool. - M.: Engineering, 1988. – 288 pages.

5. Borisov Yu. S. Organization of equipment repair and maintenance. - M.: Engineering, 1978. – 360 pages.

6. Gelberg B. T., Pekelis G. D. Repair of the industrial Ustatkuvannya. - K.: Technika, 1992.- 349 s.

7. Gelberg B. T., Pekelis G. D. Repair of industrial equipment. - M.: Vysh. sq., 1988.- 304 s.

8. Gorbatsevich A.F., Shkred V.N. Kursovoye design on the technology of mechanical engineering: Study. allowance. - Mn.: Vysh. school, 1983. – 256 pages.

9. GOST 2.60295 Repair documents - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1995. – 34 pages.

10. GOST 2.60468 Repair drawings - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1985. – 12 pages.

11. GOST 52089 Rolling bearings. General Specifications - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1989. – 74 pages.

12. Grigoryants A. G., Safonov A. N. Methods of surface laser processing. - M.: Higher School, 1987. – 191 pages.

13. Toolmaker's Handbook/I.A. Ordinartsev, G.I. Filippov, A.N. Shevchenko and others; Edited by I.A. Ordinartsev. - L.: Mechanical Engineering, 1987 – 846 pages.

14. Kosilova A. G., Meshcheryakov R. K., Kalinin M. A. Accuracy of processing, procurement and allowances in mechanical engineering. Technologist's Guide. - M.: Engineering, 1976. – 288 pages.

15. Kuznetsov Yu. I., Maslov A.R., Baykov A.N. Tooling for CNC machines: Handbook. - M.: Engineering, 1990. – 512 pages.

16. Antonyuk V.E. To the designer of machine tools.: Right. allowance. - Mr.: Belarus, 1991. – 400 pages.

17. Short handbook of the metalworker/Under the commonly. Ed. P. N. Orlov, E. A. Skorokhodov. - M.: Engineering, 1987. – 960 pages.

18. Zapletokhin V. A. Design of parts of mechanical devices.: Reference book. - L.: Engineering. Leningrad. department, 1990. – 669 pages.

19. Metal cutting: Handbook of the technologist/A. A. Panov, V. V. Anikin, N. G. Boim and others; Under the general ed. A. A. Panov. - M.: Engineering, 1988. – 736 pages.

20. Pekelis G. D., Gelberg B. T. Technology for the repair of metal cutting machines. - M.: Engineering, 1976.- 320 s.

21. Dimensional analysis of structures: Handbook/s. G. Bondarenko, O. N. Cherednikov, V.P. Gubiy, T. M. Ignattsev. - K.: Technika, 1989. – 150 pages.

22. Rudenko P. A. and others. Design and production of workpieces in mechanical engineering. - K.: Higher school, 1991. – 247 pages.

23. Manual of mechanics of a machine-building plant. T. 1. Organization and design preparation of repair works. Ed. R. A. Noskin. - M.: Engineering, 624 s.

24. Tylkin M. A. Handbook of the Thermist of the Repair Service. - M.: Metallurgy, 1981. – 648 pages.

25. Repair and restoration of equipment: Methodical instructions for the course work/Manoilov O. V. Mariupol, PSTU, 2002.- 64 s.

26. Zadorozhny B.V. Labor protection in diploma projects. Methodological guide for the specialty "Engineering Technology" - Zhdanov, 1985. – 24 pages.

27. Bukharov I.I. Methodological guide to the calculation of the contour grounding device. Zhdanov, 1984. – 12 pages.

28. Bukharov I.I. Methodological guide to computer calculation of sound pressure levels in rooms. Zhdanov, 1985. – 28 pages.

29. Knorring G. M. Reference book on the design of electric lighting. L.: Electricity, 1976, - 358 s.

30. SNiP II - 479. Natural and artificial lighting. Design Standards. G.: Lighting, No. 10, 1979.

31. Poltev M.K. Labor protection in mechanical engineering. M.: Higher School, 1980, - 292 s.

32. Yudin E.Ya. Labor protection in mechanical engineering. - M.: Engineering, 1984. – 430 pages.

33. Law of Ukraine "On Civil Defense of Ukraine." 1999.

34. The Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Technological and Natural Emergencies." 2000.

35. Shobotov V.M. "Civil Defense," Textbook. - PGTU.2002

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40. Educational and methodological manual on the course "Organization of production" for students of technical specialties of all forms of education ./Comp. V.V. Tyurina - Mariupol, PGTU.2003. – 192 pages.

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Drawings content

icon !_Кольцо прижымное.frw

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icon !_Кольцо упорное.frw

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icon !_Комплект колец.frw

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icon !_Схема обработки чер_кол.dwg

!_Схема обработки чер_кол.dwg

icon !_Фреза m6_1.dwg

!_Фреза m6_1.dwg

icon !_Фреза m6_1.frw

!_Фреза m6_1.frw

icon !_Червячное колесо.frw

!_Червячное колесо.frw

icon Вал-шестерня.cdw


icon ВалЧервячек2.cdw


icon Винт поперечной подачи.cdw

Винт поперечной подачи.cdw

icon Колесо червячное1.cdw

Колесо червячное1.cdw

icon Колцо опорное.cdw

Колцо опорное.cdw

icon Колцо опорное.dwg

Колцо опорное.dwg

icon Колцо опорное.frw

Колцо опорное.frw

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