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Organization of rolling stock repair with unit shop design

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Diploma project-graphic part, explanatory note, presentation

Project's Content

icon вввввввв.bmp
icon Лист 1 Анализ подвижног состава..cdw
icon Лист 2 Генплан.cdw
icon Лист 3 Агрегатный цех.cdw
icon Лист 4 Априорное ранжирование.cdw
icon Лист 5 Техническая характеристика крана.CDW
icon Лист 6 Сборочный чертеж крана.cdw
icon Лист 7 Деталировка.cdw
icon Лист 8 Технологическая карта.cdw
icon Лист 9 Экономика.cdw
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icon Лист 2 Генплан.jpg
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icon 15 Приложение.doc
icon 0 этикетка.docx
icon 1 Пояснительная записка.docx
icon 10 Экономика.docx
icon 11 БЖД.docx
icon 12 Охрана природы.docx
icon 13 Заключение.docx
icon 14 Список используемой литературы.docx
icon 16 Приложение.docx
icon 17 Графический материал.docx
icon 2 Задание.docx
icon 3 Аннотация.docx
icon 4 Содержание.docx
icon 5 введение.docx
icon 6 Характеристика АТП.docx
icon 7 Технологический расчет АТП.docx
icon 8 Технологический расчет производственных зон и участков.docx
icon 9 Конструкторская часть.docx
icon Презентация.pptx

Additional information



1 Description of Kotovskpassazhirovtoservice LLC enterprise

1.1 General description of Kotovskpassazhirovtoservice LLC

1.2 General characteristics of the workshop

1.3 Analysis of maintenance process, T.P. of cars

1.4 Characteristics of rolling stock

1.5 Rationale of thesis project topic

2 Process calculation of ATP

2.1 Initial data

2.2 Adjustment of standard periodicity of maintenance and CG

2.3 Calculation of the production program by the number of impacts

2.3.1 Calculation of the production program by the number of impacts

for life cycle

2.3.2 Calculation of the production program by the number of impacts

for the year

2.3.3 Quantity of maintenance for car groups

2.3.4 Number of diagnostic impacts per year by grade


2.3.5 Definition of daily maintenance and diagnostic program

2.4 Calculation of annual scope of maintenance, maintenance and maintenance

2.4.1 Calculation of standard labor capacity of maintenance equipment

2.4.2 Determination of annual scope of maintenance and maintenance works

2.5 Determination of annual scope of auxiliary works

2.6 Distribution of maintenance and maintenance scope by production

zones and sites

2.7 Calculation of the number of production workers

2.8 Calculation of the number of auxiliary workers

3 Process calculation of production areas and areas

3.1 Calculation of the number of posts and maintenance and repair lines

3.1.1 Calculation of number of universal and specialized posts

3.1.2 Calculation of the number of posts and lines at the service flow method

3.1.3 Calculation and selection of process equipment

3.2 Calculation of areas of production areas and zones

maintenance and maintenance

3.3 Calculation of maintenance and maintenance zone at dead end position of posts

3.4 Layout of the unit shop

4 Design part

4.1.1 Property Selection

4.1.1 A priori ranking of process equipment properties

on the example of hydraulic actuating valve for engines removal

4.1.2 Rationale for design development

of lifting and transportation equipment

4.2 Purpose of the accessory

4.3 Device, operating principles, operation of the accessory

4.4 Crane calculation

4.5 Development of Job Instruction

5 Economic calculation

5.1 Calculation of total operating costs

5.1.1 Calculation of wages of repair workers

5.1.2 Calculation of payroll contributions

5.1.3 Material Cost Calculation

5.1.4 Calculation of spare parts costs

5.1.5 Calculation of depreciation charges

5.1.6 Calculation of general economic expenses

5.1.7 Cost estimate for maintenance and maintenance

5.2 Calculation of operating costs for the implemented equipment

5.2.1 Calculation of equipment maintenance costs

5.2.2 Calculation of equipment depreciation costs

5.2.3 Calculation of Energy Costs

5.3 Calculation of economic efficiency indicators

5.3.1 TP Cost Calculation Calculation of fuel costs Material Cost Calculation

5.3.2 Calculation of variable cost savings

5.3.3 Calculation of annual economic effect

5.3.4 Calculation of payback period

6. Safety of life

6.1 Lighting Requirements

6.2 Calculation of artificial lighting of the unit shop

6.3 Ensuring normal microclimate and air environment at


6.4 Fire Safety

7.Guarding Nature





The diploma project was carried out on the topic "Organization of rolling stock repair with the design of an aggregate workshop in Kotovskpassazhirovtoservice LLC, Kotovsk, Tambov Region" by a student of the AKH51 group M. D. Gutenev, head Glazkov Yu. E., year of protection 2009.

This diploma project collected data and analyzed the rolling stock of Kotovskpassazhirovtoservice OJSC, carried out technological calculation and re-equipped and redeveloped the aggregate workshop. The main design solution is the development of a hydraulic crane, the novelty of which is the possibility of using the crane boom in two horizontal positions, which make it possible to use it more efficiently when removing, transporting and installing units during TR. The economic calculation of investment efficiency was also carried out.

The diploma project consists of an explanatory note, presented on 139 pages and containing 31 tables and 24 drawings, and a graphic part of the project in 9 sheets of A1 format.


Transport is the most important component of Russia's production infrastructure. Its sustainable and effective functioning is a prerequisite for the stabilization, recovery and structural adjustment and national security and defence of the country, the improvement of the living conditions and living standards of the population.

Transport enterprises are gradually adapting to new economic conditions. However, many issues of work and development of transport in the context of the formation of market relations have not yet received a satisfactory solution.

Due to the decline in the volume of traffic of goods and passengers in recent years, some reserves of transport capacity have been formed, but this has not completely eliminated the discrepancy between traffic flows and posts, which causes a number of restrictions and satisfaction of the demand for transport.

One of the main drawbacks of Russian transport is the low technical level and unsatisfactory state of its base.

The main reasons for the low profitability and loss-making of transportation are a decrease in the volume of transportation work while maintaining the entire infrastructure of transport modes and a slight decrease in the number of production personnel, as well as a lag in the growth in income rates, from rising prices consumed by transport fuel, electricity, materials and equipment.

The strategic objective of the state policy is the formation of a transport system that is guaranteed and effectively meets the needs for the transportation of goods and passengers; social; defense, safety and other special requirements, as well as structural restructuring in transport, aimed at strengthening the state regulation of natural monopolies, reducing transport costs in the price of products, determining economically reasonable tariffs, and increased competition between transport enterprises.

At the same time, the development of transport should be carried out interlinked with the general directions and forecasts of the socio-economic efficiency of capital investments and provide for a significant increase in the mechanical level of all modes of transport, their renewal and modernization.

The importance of the coordination of the work of transport modes in transportation in mixed communications, as well as issues of the development of transport modes in the development of new territories and competition of existing areas of the network, remain.

It will therefore be important to create a common information space through the exchange of information between modes of transport.

Vehicles have prospects to increase their participation in the transportation of goods and passengers due to the development of bus services, the increase in the number of individual cars, and the improvement in the composition of transportation.

The priorities of this mode of transport are:

increase in the share of heavy vehicles in the vehicle fleet, in light vehicles;

Replenishment of the bus fleet to allow the establishment of a declining network of regular bus routes in recent years;

development of service structures ensuring the approximation of the level of clients to European and international standards and the operational and repair base, including branded systems of maintenance and repair of cars and buses;

implementation of a set of measures to improve safety

movements provided for by the program approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Roads, as one of the most important and most underdeveloped elements of the transport system, should be given priority development.

The improvement and development of roads should contribute to the creation of conditions for the development of the country's economy and national resources; To increase the cultural standard of living and the conditions of activity of the population, to create new jobs by involving various sectors of production and the population of the country in the implementation of this program.

Transport and operation services, as an independent activity in the implementation of the transportation process, should provide a reduction in the cost of importing and exporting goods compared to the option of independently performing these operations by the cargo owner himself. A fundamental timetable that changes the role and significance of forwarding services should be the improvement of the institution of multimodal transport operators organizing contractual transportation on a door-to-door basis, acting on a contractual basis on their own behalf and at their own expense. By relieving cargo owners of all concerns about the organization of transport, the choice of mode of transport and the mode of delivery of goods, operators must be held responsible to the cargo owner and for the goods from the moment they are taken into their possession until they are issued to the consignee. It is necessary to ensure the development of transport infrastructure at points of direct interaction between different modes of transport and the creation of multifunctional terminal complexes, information and logical centers in them .

3 Process calculation of production areas and areas

3.1 Calculation of the number of posts and maintenance and repair lines

Based on the established production program, the mode of operation of the zones, the selected organizational structure and the maintenance and maintenance technology of cars, the number of lines, specialized and universal posts, the distribution of workers by posts, the calculation and selection of equipment are calculated.

The operation mode of maintenance zones depends on the mode of operation of cars on the line. In order to maximize the use of rolling stock on the line, the EO and TO-1 are carried out at interschange time, after the cars are returned from work. TO-2 is characterized by complexity and relatively more labor intensive, which includes the work of specialized workshops and sections and, as a rule, is carried out on a day shift when all these workshops and sections work.

The mode of operation of specialized diagnostic sections D-1 and D-2 depends on the mode of operation of TO-1 and TO-2 zones. D-1 diagnostics area usually works simultaneously with TO1 zone, and D-2 - with TO-2 zone.

TR zone operation mode is usually two and sometimes three shifts. During the day shift, the most time-consuming and complex work of TR is carried out, requiring the participation of production workshops and sections, as well as work to eliminate spontaneous failures of cars. On the second and third shift, repair work revealed during maintenance and diagnosis and work on driver requests are carried out.

3.1.2 Calculation of the number of posts and lines at the service flow method

The in-line service method can be periodic or continuous. Batch flow lines can be used when performing TO-1 and TO-2 in large enterprises with a daily number of maintenance of the same type of TO-1 cars more than 12... 15 cars and TO-2 more than 5... 6 cars. Continuous flow lines are used for ROs using mechanized installations for car washing and drying with a minimum daily program of at least 100 serviced cars of the same type.

Since the ATP rolling stock has 28 units, the calculation of the number of posts and lines in the in-line service method is not required.

4.2 Purpose of the accessory

Movable hydraulic valve is designed for installation of units and assemblies on a car or bench for disassembly, as well as for lifting and moving the load over short distances.

4.3 Device, operating principles, operation of the accessory

Lifting of load is performed by manual oil pump of manual action mounted on crane frame. Smooth lowering of the load is carried out by turning out the needle of the drain valve. Working cylinder of hydraulic lifting mechanism is connected to crane frame, and rod is connected to cantilever boom. Boom is pivotally connected to vertical post located on frame. Lifting up to one ton is carried out by the main boom. When lifting lighter loads, the departure can be increased by means of an extension which has four fixed positions.


In this diploma project, the organization of technical maintenance and ongoing repair of the rolling stock of the limited liability company Kotovskpassazhirovtoservice was carried out, and the organization of the technological process for performing the current repair was also proposed.

During the development of the project, the following were calculated: the production program for maintenance and maintenance for the year, the number of production personnel in the production departments, and it was also shown that the existing areas of the enterprise are quite sufficient to service the entire rolling stock of the enterprise.

The equipment in the unit shop was analyzed, as a result, the unit shop was redeveloped with the proposed new equipment.

In the design section of the diploma project, a mobile hydraulic crane was proposed for installing units and assemblies on a car or stand for disassembly, as well as for lifting and moving the load over short distances. The installation will reduce the share of physical labor of production personnel and increase labor productivity, which will reduce the cost of repair.

The economic calculation of the efficiency of introducing new equipment at the enterprise in the aggregate workshop was also carried out, as a result of which it was revealed that the payback period for innovations would be 3.7 years.

Also, during the development of the project, measures were taken to ensure favorable working conditions for industrial workers, as well as measures to prevent industrial injuries.

To ensure environmental safety during maintenance and maintenance of the rolling stock of the enterprise, environmental protection measures were carried out.

Drawings content

icon Лист 1 Анализ подвижног состава..cdw

Лист 1 Анализ подвижног состава..cdw

icon Лист 2 Генплан.cdw

Лист 2 Генплан.cdw

icon Лист 3 Агрегатный цех.cdw

Лист 3 Агрегатный цех.cdw

icon Лист 4 Априорное ранжирование.cdw

Лист 4 Априорное ранжирование.cdw

icon Лист 5 Техническая характеристика крана.CDW

Лист 5 Техническая характеристика крана.CDW

icon Лист 6 Сборочный чертеж крана.cdw

Лист 6 Сборочный чертеж крана.cdw

icon Лист 7 Деталировка.cdw

Лист 7 Деталировка.cdw

icon Лист 8 Технологическая карта.cdw

Лист 8 Технологическая карта.cdw

icon Лист 9 Экономика.cdw

Лист 9 Экономика.cdw

icon Спецификация 2.spw

Спецификация 2.spw

icon Спецификация.spw


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