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Waste water treatment system after washing of metro rolling stock


Course project-Waste water treatment system after washing the rolling stock of subway cars. Note attached.

Project's Content

icon Система очистки сточных вод после мойки подвижного состава метро.doc
icon Система очистки сточных вод после мойки подвижного состава метро.dwg

Additional information

Thin layer sump.

In the practice of water treatment for preliminary clarification of water before

by entering its fast filters apply horizontal, vertical,

radial and thin-layer settling tanks. The name of the settling tanks is given in accordance with

the direction and nature of the movement of water in them. Among intensification methods

water impurity deposition process is one of the most promising

settling in a thin layer. Its essence lies in laminarization of water flow

(Re = 60... 80), in which the influence of the weighing component is eliminated. In Russia and

various designs of thin-layer settling tanks with

using plastics, fiberglass and other materials that provide

easy sliding and removal of sediment from the surface. In thin-layer structures

clarification, slurry deposition flows in a small layer of water formed by the device

inclined elements providing quick release of suspension and its sliding along

inclined surface of elements into zone of flapping and sedimentation.

Decreasing the flow height reduces the specific load on the settling area,

which entails a reduction in the amount of motion of the liquid carried by the particles,

higher stability of hydrodynamic structure.

Drawings content

icon Система очистки сточных вод после мойки подвижного состава метро.dwg

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