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Reconstruction of the highway


Reconstruction of the highway 

Project's Content

icon стр 12_Рисунок 3.1 .dwg
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icon Титул.doc
icon ПЗ_Андреенко.docx
icon Лист 2_Профиль.dwg
icon Лист 1_План.dwg

Additional information



1 Characteristics of the design area

2 Substantiation of the need to reconstruct the existing road

3 Assessment of existing road by total accident rate

4 Reconstruction of route plan

5 Reconstruction of culverts

5.1 Calculation of storm runoff and runoff from snow melting

5.2 Designation of measures for reconstruction of culverts

6 Non-construction of road clothing

6.1 Determination of calculated motion intensity and required modulus of elasticity

6.2 Purpose of the existing pavement reinforcement design

6.3 Design of new pavement

6.4 Calculation of permissible elastic deflection

6.5 Calculation of soils of roadbed and fixed materials of structural layers of roadbed for shear resistance

6.6 Calculation of monolithic layers for fatigue tensile fracture resistance

6.7 Calculation of road clothing for frost resistance

7 Reconstruction of longitudinal profile

7.1 Determination of elevation of control points

7.2 Determination of recommended operating elevations

7.3 Analysis of the longitudinal profile and plan of the existing highway

7.4 Application of the design line

8 Reconstruction of the roadbed

9. Reconstruction of the junction (intersections)

9.1 Attachment Type Assignment

9.2 Calculation of interface of edges of adjacent (intersecting) roads

9.3 Guide Island Design

9.4 Assignment of additional safety lanes

10 Engineering Design

11 Technical and Economic Calculations for Road Reconstruction Evaluation

List of literature

Sheet 1 - Route plan of the road to be reconstructed

Sheet 2 - Longitudinal profile of the road to be reconstructed

Sheet 3 - Road Cross Profiles

Sheet 4 - Intersection on PC 162 +


In the twenty-first century, road construction is one of the most important industries, both in the Republic of Belarus and throughout the world, linking countries, cities and enterprises with each other for constant operation, uninterrupted transportation of materials, goods, and passenger transportation. In this regard, it is necessary to tighten and increase the requirements for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of roads. In this aspect, the training of highly qualified specialists, the reformation of the educational process and, accordingly, increasing its effectiveness, does not lose its meaning.

Do not forget that one of the most important indicators in connection with the world economic crisis is also the cheapening of new construction and reconstruction, the introduction of modern technologies to increase the life and quality of roads, the development of economically feasible design solutions for the convenient and fast transportation of goods, people from the initial to the final destination. For these and many other reasons.

That is why it was decided to reconstruct sections of the highway in the Minsk region due to the large concentration of industrial enterprises that occupy up to 70% of the production volume.

Design Area Characteristics

Gomel region is an administrative-territorial unit (region) in the southeastern part of Belarus. The administrative center is the city of Gomel, which has the status of a city of regional subordination.

Most of the region's territory is located within the Polesskaya lowland in the basin of the Pripyat, Berezina and Sozha rivers. Gomel region has administrative borders with three of the six regions of Belarus. In the north it borders with the Minsk and Mogilev regions, in the west - with the Brest region. In the south of the region there is a state border with Ukraine, in the east - with the Russian Federation.

The Gomel region was formed on January 15, 1938 on the basis of the Law of the USSR of 15.01.1938 "On the Amendment and Supplement of the Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR." Before the same current region was preceded by the Gomel province, which was formed in 1919. Until 1919, the current territory of the Gomel region was part of the Minsk and Mogilev provinces. In 1924-1938, the territory of the modern region was located within the Bobruisk, Gomel, Mozyr and Rechitsa districts, in 1938-1954 within the Gomel and Polessky regions themselves (since 1945, also partially as part of the Bobruisk region. Since 1954, the borders of the Gomel region have remained unchanged. It is the largest region of Belarus in terms of area.

The climate in the region is moderately continental, with warm summers and mild winters. The average January temperature is minus 6.3-2.3 ° C, July - plus 17.8-20.6 ° C. In winter, southerly winds prevail, in summer - westerly and northwesterly. The average wind speed per year is about 3 m/s. The annual rainfall ranges from 550-650 mm.

In the region, one of the longest growing periods in the country (191-209 days). The climate favors the cultivation of sugar beets, corn, ripe grape varieties and other crops.

The transport complex of the region has sufficient capabilities to meet the needs of enterprises and the population in transportation and services.

Important transport highways pass through the Gomel region. Large railway junctions are the cities of Gomel, Zhlobin, Kalinkovichi, in each of these cities there is a locomotive depot. In the mid-2010s, the section from Bobruisk to Gomel was electrified. The operational length of the railway tracks is 911 km. In the 2000s and early 2010s, plans were repeatedly announced to build a railway line to the Lelchitsky district for the export of products from construction stone and brown coal deposits adjacent to the existing railway network at the Mikhalki or Yelsk station.

Reconstruction of culverts

To justify the need for the reconstruction of artificial structures, the adequacy of the holes of existing culverts should be checked. For this purpose, storm runoff and runoff from snowmelt are calculated. The largest is taken as the calculated one.

Drawings content

icon стр 12_Рисунок 3.1 .dwg

стр 12_Рисунок 3.1 .dwg

icon Лист 3_Поперечник .dwg

Лист 3_Поперечник .dwg

icon Лист 2_Профиль.dwg

Лист 2_Профиль.dwg

icon Лист 1_План.dwg

Лист 1_План.dwg

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