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Reconstruction of the compressor shop at the Arkaulovo compressor station of the Chelyabinsk-Petrovsk gas pipeline

  • Added: 30.10.2024
  • Size: 2 MB
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The object of the study is the Arkaulovo compressor station of the Chelyabinsk-Petrovsk main gas pipeline

The purpose of the work is to reconstruct the compressor shop of the Arkaulovo compressor station of the Chelyabinsk-Petrovsk main gas pipeline.

In the process of work, a study of the operation of the main equipment of the compressor station was carried out, the fire extinguishing system of the compressor station was considered.

Calculations were performed: the operating mode of the compressor station, the calculation of the air cooler and the calculation of the fire extinguishing system._10 04_

Presented aspects of life safety and environmental friendliness of the reconstruction project. 

Project's Content

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icon КС Arkaulovo.docx
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icon 16.02 Старый ГПА.cdw

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