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Reconstruction of Tashkent Tractor Plant TTZ



Development of PSD should be performed in stages, namely:


Dismantling of ABC and Production Shop - detail drawings + cost estimate documentation;

Design and estimate documentation for ABC;

-AS (Architectural and construction solutions);

-VK (Internal water supply and sewerage to the first pit);

- OV and To (Heating, ventilation and air conditioning);

-OPS (Safety and fire alarm);

-CC (Communication Systems: Telephoning);

-SEC (Power supply);

- VN (Video surveillance system);

- SD (Estimate documentation);

- IPF (General Explanatory Note);

-POS (Construction Organization Project).

II- stage

Design and estimate documentation for the Production Workshop

-AS (Architectural and construction solutions);

-VK (Internal water supply and sewerage to the first pit);

- OV and To (Heating, ventilation and air conditioning);

-SEC (Power supply-only inside the workshop);

-OPS (Safety and fire alarm);

-VN (CCTV system)

- SD (Estimate documentation);

- IPF (General Explanatory Note);

-POS (Construction Organization Project).

Project's Content

icon ЦЕХ.dwg
icon ТТЗ проект 2.dwg

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Drawings content

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