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Reconstruction of a roof of the shop on production of mineral-cotton plates in axes 18-22/A-Zh. - PPM


Explanatory note, routing, construction plan, schedule

Project's Content

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Additional information


The dismantled section of the flooring plates of the production building is a one-story frame building measuring 36x24m in plan, and 8.65m high inside the building.

It is envisaged to use the truck crane LIEBHERR LTM 1090 as a lifting mechanism for removal of the coating plates. Other mechanisms with similar cargo height characteristics may be used.

The dismantled structures are removed from the grabs to the on-site site site for storage by special vehicles (panelevos; shalands).

Section ii. process sequence of works execution

2.1. Preparations

2.1.1. Remove roof insulation, insulation. Works are performed at the stage of roofing works.

2.1.3. Install structures of vertical links provided for replacement of removed ones.

3.2. Removal of coating plates

Removal is performed by a link of five people (two installers; welder; two slings) in the following sequence:

3.2.1. Installers perform cleaning of seams between slabs from mortar and punching of holes in slabs and between slabs (to pass slings SKK2.0 around longitudinal ribs of slab during slinging). To clear the seams and punch the holes, use electric perforators, hammer, teeth, brushes. The debris from clearing the seams is loaded with shovels in the tows and the crane drops down, or dumped along a vertical trough. For the period of work to clear the joints and punch holes, install a protective fence with a height of 1.1m according to GOST 12.4.05989. After completion of the above works, it is necessary to remove the protective fence, and clean the entire area of the removed plates from foreign objects.

3.2.2. Welder performs cutting of welds between embedded parts of dismantled coating plate and truss using gas.

3.2.3. Installers M1 and M2, being on the removed coating plate, perform slinging of the plate in accordance with the slinging diagram. Universal slings SKK2.0 pass around longitudinal ribs of the slab through punched holes in the slabs and seams between the slabs, then one end of the sling passes through the second loop of the sling, is tightened by a jaw and is dressed on a four-branch sling of the crane.

3.2.4. After slinging, sling C1 together with sling C2 prepare a place for receiving the slab on the site for storage of dismantled slabs.

3.2.5. The M1 installer instructs the crane driver to pull up the slings and, if necessary, correct them with the M2 installer. Convinced of the correctness and reliability of the sling, the installers go to a safe distance (opposite to the direction of movement of the plate) and the installer M1 instructs the crane driver to lift the plate. Having raised the plate to a height of ~ 0.5 m from the roof level, the installer M1 gives a command to the crane driver to move the plate in the direction of the storage site.

3.2.6. Slings C1 and C2 receive the dismantled slab at the storage site and are stacked on wooden linings. Then plate is disassembled.

Section iv. Occupational safety measures

The General Contractor and the Subcontractor shall issue the Certificate of Approval before commencing the dismantling works.

The General Contractor is obliged to:

- develop together with them a schedule for the execution of combined works ensuring safe working conditions, mandatory for all organizations and persons at this facility;

- carry out their admission to the production territory taking into account compliance with the requirements of the certificate of admission;

- ensure implementation of labor protection measures common to all organizations and coordination of subcontractors' actions in terms of labor safety measures execution according to the certificate of admission and schedule of combined works.

Work permit shall be issued for removal works. The work permit is issued to the direct work manager (foreman, foreman) by a person authorized by order of the head of the organization. Before starting work, the work manager is obliged to familiarize employees with safety measures for the performance of work and issue an instruction with an entry in the work permit.

The work permit is issued for the period required to perform the specified scope of work. In case of hazardous or harmful production factors in the process of work, which are not provided for by the work permit, the work permit should be stopped, the work permit should be canceled and work resumed only after issuing a new work permit.

The person who issued the work permit is obliged to monitor the implementation of the measures provided for in it to ensure the safety of the work.

It is forbidden to perform dismantling operations at wind speed of 15 m/s and more (removal of trusses is prohibited at wind speed of 10 m/s and more), in case of thunderstorms or fog, which exclude visibility within the work front.

It is forbidden to find persons who are not directly related to these works in the places of dismantling works and in the area of lifting machines operation.

The presence of people and the movement of vehicles in areas where cargo may fall are prohibited.

The hazardous area for finding people should be allocated with a signal fence as per GOST 12.4.05989 and "Hazardous Area. Passage is prohibited. " Select the line of limitation of the crane working area with prohibition signs as per GOST R 12.4.0262001.

All persons on site are required to wear protective helmets. Employees without protective helmets and other necessary personal protective equipment are not allowed to perform work.

The following safety requirements must be met when performing works using a flame gas method:

- Gas cylinders shall be stored and used in accordance with the requirements of the regulations for the construction and safe operation of pressure receptacles.

- cylinders must be installed vertically and fixed in special racks;

- during operation the distance from burners (horizontally) to groups of gas cylinders must be not less than 10 m, to gas pipelines and rubber-fabric hoses Zm, to individual cylinders of 5 m.

- gas cylinders shall be protected from direct sunlight impacts and actions.

- during storage of cylinders in open areas, canopies protecting them from precipitation and direct sunlight shall be made of non-combustible materials.

- Upon completion of operation, gas cylinders shall be placed in a specially designated place for storage of cylinders, excluding access to them by unauthorized persons.

- Empty cylinders should be stored separately from cylinders filled with gas.

- Gas cylinders are allowed to be transported, stored, issued and received only by persons who have been trained in their handling and who have the appropriate certificate.

It is forbidden to keep flammable and flammable materials in close proximity to the place of work using burners.

Fire fighting equipment shall be kept in serviceable, serviceable condition. Passages to fire fighting equipment shall always be free and marked with appropriate signs.

During removal works observe the following requirements:

- SNiP 12032001 and 12042002 "Occupational Safety in Construction" Parts 1, 2

- PB 1038200 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes"

- PPB 0103 * "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation"

- GOST 12.4.05989 "Safety Inventory Barriers"

Drawings content

icon ППР_минвата.dwg