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  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 2

Reconstruction and superstructure of the 4-storey building "Center Bank" in Stary Oskol


Thesis/15 drawings and explanatory

Project's Content

icon 1.2,.3.ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ.docx
icon 4. Архитектурно строительная часть.docx
icon 6.реконструкция инженерных систем здания.docx
icon 7. технология ремотно строительных работ.docx
icon 9. организация ремотно строительных работ.docx
icon 10.1.Сравнение вариантов применения различных материалов кровли.docx
icon 10. экономика.docx
icon Книга1.xlsx
icon Лист Microsoft Office Excel.xlsx
icon Архитектура.dwg
icon Саня1.dwg
icon Саня.dwg

Additional information



1. Characteristics of the construction area

2. Plot plan and landscaping

3. Brief description of the functional diagram of the building

4. Architectural and construction part

4.1.Scale planning solution

4.2.Constructive solution

4.3. External and internal finishing

4.4.Engineering equipment

4.5.Fisico-technical support of the building

4.5.1. Heat Engineering Calculation of the First Four Walls

4.5.2. Thermal calculation of the coating

4.6 Fire prevention measures

4.7.Technical and economic indicators

5. Design and calculation part

5.1. Multi-Stop Plate Calculation and Design

5.1.1 Structural solution

5.1.2 Static Plate Calculation

5.1.3 Concrete Strength Characteristics

5.1.4 Selection of longitudinal reinforcement

5.1.5Setting of transverse reinforcement

5.3 Calculation of precast reinforced concrete march

5.3.1 Definition of precast reinforced concrete march

5.4 Calculation of stair landing

5.4.1 Load collection

5.4.2 Plate shelf calculation

5.5 Calculation of the first floor wall

5.7 Foundations and Foundations

6. Reconstruction of building engineering systems

6.1 System Description

6.2 System Calculation

6.3 Operation of engineering systems

6.4 Heat supply

6.4.1 Thermal Balance Equation

6.4.2 Calculation of main and additional heat losses through

6.4.3 Heating system equipment

6.4.4 Surface calculation of heating devices

6.4.5 Hydraulic calculation of heating system pipelines

7. Repair and Construction Technology

7.1. Preparation of construction production

7.2. Technology of construction and installation works

7.3. Job Instruction for Installation of Mansard Supporting Structures

7.3.1 Scope of Job Instruction Application

7.3.2 Definitions of the list of works

7.3.3 Determination of material requirements

7.3.4 Selection of load-gripping devices

7.5 Crane Selection

7.6 TEP as per Job Instruction

7.7 Occupational safety measures

8. Technical operation of the building and the house area

8.1 Technical operation of the building

8.1.1 Technical operation of wall structure

8.1.2 Technical operation of partitions

8.1.3 Technical operation of floor structures

8.1.4 Maintenance of roof structures

8.2 Main building maintenance activities

8.3 Inspection Methods for Building Inspection

8.4 Engineering Equipment Technical Operation

9. Organization of repair and construction works

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Organization of repair and construction works

9.3 List of Scope of Work

9.3 Schedule

9.4 Labour Movement Era

9.5 Construction Plan

9.6 Design and calculation of temporary warehouses

9.7 Temporary water supply and sewerage

9.8 Temporary energy saving

10. Economy

10.1 Explanatory note to the estimated reconstruction documentation

10.2 Determination of estimated cost of repair and construction works

10.3 Calculation of techno-economic indicators

11. Safety of life

11.1 Characterization and Analysis of Production Conditions

11.2 Technical Aesthetics

11.3Security measures

11.4 Rules for arrangement and safe operation of cranes

11.5 Safety measures during finishing works

11.6 Precautions during roofing works

11.7 Organization of production areas, work areas and workplaces

11.8 Communication and Signaling

11.9 Protection of the population in emergency situations

Bibliographic list


Reconstruction of construction facilities is the reconstruction of buildings and structures in order to partially or improve the development of the territory, bringing buildings in accordance with modern standards and requirements. Redevelopment includes redevelopment of premises; reinforcement or replacement of structures; superstructure, extension or improvement of building facades. During reconstruction, capital investments are significantly less than during new construction, so in the coming years the share of investments in reconstruction will increase.

It should be noted that with the introduction of the new Land Code, it became possible to acquire land in ownership. The cost of land, especially in the central regions of the city, is steadily growing. This forces investors to review the attitude towards new construction and look for buildings that can be used in a new capacity with a minimum amount of money spent.

Reconstruction is often carried out in conditions of increased constriction. This does not allow you to use the optimal number of construction mechanisms and machines, often creates serious difficulties. Therefore, it is necessary to use all the latest technologies to minimize the scope of construction.

Thus, reconstruction in modern conditions is a way of saving time and money compared to new construction.

1. Characteristics of the construction area

The reconstructed building is located in the city of Belgorod

st. Ostrovsky. The city is located in a 3, dry humidity zone.

This area is characterized by the following parameters [2]:

-air temperature of coldest days - (-28 С )

-air temperature of the coldest five-day - (-23 С )

-absolute minimum air temperature - (-35 С )

-absolute maximum air temperature - (+ 38 С)

- average annual rainfall of 637mm.

Prevailing wind direction:


- winter-southwest

The maximum of the average wind speeds for January is 5.9m/s

Average wind speed for the period with average daily air temperature < = 8 С-5, Zm/s

Minimum of average wind speeds for July 4.1m/s

Standard depth of seasonal soil freezing - 1.2m

Perpetual soils are absent.

Normal snow load-700Pa

2.general plan and agency of the territory.

The reconstructed building is located in the central part of the city of Belgorod on Ostrovsky Street. Between the building and the roadway of the street, a parking lot 8 meters wide is designed. On the north side of the building there is an economic platform and garages for vehicles.

The improvement of the territory is linked with the existing improvement. The design of the pavement of driveways and sidewalks is asphalt concrete pavement. Landscaping is carried out by planting perennial herbs. Party lawns are provided.

The relief of the site is calm. Absolute elevations range from 217.5 to 220.8. Engineering - geological conditions are suitable for construction.

For the relative elevation of the clean floor, the elevation of the clean floor of the first floor is 0.000, which corresponds to an absolute elevation of 219.25 according to the master plan.

All dimensions on the master plan are given in meters.

The master plan is depicted on the scale of M l: 500 in the area of ​ ​ 100m by 81.5m.

Technical and economic indicators.

1. Area 0.815ha

2. Building area 0.162ha

3. Building density 22%

4. Landscaping area 0.1ha

5. Greening coefficient 12%

b. the area of highways is 0.28 hectares

3. functional diagram of the building

The bank occupies 5 floors in the building: basement, first and second. The building is zoned floor by floor.

The ground floor is reserved for customers. For this purpose, two client rooms, an operating room, a property transfer room are provided.

On the second floor, the bank's management, accounting, and management departments are concentrated.

The basement has utilitarian functions. There are designed premises of repair shops, store of valuables, archive, premises, server room.

The building provides two entrances from Ostrovsky Street. There is also a collection entrance on the south side of the building.

The client, entering the bank, ends up at the counter, where consultants provide him with reference services or send him to a particular customer room.

The superstructure under construction provides for an increase in the useful area of ​ ​ the bank.

In the newly built superstructure, employee offices are designed.

A dining room is designed in the erected attic floor.

The functional diagram is the basis of the design of the building. When compiling it, the entire complex of sanitary, fire, construction requirements, as well as effective and economical operation of the building are taken into account

4.1 volumetric planning solution

The reconstructed building has a complex plan shape. The reconstruction provides for the redevelopment of floors, the superstructure of the floor and attic.

You connect to add-ins using stairs.

The height of the first floor is 3.3 m; the height of the remaining floors is 3 m .

The roof is located at elevation + 13.500. For water runoff, the slope is designed in the range from 0.01 to 0.0.3. The roof of the superstructured floor is flat. The roof of the built-in attic has a complex shape .

Escape routes are designed through unfamiliar staircases.

Two sanitary units are provided on each floor.

4.4 Engineering Equipment

The reconstructed 3-storey building provides:

• Water supply - drinking water from the external network.

• Sewerage - household in the city network; ceramic pipes are accepted for laying as per GOST 28682.Inward water drain with outlet to collector.

• Heating - centralized water; coolant temperature from 70 ° С to 105 ° С

• Ventilation - natural through ventilation shafts in internal wall structures.

• Power supply - from external mains, voltage 380/220 W.

• Lighting - fluorescent lamps, point lamps.

• Communication device - telephony, radio broadcasting.

• Waste water - containers in the territory.

• Alarm - all windows and most doors are equipped with security alarm sensors with a signal to the security post and to the private security console.

Video cameras are installed along the perimeter of the building, as well as in the corridors inside the building, transmitting the picture to monitors installed in the premises of the security post.

6. Reconstruction of building engineering systems

In connection with the reconstruction of the building, the reconstruction of engineering equipment systems is being carried out. The building has designed a system of plenum ventilation and air conditioning.

In this section, the system of plenum ventilation of the administrative part of the building was developed.

6.1 Description of the system.

The system was developed on the basis of the existing norms, rules and standards of SNiP 2.04.0591 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, "VNP001 95" 3 buildings of institutions of the Central Bank of Russia. "

Plenum ventilation is provided by VTS CLIMA plenum units; exhaust with System Air fans. The installations are mounted in the corridor, in a sheet ceiling with filters and noise silencers, in winter the air is heated in water calorifers built into the plenum plant. For summer operation, a cooling section is provided, consisting of a direct evaporation freon evaporator built into the plenum unit.

Ducts are adopted by round flexible companies DEC.

Air ducts are made when laminating several layers of aluminum foil and polyester with a steel coil of spring between the layers.

Exhaust from the bathrooms is carried out using fans mounted in natural ventilation channels.

Vent. systems after installation must be adjusted to the specified capacity.

Currently, public buildings have quite high requirements for their architectural and aesthetic solutions, interior, design, and equipment.

Therefore, in our building we have designed high-quality heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems using the latest ventilation equipment and products, modern adjustable heating devices. The equipment used in the project is reliable in operation, quite easy to operate and meets the requirements of repairability.

Design decisions on heating and ventilation were made in close connection with architectural planning, structural, functional solutions.

It should be borne in mind that numerous studies conducted in various countries have found that the performance of people and the feeling of comfort largely depend on such parameters of the microclimate as the temperature of the air in the room, its purity, humidity, speed of movement,

According to [10], a water heating system is used in the premises of this building. Only air heating combined with plenum ventilation is designed for the storage room.

Since the Bank of Moscow is located in the reconstructed building, according to [10], as an exception, in the inspection corridors, the pipelines of heating systems were laid using solid welded pipes without flanges, valves, etc.

In the premises of the server and information storage, the shutoff and control valves on the heating system pipelines are dismantled.

As additional heating, an air-heat curtain was designed at the entrance to the building.

For the store of valuables, an independent exhaust ventilation system was designed. Ventilation of the room is performed periodically. The ventilation of the pantry of valuables is carried out through ventilation "ducks," which are made with a slope from the pantry. "Duck" has an issue in a pantry long 200mm.

Removal of gases and smoke after fire from premises protected by gas fire extinguishing units is designed in accordance with the requirements

[9], [12].

Emergency smoke ventilation is designed in accordance with the requirements of [9], [10].

The project also provides for:

- ventilation shutdown at actuation of at least two fire extinguishing sensors

- installation of automated fire-retarding and sealing flaps and valves on air ducts

- removal of smoke and gas after fire from protected premises in volume of at least three times air exchange per hour.

According to the project, VTS CLIMA was chosen as the manufacturer of plenum plants.

VTS CLIMA is the largest manufacturer of ventilation and air conditioning systems in Europe. Modern equipment, complete automation of production, the use of robotics, excludes the influence of the human factor on the production process, which allows the production of equipment of the highest class. Reliability and quality of VTS CLIMA equipment are confirmed by all necessary certificates. VTS CLIMA creates modern ventilation and air conditioning systems, which allows you to provide the required air environment parameters in rooms where a person works. Reliable modern installations with low noise levels provide comfortable living conditions for people.

The exhaust ventilation system uses Systemair fans. Systemair is part of the Swedish concern Kanalflakt, founded in 1974. Thanks to the huge scientific and production potential accumulated at Kanalflakt, its products have become a leader in the world market of ventilation equipment. Systemair is an international group of companies consisting of 33 branches and supplying equipment to more than 60 countries.

Drawings content

icon Архитектура.dwg


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