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Reconstruction and superstructure of dormitory No. 9 of UGNTU

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Thesis project. Reconstruction of the building with drawings and photos

Project's Content

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icon 1 - Состояние вопроса.doc
icon 2 - Оценка тех. состояния (М).doc
icon 2 - Оценка тех. состояния (Р).doc
icon 2 - Оценка тех. состояния.doc
icon 3 - Архитектура (М).doc
icon 3 - Архитектура (Р).doc
icon 3 - Архитектура.doc
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icon Список литературы.doc
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Additional information



1. Status of the question

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Building wear and tear

1.3. Measuring works

1.4. Methods of building condition surveys

and structures

1.5. Constructive solution

2. Technical Condition Assessment

2.1. Features of the survey of reconstructed

buildings and their bases and foundations

2.2. Main stages of the survey

2.3. Survey results

2.4. Conclusions and recommendations

3. Architectural part

3.1. Brief description of the project

3.2. General plan

3.3. Space Planning Solution

3.4. Structural part

3.4.1. Frame Structures

3.4.2. Overlapping, covering and walls

3.4.3. Finishing

Part 1 Part

3.5. Heat Engineering Calculation

3.5.1. Determination of required thermal resistance

transfer of walls and roof of attic floor

3.5.2. Outer Wall Insulation Thickness Calculation


3.5.3. Calculation of the thickness of the insulation of the attic wall

3.5.4. Calculation of thickness of attic coating insulation

4. Design and structural part

4.1. Foundation calculation

4.1.1. Loads on the base for the wall in axes 6-B-E

4.1.2. Loads on the base for the column in axes 2-E

4.1.3. Design pressure of columnar foundation

on basis soil in axes 2-E

4.2. Outer Structural Wall Sash Calculation

4.2.1. Checking the bearing capacity of the prosthesis

1st floor

4.3. Calculation of time loads

4.4. Cross Frame Calculation

4.4.1. Load collection

4.4.2. Geometric characteristics of elements

transverse frame

4.4.3. Results of static transverse calculation


4.4.4. Check frame section

4.5. Calculation of thermal profile

4.5.1. Load collection

4.5.2. Geometric characteristics of the thermal profile

4.5.3. Results of static calculation of thermal profile

Part 1 Part

4.5.4. Selection of run from thermal profile for coating


4.5.5. Selection of run from thermal profile for wall


4.6. Designing Frame Assemblies

5. Construction production technology

5.1. General principles of work execution

5.2. Define Scope of Work and Labor

5.3. Feasibility Study

of mechanization during installation

5.3.1. Selection of mounting mechanisms as per

technical parameters

5.3.2. Selection of installation cranes as per

technical and economic indicators Calculation of technical and economic indicators

SCG-63A crane Calculation of technical and economic indicators

KS- valve

5.3.3. Vehicle selection and quantity calculation


5.4. Instructions for preparatory works

5.5. Instructions for performance of works on the device

monolithic belt

5.6. Instructions for Pre-Commissioning Works

assembly of frame blocks

5.7. Instructions for Works for Installation of Frame Blocks

by the approach method

Part 1 Part

6. Economics of construction of the facility

6.1. Brief description of the object

6.2. Preparation of estimates

6.3. Technical and economic indicators of the facility

6.4. Feasibility comparison of options

constructive solutions

7. Organization and management of construction of the facility

7.1. Develop, Calculate Object Network

7.2. Development of construction plan and calculation of time


7.2.1. Settlement of acquired warehouses

7.2.2. Calculation of temporary sanitary and administrative

construction and management buildings and structures

7.2.3. Calculation of temporary water supply system

7.2.4. Temporary sewer design

at the construction site

7.2.5. Calculation of temporary power supply system

7.2.6. Calculation of technical and economic indicators


8. Project safety and environmental friendliness

8.1. Environmental protection

8.1.1. Source Data

8.1.2. Calculation of the concentration of damage from cars

8.1.3. Calculation of noise intensity

8.2. Fire characteristics of the building

8.2.1. Fire resistance limits of carriers and

building enclosing structures

8.3. Occupational safety measures

Part 1 Part

8.3.1. Safety of installation works

8.3.2. Concrete works

8.3.3. Roofing works


List of literature


The diploma project was developed by students of the group PG9801 Karimov R.I. and Ognevsky M.P.

The topic of the diploma project is devoted to the current problem of building reconstruction.

This project has developed measures for the reconstruction and superstructure of dormitory No. 9 of the UGNTU in Ufa.

The composition of the diploma project includes:

- status of the issue;

- assessment of technical condition of building structures;

- architectural part;

- design and structural part;

- Construction technology;

- the economy of the construction of the facility;

- Organization and management of the construction facility;

- safety and environmental friendliness of the project;

- photographic materials.


In our country today, the most important problem is the overhaul and reconstruction of residential buildings and administrative buildings built in 19501970.

Reconstruction of buildings and structures is their reconstruction in order to partially or completely change the functional purpose, install new effective equipment, improve the development of territories, bring into line with modern increased regulatory requirements. The reconstruction is associated with the restoration of operational parameters and the strengthening of the load-bearing elements of buildings and structures.

During reconstruction and technical re-equipment, capital investments are significantly less, and the payback is 2... 2.5 times faster than during new construction.

The bulk of the reconstruction of public buildings falls on the old districts of the city. Most of the buildings here have been built for a long time and have undergone physical and moral wear.

The inconsistency of the functions of the institution with the buildings in which they are forced to be located is constantly increasing. It became especially sharp today, when a high level of technical equipment became necessary for all forms of activity. For the same reason, even those old buildings that are used for their original purpose do not satisfy modern requirements: educational institutions, gyms, etc.

The studies made it possible to conclude that the reconstruction of buildings is advisable to carry out in the period of 30... 60 years from the beginning of operation. Thus, the vast majority of public buildings built in the post-war period should undergo reconstruction.

There are the following main areas of work for the renovation of buildings of the first mass series: overhaul, ensuring the safety of buildings; modernization of buildings, which includes partial redevelopment and refurbishment of internal premises, improvement of thermal protection of buildings, improvement of facade architecture; reconstruction, providing for additional area due to superstructure, expansion of buildings and addition of new volumes .

A special place in this row is occupied by the superstructure of the attic floor. Analysis of modern options showed that the superstructure of attic floors is possible with a payback of 1.52 years and a construction period of on average one house in 3-4 months. Modern technical solutions allow you to carry out these works without relocating residents. The construction of attic floors during the reconstruction of buildings, as well as during new construction, provides an increase in the total area of ​ ​ the house by 15... 20%, a reduction in heat losses by 5... 7%, a reduction in the cost of construction by 10... 15%. I.e. during the reconstruction of buildings, it is possible to obtain additional space without large material and financial costs.

This construction is also supported by the fact that large-panel and brick houses built according to the first model projects have significant reserves of load-bearing capacity, due to the imperfection of the calculation methods used 3,035 years ago, which, as it turned out now, gave unaccounted additional strength reserves, as well as the increase in concrete strength over the years of building operation. These allegations are supported by numerous surveys and surveys.

In the literature on attic construction, three main types of attic are found:

- The first is related to the formation of a separate attic floor in one level. This option is most common in the superstructure of administrative buildings.

- The second is associated with the two-level development of the mansard space.

- The third is connected with the spatial organization of the mezzanine floors - 2-level development of the upper floor of the building.

1.2 Building wear and tear

Buildings and structures, regardless of their class and capital, are subjected to material and moral wear during operation.

By material or physical wear of a building and its structural elements is meant the gradual loss of initial technical properties under the influence of natural factors.

The degree of material wear of the building and its parts depends on the physical properties of the materials used in its construction, on the nature and geometric dimensions of the structures, the peculiarities of the location of the building on the ground, operating conditions and other factors.

Moral wear of the building means its non-conformity with the functional or technological purpose, arising under the influence of technological progress. Such wear in most cases occurs earlier than material.

In our diploma project, we conduct survey work to determine the technical condition of the structures and the building as a whole. In the future, these conclusions provide for the reconstruction of the building and the construction of an attic superstructure.

1.3. Measuring works

Measurements are made to accurately establish the shape, dimensions and mutual arrangement of all rooms and structural elements of the building. Rectilinear, oblique and curvilinear contours and all types of surfaces in horizontal and vertical projections are measured and fixed.

It is desirable to measure each measured line in two directions - first from left to right, and then in the reverse direction. All openings, projections and recesses of facade plane are fixed. Especially carefully install and fix the axes of openings.

Internal measurements are made in each individual room and again with special care fix axes of openings. You can only use the opening axes to align the exterior and interior measurements, and most importantly to set the location and thickness of the interior walls and partitions.

Diagonal measurements are made to check and refine the measurements and shape of the building in the plan in several of the most extensive rooms. It is necessary to measure diagonals first of all in those rooms where deviations from the rectangular shape are clearly noticeable.

1.4. Methods of surveys of buildings and structures

Inspection of building structures of buildings and structures is carried out by qualified groups of engineering and technical workers specially trained and equipped with the necessary devices and equipment.

In its work, the organization performing the survey should be guided by all existing regulatory and instructional documents for the reconstruction and inspection of buildings and structures and state standards for survey work, design, construction and operation of construction facilities.

The basis for the survey should be a task that indicates the purpose of the reconstruction and the corresponding main requirements for the structures, indicative planned technological loads and impacts, planning solutions and general operating conditions after the reconstruction.

In general, the structural survey consists of the following types of work: preliminary inspection of structures; study of technical documentation; familiarization with its peculiarities of existing and future technological process and operation modes; engineering-geodetic, engineering-geological surveys; detailed full-scale inspection, structural measurements and detection of defects; collection and laboratory analysis of samples (samples) of structural materials; definition of planned loads and impacts; establishing a calculation scheme and performing verification calculations.

Usually, the survey is carried out in two stages: 1) Preliminary or general examination. 2) Detailed examination.

Preliminary or general surveys begin with visual inspection of structures and their structures, familiarization with technical documentation and other materials that help to get an idea of ​ ​ the object being studied.

At this stage, first of all, the inspection should identify areas and individual structures that have an emergency condition and take measures to temporarily strengthen them.

Preliminary examination shall reveal deviations from design data on volume planning, structural solutions, by type and nature of loads, including natural-climatic, etc. In the absence of design documentation or its inadequacy it is necessary to perform preliminary measurements of structures and basic drawings of buildings and structures.

Based on the results of the visual survey, an indicative assessment of the technical condition of building structures of buildings and structures is carried out and a comprehensive survey program is planned.

A comprehensive survey is carried out in order to collect the final maximum reliable information for assessing the technical condition of building structures, which is the basis for choosing a structural solution during the reconstruction of buildings and structures.

As a result of comprehensive surveys of building structures, it is necessary to obtain: data of updated design and technical documentation; the obmerochny drawings fixing the provision of building constructions in the plan and for height with the indication of sections of the bearing elements, a deposit, movements, shifts and other deviations from the project or regulatory requirements. Further, it is necessary to perform a set of works to establish the actual values ​ ​ of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials, for which nondestructive and laboratory test methods should be used as much as possible. Defects and damages of structures, their assemblies and conjugations are clarified and systematized, as well as information is collected about the operating environment affecting structures and bases. The design scheme of load-bearing structures is adopted for the final verification calculations of individual elements of structures and structures as a whole.

To determine various properties and qualities of structures, physical and mechanical non-destructive testing methods are used. The main advantages of these control methods over destructive ones are the following:

Small sizes of instruments used;

- The ability to obtain results quickly;

- the test process takes place without reducing the load capacity of the structures;

- characterization at any point.

Static and dynamic instruments are used to determine the quality and condition of the material.

The principle of operation of static devices is based on a uniform increasing force from the load on the striker.

The principle of operation of dynamic instruments is based on the bouncing of the instrument from the surface of the tested material, where the load is transmitted in the form of an impact on the tip.

To take samples of stone and concrete structures, a special high-strength hammer and tooth is used to cut samples from the structure.

1.5. Constructive solution

In the rehabilitation of buildings, various (known for new construction) design solutions are used. The specifics of design works during reconstruction are manifested in the binding of known design diagrams to a specific object. Assessment of the technical condition of building structures and foundations, as well as measuring work, at the same time, are a very responsible and mandatory stage of design of reconstructed objects. The decision on the feasibility of the modernization and reconstruction of the building should be made after assessing its repairability. The category of repairable includes buildings whose repair cost does not exceed 50% of the construction cost. If the degree of wear of the building structure as a whole exceeds 50%, a decision must be made to classify the building as dilapidated housing with its subsequent resettlement and demolition.

As a rule, foundation reinforcement work should be avoided in order to perceive loads from built-up floors. The number of built-up floors shall be determined with the reserve by the load capacity of the existing foundations and soils of the base due to the consolidation of the latter over the period of operation of the building.

The most common and therefore almost universal elements of the structure of the reconstructed buildings are the monolithic distribution reinforced concrete belt; metal reinforcement belts; collars of rolling profiles for reinforcement of walls and spacers; slabs from profiled flooring along metal beams; rolling roof, etc.

As structural solutions of superstructures and additions, two main types of building framework are used: frame and wall (arceless).

The frame bearing frame in the form of metal or wooden posts, longitudinal or transverse frames can load (through a monolithic belt) the bearing structures of an existing building, or have its own (mainly bored) foundations.

Wall filling - multilayer, with continuous heat shield. Steam permeability conditions shall also be observed when designing these enclosing structures. Selecting a framing type is related to the design solution of an existing building.

In addition to traditional frames, metal spatial frames with suspended floors - superstructures, metal volumetric pentagonal cells, etc. can be used during reconstruction.

The wall (arceless) frame can be organized from monolithic reinforced concrete or wall piece materials (blocks or bricks), which must also be insulated with a continuous heat shield. At the same time, depending on the structural scheme of the reconstructed building, the bearing wall frame can be with longitudinal, transverse or cross-located bearing walls.

In some cases, a combined carrier frame is possible. Selection of the type and material of the supporting frame is made from material, economic, technological, social and other considerations. A feature of the structural solutions of the roofs above the attic floors is the need for their insulation. Currently, there are a large number of multilayer design solutions for attic roofs. Special attention in these solutions should be paid to vapor insulation and ventilation of spaces between layers.

Self-supporting walls and partitions can be solved in traditional materials (monolithic reinforced concrete, brick, plaster panels). Currently, self-supporting frame multilayer (two or more layers of gypsum board, heat and sound insulation) walls and partitions are being erected at the reconstructed objects.

An analysis of the available modern versions showed that it is most effective to use special attic windows of the VELUX type as window fills of the attic floor, which, in addition to an excellent aesthetic look, give 3040% more light than a vertical window of the same size. All VELUX windows are available with high-quality transparent double glazing. Between two layers of glass there is air layer, and edges are reliably sealed against dust and moisture ingress.

VELUX attic windows are manufactured in Denmark and have been successfully used for construction in many countries of the world for more than 50 years.

For attic construction, aluminum windows of the Arctic type are also often used. They are mainly used in harsh climates, because they have triple glazing, a rubber seal, silicone insulation, storm linings, which together reliably protects against cold, dust and noise.

The frames of the Arctic windows, made in Finland, open easily and quietly and close tightly.

Drawings content

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