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Radial sump drawing


Course project. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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Additional information


• About the company

• Scope of activity

• Environmental policy

• Purpose and main directions of environmental policy of OJSC "Muslyumovskoye WFP Housing and communal services (engineering networks)"

• Mechanical wastewater treatment at the plant

• Settling tanks

o Vertical primary sumps

o Horizontal sumps

o Radial Settling Tanks

o Thin layer sumps

o Clarifiers Sump

o Oil spoilers

• Settling tank calculation

• Settling tank calculation procedure

• Initial data for calculation

• Settling tank calculation

• Bibliography


the company

To date, the municipal housing stock of the Muslyumovsky district is 44.2 thousand square meters. The housing stock and housing and communal services are provided by the Muslyumov WFP Housing and Communal Services. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan and the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on the transformation of enterprises of housing and communal services in the Muslyumovsky WFP Housing and communal services was reorganized in the form of a division of the enterprise into the State Unitary Enterprise RT "Muslyumovsky WFP Housing and Utilities (engineering networks) and State Unitary Enterprise RT" Muslyumovsky WFP Services. The ownership of the State Unitary Enterprise RT "Muslyumovskoye WFP Housing and Communal Services (engineering networks) was transferred to the heat supply system, water analysis facilities. The property of the enterprise of the State Unitary Enterprise of RT "Muslyumovskoye WFP Housing and Communal Services (services) was transferred to the housing stock, landfill, hotel and bathhouse. On November 8, 2005, a joint Decree of the Ministry of Land and Property Relations and the District Administration "On the Privatization of the State Unitary Enterprise of RT" Muslyumovskoye WFP Housing and Communal Services (Engineering Networks) was adopted by transforming it into an open joint-stock company Muslyumovsky Engineering Networks. According to the enterprise of the State Unitary Enterprise of RT "Muslyumovskoye WFP Housing and Communal Services (services), a joint order of the Ministry of Land and Property Relations and the district administration on its liquidation was adopted, a liquidator was appointed.

The volume of services rendered in 2005 for the enterprise amounted to 19,009 thousand rubles. or 107% of the plan.

In 2005, state investments worth 8.5 million rubles were spent. They are aimed at the construction of biological treatment facilities. Its first stage with a capacity of 250 cubic meters has been commissioned. meters per day. The modular boiler room TKU500 was put into operation. 1,546 thousand rubles were allocated from the company's own funds for the current and overhaul of housing and communal services facilities.

The management and operation of the housing stock is carried out by the Uyut homeowners association, which was established in June 2005. Its activities will be aimed at further carrying out the current and overhaul of the roofs of houses r.s., repair of the heating, sewage, water supply system and improvement of the house areas.

Utility facilities

1. Gasification of the district center - 98.9%.

2. The number of underground water intakes is 7.

3. The total capacity of water intakes is 2000.0 thousand m3/day.

4. The length of water supply networks is 35.4 km.

5. The water supply of the district center is 89%, including storey residential buildings - 97%, the private sector - 79%.

6. The length of sewage networks is 5.8 km.

7. The number of treatment facilities is 1/100 units/thousand m3/day.

8. The number of MSW polygons is 1/4/140 units/ha/thousand m3.

9. The number of boiler houses on gas fuel is 8 units 10. The same, on fuel oil - 1 unit. (public bath for 28 places).

11. The length of the heating networks is 7 km.

12. There are no underground storm sewers.

Water supply

The district center is provided with drinking water from the existing seven underground water intakes. The quality of water in the water supply network supplied to the population according to sanitary-chemical and microbiological indicators according to SanPiNu corresponds to "Drinking water." Over the past 5 years, due to the growth of the district center, there has been an increasing shortage of drinking water. In this regard, the design and estimate documentation "Increase in water supply r.z. Muslyumovo from the spring at n. Tashliyar. " The quality of spring water in all respects exceeds the water from the existing water intakes. In 2004, construction and installation work was carried out at this facility in the amount of 3000.0 thousand rubles.

Heat and power supply of the district center

As of 01.01.2005, heat supply to the population living in the houses of the municipal housing stock of the district is carried out from heat supply systems owned by the state.

1. The total capacity of boiler houses is 30.5 Gcal/hour.

2. The length of heat networks in two-tube terms is 44 km.

3. 9 boiler houses operate on gaseous fuel.

4. There are 2 fireplaces operating on electric heating.

Heat supply of residential buildings and social facilities (except for the private sector and several State institutions) is made from 9 centralized boiler houses. 8 of them work on gas fuel, 1 on fuel oil - a public bath with 28 seats.

Since 2002, in order to save energy costs, the Muslyumov WFP Housing and Communal Services has been systematically working on the reconstruction of boiler houses and the entire heat supply system. In 2004, for these purposes, from all sources of funding, work was carried out on the reconstruction of the boiler house in the amount of 3500 thousand rubles and on the reconstruction of heating networks in the amount of 1300.00 thousand rubles.

Disposal of household waste

The population is provided with a landfill for the disposal of solid household waste, but there is no separate waste collection system. A separate waste collection system should be developed. In 2003, the construction of USC with sewer networks with a capacity of 700 m3/day began. Construction is scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2006.

According to the results of previous years and the past year, some stabilization of the situation and the long-awaited positive trends in the field of housing and communal services can be noted.

The housing stock, which amounts to over 102 thousand square meters, is serviced by Muslyumovsky Engineering Networks OJSC, Polygon MSW Muslyumovo LLC, Zhilengoservis LLC, and the municipal institution Duslyk management company. A partnership of homeowners "Uyut" has been created. This company is engaged in the maintenance of houses, ongoing repair of buildings, internal engineering networks, and manages housing stock. The collection of payments has increased to 96%, but this does not suit us. Payments must be collected in full every month, it is impossible to allow homeowners to accumulate debts, which will subsequently place a heavy burden on their shoulders.

So far, the cost of heat services remains high, which in the total set of services is 56% or 23 rubles 14 kopecks per 1 square meters. meter. In order to reduce tariffs for thermal energy at the expense of own and leasing funds of OJSC Muslyumov Engineering Networks, a boiler house with thermal networks is being reconstructed. The project cost of this program is 26 million rubles, it involves the preservation of three boiler houses, instead of 10 boilers, 2 boilers with a total capacity of 4.4 megowatts will operate. The boiler room is fully automated. Within the framework of this project, 2.6 km of heating mains were laid using energy-saving technology, a total of 4 km of heating mains will be replaced.

At the expense of the company's own funds, water supply with a length of 1000 m for 670 thousand rubles was carried out, the first and second water intakes were fenced. 1 million 270 thousand rubles were spent on repair and construction in the water supply industry.

By the forces of the Muslyumovsky RES in 2007 in caps. repair and construction of electric facilities of the district was completed in the amount of 25 million rubles and under the Program for the transfer of housing to apartment heating systems, four apartment buildings in the district center were transferred to apartment heating with the installation of 2 circuit boilers, and therefore the costs of residents for heating were much reduced .

In 2007, the law "On the Fund for the Reform of Housing and Communal Services" was issued. Pursuant to the law, the following has been implemented :

- Developed targeted program for 20082011 years for the overhaul of apartment buildings;

- All 12 conditions for financial support from the Fund have been met;

- Inventory of apartment buildings has been carried out.

The punch lists of 12 apartment buildings to be overhauled in 2008 were examined and prepared.

Measures are being taken to improve cleaning by the operating enterprise. Some measures for the reconstruction of technological equipment were carried out, as a result of which the normative treatment of wastewater discharged by the main indicators was achieved .

To complete the construction and connect multi-storey buildings to the existing sewage networks with the construction of the KNS, 15 million rubles are required .

Environmental policy.

During the production activities of the Muslyumovskoye plant, WFP Housing and Communal Services (engineering networks) have such effects on the environment as emissions of pollutants into the air, discharges of pollutants into water bodies, disposal of production waste, as well as the negative impact of noise, heat, vibration, electromagnetic fields.

The environmental policy of the enterprise Muslyumovskoe WFP Housing and Communal Services (engineering networks) defines the principles, goals, objectives and main directions of its activities in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety for a long period.

The effectiveness of environmental policies is measured by quantitative and specific indicators for the protection of the environment and the rational use of natural resources.

Purpose and main directions of environmental

policies "Muslyumov WFP housing and communal services (engineering networks)"

The goal of the environmental policy "Muslyumov WFP Housing and Communal Services (engineering networks)" is to improve the level of environmental safety, preserve the favorable environment, biological diversity and natural resources by ensuring reliable and environmentally safe production, transport and distribution of energy, an integrated approach to the use of natural energy resources.

The objective is to:

1. Reducing the negative impact of the enterprises Muslyumovskoe WFP Housing and Communal Services (engineering networks) on the environment by:

- reducing emissions of nitrogen and sulphur oxides, particulate matter, greenhouse gases into the atmosphere;

- Reduction of discharges of pollutants into water bodies;

- Water resources management;

- Reduction of production waste generation;

- increasing the use of ash and slag waste;

- reduction of specific emissions, discharges of pollutants per ton of conventional fuel (kg/ton) or unit of output (kWh, Gcal);

- reduction of energy losses in electrical and thermal networks.

The main directions of the solution are as follows:

- technological re-equipment and gradual decommissioning of obsolete equipment, introduction of the best existing technologies in the production, transportation and distribution of thermal and electrical energy;

- improvement of technological processes of power generation, transmission and distribution, implementation of energy saving measures;

- Implementation of measures to improve fuel efficiency;

- reduction of generation of production wastes and ensuring their safe management, implementation of waste recycling measures;

- Implementation of programmes for the development and use of renewable energy sources;

- Economically and environmentally sound decentralization of energy production, optimization of energy supply system for small consumers;

2. Creation of conditions and mechanisms to reduce the negative impact of the electric power industry on the environment.

The main direction of the solution is the improvement of the management system of OJSC Muslyumovskoye WFP Housing and Communal Services (engineering networks) in the field of environmental protection, the introduction of an environmental management system taking into account the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001 and an environmental audit system. The environmental management system should become an integral part of the corporate governance system operating in the Muslyumovskoye WFP Housing and Communal Services (engineering networks).

In 2009, work continued on the preparation of environmental documentation required by law: draft standards for maximum permissible emissions of pollutants into the air were developed and agreed; draft standards of waste generation and limits for their disposal have been drawn up; projects of sanitary protection zones; in order to fulfill license requirements, projects of sanitary protection zones of water wells were developed, work was carried out to assess and calculate their operational reserves.

The enterprises Muslyumovskoye WFP Housing and Communal Services (engineering networks) carry out regular environmental monitoring at stationary sources of emissions, control of atmospheric air pollution in the sanitary protection zone, and analysis of water quality .

Drawings content

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