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Pumping station of the first lift - water intake from a surface source


Pumping station of I lift. Technological solutions.

Water  intake    from   the water source    is carried out   through  two    lines   of suction pipelines connected directly to the water intakes. Suction   and    pressure pipelines are       designed    from    steel pipes   DN 250 and 200 mm according to GOST 10704-91.

The pumping station is of a semi-recessed type, the engine room is located at -10.5. For the installation of pumping equipment, a beam crane with a lifting capacity of 2.0 tons is provided. The mash hall of the pumping station is designed for the installation of 3 units with horizontal pumps with technical characteristics: total capacity Q = 160m3 / h, wilo pump NL 65/250-30-2-12 Q = 80m3 / h, H = 70m, N = 30 kW, of which 2 workers and 1 backup. The start of the pumps is provided on a closed valve on the pressure pipeline manually. 

The project provides for the installation of control cabinets on the otm. ±0.000. The control cabinets are factory-made by WILO-MPS complete with cable products. The automation system is designed by WILO-MPSW. It is possible to install other equipment with similar parameters.

The project provides for the possibility of backwashing of the water intake. For washing the crushed stone filter of the water intake with the reverse current of water, a steel pipeline DN 200 mm from the pressure conduits of the working pumps is provided. Since the water intake facilities are located at a distance of 100 m, pulse flushing of water intakes is not required. To prevent fouling of the filter elements of the water intake, the project provides for the supply of a hypochlorite solution to the backwash pipeline. The supply of a hypochlorite solution occurs using a device for dosing sodium hypochlorite, of which one is working and one is reserve. The pipeline supplying sodium hypochlorite is designed from polypropylene pipe Ø25 mm, imported according to GOST 52134-2001, which cuts directly into the pressure pipelines. Switching on and off the dispenser for the supply of reagent when washing the head and suction pipelines is done manually.

For pumping out emergency and drainage water, a submersible pump of the WILO Drain TS40H100/7.5 brand is installed in the drainage pit of the machine hall with technical characteristics: N = 1.3 kW, n = 2900 rpm, Q = 10m3 / h, H = 15 m.

The pumping station operates in automatic mode without maintenance personnel. The pumps are started manually from the control panel as well as remotely from the control room.

The operation of the pumping units is designed in automatic mode, when one of the pumps fails, the backup unit turns on. Control over the operation of the pumps is carried out through the control and automation cabinet with the signal to the control room of the treatment facilities through the GSM signal.

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