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Development of an automation scheme for the pumping station of the first lift

  • Added: 18.01.2022
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Pump automation

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1. Object Automation Objective and Tasks

2. Process analysis and feasibility study

3. Description of the functional diagram of automation

4. Selection and justification of process automation tools

5. Installation and operation and metrological support of automation equipment


List of literature


Automation of technological processes, increasing production efficiency, increasing equipment productivity, reducing operating costs, creating savings in electricity and raw materials, thereby ensuring environmental cleanliness and improving the quality of all production. The task of synchronizing the speeds and positions of the mechanisms involved in the technological process is relevant for many industries. Coordinated control enables the integration of individual electric drives into a common process control system, ensuring the necessary product quality and eliminating equipment downtime.

The problem of improper or poor-quality maintenance of technological facilities is relevant in the modern world. It can cause industrial accidents, injuries to employees of enterprises and significant costs. Action must therefore be taken to address such problems.

One of the most effective ways to overcome the problems of servicing technical facilities of enterprises is automation, that is, the use of self-regulating technical means and mathematical methods in order to significantly reduce the degree of human participation in maintenance or reduce the labor intensity of operations.

In this work, the automation scheme of the pump station of the first lift is considered, which is an important link that ensures the normal operation of the entire industrial complex, providing water to the technological process.

Object Automation Objective and Tasks

The purpose of this work is to develop a system of automatic control of the pump station of the first lift, which ensures its effective operation.

The main tasks are:

· ensuring the collection, processing and storage of information affecting the operation of pump units;

· automatic control of pump units operation;

reduction of probability of accident caused by employees of the enterprise and damage to their health;

· reduction of pump units control costs;

· automatic alarm warning to employees of the enterprise about the accident.

Description of functional diagram of pump station automation

The Function Chart of Automation (FCA) is the main technical documentation describing separate knots of automatic control, control, regulation of technological process with designation of technical means of automation. In this work, it is necessary to develop a functional diagram of automation of the lifting pump station 1 for control and control tasks.

To control the pressure in the pipeline after the pump, the signal from the pressure converter pos. 3-1 is supplied through the input module to the processor module of the programmable logic controller, where the pressure regulator pos. 3-2. After that, the output signal of the regulator, if necessary replaced by the manual control signal pos. 36, through the magnetic starter pos. 3-3 is supplied to the pump motor. Also the signal from pressure converter pos. 3-1 is supplied to AWS for indication of values.

The water flow rate in the pipeline is controlled by a flowmeter and is controlled by a single-circuit control system. Signal from flowmeter pos. 5-1 via remote transmission device, pos. 5-2 and the input module are supplied to the processor module of the controller, where the flow controller 5-3 is software implemented. After that, the output of the regulator, if necessary replaced by the manual control signal pos. 56, through the magnetic starter pos. 5-4 is supplied to the gate motor.

The functional diagram also provides for monitoring and signalling:

-Control and alarm of water flow to filter pos. 1-1

-Control and alarm of pressure drop on filter pos. 2-1

-Control pressure downstream pump pos. 3-1

-Control and alarm of water flow after check valve pos. 4-1


The goal set in the work has been achieved. The automation of the pump station has improved the economy and safety of the system by introducing a modern automatic control system. The developed single-circuit automatic control system satisfies the required results. The work is carried out in accordance with the task, the developed system can be used to increase efficiency and increase safety in water intake by the lifting pump station 1.

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