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Project 9-storey residential building


Project 9-storey residential building

Project's Content

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icon 2020_ISI_SGKh_08_03_01_BR_Alex_Chilikinga_Chanaluiza_1.docx

Additional information




1 Architectural - building section

1.1 Characteristics of the construction area

1.2 Master Plan and Landscaping

1.3 Summary of the functional process

1.4 Space Planning Solution

1.5 Design Solution

1.6 External and internal finishes

1.7 Engineering Equipment

1.8 Thermal design of the outer wall

1.9 Technical and economic indicators

2 Design - structural section

2.1 Structural diagram of the building

2.2 Calculation of multi-storey building in SAPFIR software complex

2.3 Column Calculation and Design

2.4 Calculation and construction of slab

2.5 Calculation of the foundation for the column

2.6.1 Analysis of initial data

2.6.2 Analysis of engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of the construction site

2.6.3 Determination of pile pile depth

2.6.4 Sizing Deep Foundations

2.6.5 Settlement calculation of pile foundation

3 Technology and organization of construction production

3.1 Construction conditions

3.2 Nomenclature and scope of construction and installation works

3.3 Selection of sets of machines, mechanisms and equipment

3.3.1 Selection of load grippers and mounting devices

3.3.2 Selection of installation cranes by technical parameters

3.4 Development of Job Instruction for erection of monolithic structures of standard floor

3.4.1 Scope of Job Instruction

3.4.2 Technology of concreting of standard floor of ten-storey residential building

3.4.3 Determination of standard labor costs

3.4.4 Logistical resources

3.4.5 Operational quality control of construction and installation works

3.4.6 Safety and fire safety measures

3.5 Methods of construction and installation works

3.5.1 Earthworks

3.5.2 Construction of the underground part of the building

3.5.3 Construction of the above-ground part of the building

3.5.4 Other works

3.6 Planning Schedule Design

3.6.1 Compiling Labor Costing

3.6.2 Interconnection of works

3.6.3 Technical and economic indicators of the project

3.7 Construction Plot Plan

3.7.1 Justification of installation crane placement on construction plan

3.7.2 Calculation of temporary buildings and structures

3.7.3 Calculation of power supply and water supply in building conditions

4 Construction Economics


Bibliographic list


Multi-storey residential buildings are an ideal solution for the modern development of urban life.

The main advantages of multi-storey construction are the use of a small building area to create a large number of residential areas. A plus to this is the creation in a relatively small area of ​ ​ the location of all necessary infrastructure facilities, such as kindergartens, shops, shopping and entertainment centers, schools, sports facilities, hospitals.

Thus, the construction of multi-storey residential buildings is an integral part of the development of the urban environment, allowing to accommodate a large number of people working in the same infrastructure.

The construction of multi-storey residential homes is a priority area of ​ ​ civil engineering. Which, in turn, is a key branch of economic development, allowing the construction, refurbishment and strengthening of any civilian objects that are an integral part of human life. The result is a closed circle in which civil engineering is the main driving mechanism for the life of economically profitable agglomerations.

Such an agglomeration is the city of Tula, located in the central part of Russia.

Therefore, the decision as a topic for graduate design is the choice of the development of a multi-storey residential building in Tula.

Plot plan and landscaping

The building area has a calm relief with a bright decline from west to east. On the western and northern sides there are 5-story residential apartment buildings. On the south side, the site borders on Pervomaiskaya Street.

The following objects will be located on the building site:

- children's playground (189.6 m2);

- adult recreation area (56.3 m2);

- site for collection of domestic garbage;

- car park.

The construction site provides for comprehensive improvement of the territory.

Architectural part

Brief description of the functional process

Apartments are a group of premises designed for convenient living of families. In accordance with SP 54.13330.2011 "Apartment Buildings" the following rooms are included in the functional scheme of the building: common rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, intra-apartment corridors, sanitary units separate and combined.

The areas of apartments and their premises are accepted according to item 5 "Residential apartment buildings" SP 54.13330.2011.

All apartments are designed taking into account the convenience of living, and the availability of utility rooms. The planning of apartments is made taking into account the requirements of insolation and aeration. The following equipment is located in the apartments: in the bathrooms - a sink, a bath, a toilet; in the kitchen - gas stove, washing.

The entrance to the entrance is equipped with a tambour, which avoids the penetration of cold air into the entrance. A visor is provided above the entrance to minimize rainwater entering the porch.

An elevator with a lifting capacity of 400 kg is provided for lifting tenants to the floors.

Space Planning Solution

Nine-story designed residential building with total dimensions in axes of 20.64x23.5m. Building with basement. The height of the basement is 2.9 m.

On each floor there are 5 apartments: two one-room, two two-room and one three-room. The height of the floors is 3.0m. The total height of the building is 25.95 m.

The building has a technical floor. Technical floor height 1.65m

Set of apartments on the floor:

Three-room (I):

Residential area of ​ ​ the apartment 53.98 m2;

The total area of ​ ​ the apartment, taking into account the coefficient 0.3 (for balconies) 79.43 m2;

Total apartment area excluding 81.73 m2 factor;

The three-bedroom apartment includes a common room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a combined bathroom, and a corridor. There is access to the balcony from the kitchen.

One-room (I, II):

Residential area of ​ ​ the apartment is 17.42 m2;

The total area of the apartment, taking into account the coefficient 0.3 (for balconies) 40.50 m2;

Total apartment area excluding the factor of 42.81 m2;

The one-room apartment includes a common room, kitchen, separate bathroom, corridor, utility room. There is access to the balcony from the kitchen.

Two-room (I):

Residential area of ​ ​ the apartment 30.57 m2;

The total area of the apartment, taking into account the coefficient 0.3 (for balconies) 61.56 m2;

Total apartment area excluding 63.86 m2 factor;

The two-room apartment includes a common room, kitchen, bedroom, separate bathroom, corridor, utility room. There is access to the balcony from the kitchen.

Two-room (II):

Residential area of ​ ​ the apartment 34.47 m2;

The total area of the apartment, taking into account the coefficient 0.3 (for balconies) 64.48 m2;

Total apartment area excluding 66.75 m2 factor;

The two-bedroom apartment includes a common room, kitchen, bedroom, separate bathroom, corridor. There is access to the balcony from the kitchen.

Technology and organization of construction production

Construction conditions

The building construction site is located in the city of Tula. Climatic region - II V.

The designed nine-story residential building is provided on the territory located in the city of Tula. Overall dimensions of the building site 60 x 62 m.

Designed nine-storey residential building is made frame with monolithic design of load-bearing structures.

The columns are made with a section of 400 x 400 mm within all nine floors. Floor is made monolithic beam-free with cross section height of 200 mm. Concrete of class B25 is assumed for these structures.

Concrete delivery to the construction site is provided for by concrete mixers from the nearest concrete assembly located three kilometers from the construction site.

Development of Job Instruction for erection of monolithic structures of standard floor

Scope of application of task list

The process map was developed for concreting the standard floor of a nine-story residential building in Tula. Concreting of monolithic load-bearing structures is carried out in the following chain :

Auto dump truck;


Tower crane;


The routing implies the following activities:

- Formwork for columns, with a floor height of 3 m and a column perimeter of 1.6 m;

- Reinforcement of columns with separate rods;

- Concrete supply and laying in formwork for columns by means of hopper;

- Dismantling of formwork under columns;

- Construction of large-shield formwork for walls;

- Reinforcement of walls and stiffening diaphragms with separate rods;

- Concrete supply and laying in formwork for walls and stiffening diaphragms by means of hopper;

- Dismantling of large-panel formwork for walls and stiffening diaphragm;

- Large-shield formwork for cast-in-situ beam-free floors 200 mm thick, 3 m high from support surface;

- Reinforcement of cast-in-situ beam-free floors with separate rods;

- Concrete supply and laying by means of hopper into slab formwork;

- Dismantling of large-scale formwork for cast-in-situ beam-free floors.

Technology of concreting of standard floor of ten-storey residential building


Formwork elements shall be delivered to the construction site in a complete set applicable for use without modification.

Formwork parts arriving at the construction site are located in the crane load-gripping zone. All formwork parts must be stored in the transport position, separately by grades and sizes. Storage of formwork elements requires placement in a place closed from natural impact, in order to preserve the suitability of the formwork. Shields are placed with stacks 1-1.2 m high with arrangement of wooden gaskets between shields. Other structural elements are placed in boxes or on shrouds.

The formwork is installed, as well as it is removed using a crane.

Large-shield formwork includes large-size shields connected by a number of supporting elements. The panels must be equipped with scaffolding for the installation of workers during concrete work, as well as jacks: adjustment and installation.

The structural features of the boards are arranged in such a way that it is possible to install both vertically and horizontally.

In longitudinal reinforcing ribs of shields there are holes designed for suspension of stairs, brackets and installation of brackets and braces.

The first stage of formwork installation should be installation of scientific racks along the perimeter of the concreted structure. At the same time, the outer face of the concreted structure must pass along the inner face of the rack.

Formwork elements for the column are arranged in the following sequence: installation of formwork elements to the entire height of the floor on three sides of the column, and when reinforcement work is completed, installation is carried out on the fourth side.

Large-shield formwork for flooring is assembled from frames with jacks, longitudinal and transverse beams and forks for arrangement of shields.

During concrete works, the formwork must be monitored. In order, in case of deformation of formwork elements, to install necessary for correction of deformed attachment points.

Disassembly of formwork structures shall be carried out after reaching the concreted structures required by SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures" strength characteristics and only when approved by the work manufacturer.

The formwork elements shall be removed from the concreted structures by means of jacks. The surface of concrete structures shall not be damaged. Use of cranes at separation of formwork boards from concreted structures is prohibited.

After removal of formwork elements it is required: to inspect formwork structures; release formwork elements from the remaining concrete mixture; lubricate decks surfaces, check and apply lubrication to joints; Sort all formwork elements by type and tag.

Reinforcement works

Before installation of reinforcement bars, it is required: to check the quality of the formwork installation, both in position and in installation; make the certificate of formwork acceptance; prepare rigging, tools and welding units for concreting; clean rebar from corrosion; enclose holes in slabs with temporary constructions or close.

Flat reinforcement frames and reinforcement grids are transported in packages. Spatial reinforcement frames are reinforced with wooden shields to prevent damage during transportation. Reinforcement rods are transported by bundles, embedded ones are delivered in boxes. Wireframes and rebar grids are twisted or stretched.

The rods delivered to the construction site are placed on the territory of closed warehouses, on racks disassembled by grades, standard sizes, Nets are placed in vertically standing rolls. Flat reinforcement grids and reinforcement frames shall be arranged with stacks up to 1.5 m high, with installation of linings in the area of grasping by crane.

Spatial and flat reinforcement frames with a weight of up to 50 kg are delivered to the mounting section by a mounting crane, their installation is carried out manually. Reinforcement bars are delivered to the installation site in bundles, reinforcement grids are delivered to the installation site in crossarms of three pieces.

Before installation of reinforcement frames on elements of formwork, places of placement of reinforcement frames are indicated. When temporarily fixing frames with formwork, strubcins are used.

It is required to fix the formwork frames along the vertical axis, straighten the screwed outlets of the reinforcement and install axial displacement of the rods to be welded. When installation and alignment of reinforcement frames is complete, the clamps must be welded.

To provide a protective layer of concrete, fixators are installed on reinforcement bars, fixing the position of reinforcement frames in the formwork, they must be placed at a distance from each other for columns 1-1.2 m, for floors - 0.8-1.0 m.

Welding is required to connect the rebar frames in the horizontal direction and the spatial rebar blocks in the vertical direction.

Acceptance works of installed reinforcement shall be performed before concrete laying, by act of hidden works. Visual and measuring control is performed for compliance of solutions specified in the design.

Welds and twisted fittings made during erection are subject to visual inspection and partial testing.

Concrete works

Before starting concrete laying, it is required to check the quality of all previous works, and also it is necessary to verify the operability of all mechanisms, accessories and tools used.

Concrete is supplied to the concrete works site using a crane, on the hook of which there is a turning hopper with a volume of 1.6 m3 of concrete mixture, with lateral unloading and a sector gate;

Concrete works consist of the following stages: acceptance and supply of concrete in silos; laying and ramming of concrete; concrete care.

When filling the rotary hoppers, it is necessary to place the empty hopper with a crane at the loading place, where the concrete mixer will unload the concrete mixture into the hopper.

Filled bin is fed by crane to place of concrete laying. In general, several rotary hoppers are required in concrete operations to unload a single concrete mixer in its entirety.

After the concrete is laid, it must be compacted with vibration ramming. The compaction is considered complete when cement milk appears on the concrete surface. Vibrators are removed at low speed at operating engine.

Monolithic structures of the floor are vibrated by depth and surface vibration ramming.

During the initial hardening period of monolithic structures, it is required to maintain favorable hardening conditions and protect against mechanical damage.

The presence of workers on trapped structures is allowed only after concrete sets the strength of 70% of the grade. Concrete quality control shall be controlled by the construction laboratory.

The results of concrete quality control are entered in the work log.

Installation and removal of the formwork is carried out by a link of four people: construction locksmith 4 sizes. - 1, 3 times. - 1, riggers 2 times – 2.

Reinforcement is performed by a link of six people: reinforcement bars 6 times. - 1, 5 times. - 1, 4 times. - 1, 3 times. - 1, 2 times. - 1, electric welder 5 times – 1.

Concreting is carried out by a link of five people: concrete workers 4 times. - 1, 2 times. - 2, riggers 2 times – 2.

Methods of construction and installation works

The works shall be carried out in strict compliance with the rules for production and acceptance of construction and installation works, subject to the construction technology prescribed in SNiPah.

During the preparatory period of construction production, work related to the construction site equipment is required, which will ensure the rhythmic construction of the building under construction.

Breakdown of geodetic grid for building erection.

Construction site equipment.

Arrangement of various kinds and purpose of warehouses.

Installation of temporary facilities, mechanisms and installations.

Engineering preparation of the construction site, which includes the planning of the territory, the creation of temporary roads, as well as water supply lines, power supply and surface water management.

Communication device.

After completion of the preparatory work, it is possible to start the work of the zero cycle of the main building, after which the above-ground structures are arranged, as well as the work on the decoration of the building.


Prior to the start of earthworks it is required to perform vertical planning, provide the surface water stack from the construction site as per SP 70.13330.2012. The development of trenches for utilities is required by an excavator. The developed soil remaining during the laying of utilities is dumped into the dump. Pit development for the foundation of the building under construction shall be carried out during loading of excess soil into dump trucks.

Part of the soil collected in dumps remains in place, and the other part is transported a short distance, it is collected in cavaliers, later it is used for backfilling and vertical planning. Backfilling of the soil is carried out by a bulldozer with layers 40 cm thick, after which each layer is rammed using pneumatic wheel rollers and electric ramming, in places inaccessible to rinks. These works are performed according to the requirements of SP 45.13330.2012. "Earthworks, foundations and foundations."

Excavation works, if there are underground communications in the area, shall be carried out only with the written consent of the organization servicing these communications.

Construction of the underground part of the building

Installation of monolithic structures of foundation elements shall be performed using a crane.

When erecting monolithic structures of foundations, small-shield formwork is used.

The concrete mixture is supplied to the place of concrete works by means of bunkers delivered by crane. Performance of all works shall comply with SP 70.13330.2012. Structural and Enclosing Structures.

Arrangement of the above-ground part of the building

Preparation works as per SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization" are required prior to installation of formwork elements. Installation of formwork elements of the above-ground part of buildings shall be performed upon completion of construction and installation works of zero cycle. Work above the level of the clean floor of the first floor should be carried out using a tower crane.

During the operation of the tower crane, a responsible person is required for the safe movement of goods during the work, for checking the implementation of measures taken by the PPM, the crane operator, and for the quality of the slinging of the moved elements.

Other works

Roofing, special and finishing works, as well as works on installation of flooring are required to be carried out in accordance with SP.

The applied materials are delivered to the work areas using lifts or cranes.

Construction Master Plan

Stroygenplan represents the master plan during the construction of the building. On the construction master plan, the following are applied: the building under construction, crane parking areas, crane area: hazardous and installation, warehouses, as well as temporary infrastructure facilities.

The construction master plan is part of the construction documentation, in this regard, the solutions developed in it require interaction with other design sections, mainly this is a technology for the production of construction and installation work, including construction dates calculated in the construction schedule. The decisions made in the construction master plan should be subject to strict compliance with construction standards. The rational arrangement of mechanisms, temporary infrastructure and warehouses leads to the acceleration of the building construction process, which, without losing the quality of construction and installation work, always reduces the construction time. The placement of objects on the construction master plan should be the most rational in these construction conditions.

The costs for the construction of temporary structures require maximum minimization, which is possible when using finished temporary-type structures.

To develop a construction master plan, the general plan of the building territory, which was carried out in the previous sections, is required.

Justification of installation of the crane on the construction plan

The location of the selected tower crane provides the most favorable conditions for its operation. The crane is located at the minimum permissible distance from the building, at the same time all safe distances are taken into account .

Crane installation area is defined as maximum departure equal to 30 m.

The hazardous area is calculated for the load drop option at the most remote installation point. We will consider such a load large-shield formwork, its dimensions 2x2 m, when disrupted from the maximum lifting height 38.2 m, while it will fly off at: 30 + 1 + 38.2 * 0.18 = 37.9 m, where 30 is the mounting zone, 1 is half of the breaking element, 35 is the breaking height, 0.18 is the departure coefficient. Thus, we accept a danger zone of 38 m.


On the basis of the assignment, a diploma project was developed on the topic: a nine-story residential building in Tula.

In the architectural and construction part, architectural, structural and space-planning solutions of the building, a master plan, floor plans, a facade and a section were developed, a heat engineering calculation of the external wall of the building was carried out, drawings were developed.

In the design section, the floor slab, column, and foundations were calculated and designed.

In the section "technology and organization" of construction production, installation mechanisms were selected, a schedule, a process plan, and a construction master plan were developed.

In the section "construction economics," a local estimate was drawn up for civil works.

Drawings content

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