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Gas supply to the microdistrict and residential building

  • Added: 09.08.2014
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1. Main part Gas supply of microdistrict 1.1 Gas supply conditions 1.2 Gas characteristic 1.3 Determination of the number of inhabitants in microdistrict 1.

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1. Main part Gas supply of the microdistrict

1.1 Gas supply conditions

1.2 Gas Characteristics

1.3 Determination of the number of inhabitants in the microdistrict

1.4 Determination of power of utility and domestic consumers

1.5 Determination of annual gas expenditures for household and public utilities

household needs

1.6 Determination of estimated gas hourly flow rates

1.7 Determination of gas flow rates for the boiler room

1.8 Selection of the scheme and gas supply system of the microdistrict

1.9 Determination of gas control station location

1.10 Routing Procedure for Switchgears

1.11 Determination of low pressure gas flow rates

1.12 Hydraulic calculation of distribution gas pipelines

low pressure

1.13 Hydraulic calculation

1.14 Selection of gas control cabinet station

2. Gas supply to the autonomous boiler house of the administrative building

2.1 Calculation of heat loss of the building according to the enlarged index

2.2 Boiler and equipment selection


List of literature


The development of the gas industry is one of the most important sectors of the economy and is essential in creating the material and technical base of the country, and therefore the government pays great attention to this industry. Our country is the first in the world in terms of explored reserves of natural gas and the second in terms of its production.

Natural gas, as a highly efficient energy source now widely used in all sectors of public production, has a direct impact on increasing industrial output, increasing productivity and reducing specific fuel costs.

The intensive production of natural gas and the need to deliver it to the consumer in the most economical way caused the rapid development of pipeline transport. Transportation of gas through pipelines is more convenient and cheaper than other vehicles, since it ensures a continuous (and practically no loss) supply of gases to the consumer directly from deposits or underground storage facilities. Over the years of Soviet power, over 200 thousand km were built. Main and distribution gas pipelines. An important link in the country's general gas supply system is underground city gas pipelines, through which gas flows directly to residential buildings, utilities and industrial enterprises. The use of gas to illuminate cities in Russia began in the first half of the 19th century, however, industrial production of natural gas was not carried out, and associated oil gas was burned in flares.

The main task of gas farms is uninterrupted, reliable and economical gas supply to consumers, which requires a clear organization and management, scientifically sound planning of all performance indicators, identification and use of production reserves, and increased labor productivity.

The operation of the gas economy of cities and settlements is carried out by specialized organizations: offices, trusts and departments that provide the operation of underground gas pipelines, gas regulatory centers, gas equipment and residential buildings, utility enterprises. The operation of gas equipment of industrial enterprises, various organizations of institutions is the responsibility of the institutions themselves. Workers and ITRs trained in the corresponding types of work and passing exams on the rules of safety and technical operation of gas farms are allowed to work in the gas industry. The re-examination of knowledge among workers is carried out daily, and engineering and technical workers have one race per three years.

In addition, technical training, seminars, practical exercises and other forms of advanced training are regularly organized for gas workers.

Natural gas has a number of advantages over other fuels:

• The cost of natural gas production is significantly lower than other fuels.

• Labor productivity in its production is significantly higher than in coal and oil production.

• High heat of combustion, makes it advisable to transport gas through main pipelines over significant distances.

• Complete combustion is ensured and working conditions of maintenance personnel are facilitated.

• The absence of carbon monoxide in natural gases prevents the possibility of poisoning during gas leaks, which is especially important when supplying gas to utility and household consumers.

• Gas supply of cities and settlements significantly improves the state of their air basin.

Of course, there are shortcomings and negative properties of the explosion - and the fire hazard of natural gas, but all this does not reduce all the advantages of natural gas.

1. Main part

Gas supply to the microdistrict

1.1 Gas supply conditions

Gas supply district - Nizhny Novgorod.

Gas Supply Source - High Pressure Main Gas Pipeline.

The gas pressure at the tie-in point is 0.6 MPa.

Gas supply system - two stages with gas supply to consumers as per

gas pipelines of two pressures - high and low. Reduction of gas pressure from

high to low occurs at the gas control station. FRG is included

high-pressure gas pipelines with P = 0.6 MPa, and exits to the low-pressure gas pipeline with P = 3000 Pa.

Consumers of residential buildings, institutions are fed from the low-pressure network

health, catering, commerce and public services.

Concentrated consumers feed from the high-pressure network: boiler houses, bath, laundry, bakery and GRP.

1.9 Determination of gas control station location

The power source for low pressure networks is a gas control station. The number of EMG may vary. As their number increases, the total cost of the high pressure network increases, but the cost of the low pressure network decreases. For small microdistricts, usually one GRP is enough.

Considering all the above, we accept one GRP for installation and place it in the center of the microdistrict.

The load on the FRG is 113.4 m3/h.

1.10 Routing Procedure for Low Pressure Distribution Gas Lines

The low pressure gas pipeline shall be routed in accordance with the following conditions:

The distance from the GRP to the most remote points of the network should be approximately the same;

All quarters shall be supplied with gas on at least two sides;

It is necessary to determine the direction of gas flow from the FRG to the most remote points.

The condition of the meeting point of gas flows, after which the gas does not go through the distribution gas pipeline, is called zero points;

It is necessary to take into account the issues of reducing metal consumption (that is, there should be no unnecessary areas).


As a result of the completed project, the circular gas supply system of the microdistrict from the GRP was designed; an internal gas supply system has been developed inside. In the graphic part, the routing of the distribution gas pipeline was carried out, and the location of the GRP in the microdistrict was chosen

As a result of the work on the project, the following issues were resolved:

determining the number of inhabitants;

determination of annual gas consumption;

determination of gas hourly flow rates;

determining the capacity of consumers ;

In the project, hydraulic calculations of external and internal gas pipelines were carried out, as a result of which the diameters of gas pipelines were selected.

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