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Production of reclamation construction products


Re-equipment of the precast reinforced concrete enterprise for the production of reclamation construction products operated under conditions of alternating effects of water and frost. The project contains an explanatory note, drawings of the building, technologies for the production of residential products, automation, economics

Project's Content

icon Автоматика.doc
icon Архитектура.doc
icon БЖД.....doc
icon ВВЕДЕНИЕ.doc
icon 1.1Хар-ка изделий и требования к ним.doc
icon ведомость.doc
icon конспект.doc
icon таблица.doc
icon 1.Морозостойкость.doc
icon 2.Ведомость.doc
icon 3.Прогн.мороз.табл2.2.doc
icon Приложение.doc
icon Содержание 1.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Список лит.doc
icon Теплотехника.doc
icon 1.Лотки.doc
icon 2.Плиты, сваи.doc
icon 5.Арматура.doc
icon 6.ТаблВедомость арматуры.doc
icon 9.Заказная специф-я на оборуд.doc
icon Автоматика.dwg
icon БЖД.dwg
icon Вариантное проектир.dwg
icon ГенПлан.1.dwg
icon КАМЕРА.2.dwg
icon план цеха.dwg
icon Разрезы.dwg
icon Тех.карта А3.dwg
icon Экономика.dwg
icon Экономика.doc

Additional information





1.1 Characteristics of articles and requirements for them

1.1.1 Requirements for channel trays

1.1.2 Requirements for channel boards

1.1.3 Requirements for driven piles

1.2 Operating mode and production program of the enterprise

1.3 Characteristics of raw materials

1.3.1 Binding agent characteristic

1.3.2 Characteristics of fine aggregate

1.3.3 Characteristics of coarse aggregate

1.3.4 Characteristics of closure water

1.3.5 Lubrication characteristics

1.3.6 Characteristics of reinforcement steel

1.3.7 Characteristics of additive

1.4 Calculation of raw material demand

1.4.1 Calculation of concrete composition for production of channel trays

1.4.2 Calculation of concrete composition for production of channel slabs

1.4.3 Calculation of concrete composition for making piles

1.4.4 Calculation of lubricant flow rate


2.1 Frost resistance and waterproofness of concrete for reclamation construction (literary overview)

2.2 Design of heavy concrete composition with plasticizing additive C-

2.2.1 Calculation of concrete composition with additive for production of channel trays

2.2.2 Calculation of concrete composition with additive for production of channel slabs

2.2.3 Calculation of concrete composition with additive for making piles

2.3 Forecast of frost resistance of heavy concrete

2.4 Conclusions


3.1 Production of channel trays according to aggregate-flow technology

3.1.1 Process design of the line for production of channel trays by an aggregate-flow method

3.1.2 Calculation of water and compressed air for process needs

3.1.3 Calculation of forming shop area

3.2 Production of channel boards according to aggregate-flow technology

3.2.1 Process Design of Line for Production of Channel Plates by Unit-Flow Method

3.2.2 Calculation of water and compressed air for process needs

3.2.3 Calculation of forming shop area

3.3 Piling (Variant Design)

3.3.1 Selection and justification of production flow chart

3.3.2 Production of piles according to aggregate-flow technology

3.3.3 Process design of pile production line by aggregate-flow method

3.3.4 Calculation of water and compressed air for process needs

3.3.5 Calculation of forming shop area

3.3.6 Production of piles by bench technology

3.3.7 Process design of pile production line by bench method

3.3.8 Calculation of water and compressed air for process needs

3.3.9 Calculation of forming shop area

3.4 Production of rebar products

3.5 Production of concrete mixtures

3.6 Warehousing of raw materials and finished products

3.6.1 Cement Warehouse

3.6.2 Aggregate Storage

3.6.3 Valves warehouse

3.6.4 Finished goods warehouse


4.1 Description of the pit steaming chamber

4.2 Design and calculation of periodical installation for TVs

4.2.1 Process calculation of TVO unit

4.2.2 Thermal engineering calculation of TVO unit


5.1 Design Input

5.2 Space planning solutions

5.3 Architectural and structural solution

5.3.1 Foundations

5.3.2 Columns

5.3.3 Communications

5.3.4 Wall panels

5.3.5 Reinforced concrete rafters

5.3.6 Coating

5.3.7 Gate

5.3.8 Windows


6.1 Automatic Control Tasks

6.2 Description of the operation mode of the pit steaming chamber

6.3 Automatic System Description


7.1 Harmful production factors and general assessment of working conditions

7.2 Measures to protect workers from harmful and hazardous factors and ways to prevent them

7.3 Development of safety activities


8.1 Analysis of the main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

8.1.1 Analysis of production volume, quality and product range

8.1.2 Cost Analysis

8.1.3 Product profitability analysis and profit utilization analysis

8.1.4 Analysis of efficiency of enterprise management and analysis of efficiency of production and labor organization

8.1.5 Analysis of scientific and technical level of production

8.1.6 Analysis of efficiency of use of fixed and revolving production funds (funds and labor items)

8.1.7 Analysis of labour use

8.1.8 Financial Resource Efficiency Analysis

8.2 Calculation of the main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise






Concrete, as a building material, is the basis of construction. The widespread use of concrete in construction is explained by a number of positive features of this material. Concrete mixtures are relatively easy to form, which makes it possible to make products and structures of almost any configuration from concrete. Concrete properties can be varied over a wide range. The main component by volume is aggregate, which is local, cheap material [1].

Design, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing construction industry enterprises, including prefabricated reinforced concrete plants, should be carried out in accordance with current design and construction standards, construction codes and regulations, approved catalogs of industrial construction products, equipment and devices, catalogs of standard projects, current standards for materials and devices.

The design and construction of new enterprises for the production of reinforced concrete products, as well as their reconstruction and expansion, should be carried out on the basis of schemes for the development and placement of sectors of the national economy and industries, schemes for the development and deployment of productive forces in economic regions.

When designing, it is necessary to reduce the material intensity, cost and labor intensity of construction, to use modern, high-performance technological processes, equipment and installations developed and used in our country and abroad, to use advanced production labor experience.

Optimal design solutions should be selected on the basis of variant design.

When using building materials, the question arises about its durability, which depends on frost resistance. GOST 10060.495 for the determination of frost resistance includes the main method, which is long and labor intensive, and accelerated methods, which are included in the standard without carefully checking and comparing them with the main methods.

Since traditional test methods that establish frost resistance of concrete are labor-intensive, and tests are long-term and do not allow predicting frost resistance, the problem arises of predicting frost resistance at the stage of selecting the composition of concrete. Considering the need for a quick determination of frost resistance, Sizov V.P. developed an accelerated method for predicting the frost resistance of concrete at the stage of its selection. He proposed a formula by which frost resistance can be determined during the design of the composition.

The prediction method is based on B/C, water consumption, quality of raw materials, properties of concrete mixture and concrete, etc., it is not necessary to determine capillary, contraction, total porosity, gel pores, pore sizes and the distance between them. Generalization of data allows to predict frost resistance more accurately at the stage of concrete composition selection without any risk with accuracy of 57%.

The proposed method exactly corresponds to the definition of frost resistance according to the standard method [2].

In this work, technological lines for the production of reinforced concrete products of reclamation construction, operated under conditions of alternating effects of water and frost, were designed. The concrete of these products is subject to requirements for frost resistance. An analysis of methods for increasing and predicting frost resistance was carried out, using the method for predicting frost resistance of V.P. Sizov, a forecast of the frost resistance brand for concretes with the addition of superplasticizer S-3 was made.

The results of frost resistance prediction for concrete without additive and with additive were compared.

Frost resistance and waterproofness of concrete for reclamation construction (literary overview)

Frost resistance is the ability of concrete to withstand repeated freezing and thawing in a water-saturated state. The main reason for the destruction of concrete under these conditions is the pressure on the walls of pores and mouths of microcracks created by freezing water. When frozen, water increases in volume by more than 9% and causes large internal stresses that gradually destroy its structure: first, small cracks form and surface layers break, and then deeper ones.

Frost resistance is estimated by the number of freezing and thawing cycles, in which the mass of the sample changes by no more than 5%, and the strength decreases by no more than 15%. This number of cycles determines the grade of concrete by frost resistance: for heavy concrete F50; F75; F100; F150; F200; F300; F400; F500, which is assigned depending on the operating conditions of the structure. Currently, concretes with frost resistance 600... 800 cycles have been created (for example, compacted concretes on fine-grained aggregates - sands).

The frost resistance of concrete depends on its structure, especially on the nature of porosity, since the latter will determine the volume and distribution of ice formed in the concrete body at negative temperatures, and, therefore, the value of the resulting stresses and the intensity of the process of weakening the concrete structure.

There are 2 different ways to increase the frost resistance of concrete: 1) increase the density of concrete, reduce the volume of macropores and their permeability to water, for example, due to a decrease in B/C; 2) creation in concrete with the help of special air-entrapping additives of reserve volume of air pores (more than 20% of the volume of freezing water), where frozen water is redistributed and internal pressure is reduced. Usually, to obtain sufficient frost-resistant concrete, the B/C must be less than 0.5.

The root causes of concrete destruction from the joint action of water and frost are its porosity and water permeability. Along with the proppant action of ice and hydraulic pressure, temperature deformations also take part in the mechanism of destruction of alternately freezing concrete. However, the main reason for the destruction of concrete during cyclic freezing is its porosity .

In addition to porosity, the frost resistance of concrete is greatly influenced by the type of cement, the mineralogical composition of clinker and the fineness of cement grinding. For concrete with special requirements for frost resistance (e.g. road), the content of C3A in cement shall not exceed 10%.

From all of the above, ways can be outlined to increase the frost resistance of concrete: the use of rigid mixtures with low B/C, the addition of air-entrapping and plasticizing surfactants, the use of PP without active mineral additives or with minimal content, the creation of favorable hardening conditions for the possible complete hydration of cement, the use of high frost resistance fillers and, finally, the use of polymer additives to increase the density of concrete.

The use of chemical additives is one of the promising directions of reducing cement consumption and regulating the technological properties of the concrete mixture and the physical and mechanical characteristics of concrete. Chemical additives made it possible to purposefully conduct the technological process of producing reinforced concrete structures for certain operating conditions with the required frost resistance, waterproof and corrosion resistance. Additives are divided into plasticizing, air-entrapping, hardening accelerators and inhibitors protecting the reinforcement from corrosion.

Additives in amount from 0.1 to 2.5% of cement weight are used to reduce its consumption, improve technological properties of mixtures, reduce decay time of structures, increase strength, frost resistance, thermal technical properties of concrete, water, gas impermeability, enhance protective effect of concrete in relation to steel reinforcement.

At the ZHBI plant in GornoAltaysk, to increase the frost resistance of concrete, the S-3 superplasticizer (SP) is used. This development of Russian NIIZhB specialists is an analogue of foreign superplasticizers "Maiti 100" (Japan), sycament, mill (Germany), not inferior to them in quality.

C-3 additive in amount of 0.3-0.7% of cement weight allows to obtain cast self-compacting concrete mixtures that practically do not require vibration, and at reduction of water consumption - high-strength concrete with constant mobility of the mixture. It is possible to use both of these effects partially, i.e. to obtain mixtures of increased mobility compared to the initial one and at the same time to slightly increase the strength of concrete by reducing water consumption.

Use of plasticizer C-3 allows:

- increase the flowability of concrete and cement mortars by 6-7 times;

- reduce water consumption during closure of binder by 1825%;

- increase final strength characteristics by 2530%;

- use conventional cements to produce higher grades of concrete;

- adjust the setting time by changing the amount of additive added


- increase the adhesion of concrete with embedded reinforcement and metal products by 1.51.6 times with simultaneous inhibition of the metal surface;

- obtain "cast" concretes with increased crack resistance, frost resistance (up to 300 cycles and above), with increased moisture resistance (above W6);

- save (replace with cheap aggregates) binder (cement) up to 2025%;

- plasticizer gives additional air entrainment into concretes within 2-4%.

The use of S-3 allows to reduce energy costs (in case of vibration, TVO) by 3050%, and in some cases to completely abandon additional energy costs, reduces equipment wear, dramatically improves sanitary working conditions at prefabricated reinforced concrete plants due to reduced terms and intensity of vibration [].

If you work correctly with the S-3 superplasticizer, you can achieve an increase in the waterproofness of concrete by 1-2 grades, sometimes even by 3 [].

The plasticizer acts as a retarder of the beginning and end of the setting period. The deceleration in the first 5-6 hours of hardening of cement dough and, accordingly, concrete with the additive is completely then compensated by intensification of the hydration process and increase in strength already at the age of 1-2 days. The properties of C-3 are most pronounced when using non-additive cements.

Tests for frost resistance and waterproofness of concrete containing superplasticizer showed that they are characterized by increased resistance [].


Compositions with additive C-3 have a higher frost resistance brand, although compositions without a superplasticizer also have frost resistance brands that meet the required ones. Application of superplasticizer with provision of preset strength and easy laying makes it possible to reduce cement consumption by 3540 kg and increase frost resistance.

3.3 Production of driven piles (variant design)

3.3.1 Selection and justification of production flow chart

The choice of the method of manufacture of various products and structures depends on the nomenclature, the technological characteristics of each method and the volume of production [1].

Non-stranded piles can be manufactured by both aggregate-flow and bench methods.

In aggregate-flow method of production, articles are moulded on vibration platform or special machines at forming station, and then they are moved to heat treatment chambers by means of cranes. At the end of the heat treatment, the articles are dissolved, and the molds are prepared for subsequent production. The finished products are sent to the warehouse after receiving the QC.

The advantage of this method is the possibility of manufacturing products of a wide range, sufficiently complete mechanization and partial automation of processes, the implementation of clear post-operational control, have a small investment, compared to other methods, accelerated construction times. The main plus of aggregate flow technology is versatility and the ability to quickly transfer the line from the release of one product to the release of another.

It is also possible to manufacture piles using bench technology. With bench technology, products are molded and hardened in a stationary position on a bench or installation without movement, and all necessary materials and forming equipment are supplied to the bench. At the same time, large production areas are required, the use of mechanization and automation is complicated, and labor intensity is high. Despite this, bench technology is only suitable for the manufacture of large-sized heavy structures - columns over 12 m long, trusses, piles, etc .

The process lines of benches include mechanisms for pulling reinforcement along the bench, a concrete dispenser and a device for supplying concrete mixture to it, equipment and devices for heat treatment of products.

The elements are made in a fixed or sliding formwork, which is part of a formless molding unit. The mixture is compacted with portable vibrators, vibration stamps (planar articles) or concrete laying vibrators.

Transportation mechanisms are bridge cranes in closed rooms and gantry cranes on stands of open areas.

Bench method allows to produce a wide range of products with relatively simple re-installation of equipment.

Non-stressed piles are better made on short stands. On short stands, one product is made along the length or one or two products along the width of the stand, most often in a horizontal position.

Description of the pit steaming chamber

At the prefabricated reinforced concrete plant, where large-sized products are manufactured, mainly pit-type chambers are used for their heat treatment.

The moulds in the chamber are installed in a stack of 8 pieces with a gap of 50 mm to improve heat transfer. Clearances between articles are provided by automatic posts installed in chambers. This chamber has a length of 11.5 m, a width of 3 m and a depth of 3.5 m. The chamber cover is made gable. This design of the lid, compared to a flat one, eliminates the possibility of its warping.

To prevent leakage of steam-air mixture through looseness between cover and walls of chambers trough-shaped trough filled with water - hydraulic gate is arranged in upper cut. When the chamber is closed, the cover contour rib enters it.

When using gable covers, condensing moisture flows into the contour water gate, replenishing it with water. For discharge of condensate and irrigation water excess from the chambers, a pit device is provided in the chamber unit.

When selecting the material for the walls of the chambers, two circumstances must be taken into account: the strength of the walls and the heat consumption for their heating. In order to ensure a minimum heat consumption for heating the walls, they must be made of light materials.

S.D. Kronghauz recommends the use of foam glass. However, due to the low strength of the foam glass, rails or similar barriers must be installed in the chambers to prevent the walls from being hit. Conventional porous materials, such as slag concrete, are not recommended as insulation because they absorb moisture from the environment, thereby increasing heat loss. It is advisable to make the inner walls of the chamber entirely due to heavy concrete with a thickness of 150200 mm. Such fences are strong and durable.

Design Input

The company was designed in the city of Tomsk. The main production building of the plant is a one-story building with three spans. This company produces products of the following nomenclature: channel trays, channel slabs and driven piles.

Volumetric planning solutions

The space-planning solution depends on the nature of the technological processes, so the building has a rectangular shape.

The workshop in question has a height of 16 m and a length of 120 m and a width of 54 m with a column grid of 12 × 12 m. The number of spans was 10 with a column pitch of 12 m. The building has an open gate measuring 4 × 4.2 m.

In accordance with climatic conditions, the enterprise was built on the leeward side relative to the housing estate. Thus, all harmful exhaust is carried away by the wind into the non-residential zone

Architectural and structural solution

5.3.1 Foundations

Glass-type foundations are used for reinforced concrete columns. Typical monolithic reinforced concrete foundations of the glass type for columns of industrial buildings consist of a sub-column and a three-stage slab part. Height of a step of a slabby part of 0.3 m, height of the base is 2.55 m.

5.3.2. Columns

Columns are divided into extreme and middle. The extreme ones, in turn, are divided into the main ones, which accept loads from walls, cranes and coating structures, and the facferry ones, which serve only for fixing walls. Reinforced concrete two-branch columns with a section of 500 × 800 mm are used as carriers. The columns are buried at 1m. The columns are reinforced with welded frames and molded from 300 grade concrete. They are installed in a glass of foundation and frozen. The height of the columns is 10.8 m.

5.3.3. Communications

In the transverse direction, the stability of the building is ensured by the rigidity of the columns embedded in the foundation and by a rigid coating disk, in the longitudinal direction - by steel bonds. According to the scheme, steel links are divided into cross and portal. Portal connections are established at the pitch of columns of 12 m, cross - at 6 m. Row columns are connected to connected columns by spacers passing along their top, in crane-free buildings or crane beams in buildings with support cranes.

Automatic Control Tasks

Significantly improve the quality of finished products due to compliance with technological processes.

Increase productivity by making production more rhythmic.

Reduce the costs of raw materials, electricity, fuel, water and other auxiliary materials.

Ensure safety of work and improve working conditions of maintenance personnel.

Description of the operation mode of the pit steaming chamber

Molded reinforced concrete articles are sent for heat treatment. The correct selection of the temperature mode of treatment ensures that the products of the required strength are obtained at minimum heat consumption. It is very difficult and time consuming to control the temperature in the temperature chambers.

Of the thermal chamber automation schemes used, schemes providing for program control of the heating process are more advanced. With software regulation, for each type of cement and kind of products, a more advantageous thermal mode is provided.

At aggregate flow method of production of reinforced concrete products pile hardening takes place in pit chambers.

The principle of operation of these non-conventional pit steaming chambers is that steam is supplied to the chamber through perforated pipes.

The pit chambers are generally located below the floor level of the housing. The walls of the chambers are made brick, the chambers are covered with insulated roofs with a hydraulic shutter, which are removed by the crane during loading and unloading. The covers of the pit chambers are made gable with a slope angle of about 8 °, at which condensate flows down the walls of the chambers. without getting on the product.

The dimensions of the chamber are designed to accommodate one product in width and length and 4 x in height. Along the perimeter of the chamber, perforated pipes are laid, having holes with a diameter of 5 mm every 200 mm. The steam after leaving the perforated pipe openings is directed upwards at an angle of 60 °.

Branch pipes with two throttling washers with calibrated holes are cut into the chamber at steam line inlet. Throttling washers exclude the possibility of arbitrary increase of steam supply and limit its flow rate. During the period of temperature rise through the throttle washer of large diameter, with the valve fully open, the highest design steam flow rate is provided, and upon completion, its valve is completely closed. During isothermal heating, steam enters the chamber along the bypass line through a throttle washer of smaller diameter.

The diagram provides for the installation of a differential pressure gauge and a direct pressure regulator "after itself" on the steam line.

In steaming chambers, perforated pipes are mounted in one lower row, which simplifies the system of automatic control of the heat-moisture treatment mode. To maintain pressure inside chambers at atmospheric level, chamber volume communicates with atmosphere by means of vertical pipe with diameter of 100 mm equipped with check valve. The chamber is thus pressure-free.

When leaving the pipe, the steam-air mixture is passed through a condenser with water cooling and the resulting condensate flows back into the chamber. As the steam-air mixture is removed, the chamber volume is filled with pure steam with a temperature of about 100 ° C.

Pressure-free chambers are carefully sealed, otherwise instead of displacing the air from the chambers, the opposite phenomenon will be observed - suction of cold air, and, therefore, a decrease in the temperature in the chamber.

The steaming process consists of the following operations: preliminary exposure - 0.5 hours; Raising the chamber temperature to a maximum temperature of 80 ° C within three hours; isothermal heating of articles at this temperature for 5 hours; cooling of products up to 40 ºC within 2 hours.

Increase the temperature in the steaming chamber smoothly, no more than 20 ° C per hour. The temperature difference between the surface of the article and the environment when it is removed from the chamber shall not exceed 40 ° C.

Concrete on Portland cement should be steamed at a temperature of 80... 85 ° C, it should not be allowed to reduce the steaming temperature below 60 ° C. Deviations from the set heating temperature shall be greater than ± 5 ° C. The relative humidity in the chamber should approach 90... 100%.

In steaming chambers, it is important to provide the desired temperature conditions necessary to obtain the desired strength of the articles, so the temperature in the chamber must be under constant control and control.

It is also necessary to monitor steam pressure in the steam line, pressure control and steam flow rate.

The products are cooled within two hours due to natural heat release to the environment. After that, chambers are opened and articles are removed.

To automate the line with pit steaming chambers, designs of covers opened by hydraulic cylinders [32] have been developed.

Analysis of the main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

8.1.1 Analysis of production volume, quality and assortment


The main tasks of the economic analysis of the volume of production and sales of products at the enterprise are: assessment of the dynamics and implementation of the plan according to the main indicators of the volume, structure and quality of products; checking the balance and optimality of planned indicators, their tension and reality; identification of the degree of influence of the main factors on the indicators of production and sale of products; development of measures to use domestic reserves to increase the growth rate of products, improve their assortment and quality.

Product quality analysis begins with an assessment of the technical level of output, which is characterized by a system of indicators reflecting the structure of product quality. Its competitiveness, as well as technical and operational indicators of certain types of products.

Assortment of products is a list of individual types, varieties of products that the enterprise produces and is obliged to supply to individual consumers in accordance with economic contracts

8.1.2 Cost Analysis

An important task of an industrial enterprise is to implement a plan for the volume, quality and assortment of products with the lowest costs. The cost-effectiveness of the enterprise is characterized by the cost of production. The cost of production is the amount expressed in money of all the costs of the enterprise for the production and sale of products.

All costs included in the cost of production can be combined into three main groups of economic elements: labor costs, labor costs and wages. This cost grouping is used in the production cost estimate. A cost estimate is a planned calculation of costs for all the needs of an enterprise for a calendar period, for example, for a year.

The composition of costs by structure and types is the same for most enterprises, but their specific gravity varies. The structure (that is, the composition expressed in percent or ratios) of cost depends on the nature of the industry, technology and organization of production in each enterprise.

The cost structure allows you to determine the main direction of analysis of its reduction. The main attention should be paid to the savings of those costs, the share of which is the greatest, as this will give the enterprise the greatest effect.

Many costs and expenses accompany the supply, production and sale of the enterprise's products. And all of them are included in the cost price. Depending on participation in the process plan, expenses are divided into main and overhead. The main costs are those that are directly related to the technology of production of this product, determine its nature and consumer properties. Overhead costs include the cost of managing and maintaining production rather than creating products.

The amount of direct and indirect costs for the products produced in the workshops is the workshop cost of the products.

The main tasks of the product cost analysis are to determine the dynamics and level of implementation of the plan by important indicators; Determine the factors that have affected the dynamics of the key figures and the execution of the plan for them, the values and reasons for the deviation of actual costs from planned costs. identification of reserves and ways to further reduce production costs [].

8.1.3 Product profitability analysis and profit utilization analysis

Enterprises with revenues exceeding expenses are called profitable and profitable.

The main objectives of profitability are: determining the growth rate and structure of balance sheet profit over a number of years; identification of factors determining the implementation of the plan for total (balance sheet) profit, disclosure of causes of occurrence and finding ways to eliminate losses; limiting the influence of external factors and determining the amount of profit resulting from the labor efforts of the production team and the effective use of production resources by employees; Identification of factors affecting the dynamics and implementation of the plan by the level of overall profitability.

The level of profitability relative to cost price is calculated as the ratio of profit to full cost price.

It is usually counted as a percentage and is called a percentage of profitability.

The main task of profit utilization analysis is to identify the correspondence between profit distribution and the result of team work.

8.1.4 Analysis of efficiency of enterprise management and analysis of efficiency of production and labor organization

Management at the level of the enterprise, production association is based on the same principles as the management of industry as a whole. For enterprises, these principles take concrete forms. The use of all management principles and methods enables you to carry out management functions - planning, organization, regulation, accounting, analysis and control.

The main tasks of the economic analysis of management efficiency are: assessment of the state of the level of management, planning in enterprises, in production associations; Identify ways and means to improve management efficiency.

The tasks of the analysis of the organization of production and labor are to assess its actual level and identify ways to further improve it.

8.1.5 Analysis of scientific and technical level of production

The analysis of the organizational and technical level allows for the identification of certain areas of improvement of the organization, equipment and production technology.

Technological progress means the systematic improvement of products, the introduction of new technology and advanced technology into production, the widespread dissemination of advanced labor methods, the improvement of the forms of production processes and the organizational structure of production.

Decisive acceleration of R&D remains one of the main tasks.

8.1.6 Analysis of efficiency of use of fixed and revolving production funds (funds and labor items)

The tasks of the analysis of OPF use and production capacity are: to study the composition and dynamics of fixed assets, the technical condition and the rate of renewal of their active part; Determination of the indicators of OPF use - stock transfer and phonodicity, as well as the factors influencing them; Determining the impact of labour on output and other indicators; determining the degree of efficiency of using labor means, production capacity, characterizing extensive and intensive performance indicators of important groups of equipment.

The tasks of the analysis of OPF use and labor items are: determination of the level of provision of the enterprise with the necessary material values; determining the degree of rhythmicity of deliveries, as well as their volume, completeness, quality, grade, finding out the timeliness of concluding business contracts for the supply of production equipment; calculation of transportation and procurement expenses; study of indicators of rational use of material resources in production, identification of losses due to forced replacement of materials, as well as outages of equipment and workers due to lack of necessary materials; Assess the impact of logistics organization and the use of material resources on output and cost of production, and so on [].

8.1.7 Analysis of labour use

The organization of labor at the enterprise means the selection and installation (placement) of workers, the regulation of their work and rest, the maximum effective use of working time and means of work.

The main tasks of labor and wages at enterprises are: in the field of the use of labor and working time - a study of the number of workers, the composition and structure, the level of qualifications and ways to improve the cultural and technical level; Study time use data and develop necessary measures to better use time and eliminate downtime Determining the impact of the number of workers on the implementation of the production plan; in the field of productivity - a study of the achieved level of labor productivity, its dynamics; Identification of intensive and extensive factors of productivity change; in the field of the use of the wage fund - a study of the validity of the forms used and the wage system; Study of the size and dynamics of average wages; Study of existing bonus systems; a study of the rate of wage growth, their ratio to the rate of productivity growth [].

8.1.8 Analysis of efficiency and use of financial resources

The tasks of financial analysis are: objective assessment of the use of financial resources in enterprises; identification of domestic reserves for strengthening the financial situation and best practices of financial work, development of measures to strengthen self-calculation and implementation of contracts, as well as to improve relations between enterprises and external economic management bodies, financial, credit, etc.

The financial condition of enterprises is due to the degree of implementation of the financial plan and the measure of replenishment of own funds from profit and other sources, as well as the speed of turnover of production funds and especially working capital. Since the execution of the financial plan is mainly dependent on the results of production activities, it can be said that the financial condition is a general indicator.

Drawings content

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