Production and heating boiler plant

- Added: 30.08.2014
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Additional information
1. Source Data (Optional)
2. Calculation of TGU schematic diagram
3. Water treatment at TSU
3.1 Pre-cleaning
3.2 Softening
3.3 Degassing
4. Selection of water treatment equipment
4.1 Calculation of water softener filters
4.2 Degassing of feed and make-up water
5. Selection of auxiliary equipment
5.1. Raw water equipment selection
5.1.1 Raw Water Pump Selection
5.2 Selection of condensate path equipment
5.2.1 Selection of condensate tank
5.2.2 Selection of condensate pumps
5.3 Selection of Feed Path Equipment
5.3.1 Selection of feed pumps
5.3.2 Selection of circulation pumps
5.4 Selection of equipment for spacecraft blowdown
5.5 Selection of heat network path equipment
5.5.1 Selection of makeup pump
5.5.2 Selection of mains water heater
5.6 Selection of heat exchangers
5.6.1 Selection of water-water heat exchanger
5.6.2 Selection of steam-water heat exchanger
6. Schematic diagrams of gas and air paths of TSU
6.1 Gas duct
6.1.1 Determination of stack height
6.1.2 Determination of CP gas resistance
6.1.3 Calculation and selection of smoke
6.2 Air path
6.2.1 Air path resistance
6.2.2 Calculation and selection of blast fan
7. TGU fuel system
8. Thermal control and automation
9. Architectural and construction part of TSU building
10. Heating and ventilation of TSU rooms
11. Calculation of the cost of the unit produced by TGP thermal
12. Instructions on operation of TSU equipment, health and safety
Source Data (Optional)
Average temperature of the coldest five-day week of tn. x. item =28 wasps [l.2 of tab. 1]
Average temperature of the coldest month of tn. x. m =16os [l.2 of tab. 1]
Average temperature of the hottest month of tn.zh. m =23.3os [l.2 of tab. 2]
Average barometric pressure Pbar = 995hPa [l.2 Table 2]
Location of the production and heating boiler house - Vladimir
Water supply source - Klyazma river, technical water supply
Water treatment at TSU
Location of the boiler plant in Vladimir. By the location of the boiler house, the nearest reservoir is determined, from where water is taken - p. Klyazma. Comparing the characteristics of the source water and the feedwater quality standards, I accept the following water treatment scheme: technical water supply - water softening - degassing.
3.1 Pre-cleaning
The boiler house is fed from the city water supply, where the water is subjected to mechanical cleaning and clarification, therefore we will not perform preliminary cleaning.
3.2 Softening
According to the rules of Gosgortekhnadzor [1], all steam boilers with a steam capacity of equal to or more than 0.7 t/h must have a pre-battle softening of feedwater.
In the project, the main method of pre-battle softening, I apply the ion exchange method.
Among the various versions of this method, the simplest and cheapest is sodium - cation (Na-cation).
3.3 Degassing.
For degassing of feedwater, boilers and makeup water of heat networks, I use the thermal degassing method, for which I use an atmospheric degasser (deaerator) of the bubbling type. It reduces the oxygen content to 0.03 mg/kg and almost completely removes the acid.
The following steam is supplied to the deaerator: reduced steam to the bubbling device with absolute pressure of 0.150.17 MPa and steam from the continuous blowdown separator with absolute pressure of 0.120.13 MPa to the upper part of the tank.
TGU fuel system
Gas is supplied to the boiler house via pressurized pipelines, so no additional energy is required to receive and supply it to the furnaces of the combustion boilers.
To maintain the required gas pressure in front of the boilers, a gas control unit (GRU) should be installed, located directly in the boiler room.
The main GRU equipment is selected based on the calculated gas flow rate at the maximum capacity of the installed boilers (excluding the capacity of backup boilers).
When selecting a pressure regulator, the gas flow shall be taken with a margin factor of 1.15 to the calculated flow rate.
For boilers intended for operation only on gaseous fuel, gas supply from GRU to boilers shall be provided through two pipelines for boilers of the first category and one pipeline for boilers of the second category.
In cases where it is possible to operate boiler houses on two types of fuel, the gas supply is carried out through one pipeline, regardless of the category of boiler house.
In the boiler room in the GRU we provide one reduction line and a bypass line.
Thermal control and automation
The boiler room provides equipment protection (safety automation), automatic regulation, control, alarm and process control of the boiler room.
When performing the automation project, the requirements of construction codes and rules for the production and acceptance of works on automation systems and the requirements of equipment manufacturers were complied with; Note here that serially manufactured automation means are adopted.
Central, group or local control boards are provided in the boiler building.
Control panels should not be placed under rooms with wet processes, under showers, sanitary units, ventilation chambers with heated air with hot water, as well as under pipelines of aggressive substances (acids, alkalis).
For steam boilers intended for the combustion of gaseous or liquid fuel, regardless of steam pressure and capacity, devices are provided that automatically stop the supply of fuel to the burners at:
a) increasing or decreasing the pressure of the gaseous fuel upstream of the burners;
b) lowering of liquid fuel pressure upstream burners, except boilers equipped with rotary burners;
c) reducing rarefaction in the furnace;
d) reduction of air pressure upstream burners for boilers equipped with forced air burners;
e) extinguishing of torches of burners, disconnection of which is not allowed during boiler operation;
f) increase of steam pressure during operation of boiler rooms without permanent maintenance personnel;
g) increasing or decreasing the water level in the drum;
and ) faults of protection circuits, including voltage loss, only for boiler rooms of the second category.
Architectural and construction part of TSU building
When designing boiler rooms, a single architectural and composite solution of all buildings and structures should be provided. simplicity and expressiveness of facades and interiors, as well as the use of economical structures and finishing materials.
The dimensions of the spans of buildings and structures of the boiler room are 18 m.
The pitch of the columns is 6 m.
The height of built-in entresoles or platforms for equipment should be taken according to technological requirements and assigned as multiples of 0.3 m.
Boiler buildings shall be designed with spans of the same direction.
Layout solutions with spans of different directions are allowed in conditions of a cramped construction site during the design of boiler rooms reconstruction.
Space-planning and structural solutions of boiler buildings and structures shall allow their expansion.
To ensure the possibility of large-block installation of equipment, installation openings should be provided in the walls and floors of boiler buildings.
Such openings should generally be provided in the end wall on the expansion side of the boiler room.
Internal surfaces of enclosing structures of fuel supply and dust preparation rooms shall be smooth and painted with moisture-resistant paints in light tones.
The existing protrusions must be made with slopes at an angle of 60 ° to the horizon and painted with moisture-resistant paints.
In buildings and rooms of boiler houses with obvious excess heat, the heat transfer resistance of external enclosing structures is not normalized, with the exception of enclosing structures of the zone with permanent stay of workers (at a height of 2.4 m from the level of the working site).
Window bindings above the specified level should be designed with single glazing.
The area and placement of window openings in the outer walls should be determined based on the condition of natural illumination, as well as taking into account the aeration requirements to provide the necessary area of opening openings. Window openings shall have a minimum area.
The coefficient of natural illumination at lateral illumination in boiler houses and structures should be taken equal to 0.5, except for laboratory premises, automation boards and repair shops, for which this coefficient is taken equal to 1.5.
The coefficient of natural illumination of the rooms of separate water treatment plants should be taken in accordance with the building fodders and the rules for the design of external water supply networks and structures.
The allowed sound pressure levels and levels of a sound in constant workplaces and at boards of control and management should be accepted according to Sanitary standards of design of the industrial enterprises.
External enclosing structures of the ground part of the fuel supply for fuel with the output of volatile substances to the combustible mass of 20% or more (unloading devices, crushing compartments, conveyor galleries, transfer units, over-the-bunker galleries) should be designed on the basis that the area of easily discarded structures should be at least 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of room volume. Window bindings in buildings and fuel supply rooms shall be single and shall normally be located in the same plane as the inner surface of the walls.
Individual boilers running on liquid and gaseous fuel shall be provided with easy-throwing enclosing structures at a rate of 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of the volume of the boiler room.
With the number of employees in the largest shift of 30 people and more, the composition of domestic premises, catering and cultural services is adopted in accordance with construction standards and rules for the design of auxiliary buildings and premises of industrial enterprises.
With the number of people working in the boiler room in the largest shift from 12 to 30 people, the following auxiliary rooms should be provided: the room of the boiler room manager, dressing rooms with washbasins, latrines, showers, a eating room and a storeroom of cleaning equipment.
If the number of people working in the boiler room in the largest shift is up to 12 people, the room of the boiler room manager is not provided from the listed auxiliary rooms, and if the number of people working in the boiler room is no more than 5 people per shift, the washbasin in the dressing room room is also not provided (use of the washbasin at the restroom is allowed).
Large-sized wall panels with full textured finish and corrosion protection, made in factory conditions, shall be used for design.
In the absence of factored panels, it is allowed to provide for painting with the facade of boiler houses with silicate, perchlorovinyl and other resistant paints.
The design of the end wall to be erected on the side of the proposed expansion of the boiler building shall allow for such expansion.
Overlaps of channels laid in boiler rooms should be provided from precast reinforced concrete at the level of clean floor.
Overlaps of sections of channels where, under operating conditions, removal of plates is necessary, it is allowed to accept from corrugated steel. The mass of the removable board or plate shall not exceed 50 kg.
Structures of channels, floors and foundations for equipment shall be designed for loads from the movement of equipment from the installation openings to the place of its installation and shall provide the possibility of lifting mechanisms passage.
Process equipment with static and dynamic loads that do not cause stresses in the underlying concrete layer of the floor that exceed the stress from the effects of installation and transport loads should be installed without foundations.
Heating and ventilation of TSU rooms
When designing heating and ventilation of boiler houses, building codes and rules for designing heating, ventilation and air conditioning were observed.
Meteorological conditions in the working area of the boiler rooms are accepted according to Sanitary standards of design of industrial enterprises based on the following categories of work on gravity:
light - in the premises of shield and laboratories;
heavy - in the boiler house in the halls and ash rooms during the operation of solid fuel boilers with manual maintenance of furnace devices:
medium - in other rooms.
When designing heating systems, the design air temperatures in the rooms should be taken as per Annex 11 [1].
In rooms with heat emissions, heating is not provided.
At design ambient temperatures minus 15 ° С (parameters B) and below, additionally check the heat balance in the lower zone of the boiler room (height up to 4 m).
Air heating systems should be designed for production rooms.
In auxiliary rooms, as well as in laboratories, panels and workshops, it is allowed to accept heating systems with local heating devices.
In these rooms, heating devices with a smooth surface should be provided, as a rule, registers made of smooth pipes.
For rooms with obvious excess heat, natural ventilation shall be provided.
If it is not possible to provide the necessary air exchange due to natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation should be designed.
For boiler rooms, if there are permanent maintenance personnel operating on gaseous fuel, it is necessary to provide at least three times air exchange in 1 hour, without taking into account the air sucked into the furnaces of combustion boilers. The design of the exhaust fans installed in these boiler rooms shall exclude the possibility of sparking.
When designing ventilation of boiler rooms, cleaning of air removed by aspiration plants (before release into the atmosphere) should be provided in accordance with Sanitary Standards for Design of Industrial Enterprises.
In the premises of liquid fuel pumping stations with production facilities of category B, two plenum and two exhaust ventilation plants with a capacity of 100% each should be provided; it is allowed to use one supply and one exhaust plant with backup fans.
If the room height is less than 6 m, the air exchange ratio should be increased at the rate of 25% for each meter of height reduction.
I use a supply and supply natural ventilation system.
Calculation of cost per unit of thermal energy generated by TSU
The most important economic indicator that determines the efficiency of the boiler house is the cost of heat released. This indicator reflects, to varying degrees, the technical armament of the boiler house, the degree of mechanization and automation of production processes, the expenditure of material resources, etc. During its calculation, other economic indicators are determined: the estimated cost of construction, boiler room states, annual operating costs, etc. Calculation of the cost of generated heat and steam is carried out in the following order.
Instructions on operation of TSU equipment, health and safety
The administration of the organization operating the hazardous production facility, which includes steam and hot water boilers , is obliged to:
1. Ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law on Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities "from 21.07.97 N 116FZ, other federal laws of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory documents in the field of industrial safety;
2.To ensure the staffing of personnel associated with the operation of boilers in accordance with the established requirements;
3. Allow persons who meet qualification requirements and do not have medical contraindications to the specified work to work on steam and water boilers;
4. Assign a person responsible for the serviceable condition and safe operation of boilers from among specialists who have passed the knowledge check in the established manner;
5. Develop and approve the instructions of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers;
6. Develop and approve the production instruction for the personnel servicing the boilers on the basis of the instructions of the manufacturers on the installation and operation of the boilers, taking into account the layout and local operating conditions of the installed equipment. The instruction shall be at workplaces and issued on receipt to maintenance personnel ;
7. Provide training and certification of employees in the field of industrial safety;
8. Have normative legal acts and regulatory technical documents that establish the rules for conducting work on steam and hot water boilers;
9.Organise and carry out production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during operation of steam and hot water boilers in accordance with the Rules for organization and implementation of industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 10.03.99 N 263 ;
10. Ensure availability and functioning of necessary instruments and boiler operation monitoring systems;
11. To carry out examination and diagnostics of boilers within the interviewed time frame and according to the order of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and its territorial bodies ;
12. Prevent the penetration of unauthorized persons into the premises where the boilers are located ;
13. Conclude insurance contracts for the risk of liability for causing harm when operating a hazardous production facility where boilers are used;
14. Comply with the orders and instructions of the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia and its territorial bodies and officials issued by them in accordance with their powers;
15. Implement measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of boiler accidents, assist state bodies in investigating the causes of accidents;
16. Analyze the causes of accidents and incidents during boiler operation, take measures to eliminate them. Keep records of accidents and incidents on boilers;
17. Promptly inform the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, its territorial bodies, as well as other state authorities, local self-government bodies and the population about the accident during the operation of boilers;
18. Submit to the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia or its territorial body information about accidents and incidents, the reasons for their occurrence and the measures taken .
The boiler room should have a clock and telephone to communicate with the steam consumption areas, as well as with technical services and the owner .
During operation of pits, in addition, telephone communication must be established between the panels of recovery boilers and heat sources.
Persons not related to the operation of boilers and boiler equipment shall not be allowed into the boiler room. In necessary cases, unauthorized persons may be admitted to the boiler room only with the permission of the owner and accompanied by his representative.
Persons trained, certified and certified for the right to service boilers may be allowed to service boilers.
Training programs should be prepared on the basis of standard programs agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.
Certification of operators (drivers) of wire boilers by a commission with the participation of an inspector of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia. Persons who have passed certification should be issued certificates signed by the chairman of the commission and inspector of the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia.
On the day of certification, the administration is obliged to notify the body of the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia no later than 5 days .
Periodic knowledge check of boiler personnel shall be carried out at least once every 12 months.
The results of the knowledge check of the service personnel are executed by a protocol signed by the chairman and members of the commission with a mark in the certificate.
In case of a break in work in the specialty for more than 12 months, the personnel serving the boilers, after checking knowledge, must undergo an internship before allowing themselves to work to restore practical skills according to the program approved by the management of the organization .
Personnel admission to self-service of boilers shall be issued by order of shop floor or organization.
It is forbidden to instruct the driver (stoker), the boiler room operator, the watershed on duty, to perform any other work during the boiler operation that is not specified in the instruction.
It is allowed to operate the boilers without constant monitoring of their operation by the maintenance personnel in the presence of automation, alarms and protections that ensure the maintenance of the normal operation mode, the elimination of emergency situations, as well as the shutdown of the boiler in case of violations of the operating mode that can cause damage to the boiler.
Serviceability check of pressure gauges, safety valves, water level indicators and feed pumps shall be carried out in the following terms:
1. For boilers with operating pressure up to 1.4 MPa inclusive - at least once per shift;
2. For boilers with operating pressure above 1.4 MPa up to 4 MPa inclusive - at least once a day
3. For boilers installed at thermal power plants - in accordance with the schedule approved by the chief engineer.
Check of pressure gauge serviceability is performed by means of three-way valve or its replacement shutoff valves by setting of pressure gauge arrow to zero.
Water level indicators are checked by blowing them. Serviceability check of standby feed pumps is performed by their short-term actuation.
The boiler shall be stopped immediately and disconnected by protection or personnel in cases specified in the instruction, and in particular in cases of :
1 detection of safety valve failure;
2 if the boiler drum pressure has risen by 10% and continues to rise;
3 lowering the water level below the lower permissible level;
4 increase of water level above the highest permissible level;
5 termination of all feed pumps;
6 termination of all direct water level indicators;
7 unacceptable increase or decrease of pressure in the direct-flow boiler duct to built-in gate valves;
and ) extinguishing flares in the furnace during chamber combustion of fuel ;
8 decrease of water flow through the hot water boiler below the minimum permissible value ;
9 faults of safety automation or alarm, including voltage loss on these devices;
The procedure for emergency shutdown of the boiler shall be specified in the instruction. The causes of the boiler emergency stop must be recorded in the replaceable log .
The boiler owner shall ensure timely repair of the boilers according to the approved schedule of scheduled preventive repairs. Repair shall be carried out according to the specifications and technology developed before the start of work.
Repair using welding and rolling of pressure boiler components shall be performed by specialized organizations.
The keys to the locks shall be stored with the responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler, unless another storage procedure is established at the enterprise.
List of literature used
1. SNiP II - 35 - 76 Boiler plants. Design Standards. (1977 with revision 2001).
2. SNiP 230199 Construction climatology
3. PB 1057403. Rules for arrangement and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers. Series 10. Issue 24/Coll.aut.-M: State. unitary enterprise "Scientific and Technical Center for Industrial Safety of the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia." - 2003. 216 pages.
4. CO 34.03.201 - 97; RD 34.03.2011 - 93 Safety Rules for Operation of Thermal and Mechanical Equipment of Power Plants and Thermal Networks. M.: ENAS, 2001.
5. Rules of technical operation of thermal power plants. Gosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. -M.: ZAO "Energoservis," 2003.264 p.
6. GOST 21.40380. Symbols are schematic symbols in diagrams. Power equipment. -M., 1981.
7. 21.606 95 SPDS. Rules for execution of working documentation of heat and mechanical solutions of boiler houses. -M., 1995.
8. 21.206 93 SPDS. Piping Conventions. -M., 1993.
9. Procedure for determination of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere when burning fuel in boilers with a capacity of less than 30 tons of steam per hour or less than 20 Gcal per hour. -M., 1999.
10. Standards of the enterprise (system of the student's project documentation): STP NNGASU 1-1-98 "Main inscriptions", STP NNGASU 1-2-98 "Title page", STP NNGASU 1-3-98 "Structure of documentation", STP NNGASU 1-4-98 "Explanatory note", STP NNGASU 1-5-98 "Main requirements to architectural construction plans", STP NNGASU 1-6-98 "Calculation", STP NNGASU 1-7-98 "Paper".
11. Aerodynamic calculation of boiler plants: Standard method. Ed. 3rd. - M.: Energy, 1977.
12. Volkov M.A., Volkov V.A. Operation of gasified boiler houses ./4th ed. reslave. and supplement - M.: Stroyizdat, 1990.
13. V.Karyagin N.P. Design of production and heating boiler plants. Methodological developments for students of specialty 2907 TGV. Parts 1 and 2. - Gorky: GISI, 1981.
14. Roddatis K.F. Boiler plants. Training. a manual for universities. M: Energy, 1977 432 s: il..
15. Roddatis K.F., Poltaretsky A.N.. Handbook on boiler plants of low productivity/.pod ed. Roddatis K.F. -M.: Energoatomizdat, 1989,488 forces..
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17. Falaleev Yu. P. "Design of heat supply systems"
18. Klimov G.M., Klimov M.G. Steam boilers: device and main characteristics. -N. Novgorod: NNGASU, 2006. 44 p.: il.
19. Klimov G.M., Klimov M.G, Beagon B.S. Auxiliary heat and mechanical equipment of the boiler plant of the heat supply system. Part 2. Traction devices. -N. Novgorod: NNGASU, 2005. - 43 s.
20. Klimov G.M. Efficiency of the boiler plant of the centralized heat supply system of the industrial enterprise. Part 1. Thermal and aerodynamic characteristics. - N.Novgorod.: NNGASU, 2004. 44 pages.
21. Klimov G.M., Klimov M.G., Choi E.N. Fastening of pipelines and thermal insulation in heat-generating plants (Methodological development on course and diploma design of heat sources of the heat supply system). - N. Novgorod, NNGASU, 2001. 45 pages.
22. Klimov G.M., Klimov M.G., Choi E.N. Boiler plant pipelines. Part 1. -N. Novgorod, NNGASU, 2001. - 44c.
23. Klimov G.M., Klimov M.G., Choi E.N. Boiler plant pipelines. Part 2. -N. Novgorod, NNGASU, 2001. - 44c.
24. Lebedeva E.A., Gordeev A.V. Ecological assessment of the boiler plant. Part 2: Standards of maximum permissible discharges into reservoirs. - N. Novgorod, NNGASU, 2003. - 44c.
25. Klimov G.M., Klimov M.G. Fundamental thermal diagrams of boiler plants of centralized heat supply systems. - N. Novgorod, NNGASU, 2004. - 38s.
26. Federal Energy Conservation Act
27. Delyagin G.N., Lebedev V.I., Permyakov B.A. "Heat generating plants," 1986.559s., il.
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