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Process mechanization at MTF with development of milking line

  • Added: 23.02.2016
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Mechanization of technological processes at MTF with development of milking line. The farm for 1000 cattle is considered. The first sheet is a master plan, the second plan of a cow for 200 heads, the third milk cleaner ohm-1a.

Project's Content

icon МТФ_1000-1.doc
icon Очиститель-охладитель молока ОМ-1А.cdw
icon Генеральній план комплекса на 1000 дойных голов.CDW
icon Коровник на 200 голов_прив_с молочной.cdw

Additional information




Development of a master plan for a livestock facility

1.1. Calculation of herd structure and notional number

1.2. Characteristics of a given animal maintenance system

1.3. Justification and development of the farm day schedule

1.4. Selection of feeding diet, calculation of daily and annual quantity of feeding, development of daily feeding schedule

1.5. Calculation of output of main and auxiliary products

1.6. Selection of typical designs of main and auxiliary buildings and structures, feed storage facilities and calculation of their required quantity

1.7. Description of location on site of production and auxiliary rooms

Process Line Engineering (PTL)

2.1. Zoo-engineering requirements for PIM CAS

2.2. Development and substantiation of POM line design and process diagram

2.3. Determination of PTL (machine) performance, selection of machines for performance of process operations and determination of their quantity

Maintenance (maintenance) of the designed PTL equipment

3.1. Maintenance Organization

3.2. Maintenance Planning and Accounting

3.3. Determination of maintenance labor intensity and calculation of required quantity of maintenance personnel

Organization of works and labor protection

Project business case

5.1. Calculation of Job Instruction of Complex Mechanization of POM Line

5.2. Determination of the main technical and economic indicators of the farm


List of literature used


One of the main ways of increasing the efficiency of livestock production, further improving its productivity and quality of the final product is the industrialization of this production, which is based on integrated mechanization. The use of industrial production methods in animal husbandry requires improvements in technological and technical solutions.

Regarding dairy farms, one of the most basic production processes is the distribution of fodder - a technologically responsible and rather laborious process. This is due to the complexity of the interaction of elements in the human-machine-animal system.

It is known that improving the process and means of distributing feed can increase the productivity of cows on 10... 15%.

Dairy cattle breeding remains a high-cost industry. So the production of one liter of milk in Ukraine, compared with countries with developed dairy cattle breeding, is spent in 3... 5 times more working time, 1.5 times more feed. Total energy consumption is more than twice as high.

Naturally, in such a situation, in the conditions of a free market, the dairy products of our farms become not competitive in value with the same products coming from abroad.

From the above it can be concluded that the milk production technology needs to be improved in order to reduce the material, energy and labour costs of production.

Characterization of a given system or method of keeping animals

Dairy cattle breeding is the most common animal husbandry industry and its development largely determines the production of important food products - milk, butter, cheese, sour milk products, etc.

The solution of this problem is impossible without the use of comprehensive mechanization of all technological processes on dairy farms of Ukraine.

Complex mechanization in animal husbandry should be understood as a system of such engineering and technical measures, as a result of which, when performing all technological processes, the use of manual labor is minimized, the productivity of technological lines and individual machines is increased, the productivity of animals increases, and as a result, the cost of production is reduced.

Integrated mechanization should cover all processes at the livestock facility, and all technological processes should be interconnected.

The process must be designed so that in the production line of the machines that carry it out, the productivity of each subsequent machine corresponds to the productivity of the previous one or is slightly higher. This allows you to create production in-line, which is very important when implementing complex mechanization.

We accept that on the designed dairy farm, a stall-and-gargle system for keeping cows with a permanent motion for animals along a special run-through road is used. The replenishment of the herd is carried out at the expense of nethels of a six-month old life. Calves up to twenty days of age are kept in prophylaxis in individual cells. Calves older than twenty days are transferred for fattening to the department, where they are kept in groups of up to four months, and then sorted and the chick sent for growing.

The most characteristic of the selected direction of cattle content is a tying system of content using a stall-camp method of keeping animals.

For our country, this system is most common. Its main advantage is to provide good conditions for individual normalized feeding and distribution of animals, which contributes to their productivity.

With such a system, each cow is tethered in a stall with a separate feeder and autopoil. Animals are fed in stalls. Feed is distributed using mobile feed distributors. Above the stall of each animal hangs a plate indicating the number of the cow, nickname, age and productivity for the last lactation.

Subject to the tethered content of cows, it is necessary to release to the pit areas or organize an active motion on the runs.

Each operator of machine milking is assigned 25... 35 cows. His duties include milking, cleaning cows, distributing feed, washing milking machines and dairy utensils. Cattlemen remove premises, bring feed. The work of the milkmaids can be organized in one or two shifts.

The tethering content system also has a number of drawbacks. Throughout the stall period, cows spend most of their time without movement indoors. The construction of premises for tethering is very expensive, since a lot of funds and materials are spent on the construction of stalls, feeders, dryers and other equipment. With tying content, the labor costs associated with milking, distributing feed, manure harvesting, untiing and tying animals are high.

With the distance of pastures from complexes in dairy and meat cattle breeding, a stall-camp method of keeping animals is used. In this case, summer camps are organized on pastures, where animals are fed, milked with the help of a universal mobile (in the camp) milking plant UDS3A, equipped with unified milking devices ADU-1. This method is useful in farms where the distance between the farm and pasture is 2 km. In such cases, the camps are enclosures equipped with feeders, tankers, milking machine, storage room for concentrates, dairy utensils, equipment and rest facilities for maintenance personnel. The size of the gourd must be no more than 200 heads.

Recently, in our country and abroad there has been a return to tethered livestock maintenance. Based on the above and according to the task, we accept the tethered method of keeping animals.

Feed distribution is carried out with the help of KTU10A mobile feed distributors, manure harvesting in cows with the help of TSN160B scraper conveyors, and in the calf - by hydro washing, singing cows with the help of PA1 automatic dryers, young - by group drinkers AGK. Milking of cows is carried out using the ADM8 milking plant.

Description of location on site of production and auxiliary rooms

The layout of the farm is made in such a way that it is economical during operation. Buildings and structures on the territory of the farm are located compactly. All buildings meet the requirements of SNiP.

This layout creates all the prerequisites for the most economical implementation of all production processes, the effective use of integrated mechanization tools, and the creation of normal sanitary and hygienic conditions on the farm.

The farm is located on an even section below the village, water intake structures and above the manure reservoir. The direction of the prevailing winds is east and southeast. Therefore, the manure reservoir is located on the leeward side.

The farm is designed to contain 1000 milking cows.

The farm also houses such facilities as a feed workshop, warehouses for storing concentrated feed and hay, and silo pits.

All buildings and structures on the territory of the farm are interconnected by a hard surface. This ensures the uninterrupted operation of all mobile mechanization tools in all weather conditions.

Access of unauthorized persons to the farm is closed. When entering the farm, a disinfected barrier and a vetsan passage for 25 people were installed.

Process Line Engineering (PT)

Animal engineering requirements for primary milk treatment

With machine milking of cows, the sources of bacterial milk pollution are most often contaminated udder skin, poorly washed milking glasses, milk hoses, milk taps and milk pipeline parts. In addition, bacteria can come from the air in the barn sucked through the constant atmospheric pressure chambers of the pulsator or the collector of the milking apparatus.

Fresh milk using phenolftolein as an indicator shows an acidic reaction.

The acidity of milk is expressed in degrees Turner (° T), which show the amount of millimeters of decinormal alkali solution (KOH or NaOH) to neutralize 100 ml of milk in the presence of phenolftolein .

The method of determining the acidity of milk and dairy products is set forth in GOST 362484.

The acidity of fresh milk is usually in the range of 16-18 ° T. The chemical composition of milk is not strictly constant for all cows, but depends on the breed, age, lactation period, feeding conditions of cows and a number of other factors. As a result, it varies within certain limits. Milk includes more than a hundred different substances. It distinguishes two main parts: water (an average of 87.5%) and dry matter (12.5%). The latter, in turn, breaks down into milk sugar - 4.5... 4.8%; fat - 2.9... 5.1%; protein - 2.7... 3.7%; ash - 0.6... 0.8%. When milk is formed from the body of a cow, immune bodies come to it with a small acidity, the value of which affects the purchase price of milk. So, milk with an acidity of 10 ° T and below is accepted by the enterprise with a surcharge of 2 rubles. for 1 ton, and directly trading network - 5 rubles.

With milk acidity above 19 ° T, the purchase price, respectively, is reduced by 2-2.5 rubles. for 1 t. Milk with acidity over 21 ° T is accepted as substandard with a 20% discount on the purchase price.

Primary processing of milk and its processing must be carried out subject to strict compliance with the "Sanitary and veterinary rules for dairy farms, farms" (1970) approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

The period during which bactericidal substances delay the development of bacteria in fresh milk (a very valuable property of milk) is called the bactericidal phase. Its duration depends on the sanitary conditions for obtaining milk, as well as on the temperature of its cooling. So at milk temperatures 310 and 303 ° K, the bactericidal phase in it lasts only 2... 5 h, and at temperatures 289 and 286 ° K, its duration is at good storage conditions from 7.6 to 36 h. At temperature 277... 278 ° To the life of the bacteria practically stops, which creates favorable conditions for long-term storage of milk. In order to stimulate the sale of milk of higher quality, cleaning, washing and disinfection of equipment and dairy utensils are carried out immediately after completion of work. Washing rooms for storing replaceable utensils are located in the southern part of the room, and storage rooms and cold rooms in the northern part. All washing workers must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and undergo a medical examination once a month.

Maintenance of the equipment of the designed loop

Equipment maintenance (MT) means a set of measures that ensure the necessary reliability and required operability of machines and equipment during their use.

As a maintenance system, we choose a planned warning system, since it ensures the operability of machines and equipment during the entire period of their operation.

As a maintenance type, we take the combined maintenance type, which is carried out by the farm with the participation of district repair organizations. Maintenance personnel at this 6 operators, locksmiths, craftsmen. The works are carried out at STO or in farms at maintenance posts and points directly at livestock facilities or CMM.

Maintenance Organization

The main task of maintenance of machinery and equipment of livestock farms and complexes is to ensure high-efficiency use of electrification and mechanization facilities due to high-quality and timely technical services, rational use of spare parts, materials, exchange fund of units and units. All maintenance operations are monitored by the Maintenance Service.

Maintenance of machinery and equipment of livestock complexes and farms is organized taking into account the peculiarities of farms, which can be divided into three groups:

Farms provided with the necessary material and technical base, as well as a well-functioning engineering and technical service, and performing all the work of maintenance of machinery in animal husbandry on their own;

farms performing daily maintenance of all equipment and periodic maintenance of only simple equipment on their own, and periodic maintenance of only simple equipment on their own, and periodic maintenance of complex equipment (refrigeration units, milk wires, etc.) by subdivisions of the regional production association;

farms with a weak material and technical base, low availability of specialists and mechanic personnel, performing maintenance and repair of all machines and equipment on complexes and farms by means of specialized organizations or relevant inter-economic associations, taking into account the specialists of the farms themselves.

Best practice shows that the bulk of the work on daily maintenance of machines and equipment can be carried out by the personnel working on them: operators, cattlemen, etc.

Operators of farms and complexes should be fully responsible for the correct operation, complexity, technical condition and safety of the machines and mechanisms assigned to them.

The main work on periodic maintenance on farms and complexes is carried out by specialized links led by a master engineer. The structure of the link, as a rule, includes locksmiths, electricians and welders.

Repair of simple equipment is carried out by the erection team and parts are repaired in the central workshop or at the maintenance point, and complex units and units are sent to specialized workshops [4].

Maintenance Planning and Accounting

The main document for the maintenance work is the planning, which is approved by the chief engineer of the farm. It indicates the timing of periodic technical services, as well as the person responsible for the work. The service life, depending on the specific conditions, may have deviations ± 10% from the established ones.

The works performed according to the planning schedule are recorded in the maintenance log.

The maintenance schedule is drawn up for all machines that are included in the timesheet.

When performing periodic technical services, the field teams of the line-mounting section draw up certificates for the work performed, which are signed by representatives of the farm and enterprise that carried out periodic maintenance. The relationship between the farm and the repair plant in this case is regulated on the basis of the concluded contract for maintenance work.

The contract reflects the obligations of the parties during the maintenance work, the procedure for the delivery and acceptance of the work performed, the cost and procedure for calculating for the work, the liability of the parties in case of non-fulfillment of the obligations undertaken and the validity period of this contract [4].


Analyzing the results of the completed course project on the mechanization of the process of primary processing of milk on a dairy farm, we can conclude that the proposed project is effective.

Calculations show that the use of the designed PTL primary milk treatment has an economic effect and profit with a milk cost of 0.89 rubles/kg amounted to 572000 rubles.

In addition, the project has developed health and safety measures.

Drawings content

icon Очиститель-охладитель молока ОМ-1А.cdw

Очиститель-охладитель молока ОМ-1А.cdw

icon Генеральній план комплекса на 1000 дойных голов.CDW

Генеральній план комплекса на 1000 дойных голов.CDW

icon Коровник на 200 голов_прив_с молочной.cdw

Коровник на 200 голов_прив_с молочной.cdw

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