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Process diagram of virobnitzvat kontaktnoї sulfatnoї acid for colchedane

  • Added: 28.11.2016
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The scheme of a virobnitstv kontaktno ї sulfatno ї to acid z to sulfide, shcho is submitted on figure 4.1, in a key є chotir osnovn_ herds і ї: oderzhannya s_rchisty to gas; cleaned gas in house; oxide of pure angidrid in syrchaniy angidrid in catalizatori; absorption of syrchan angidrid. Vipalyuvalny gas, otrimany at pech_ KS 2, okholodzhu¾tsya in kotl_-util_zator_ 3, zv_lnya¾tsya v_d a saw in tsiklon_ 4 і dry elektrof_ltr_ 5, and pot_m at 300 - 400 °C to nadhodit in the ochiyena v_dd_lennya for vidalennya dom_shok, shcho znizhuyut aktivn_st kontaktno ї Masya. In the pure viddilenny gas okholodzhuєtsya promivaєtsya sulphate acid, after that, 6 and 7 wells of water passed through. Mensha is part of the fog, it is too much to turn at the whole, osadzhuєtsya in industrial basts; more than part should be found in the offspring of aparati - in the wet electrophilter 8. Promivn_ basht zroshuyutsya "on" (acid, shcho a vit_ka є z vezh to a znov poda¾tsya on §khn є zroshennya). In tsih bashtas, whipaluvalnium gas nagrіvaє acid, pig zroshuє, to the same extent, for її cold-water chillers 18. Chilled acid to the ground povertaєtsya on the ground vіdpovіdnoї bashti. After cleaning, the gas must be dried at basht 10 i, which has passed the cornerstone 11, with a load of 12 napravlyaєtsya through the pipe space of the heat exchanger 13 at the contact apparatus 14. Acid, pig zroshuє drying bash, okholodzhuєtsya in refrigerator 18. At contact aparat_ at okisnenn_ SO2 vid_lya¾tsya is big k_lk_st heat, shcho vikoristovu¾tsya for nagr_vannya in a teploobm_nnik to the 13th gas, shcho to nadhodit on kontaktuvannya. Garlic gas napravlyaєtsya contact equipment nagrіvaє in the tubes of the heat exchanger rukhaєtsya purification of vipaluvalnium gas, pig to the pipe space, and then go to the 15 abo economizer in the anhid refrigerator for the bottom cooling and vicoristanne heat to the gas. Okholodzheny at a teploobm_nnik gas poda¾tsya in the absorbts_ena v_dd_lennya, to pass an oleumny absorber 16 і a monog_dratny absorber 17. When linanni syrchan angidridu in absorbers and steam water in drying baths vidіlyaєtsya heat y acid, pig zroshuє, nagrіvaєtsya. For pidtrimka postіynoї temperature, ground circulujuca acid okholodzhuєtsya in refrigerators 18 and 19. Oleum zi zbirnik 20 flawlessly peredaєtsya to the warehouse gotovoї produktsії. Nadlishok to acid _z the friend ї promivno ї to nadhodit basht at a zb_rnik tickling ї promivno ї basht 6, and nadlishok is divorced ї sulfatno ї to acid, shcho nakopichu¾tsya at tsikl_ tickling ї promivno ї basht, pereda¾tsya is ready for a warehouse ї produkts і ї. Such rank, at the contact sulfatnokislotny plants zazvichay oderzhuyut conduct three produkts і ї: an oleum z an oleumny absorber 16, to a kontaktn sulfatno ї acid _z sushilno ї basht 10 і to a rozveden a sulfatna acid z tickling ї promivno ї basht (p_slya vid_lennya z to acid to selenium).

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