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Process calculation of the main oil pipeline

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Course project. Drawing, Explanatory Note

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1 Mechanical calculation of oil pipeline

1.1 Oil pipeline hourly capacity

1.2 Selection of pipeline outer diameter

1.3 Selection of main and retaining pumps

1.4 Determination of pipeline wall thickness

1.5 Determination of internal diameter of pipeline

2 Hydraulic calculation

2.1 Determination of oil flow rate in the pipeline

2.2 Definition of Reynolds parameter

2.3 Determination of hydraulic resistance coefficient and first Reynolds transient number

2.4 Determination of hydraulic slope and NPS number

3. Combined characteristics of H-Q oil pipeline and pump stations

4. Arrangement of pump stations along the pipeline route

5. Conclusion

5. List of literature


Pipeline transport includes main oil and gas pipelines, as well as product pipelines. The importance of pipeline transport for the Russian Federation is determined by the significant distance of the main oil and gas fields from consumers, as well as the high share of oil, oil products and gas in the export balance of Russia.

Pipeline transport systems are an effective tool for the implementation of state policies that allow the state to regulate the supply of petroleum products to domestic and foreign markets.

Purpose of calculation:

• calculate basic oil parameters

• determine the diameter of the pipeline, calculate the wall thickness;

• perform hydraulic calculation;

• select pump equipment;

• determine the number of oil pumping stations (NPS);

• arrange NPS along the pipeline route;

The main source data are:

• capacity - 74 million tons/year;

• origin of oil - Tungusskaya;

• soil temperature at pipeline depth - 40С;

• pipe material - low-alloy steel;

• length of the route - 630km;

Selection of pipeline outer diameter.

Depending on the annual throughput, we select the pipeline diameter: Dn = 1,220 mm.


As a result of the calculations, they determined:

• Pipeline diameter - 1220 mm;

• Pipe material - low-alloy steel;

• Main pumps - NM 7000 - 210;

• Retaining pumps - NPV 3600 - 78;

• Number of pumps - 21;

• Number of NPS - 7;

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