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Pre-decoder of PR-3 type


Coursework-contains rps, 3 sheets A1, general view of pre-defector, specification, stirrer

Project's Content

icon мешалка.bak
icon мешалка.cdw
icon общий вид реальные размеры.cdw
icon ОВ.bak
icon ОВ.cdw
icon преддефекатор.tif
icon привод мешалки измен.bak
icon привод мешалки измен.cdw
icon РПЗ моя.doc
icon Содержание к РПЗ преддефекатора.doc
icon Спецификация.мешалкаspw.bak
icon Спецификация.мешалкаspw.spw
icon Спецификация.ов.spw
icon Спецификацияпривод.bak
icon Спецификацияпривод.spw
icon Чертеж.cdw

Additional information




Description and operation principle of the pre-decoder

1. Pre-Defector Enclosure Design

1.1. Calculation of cylindrical shell

1.2. Calculation of flat round cover thickness

1.3. Calculation of conical bottom thickness

1.4. Reinforcement of holes

1.5. Calculation and selection of apparatus supports

1.6. Calculation and design of flange joint

2. Design of Pre-Defector Agitator

2.1. Selection of stirrer design

2.2. Power calculation of agitator

2.3. Calculation of agitator

2.4. Calculation of drive power

2.5. Calculation of stirrer shaft

2.6. Calculation of bearing units

2.7. Coupling selection

2.8. Calculation of key connections


Bibliographic list



Currently, in the food industry, as well as in a number of other industries, there are increasingly processes of mixing two or more components or media. Accordingly, every year there are more and more advanced types of mixing devices. Processes in this equipment largely determine the effectiveness of subsequent processes and form the quality of the finished product.

Mixing is a mechanical process of uniform distribution of particles of individual components throughout the volume of the mixture under the influence of external forces .

The mixing equipment is designed to produce homogeneous mixtures, ensure homogeneous consistency during storage, as well as accelerate heat and mass exchange in the process of production of products.

The mixing may be carried out by compressed air or steam; in a rotating mixer tank; rapidly rotating working elements (blades, screws, etc.); passing the mass under pressure through nozzles and slots; ultrasound or hydrodynamic effect.

The mixing efficiency is estimated by such an indicator as the homogeneity of the obtained mixture, and a non-uniformity coefficient is used for quantitative evaluation. A mixture in which the content of components in any of its volumes does not differ from the specified content for the entire mixture is considered almost uniform.

In this course design, the predefector is calculated and designed. For machines and machines of this type, the configuration and shape of the blades are chosen, taking into account the state of the mixed mass, its volume, layer thickness, productivity, the ratio of mixed components, the degree of uniformity, the method of loading and unloading the product, and the requirements of the technology .


The main purpose of the project was to develop documentation, drawings for the construction of the apparatus. At the same time, the necessary condition was to take into account the economic side of the design, that is, the savings in structural material: a decrease in the mass of the elements of the device without compromising their reliability and safety during operation.

After selection of the structural material, the design diagram of the apparatus with the stirrer is compiled, its overall dimensions are determined, and calculation is made according to the main performance criteria. Calculation is made for the most necessary conditions possible during operation.

The general view of the set is shown in the drawing. The major node drawing is in smaller formats. A schedule is created for the general view drawing and the assembly drawing.

The note contains the main dimensions of the elements of the chemical apparatus. Chemical equipment design needs to be done with less use of standard units and parts that are simple to manufacture and well established during operation.

In this course project, an apparatus with a mixing device is designed, taking into account all state and industry standards.

Drawings content

icon мешалка.cdw


icon ОВ.cdw


icon привод мешалки измен.cdw

привод мешалки измен.cdw

icon Спецификация.мешалкаspw.spw


icon Спецификация.ов.spw


icon Спецификацияпривод.spw


icon Чертеж.cdw
