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PPR for reactor transfer (hydrotreating)


1) List of documents
2) Explanatory note
3) General plan construction (reactor dismantling)
4) Removal of binding pipelines
5) Slinging diagrams
6) Removal of heat exchangers
7) Slinging diagram of tubular heat exchangers
8) Installation of working floorings for dismantling
9) Removal of steel structures of the reactor
10) Reactor dismantling diagram

Project's Content

icon 029 Установка и крепление реактора на трайлерах. Схема установки разгрузочных балок..dwg
icon 030 Опора поворотная, разгрузочная балка.dwg
icon 031 Схема усиления моста.dwg
icon 032 Стройгенплан (монтаж реактора).dwg
icon 033 Схема разгрузки реактора Изм..dwg
icon 033 Схема разгрузки реактора.dwg
icon 034 Схема монтажа реактора изм..dwg
icon 034 Схема монтажа реактора.dwg
icon 035 Изм Монтаж металлоконструкций реактора Р-201.dwg
icon 035 Монтаж металлоконструкций реактора Р-201.dwg
icon 036 схема монтажа опоры реактора.dwg
icon 037 Схема установки реактора на опорной конструкции.dwg
icon plot.log
icon Лист согласования.docx
icon Обложка.docx
icon Перевозка блоков металлоконструкций реактора.dwg
icon Перевозка крана КС-8161 изм..dwg
icon Перевозка крана КС-8161.dwg
icon Сборка крана КС-8161.dwg
icon Схемы строповки элементов крана.dwg
icon 001 Ведомость документов.dwg
icon 002 Пояснительная записка Тит. лист.docx
icon 002 Пояснительная записка.doc
icon 003 Стройгенплан (демонтаж реактора).dwg
icon 004 Демонтаж обвязывающих трубопроводов.dwg
icon 005 Схемы строповки узлов трубопроводов.dwg
icon 006 Демонтаж теплообменников Т-202.dwg
icon 007 Демонтаж теплообменников Т-201.dwg
icon 008 Схемы строповки элементов трубчатых теплообменников.dwg
icon 009 Устройство рабочих настилов для выполнения работ по демонтажу Т-201, Т-202.dwg
icon 010 Демонтаж металлоконструкций реактора Р-201.dwg
icon 011 Схемы строповки металлоконструкций.dwg
icon 012 Схема навески подмостей при демонтаже металлоконструкций реактора.dwg
icon 013 Лестницы навесные ЛН-2,3,4.dwg
icon 014 Схема демонтажа реактора Р-201 Изм..dwg
icon 014 Схема демонтажа реактора Р-201.dwg
icon 015 Схема установки монтажных приспособлений.dwg
icon 016 Строповочное устройство поз.1.dwg
icon 017 Траверса поз.2.dwg
icon 018 Подвески поз.3,4,5.dwg
icon 019 Опорная стойка шарнира поз.6.dwg
icon 020 Опора шарнира поз.7.dwg
icon 021 Хомут опорный поз.8.dwg
icon 022 Опора выносная поз.9.dwg
icon 023 Стойка подпорная поз.10, стяжка поз.11.dwg
icon 024 Оси поз.1а,2а,2б,10а,11а.dwg
icon 025 Схема навески временных площадок и лестниц при демонтаже реактора.dwg
icon 026 Площадка навесная, лестница навесная, приставная.dwg
icon 027 План-схема перевозки реактора поз.Р-201 изм..dwg
icon 027 План-схема перевозки реактора поз.Р-201.dwg
icon 028 Схема погрузки реактора поз.Р-201 на транспортные средства.dwg

Additional information









1. general provisions

1. Reactor Transfer Works Project pos. P201 is developed on the basis of the following regulatory documents:

1.1. DBN A.3.1.-5-96 "Organization of construction production";

1.2. SNiP III480 * "Safety in Construction";

1.3. NPAOP 0.001.01-07 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes";

1.4. VSN 27488 "Safety rules for operation of boom self-propelled cranes;

1.5. SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures"

1.6. Instruction No. OT1 for labor protection in CJSC LINIK

2. The development of this project is based on the following materials:

2.1. The plan of the reactor unit of drawing - No. 0N20.00140/a, No. 0N20.00120/a.

2.2. Reactor structures - drawing No. 1N 21 00552.

2.3 Assembly drawing of reactor № 0.09 3434. 049/a,b.

2. brief description of the object

Reactor - a column-type apparatus with an outer diameter of 3.8 m, a height of 11.2 m, a mass with a support part of 111.5 tons.

The reactor is installed (installed) on a foundation with a plan size of 7.2x7.2 m. The height of the pedestal is 5.0 m. The reactor resting on the pedestal is made through a welded support ring on the housing and a removable support 2.9 m high. (on the flange) of the mounted apparatus 13.55 m. To remove the apparatus from the pedestal and support part, it must be raised by 5.6 m without taking into account the linear dimensions (height) of the mounting devices (balance beam, sling device).

Steel structures of the reactor represent a load-bearing grid structure made of rolling profiles with a plan size of 6.5x6.5 m, installed on a pedestal. Upper elevation 19.5m. Steel structures include monorail of reactor maintenance site, pipeline valves, lifting mechanism. Total weight of steel structures 17.62 tons.

In the dismantling area, the reactor pedestal borders on three sides with the P201 furnace, process pipe rack, process heat exchange equipment. The repair site along the equipment with a width of 10 m has a monolithic concrete coating.

3. Solutions for Work Execution Technology

General Work Sequence:

1. Site preparation in reactor dismantling area.

2. Removal of steel structures of the reactor.

3. Reactor dismantling.

4. Preparation of reactor transportation route.

5. Preparation of construction part (foundation) and site in reactor installation area.

6. Loading and transportation of the reactor to the installation site.

7. Reactor installation.

8. Installation of reactor steel structures.

Scope of work on site preparation in the reactor dismantling area is determined by the need to use lifting cranes with a lifting capacity of 100 tons on the track and include:

1. Removal of pipelines, steel structures in the reactor area - heat exchangers pos. T201/1.2; T-202/1,2; T202/3.4.

2. Removal of heat exchangers, pos. T201/1.2; T-202/1,2; T202/3.4.

3. Removal of dismantled equipment, pipelines, steel structures from the work area (the place of storage is determined by the customer).

4. Disassembly of foundations and collars in the working area of lifting cranes.

5. Leveling of working platforms of lifting cranes with knockout.

Removal of pipelines, steel structures, equipment, loading and unloading works during preparatory works shall be performed using cranes MKG25BR, KS-6473 (Krajan) (drawing P10R201004, P-10-P201-006, P10R201007).

Dismantling of the reactor steel structures taking into account further use at the installation site should be carried out in a block (platform, panels) using the crane MKG25BR (KS6473) (drawing P10P201010).

The reactor shall be dismantled using two KS8161 cranes with booms of 25 m g/p 100 tons on the track and a set of mounting devices allowing to perform works in constrained conditions of the mounting platform (hinged support-turning device) (drawing P10P201015).

During preparation of the reactor transportation route it is necessary to:

1. Perform reinforcement of the bridge structures at the exit from highway No. IVb to highway No. 1. Reinforcement is performed by installation of additional support beams and posts.

2. To ensure the required turning radius during the movement of the road train:

- at the exit from hydrotreating unit No. 1 on road IVb perform additional monolithic road coating with water drain preservation;

- at the entrance from the road No. 9/1 to the reforming unit No. 2 and the subsequent call to the hydrotreating unit No. 2, make a monolithic road covering (drawing P10P201027).

Preparation of the construction part (foundation) for the reactor at the installation site shall be carried out in accordance with a separate PDP developed by a specialized organization. In order to be able to supply the reactor to the site of installation and operation of lifting cranes during installation works, the site in the reactor installation area from the existing repair site to the rack A53 + 91.00 shall be made with a monolithic coating δ = 250 mm with double mesh reinforcement.

The reactor shall be transported using two 60 tn trailers and K700 tractors. Perform loading and unloading operations using two KS8161 g/s 100 tn cranes (drawing P10R201028, P-10-P201-033).

Install the reactor using two KS8161 cranes with booms 25 m g/p 100 tn using a set of mounting devices (drawing P10P201034).

Install steel structures of the reactor using the valve MKG25BR (KS6473) (drawing P10P201035).

4. organization of safe operation of boom self-propelled cranes

Self-propelled boom cranes must have a passport and an inventory number, and be registered in a special log of records and periodic inspections. Cranes shall be equipped with sound and light alarm. Crane drivers are allowed to give sound signals at the construction site. Operating instructions, warning signs, signs and safety posters shall be displayed on the crane and in its area of operation. The crane shall bear the registration number, carrying capacity and date of the next test. Do not operate on faulty valve. Moving parts of the mechanisms should be fenced in places where people can access them. Do not work on the crane with faulty or removed fencing of moving parts. Valve protective panels shall be locked. The workplace near the machine should be even, not slippery and kept clean.

Installation, registration, inspection, commissioning and operation of the crane shall be carried out in accordance with NPAOP 0.001.01-07 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes."

Installation and operation of the crane on freshly filled non-rubbed soil, as well as on sites with a slope more than specified in its certificate is not allowed. The crane shall be installed so that during its operation the distance between the crane turning part at any position and structures, stacks of cargo and other objects is not less than 1000 mm. When the crane operates, it is forbidden to find people near it in order to avoid clamping between the turning and non-rotating parts of the crane.

Cranes are allowed to lift and move only those loads that are specified in the work design.

Weight of lifted loads taking into account lifting devices shall not exceed maximum (passport) lifting capacity of the crane at this boom departure. The position of additional supports shall be taken into account. Lifting of loads with weight close to maximum lifting capacity of the crane at this boom take-off shall be performed in two receptacles. First, the structure is raised to a height of 200300 mm (in this position, the suspension, the stability of the crane and the reliability of the brakes are checked), then to the desired height. Do not lift structures whose mass is unknown. It is prohibited to drag structures with a crane by oblique tension of ropes or by turning the boom, as well as to lift pinched elements and structures filled with earth or snow, or which have been stuck to the ground. Cargo transfer over overlappings under which production rooms of shops where there are people are placed is allowed in exceptional cases after development of the actions ensuring safety of performance of work.

It is allowed to change the boom of the crane with suspended cargo only within the cargo characteristic of the crane. When moving horizontally, the load shall be lifted at least 500 mm above the obstacles encountered in the way.

The procedure for the exchange of conditional signals shall be established between the rafter and the crane operator. All signals to the crane driver must be sent only by one person - the foreman of the installation team or the rigger, and in especially critical cases - by the foreman. When the crane operator does not distinguish the signals of the rafter poorly (in case of fog, snowfall, insufficient lighting, etc.), the crane operation must be stopped.

Slinging of structures raised by the crane shall be performed in accordance with the developed slinging diagrams. The graphic image of the sling must be given to the hands of the slings and the crane operator. Removable load-gripping devices (crossarms, slings, etc.) for lifting of building structures after their manufacture and repair shall be inspected and tested with a load exceeding the nominal one by 1.25 times within 10 minutes. During operation, removable load-gripping devices shall be subjected to periodic inspection by the person responsible for their serviceable condition within the prescribed time frame. The scan results are logged.

Installation and operation of the crane near the HF protection zone at a distance of less than 40 m from the RMS and the extreme SM wire can be carried out only by the work permit, which determines the safe conditions of such work. The crane driver is prohibited from unauthorized installation of the crane for operation near the HF and RMS, about which a record is made in the track sheet. Operation of the crane near the AR and RMS is carried out under the direct supervision of the employee responsible for safe carrying out of works by lifting cranes, who determines the place of installation of the crane in accordance with the WP, ensures fulfillment of the work conditions stipulated by the work permit and makes a record in the watch log about the possibility of work execution.

Prior to commencement of works, the producers of works shall familiarize the crane driver and workers with the design of works for painting and conduct safety training with them, paying special attention to the special conditions for works performance.

5.technology of loading and unloading operations

1. Prepare cargo storage place, check presence of linings, conformity of racks to cargo to be stored, and availability of free passages to cargo laying place.

2. Protect the crane area dangerous for finding people and display signs indicating it.

3. Adjust the crane to the loading and unloading area, install it taking into account the provision of safe distances to the operating position, unlocking it on remote supports.

4. Examine the load attachment to the rafter and make sure that it is safe and safe for slinging.

5. Select lifting equipment and perform load slinging in accordance with slinging diagrams taking into account weight and nature of load.

6. After the cargo is slung, attach the braces on it with a length that allows the rafters to leave the hazardous area, before lifting make sure that the cargo is completely free from hooks, pinching or transport fastenings, there are no foreign objects on it.

7. It is forbidden to unload cars when people are in them (or in the cockpit).

8. Lift the load by 200300 mm and make sure that the brakes are reliable, that the strapping (slinging) is correct and that there are no distortions, that the load is hooked.

9. After the rafter leaves the hazardous area, lift the load to a height exceeding the obstacles by at least 500 mm, and, keeping the load from turning with braces, put it in the prepared place. It is allowed to relieve the tension of slings only after checking stable and reliable installation of the load.

6. general safety instructions

1. Work shall be carried out in compliance with SNiPIII480 * "Safety in Construction," NPAOP 0.001.01-07 "Rules for construction and safe operation of lifting cranes,"

VSN 27488 "Safety Rules for the Operation of Boom Self-Propelled Cranes," OT-1 "Occupational Safety Instruction in CJSC LINIK," NAPB A.01.0012004 "Fire Safety Rules in Ukraine."

2. The works should be started after the registration of the work permit, work permit and execution of the measures provided for by them to ensure the safety of the work.

3. Perform the following preparations before starting the works:

- remove burned materials;

- prepare the necessary accessories and accessories;

- mark the place of works with signs "Hazardous zone," "Fire works."

4. For works related to the formation of open fire or sparks (electric welding, gas cutting) it is necessary to:

- issue work permit for fire works;

- provide workplaces with primary fire extinguishing equipment.

5. Install installed temporary electric consumers, tool booths, used electrical equipment in accordance with "Rules for safe operation of electrical installations of consumers."

6. The responsible contractor shall ensure that the workplaces are equipped in accordance with the safety regulations and work technology every day prior to admission to work.

7. All employees shall be instructed according to safety rules by professions and related specialties (types of work), fire safety rules during installation works, general fire safety rules of the enterprise.

8. For all performers:

- work only in protective (construction) helmets and in the corresponding profession of protective clothing;

- have filtering gas masks of BKF brand at the workplace;

- use safety belts when performing work at altitude for insurance.

9. Not allowed in the area of work of unauthorized persons.

10. In case of emergency situations, all employees shall be evacuated from the hazardous area and measures taken to eliminate emergency situations.

11.All employees shall be instructed to perform all operations.

12. Every day before the start of work, the technical personnel shall inspect the condition of the scaffolding and scaffolding on which work will be carried out and, if necessary, correct the defects.

13. Ladders shall be provided for lifting and lowering of workers during removal.

14. Install lifting cranes in accordance with "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes" and this PPR:

- crane work area shall have solid coating of cast-in-situ concrete, flooring and railway slabs. In case of soil coating, the soil must be planned and compacted up to load capacity 0.4-0.5MPa - for cranes g/p to 25tn, 0.6-0.7MPa - over 25tn to 63tn, 0.8-1.0MPa - 100-160tn. Site slope shall not exceed 3 ° for boom cranes, 2 ° for turret cranes;

- distance between crane turning part in any position and structures or other objects must be not less than 1000 mm;

- hazardous area of crane operation shall be marked with warning signs.

15. If the wind speed exceeds the values specified in the crane certificate, ice, thunderstorm, fog or when the crane operator does not distinguish the signals of the rafter poorly or the moving load of work must be stopped

Drawings content

icon 029 Установка и крепление реактора на трайлерах. Схема установки разгрузочных балок..dwg

029 Установка и крепление реактора на трайлерах. Схема установки разгрузочных балок..dwg

icon 030 Опора поворотная, разгрузочная балка.dwg

030 Опора поворотная, разгрузочная балка.dwg

icon 031 Схема усиления моста.dwg

031 Схема усиления моста.dwg

icon 032 Стройгенплан (монтаж реактора).dwg

032 Стройгенплан (монтаж реактора).dwg

icon 033 Схема разгрузки реактора Изм..dwg

033 Схема разгрузки реактора Изм..dwg

icon 033 Схема разгрузки реактора.dwg

033 Схема разгрузки реактора.dwg

icon 034 Схема монтажа реактора изм..dwg

034 Схема монтажа реактора изм..dwg

icon 034 Схема монтажа реактора.dwg

034 Схема монтажа реактора.dwg

icon 035 Изм Монтаж металлоконструкций реактора Р-201.dwg

035 Изм Монтаж металлоконструкций реактора Р-201.dwg

icon 035 Монтаж металлоконструкций реактора Р-201.dwg

035 Монтаж металлоконструкций реактора Р-201.dwg

icon 036 схема монтажа опоры реактора.dwg

036 схема монтажа опоры реактора.dwg

icon 037 Схема установки реактора на опорной конструкции.dwg

037 Схема установки реактора на опорной конструкции.dwg

icon Перевозка блоков металлоконструкций реактора.dwg

Перевозка блоков металлоконструкций реактора.dwg

icon Перевозка крана КС-8161 изм..dwg

Перевозка крана КС-8161 изм..dwg

icon Перевозка крана КС-8161.dwg

Перевозка крана КС-8161.dwg

icon Схемы строповки элементов крана.dwg

Схемы строповки элементов крана.dwg

icon 001 Ведомость документов.dwg

001 Ведомость документов.dwg

icon 003 Стройгенплан (демонтаж реактора).dwg

003 Стройгенплан (демонтаж реактора).dwg

icon 004 Демонтаж обвязывающих трубопроводов.dwg

004 Демонтаж обвязывающих трубопроводов.dwg

icon 005 Схемы строповки узлов трубопроводов.dwg

005 Схемы строповки узлов трубопроводов.dwg

icon 006 Демонтаж теплообменников Т-202.dwg

006 Демонтаж теплообменников Т-202.dwg

icon 007 Демонтаж теплообменников Т-201.dwg

007 Демонтаж теплообменников Т-201.dwg

icon 008 Схемы строповки элементов трубчатых теплообменников.dwg

008 Схемы строповки элементов трубчатых теплообменников.dwg

icon 009 Устройство рабочих настилов для выполнения работ по демонтажу Т-201, Т-202.dwg

009 Устройство рабочих настилов для выполнения работ по демонтажу Т-201, Т-202.dwg

icon 010 Демонтаж металлоконструкций реактора Р-201.dwg

010 Демонтаж металлоконструкций реактора Р-201.dwg

icon 011 Схемы строповки металлоконструкций.dwg

011 Схемы строповки металлоконструкций.dwg

icon 012 Схема навески подмостей при демонтаже металлоконструкций реактора.dwg

012 Схема навески подмостей при демонтаже металлоконструкций реактора.dwg

icon 013 Лестницы навесные ЛН-2,3,4.dwg

013 Лестницы навесные ЛН-2,3,4.dwg

icon 014 Схема демонтажа реактора Р-201 Изм..dwg

014 Схема демонтажа реактора Р-201 Изм..dwg

icon 014 Схема демонтажа реактора Р-201.dwg

014 Схема демонтажа реактора Р-201.dwg

icon 015 Схема установки монтажных приспособлений.dwg

015 Схема установки монтажных приспособлений.dwg

icon 016 Строповочное устройство поз.1.dwg

016 Строповочное устройство поз.1.dwg

icon 017 Траверса поз.2.dwg

017 Траверса поз.2.dwg

icon 018 Подвески поз.3,4,5.dwg

018 Подвески поз.3,4,5.dwg

icon 021 Хомут опорный поз.8.dwg

021 Хомут опорный поз.8.dwg

icon 025 Схема навески временных площадок и лестниц при демонтаже реактора.dwg

025 Схема навески временных площадок и лестниц при демонтаже реактора.dwg

icon 027 План-схема перевозки реактора поз.Р-201 изм..dwg

027 План-схема перевозки реактора поз.Р-201 изм..dwg

icon 027 План-схема перевозки реактора поз.Р-201.dwg

027 План-схема перевозки реактора поз.Р-201.dwg