PPR for lifting and installation of the cup, Kirovograd

- Added: 09.07.2014
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Additional information
1. General Section
1.1 This project was developed for the rise of the hydrogen drying plant (hereinafter APU) at elevation + 19200 on the site of workshop 1 of OJSC Kirovgrad Solid Alloys Plant.
1.2 Installation works are performed by LLC "ITC."
The head of the APU lifting works is the responsible head of LLC "ITC" - deputy. Director for production of Nigomedzyanov R.N., who is responsible for HSE issues.
1.3 Installation works are carried out at the industrial site of JSC "KZTS," workshop No. 1, transferred to LLC "ITC" according to the certificate of admission.
1.4 APU lifting works are carried out with the help of automobile boom crane Q = 100 tons, which is installed according to drawing No. 001.001.12.M APU slinging is performed according to the manufacturer's diagram.
1.5 Chief mechanic of OOO "ITC" works - Epimakhov A.S.
1.6 Installation works are performed according to the additional tolerance .
Responsible - Head of LLC "ITC" - Nigomedzyanov R.N.
1.7 A responsible representative shall be appointed between OOO "ITC" and OAO "KZTS" to coordinate the lifting of APU.
1.8 Installation works shall be performed in compliance with the following requirements:
- SNiP 12032001 "Occupational Safety in Construction" Part 1.
- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Construction
production. " Part 2.
- SNiP 121362002 "Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in work execution projects."
- SNiP 120104 "Construction Organization"
- POT RM - 012-2000 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection during operation
at height "
- PB 1038200 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes"
- PPB 0103 Fire Safety Regulations in the Russian Federation
2. Preparatory work.
2.1. Prepare wooden half-panels for cranes supports in the amount of 24 pieces.
2.2. Prepare rod Ø60 mm, length 3200 mm in the amount of 10 pcs.
2.3. To dismantle a window opening in the place of giving of AFU, size 5500kh5500mm.
2.4. Punch through holes in two walls for passage of a winch rope, measuring 1,000x1000 mm from the floor.
2.5. Clean the area of the site for installation of car cranes.
2.6. Arrange delivery of APU to lifting point (in manufacturer's container).
2.7. Coordinate the blocking of motor vehicles on the road in the area of workshop No. 1 for the period of APU lifting.
From LLC "ITC":
2.1. Fabricate and install on APU frame, four additional brackets (drawing 001.001.121SB) for slinging with Q = 32 t crane. and elebedki.
2.2. Prepare load gripping devices:
- for cross-arm slinging on the hook of automobile crane Q = 100 tons,
- for APU frame slinging on the tap hook Q = 32tn,
- for slinging of APU frame to the e/winch cable,
- for slinging of cross-arm and APU frame.
2.3. Prepare devices for removal of slopes from under APU after installation on the installation site.
2.4. Tighten the safety rope from the nearest column to the window opening ,
for mounting the mounting belt.
3. Performance of works.
3.1 Head of shop No. 1 of OJSC "KZTS" transfers the territory of APU lifting under the certificate of admission to the head of LLC "ITC."
3.2 The Manager checks the safety measures, their sufficiency, performance of preparatory works. Instructs the worker with the presentation of the results in the instruction log for painting.
3.3 Installation works shall be performed mechanically with the help of lifting and transportation equipment and under the guidance of the person appointed by the order of the head of the organization responsible for safe operation of cranes.
3.4 Responsible head of installation works checks serviceability of lifting mechanisms, rigging, accessories, scaffolding and other loading equipment, as well as explain to employees their duties, sequence of operation, value of signals.
3.5 In places of installation works in the area of lifting machines operation it is forbidden to find persons who are not directly related to these works.
3.6 The person responsible for safe operation of cranes shall be in the field of view of crane operators!
3.7. Procedure of APU lifting at elev. 19200.
3.7.1.Mobile cranes Q = 100tn. and Q = 32tn. are installed in parking lots 1 and
2 as per drawing 001.001.12.M. Under each support of cranes are laid according to
three half-halls .
3.7.2.Responsive for safe operation of cranes while on
safe distance from car crane Q = 100tn, gives the command
crane operator on lowering slings on APU;
3.7.3.The responsible for safe operation of cranes gives the command
rafters about approach to APU and its sling;
3.7.4.The responsible for safe operation of cranes gives the command
crane operator for lifting the load to a height of 500 mm, followed by holding in
for 10 minutes. At the command of the responsible for safe production
crane operator lifts and sets it on site
3.7.5.To deflect the raised APU, the rafters direct it using
braces or crimps.
3.7.6. Responsible for safe operation of cranes while on
safe distance from the car crane Q = 32tn, gives the command
crane operator on lowering slings on APU;
3.7.7.The responsible for safe operation of cranes gives the command
slings about approach to APU and its slinging from the end (hook lock
lock in idle state);
3.7.8.The responsible for safe operation of cranes gives the command
crane operator Q = 100tn. to lift the load to a height of 500 mm, s
followed by holding for 10 minutes. Crane crane Q = 32tn. in
lifting of APU to elev. 19200 does not participate, but only, synchronously with
crane Q = 100 tons, accompanies lifting of the load to elev. 19200.
At the command of the person responsible for safe operation of cranes
crane crane operator Q = 100tn. lifts and sets it, maximum, in
window opening for rods Ø60 mm.
3.7.9.The responsible for safe operation of cranes gives the command
rafters about the approach to APU and its slinging from the opposite end to
wire rope/winch Q = 5 tons (fig. 001.001.12. L).
3.7.10. Responsible for safe handling of cranes while on
safe distance from car cranes, gives command
crane operator Q = 32tn. to lift the APU to a height of 200 mm , s
subsequent holding for 10 minutes.
3.7.11. Responsible for safe handling of cranes while on
safe distance from car cranes, gives command
crane operator Q = 100tn. to lower the crossbeam on APU.
3.7.12.The responsible for safe operation of cranes gives the command
rafters on the approach to the APU. Preliminary, mounting carbine
the strap belts are fastened to the safety rope.
The rafter removes the crossbeam from the tap hook Q = 100tn.
3.7.13. Responsible for safe handling of cranes while on
elev. 19200, instructs the installer on the electrical rig to start tightening the APU
into the opening. At the same time sends command to crane operator Q = 32tn. on
supply of APU to the opening. As APU enters the building under the frame
the rods Ø60 mm are lined.
3.7.14.After passing 34 APU to the building responsible for safety
operation by cranes, gives the command to crane crane operator Q = 32tn. on
lowering the hook and independently removing the hook from the sling.
3.7.15.After reaching the APU installation place, responsible for safety
work with cranes, gives the command to remove the sling from the e/winch rope,
remove the rod from under the frame using jacks.
001.001.12-1 СБ Приспособление для строповки автокраном Q=32 тн.cdw

План монтажа лист 17.cdw

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