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PPR for installation of private sector gas pipeline

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Diploma project on the topic: PPR for the installation of a private sector gas pipeline. Explanatory note, CO of owner, contractor, local estimate, 6 A1 drawings in compass.

Project's Content

icon Локальная смета.rtf
icon ГРП.cdw
icon Календарный график.cdw
icon План дома.cdw
icon Ситуационный план.cdw
icon Стройгенплан 2.cdw
icon Частный сектор.cdw
icon Дипломный проект.docx
icon СО заказчика и подрядчика.docx

Additional information



1 Design and technical section

1.1 Initial data and characteristics of the object

1.2 Gas characteristics and climatic data

1.3 Calculation of gas fuel parameters

1.4 Calculation of gas consumption by the private sector

1.5 Selection and justification of gas supply systems

1.6 Hydraulic calculation of low pressure gas pipelines

1.7 Hydraulic calculation of internal house gas pipelines

1.8 Selection of SGD equipment

1.9 Customer Equipment Specification

1.10 Contractor Equipment Specification

2 Purpose, justification and composition of PPM

2.1 Technology and ways to improve it

2.2 Selection of method of works execution

2.3 Soil Characteristics and Excavation Scope List

2.4 Selection of driving mechanisms, machines and devices

2.5 Material and Auxiliary Bill of Materials

2.6 Calculation of labor costs and wages

2.7 Labor Cost Summary Sheet

2.8 Calculation of the number and qualification of the brigade

2.9 List of tools and accessories for the brigade

2.10 Work and labor movement schedule

2.11 Preparatory works

2.12 Gas pipeline installation technology

2.13 Welding operations

2.14 Insulation works

2.15 Gas Pipeline Test

2.16 Commissioning of the facility

2.17 Operation of gas facilities

3 Economic section

3.1 Explanation of Local Cost Estimate

3.2 Local Cost Estimate

4 Project safety and environmental friendliness

4.1 Occupational Safety and Safety

4.2 Safety precautions for handling and preparation


4.3 Safety precautions during excavation and installation of gas pipeline

4.4 Welding Safety

4.5 Safety precautions during insulation works

4.6 Safety precautions for testing gas pipelines

4.7 Environmental part of the project

5 Conclusion

List of used literature


The program "Gasification of the Udmurt Republic" was developed taking into account the control figures of the federal target program "Gasification of Russia." It includes the implementation of comprehensive measures to provide for the majority of the population, objects of industry, energy and housing and communal services, other consumers of fuel with natural gas, aimed at improving the standard of living of the population, reducing budget expenditures, related to the payment of energy resources for the sectoral social sphere and the population, and also to create conditions for the recovery and further development of the national economy of the republic due to the use of efficient fuel and energy resources by the maximum possible number of consumers .

Improving the environmental situation in cities and settlements by reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

The state and level of gasification of cities and districts of the republic have a significant impact on the social and economic development of the republic on the quality of life of the population, on the state of the economy of the region as a whole, being one of the most significant factors in improving the efficiency of energy supply. In general, in the republic, only obvious annual losses from the low level of gasification of housing with natural gas for the republican consolidated budget amount to about 40 million rubles. (in a new calculation) in the form of subsidies to the population for liquefied gas, coal, firewood provided for in the budget.

The use of natural gas, which reduces current energy expenditure by at least one third compared to other fuels, seems to be the most effective way to address energy shortages.

2.2 Selection of method of works execution

The works on installation of gas supply and gas distribution systems are carried out by three methods:

- sequential;



The sequential method provides for the start of work on the installation of gas supply and gas distribution systems after the completion of civil works.

This method reduces the installation time, ensures the safety of blanks, complies with safety rules, improves the quality of work and does not delay the calculation for work that has not been completed.

This method usually performs the work of internal gas supply systems.

The parallel method is used in the installation of large production facilities, where the volume of work on the installation of gas supply and gas distribution systems occupies a large percentage.

At such facilities, the installation of equipment and pipelines in terms of duration is aligned with civil works.

The flow method is used when installing gas pipelines of microdistricts and settlements.

The method provides for the execution of work in separate flows, sequentially one after another. This method does not paralyze traffic, does not require a large amount of labor, provides one brigade for long-term employment.

2.10 Work schedule, labor movement

The work schedule establishes the dates of each type of installation work, the sequence of civil works and must be linked to the combined production schedule.

The work schedule is drawn up taking into account the identification of the workers' needs, the necessary labor intensity, calculated according to the calculation and summarized in the summary statement of labor costs taking into account the increase in labor productivity.

The development is accepted according to the types of work from the experience of the advanced team of the installation control. The benchmark of production for all types of works is 100125%.

The data determined by the calculation, the total labour intensity T h/days, which is divided by the types of work and the organizations or services performing these works, are used to compile the work schedule. When scheduling workers, it is necessary to take into account that part of the flow remains unchanged, and the number of installers can change according to the needs of production.

The work schedule and labor flow schedule are shown in the graphical part of the course design. The labour traffic schedule should provide for its uniform use throughout the installation period and, if possible, maintain its constant number on the construction site.

2.12 Gas pipeline installation technology

The technology of installation of gas pipelines depends primarily on the material of the pipes, since this determines the mass of the units to be mounted and the methods of connecting the pipes to each other and the fittings. From the point of view of the selection of the installation crane or its adaptation, one of the main parameters is the weight of the pipe.

Self-propelled boom cranes are used for installation of gas pipelines from steel pipes. If they cannot be used according to the conditions of work, then manual devices such as tripod and portals are used.

Various gripping devices are used for mounting and hanging of single pipes and lashes to the load hook of the mounting crane or lifting device, which must ensure that the pipe is firmly fixed and its insulation coating is preserved. The most common of these are towel-type grips.

End grips are secured to pipe walls from end faces. They have holes, beyond which with the help of cowls they are strengthened to the ends of branches of ordinary slings. End grips are used only when loading and unloading pipes.

Grips are used to lift non-insulated pipes and lashes up to 36 m long.

Steel gas pipelines are laid with steel sections of small length, which are chosen so that the non-rotating joint is not closer than 1 m from the crossed structure.

Automotive cranes, uranium extractors, and pipe layouts are used to lay sections.

According to safety conditions, when laying a gas pipeline section in a trench, at least 2 cranes are used.

In urban conditions, pipes are laid in trench by flow-through method according to gripping system. In this case, the weaves are made of the same length .

The enlarged assembly and welding of pipes or sections in the pile is carried out on the trench berm. If the work is carried out according to the gripping system, then plies equal to the length of the gripping are prepared on the berm, which depends on the selected flow pitch taking into account the distances between underground intersections.

After welding the swivel joints, they are tested with air, having installed inventory plugs at the ends of the section.

2.13 Welding operations

Workers of other professions working together with the electric welder shall be provided with shields or glasses with protective glasses (filters). Types of light filters are selected according to GOST.

2.14 Insulation works

All steel underground gas pipelines within settlements protect against soil corrosion of wandering currents.

On the basis of GOST 901574, regulatory and technical documentation should be developed that establishes requirements for corrosion protection.

Methods of protecting underground gas pipelines are as follows:

- application of insulation on gas pipelines, GOST 901574 recommends protective coatings polymer, bitumen-rubber, bitumen-polymer.

- cathode polarization at application of anti-corrosion insulation of joints is used "towel," which is rubbed bottom of pipe to eliminate overflows of mastic, leaks for application of primer and mastic.

Anti-corrosion coatings shall:

- have sufficient mechanical strength, ensuring the safety of the coating during transportation, lowering into the trench, from soil pressure;

- have ductility ensuring monolithicity at low or high temperatures, during work and in operation;

- stick well to metal;

-be dielectric;

- be resistant to destruction from biological impact and have no components causing metal corrosion.

Prior to application of insulation, joints are cleaned from rust, earth, dust, moisture, soot and mechanical scale. Piping surface shall be grey with metal flashes.

All insulation coating works are monitored by external inspection.

2.15 Testing of gas pipelines

All constructed and overhauled gas pipelines in settlements are tested for strength and density. Tests are carried out by a construction and installation organization, with the participation of the customer and a representative of the gas farm trust of the settlement.

To clean the inner cavity of the pipes from scale, moisture and contaminants, the gas pipelines are blown with air before testing. Blowing is carried out by sections with air pressure of 7133 Pa, for which temporary gate valves are installed in necessary cases. Clogging and foreign objects emanating under the influence of air flow in the gas pipeline pose a great danger, therefore, the end of the withdrawal is directed so that there are no people and no buildings near it.

Tests of gas pipelines for strength and density are carried out by air.

The exception is above-ground gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 300 kPa, which are tested for strength by water.

The duration of the density test for all underground gas pipelines shall be at least 24 hours.

External gas pipelines are tested twice for strength during construction and for density after backfilling.

Test results are indicated in specialized acts.

2.16 Commissioning of the facility

To accept the gas supply system completed by construction, the customer shall create an acceptance commission.

The composition includes representatives of the customer (chairman of the commission), representatives of design and operational organizations, representatives of bodies of the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia. The General Contractor shall submit the following documentation in one copy to the Acceptance Committee for the completed construction of the gas supply system facility:

- a set of working drawings for the construction of the proposed facility for acceptance, with inscriptions made by the persons responsible for construction and construction, on the compliance of the works performed in kind with these drawings;

- certifications of manufacturers for pipes, shaped parts, welding and insulation materials;

- technical passports of manufacturers for equipment, assemblies, connectors, insulation coatings, fittings;

-instruction of manufacturers on operation of gas equipment and instruments;

- construction passports of the external and internal gas pipeline, GRP;

- protocol for inspection of welded joints of gas pipelines;

-act of acceptance of submitted projects of ECZ plants;

-act of acceptance of hidden and special works;

-act of acceptance of gas equipment for complex testing;

-technical certificates for imported materials and technologies.

The Acceptance Committee verifies compliance of the gas distribution system with the project and the submitted as-built documentation, with the requirements of the rules and regulations.

Acceptance by the customer of the completed construction of the system facility is executed by an act according to the form of the mandatory appendix "B." It confirms that the created object matches.

Design documentation prior to approval by the customer shall be agreed with the gas facility in terms of checking its compliance with the issued design specifications.

The project approval shall be recorded on the project and recorded in a special gas register.

2.17 Operation of gas facilities

The operation of gas pipelines and gas equipment in cities, towns and rural areas is allowed to enterprises, organizations of the gas economy, which includes a staff of persons trained and admitted to perform these works, and the necessary material and technical base.

In each gas farm enterprise and its subdivisions for persons engaged in technical operation of the gas farm, official, production instructions and instructions on safe methods of work, for persons working in fire hazardous areas, fire safety instructions should be developed, in addition, a departmental control system for safe operation of the gas farm should be developed.

Gas industry enterprises and its subdivisions shall ensure:

-free supply of gas to all consumers;

- safe operation of gas supply systems on their balance sheet;

- provision of technical conditions for gasification of industrial, agricultural and other enterprises, as well as residential buildings, regardless of their departmental affiliation, in accordance with the developed gas supply scheme;

- technical supervision over the construction of gas supply systems by the customer or gas farms under contracts, participation in the commissioning of built facilities;

- control over the consumption and rational gas consumption by all categories of consumers;

- introduction of new equipment aimed at improving efficiency, reliability and safety of production processes;

-instructure of the population and promotion of safety rules when using gas in everyday life.

Operation of gas supply systems includes:

-technical maintenance;

- scheduled repair works (maintenance and overhaul);

- emergency recovery works;

- switching on and off of equipment operating seasonally;

- disconnection of non-operating gas pipelines and gas equipment.

Emergency recovery works relate to unscheduled works, the need for which arises due to violations of the integrity of the gas pipeline or structures on it that create an emergency situation. Emergency recovery works shall be carried out immediately.

Elimination of "snow-ice" and crystalline hydrate plugs in gas pipelines, condensate collectors, hydraulic locks refers to emergency recovery operations.

To eliminate water, snow, hydrate, resin, naphthalene, mud and other blockages of gas pipelines and valves formed during operation, the following methods and means can be used:

- filling of solvent into gas pipeline;

- heating of ice blockage areas with steam or fire;

drilling the gas pipeline with steel wire;

- gas or air blowing;

- extraction of foreign objects through specially cut windows;

- carrying out the corresponding repair works.

At the end of cleaning or blowing, the gas supply to the instruments is resumed with the necessary safety measures at gas start-up.

Drawings content

icon ГРП.cdw


icon Календарный график.cdw

Календарный график.cdw

icon План дома.cdw

План дома.cdw

icon Ситуационный план.cdw

Ситуационный план.cdw

icon Стройгенплан 2.cdw

Стройгенплан 2.cdw

icon Частный сектор.cdw

Частный сектор.cdw
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