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PPM for installation of circulating water ducts

  • Added: 22.10.2014
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This project is designed to guide the installation of circulation water pipelines in the conditions of work in the pits, in the protection zone of power lines 220kVa, the absence of through passage of lifting equipment along the excavation banks using mobile cranes LiebherrLTM-1250-6.1, LiebherrLTM-1050-3.1 . The project provides for the performance of preparatory works: - before the start of installation work on the laying of circulating water ducts, check the actual position of the existing underground communications located in the construction area; - organize the parking of cranes, their road passage, according to the diagram; - on the circulating water duct section to the bottom of the excavations, before preparation with sand and gravel soil, lay the road plates according to the diagram, at the elevation below the design plane of the pipeline bed at 300 mm. Laid road slabs will serve as the basis for the movement of pipeline blocks in excavations using hand-held hoists along cathode supports and supporting means of low mechanization in the process of connecting the blocks. These road slabs are subject to further "burial" at the base of the excavation. Roll supports shall be installed on the plates. Install manual lever winches. - organize according to the layout of the site for pre-assembly of pipelines, place for sites to level, tamper with. Pipelines are supplied to the assembly site by road. The piping units are assembled on the scaffolding platforms on the sleepers, with further laying by the crane in the design position. Expediency of installation of circulating water duct units by one or another crane is established according to the installation scheme taking into account the provision of lifting of the maximum possible number of units from one parking lot and the minimum number of crane permutations. Installation of circulating water ducts in the pit is carried out using MTM-1.6 manual lever winches by moving pipeline units on roller supports or pieces of pipes, which are sequentially rearranged along the trench. Piping units shall be placed at the design elevation by means of crossbeam, jacks and mounting frame on temporary supports of their sleepers. Joints are welded and handed over for insulation. As the pipeline sections are ready, the pipe is filled, the bed is rammed with sand-gravel mixture under the "belly" of the pipe with removal of temporary supports.

Project's Content

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icon ППР циркодоводы B4_B5.dwg
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icon ППР циркодоводы градирен.dwg
icon ППР циркодоводы изм.dwg
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icon ролики проработки.dwg
icon Хомут с роликами.dwg

Additional information



General Data

Occupational safety and safety

First aid methods

Fire safety requirements

Cargo Table

Calculation of hazardous area during installation works

Recommended Sign Alarm

Organization of excavation workplaces

Environmental safety measures

Appendix 1: Protocol on certification at Rostekhnadzor


This project is designed to guide the installation of circulation water pipelines under the conditions of works in the pits, in the protection zone of power lines 220kVa, the absence of through passage of lifting equipment along the excavation banks using mobile cranes Liebherr LTM12506.1, Liebherr LTM10503.1.

The project provides for the performance of preparatory work:

- check the actual position of the existing underground utilities located in the construction area before the start of installation works on the installation of circulatory pipelines;

- arrange parking of cranes, their road access, according to the diagram;

- on the area of the circulating water pipeline on the bottom of excavations, before preparation with sand and gravel soil, lay the road slabs according to the diagram, at the elevation below the design plane of the pipeline bed by 300 mm. Laid road slabs will serve as the basis for the movement of pipeline blocks in excavations using hand-held hoists along cathode supports and supporting means of low mechanization in the process of connecting the blocks. These road slabs are subject to further "burial" at the base of the excavation. Roll supports shall be installed on the plates. Install manual lever winches.

- organize according to the layout of the site for pre-assembly of pipelines, place for sites to level, tamper with.

Pipelines are supplied to the assembly site by road. The piping units are assembled on the scaffolding platforms on the sleepers, with further laying by the crane in the design position.

Expediency of installation of circulating water duct units by one or another crane is established according to the installation scheme taking into account the provision of lifting of the maximum possible number of units from one parking lot and the minimum number of crane permutations.

Installation of circulating water ducts in the pit is carried out using MTM1,6 manual lever winches by moving pipeline units on rolling supports or pieces of pipes, which are sequentially rearranged along the trench. Piping units shall be placed at the design elevation by means of crossbeam, jacks and mounting frame on temporary supports of their sleepers. Joints are welded and handed over for insulation. As the pipeline sections are ready, the pipe is filled, the bed is rammed with sand-gravel mixture under the "belly" of the pipe with removal of temporary supports.

Process instructions for installation of circulating water duct units are given in drawing No.;;;

General Data

The project was carried out on the basis of the drawing "System of recycled technical water supply. Tsirkvodovoda" 96 OUP0802GR (Plans, cuts, wiring diagrams), 96 OUP0802GR1 (Earthwork), 96 OUP0802GR2 (The scheme of a ditch), 96 OUP0802GR4 (A junction point to camera 51Ts54Ts) CJSC E4SibKOTES with observance of technical requirements on welding and drawing isolation.

The anti-corrosion coating of underground circulatory ducts is adopted of a very reinforced type from polymer adhesive tapes in accordance with GOST 9.6022005.

The base for circulating water pipelines is designed from sand and gravel soil. As the pipeline sections are ready, the pipe is filled, the bed is rammed with sand-gravel mixture under the "belly" of the pipe with removal of temporary supports.

For the period of installation of piping units and their anti-corrosion coating, the elevation of the trench bottom should be lower than the design one by 300 mm.

Circulators in the station unit, under existing and designed racks are designed in cases of steel pipes of corresponding diameters.

The project does not consider the issues of order of installation of pipe lines of the project, performance of hydraulic tests.

The work execution project is developed in accordance with and defines the mandatory fulfillment of the following requirements:

SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization";

SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ";

SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production ";

Design and Construction Codes:

SP 12135 -2002 "Labor Safety in Construction. Industry Standard Occupational Safety Instructions ";

SP 12136 -2002 "Labor Safety in Construction. Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction organization projects and work execution projects ";

POT RM00798 "Rules on labor protection during loading and unloading operations and cargo placement";

PB 1038200 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes";

Interindustry rules and instructions for labor protection (safety rule);

"Electrical Installation Rules" (PUE);

Construction Norms and Regulations 110195 "The instruction about an order of development, coordination, a statement and structure of the project documentation on construction of the enterprises, buildings and constructions";


RD 11062007 "Methodological Recommendations on the Procedure for Development of Work Execution Projects for Lifting Machines and Process Charts for Loading and Unloading Operations";

RD 1010796 "Standard Instructions for Slingers for Safe Lifting Machines."

First aid methods

4.1 In the event of an accident, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim, report the incident to the management, if necessary, call an ambulance.

4.2 First aid for bruises, ligament sprains and dislocations.

4.2.1 In case of bruising, first of all, it is necessary to rest the damaged organ. It is necessary to apply a pressure bandage on the bruised area, give this area of ​ ​ the body an elevated position, which helps stop further hemorrhage in soft tissues. To reduce pain and inflammatory phenomena, cold is applied to the bruising site - an ice bubble, cold compresses.

4.2.3 First aid for ligament stretching is the same as for bruises, that is, first of all, a bandage fixing the joint is applied. When the tendons, ligaments are ruptured, the first aid consists in creating complete rest for the patient, applying a tight bandage to the area of ​ ​ the damaged joint.

4.2.4 First aid for dislocations: cold on the area of ​ ​ the damaged joint, the use of painkillers, immobilization of the limb in the position that it took after the injury.

4.2.5 Dislocation control - medical procedure. You should not try to correct the dislocation, since sometimes it is difficult to establish whether this is dislocated or a fracture, especially since dislocations are often accompanied by cracks and broken bones.

4.3 First aid for bleeding.

4.3.1 Methods of temporarily stopping bleeding include:

- giving the damaged part of the body an elevated position with respect to the body;

pressing the bleeding vessel at the site of the injury with a pressure bandage;

- compression of the artery throughout;

- stopping bleeding by fixing the limb in the position of maximum flexion or extension in the joint;

- circular compression of limb by bundle;

- stopping bleeding by applying a clamp to the bleeding vessel in the wound.

4.3.2 Capillary bleeding is easily stopped by applying a regular bandage to the wound

4.3.3 In case of venous bleeding, a reliable temporary stop of bleeding is carried out by applying a pressure bandage.

4.3.4 Arterial bleeding from a small artery can be successfully stopped with a pressure bandage. For emergency arrest of arterial bleeding, a method of pressing arteries throughout is widely used. You can press the artery with your thumb, palm, fist. Pressing the arteries by fixation of the limb in a certain position is used during transportation of the patient to the hospital. Reliably stops haemorrhaging from arteries tight circular tug of limb, ensuring clamping of all vessels above the site of wound. This is most easily done with a special rubber harness. The application of the harness is shown only with severe bleeding from the arteries of the limb. To prevent pinching of the skin, a towel, clothes of the wounded, etc. are laid under the harness. The limb is lifted up several times, the harness is brought under the limb, stretched and wrapped around the limb several times until bleeding stops. Tours of the harness should lie next to each other, without infringing on the skin.

The tightest should be the first round, the second put with less tension, and the rest - with minimal. Ends of bundle are fixed by means of chain and hook over all rounds. Tissues should be compressed only before bleeding stops. With a properly applied bundle, arterial bleeding immediately stops, the limb pales, the pulsation of the vessels below the superimposed bundle stops. The harness on the limbs is applied to no more than 1. 5-2 hours. If the final stop of bleeding is delayed for any reason, then it is necessary to remove the harness for 1520 minutes (arterial bleeding during this period is prevented by finger pressing of the artery) and apply again slightly higher or lower. In the absence of a special harness, the circular pulling of the limb can be carried out with a rubber tube, a belt, a handkerchief, a piece of fabric. It must be remembered that coarse rigid objects can easily cause nerve damage.

4.4 Electrotrauma and lightning damage.

4.4.1 Electrotrauma causes local and general disorders in the body. Local are manifested by burns of tissue. Common phenomena are more dangerous: loss of consciousness, decreased body temperature, respiratory arrest, deep depression of cardiac activity, paralysis.

4.4.2 The main thing is the immediate termination of the electric current.

4.4.3 Touching the victim with unprotected hands when the wires are not disconnected is dangerous. Local injuries should be treated and covered with a bandage, as in burns.

4.4.4 All persons with electrotrauma shall be hospitalized.

4.4.5 In severe general events accompanied by respiratory disorder or arrest, the only effective first aid measure is immediate artificial respiration, sometimes for several hours in a row. With a working heart, artificial respiration quickly improves the condition of the patient, the skin acquires a natural color.

4.4.6 First aid for cardiac arrest should be started as early as possible. It consists in simultaneous artificial respiration and external heart massage at a frequency of 5070 times per minute. Effectiveness of massage is judged by appearance of pulse on carotid arteries.

4.5 First aid for bone fractures.

4.5.1 The main first aid measures for bone fractures are:

- creation of immobility of bones in the fracture area;

- Taking measures to combat or prevent shock;

- organizing the fastest delivery of the victim to a medical institution.

4.5.2 Rapid creation of bone immobility in the fracture area - immobilization reduces pain and is the main point in shock prevention. Immobilization of the limb is achieved by the application of transport tires or tires made of improvised solid material. The application of the tire should be carried out directly at the scene and only after that transport the patient.

4.5.3 Aseptic bandage shall be applied before limb immobilization in case of open fracture. When bleeding from a wound, methods of temporarily stopping bleeding (pressing bandage, application of a harness, etc.) should be used.

4.5.4 Immobilization of the lower limb is more convenient using a Diterichs transport tyre, a Kramer overhead tyre or a pneumatic tyre. If there are no tyres, the immobilization shall be carried out with improvised tyres of any improvised materials.

4.5.5 In the absence of auxiliary material, immobilization should be carried out by tapping the damaged limb to a healthy part of the body: the upper limb - to the body using a bandage or a slash, the lower - to a healthy leg.

4.5.6 During transport immobilization it is necessary to observe the following rules:

- tyres must be securely fixed and fix the fracture area well;

- the tire cannot be applied directly to the nude limb, the last

it is previously necessary to cover with cotton wool or some kind of fabric;

creating immobility in the fracture zone, it is necessary to fix two joints above and below the fracture site (for example, with a fracture of the tibia, the ankle and knee joint are fixed) in a position convenient for the patient and for transportation;

- for hip fractures, all joints of the lower extremity (knee, ankle, hip) should be fixed.

4.5.7 Prevention of shock and other common phenomena is largely ensured by the correct fixation of damaged bones.

4.6 First aid for burns.

4.6.1 There are four degrees of burn:

- A burn of grade 1 (erythema) is manifested by redness of the skin, swelling and pain.

- Grade 2 burn (bubble formation) is characterized by the development of a more pronounced reaction.

- Grade 3 burn (necrosis) causes all layers of skin to die.

- Grade 4 burn (charring) occurs when the tissues are exposed to very high temperatures.

4.6.2 First aid shall be aimed at stopping the impact of high temperature on the affected:

- flame on clothes should be extinguished,

- remove the victim from the high temperature zone,

- remove smoldering and sharply heated clothes from the body surface.

4.6.3 You cannot tear clothes from the skin; it is trimmed around the garment and an aseptic bandage is applied over the remaining garment. The application of a dry aseptic dressing prevents infection of the burn surface.

4.6.4 Do not rinse any area of the burn, touch the burned place with your hands, pierce the bubbles, tear off parts of the clothes stuck to the burn place, as well as lubricate the burn surface with fat (vaseline, animal or vegetable oil, etc.) and sprinkle with powder.

4.6.5 The victim must be put in a position in which pain is least disturbed, heat shelter, give a large amount of liquid to drink.

4.6.6 In case of extensive burns of the victim, it is better to wrap in a clean smoothed sheet.

4.6.7 Chemical burns arise from the effects on the body of concentrated acids (hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric, acetic, carbolic) and alkali (caustic feces and caustic soda, saturated alcohol, quicklime), phosphorus and some salts of heavy metals (silver nitrate, zinc chloride, etc.).

4.6.8 First aid for chemical burns depends on the type of chemical substance. In case of burns with concentrated acids, the burn surface must be washed with a jet of cold water for 1520 minutes. After treating the burned surface, an aseptic dressing must be applied.

Organization of excavation workplaces

9.1 Access of personnel to the pit to the place of installation works execution shall be performed according to inventory steps for lowering and lifting of the workers.

9.2 Movement of the workers through the installed pipelines shall be carried out by attachment inventory bridges.

9.3 Perform works on installation of piping units using the mounting frame from inventory rack scaffolding.

9.4 Ensure continuous monitoring by insured workers of work performance, lowering and lifting of workers.

Environmental safety measures

Prohibit the use of vehicles and MRG having leaks of operating liquids (oil, fuel).

Ensure organized collection and disposal of production waste. Why make containers for:

- Scrap metal;

- Oiled rags and workwear;

- Household waste.

Drawings content

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