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Potato factory - drawings, PP

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1. Physical and mechanical properties of potato tubers as an object of treatment

2. Potato cultivation technologies

2.1. Bryansk technology

2.2. Slavic technology

2.3. Dutch technology

2.4. Zavornovskaya technology

3. Technical characteristics of machines used in

potato cultivation

4. Calculation and arrangement of rotary combined separator

4.1 Device and operating principle

4.2 Kinematic calculation

4.2.1 Calculation of torque and gear ratios of the drive

4.2.2 Chain transmission

4.2.3 Calculation of separator drive shafts

4.2.4 Selection of bearings

4.2.5Verifying the strength of key joints

4.3 Basic Adjustments

List of literature



Potatoes are one of the most important industrial crops cultivated in our country. In terms of potato production, Russia still ranks first in the world (about 15% of world production).

Potato harvesting is a time-consuming process in its cultivation technology. The cost of harvesting potatoes is 45... 60% total costs. Bar elevators used on most potato harvesting machines do not always work satisfactorily on heavy, stone-clogged, humidified soils, as well as on slopes, which leads to high losses of tubers in the soil and increased labor costs for selecting tubers, and also have a low resource associated with the use of a large number of friction pairs working in the abrasive medium. The use of high-performance rotary separators with high wear resistance is restrained by the restriction associated with frequent stops and breakdowns of working bodies when working on rocky soils (the area of ​ ​ planting on soils clogged with stones in Russia is 0.5... 0.6 million hectares). Therefore, the issue of creating more high-performance and reliable working bodies for the primary separation of soil-potato graff is of urgent importance.

Potatoes are the most important food crop, called the "second bread."

The sown area of ​ ​ potatoes worldwide is 19.1 million hectares, in Russia 3.2 million. In our country, the main areas of potato planting are concentrated in the Non-Black Earth and Central Black Earth zones. The average yield of potatoes in the world is 16.1 tons/ha (in the Netherlands 45.8 tons/ha, Germany 40.4, France 41.8, USA 40.7 tons/ha). The yield of potatoes in our country remains still low - 9.8 tons/ha, using intensive technology of about 20 tons/ha. In Russia, 155 varieties of potatoes have been zoned, differing in ripening dates and economic purposes. According to the ripening dates, the following groups of varieties are distinguished: early - the length of the growing season is 5060 days; mean early 6080; medium-ripe - 80-100; mid-life 100120; late ripe - over 120 days.

By economic purpose, varieties are divided into groups: canteens, factory, fodder and universal. Potato tubers of table varieties have high taste, non-polluting flesh, quickly boil, but do not crumble. A small number of eyes lies shallow. Table varieties are usually characterized by a short growing season or medium ripeness. Grades belonging to the factory (technical) group usually have a high starch content (at least 18%) and good fermentability, providing a high alcohol yield. Universal varieties in comparison with canteens and factory ones have low taste qualities. Varieties of this group are used both for food purposes and for factory processing. In terms of the quality of tubers, they occupy an intermediate position between canteens and factory varieties.

Currently, the country's potato field is more than 7 million hectares. And in total in the world it occupies more than 20 million hectares. The average yield in Russia is 9-12 tons/ha.

2 . technologies for cultivating and harvesting potatoes.

The basis of any potato cultivation technology is a variety. In the Bryansk region, varieties have been created that are not inferior to the best European counterparts. So, in recent years, breeders of the Bryansk Experimental Potato Station have created highly productive varieties with integrated disease resistance: Bryansk delicacy, Bryansk red, Slava Bryansk, Pogorsky, included in the State Register of the Russian Federation 2002-2004. For 2007 and subsequent years, a number of varieties and hybrids are being prepared for transfer to the GSI. It is very important to reproduce these varieties and bring them to consumers. Seed potatoes are produced in three elite farms of the station: SPH Pervomaiskoye, Elite and Judge.

To obtain high yields of good quality tubers, the introduction of new adaptive technologies for cultivating potatoes is required. Copying expensive and environmentally unsafe technologies of an intensive type, from which Western European countries are already leaving, leads to significant non-harvest.

The most common and living technology in our area was Zavorovskaya, the elements of which are used to the present. Developer of this technology VNII potato farming. Its main techniques are cutting ridges and inter-row tillage with rotary rippers. It was distributed everywhere thanks to the mass production of working organs, including rotary rippers.

The introduction of Dutch technology was limited due to the lack of milling tools and tractors for them. In addition, this technology required the use of a significant amount of mineral fertilizers and plant protection products, which did not make it possible to obtain environmentally friendly products.

The use of alternative organic fertilizers (straw and reaping ciders) with the complete exclusion of mineral tuks is very tempting and certainly deserves to be put into production in order to obtain environmentally friendly products. Therefore, the developments of the Bryansk Agricultural Academy in this direction, combined with the minimization of soil cultivation, have a great prospect.

2.1 Bryansk technology.

Developers of the Bryansk technology (V.P. Kosyanchuk) offer three options: organomineral - the use of straw (6-8 tons/ha) and reaping siderates (612 tons/ha) instead of manure and compost, in autumn fine soil treatment for 10-12 cm disc harrow BDT - 3, BDT - 30, or raw fertilizer, pesticides.

Transitional, when all elements are used organomineral, and in addition - soil treatment with a combined AKP aggregate - 2.5 application of mineral fertilizers and pesticides in moderate norms.

Biologized - the same elements of soil treatment, but without the use of mineral fertilizers and chemical means of plant protection, except for biologics.

2.2 Slavic technology.

Developed by Gomel scientists and engineers at Slavyanskaya Technologiya CJSC includes: the use of a plugacultivator, a crest-forming cultivator-pupil KGO 3.0 (KGO 0, G; CLC - 3.6; KGO - 3.6G) with simultaneous slitting and crumbling of soil; ultra-aluminum (0.2-0.4 l/t) etching of tubers by the Barrage spray system; the universal tractor sprayer (OUK - 30, OUK - 24 - 80) and protectively - the stimulating complexes of poliazofos. This technology has been implemented for several years in AF Progress of the Klintsovsky district and part of

but in the OPH "Pervomaiskoe."

The plow cultivator provides smooth plowing with soil cultivation. KGO3.0 performs autumn and spring formation of ridges and inter-row loosening with slitting. Disk knuckles with fingers in the circumference effectively loosen the soil. Behind the students are needle rinks to create flat ridges. The cultivator operates in the dominant mode, rotational harrow BRU0.7 or rumpstad. At the same time, no drive from the tractor VOM is required. Multiple backfilling suppresses even perennial weeds (dust, etc.). The structure of the working elements of the cultivator is such that the fine-lumped structure and looseness of the soil are preserved until harvesting, while the loss of tubers is reduced by 2-3 times, the work of harvesters is facilitated.

Equipment for seed etching OPS1AK with the "Barrage" spray system provides high-quality etching of tubers (from 0.20.4 to 1-2 l/t). Universal tractor sprayer OUK30 (grip width 30 m) provides high-quality working coating

liquid of lower and upper surfaces of leaves.

Scientists of Slavic Technology CJSC have developed protective stimulating complexes - polyazophos. They are macro solutions (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and microele-

metals (iron, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum, manganese, magnesium), which also include growth regulators and fungicides. Predominance in grades of polyazophos (PCS1 and PCS2) of copper and zinc

ka give it pronounced fungicidal properties. It is used for feed and growth control (grades K-1 and K-2).

For two years (20032004), polyazophos was studied at the Bryansk Potato Experimental Station in various variations. The results of the experiments showed that the most effective

apply it in combination; in autumn (PKC2.2kg/t) as a fungicide or in spring (K1, 3 kg/t) as a stimulator in tubers and 34 times during vegetation during plant treatment. So, on the Bryansk delicacy class, during the autumn treatment of tubers before storing PCS2 (2 kg/t) and treating plants before flowering PCS2 (4 kg/ha), a yield of 23.2 tons/ha was obtained, 4.7 tons/ha higher than

in control. When treating tubers in spring K-1 (3 kg/t) and vegetating plants: with a height of 15 cm - K-1 (4 kg/ha), with butonization - PKS-2 (4 kg/ha), during mass flowering - K-1 (4 kg/ha), 2 weeks after the previous treatment - K-1 {4 kg/ha) in the varieties Nevsky and Debryansk, the yield was respectively - 21.4 and 22.7 t/ha, higher than in the control on 3.6 and 4.7 This is equivalent to the use of dung in the amount of 4050 tons/ha.

When adding polyazophos, the starchiness of tubers increases, and the yield of the seed fraction increases. In autumn, its use improves the safety of potatoes, as the involvement of tubers with dry and wet rots decreases. The use of PCS1 and PCS2 during vegetation reduces the disease of plants with fungal diseases.

When studying the biological preparation humistime, produced from vermicompost in OJSC "Genshen" of the Bryansk region, it was found that it acts most effectively on

yield of potatoes of different varieties, if fertilizers were not used. So, when processing only tubers before planting (25 l/t), a crop increase depending on the variety (Bryansk division

kates, Bryansk reliable, Nevsky) amounted to 0.91.2 tons/ha; and when using humanism for extracorporeal feeding together with the first treatment against the Colorado beetle at the end of flowering - 2.02.5 t/ha. When even a half dose of mineral fertilizers (N4S P4S K ^,) was introduced, the action of humistim was weaker, the yield increase was 0.10.8 tons/ha, only on the medium-edium variety Bryansk reliable it turned out to be close to significant - 1.11.6 tons/ha. Therefore, farms that do not have the opportunity to buy mineral fertilizers in sufficient quantities can acquire and introduce an inexpensive humistime growth regulator, which increases the yield by 3 tons/ha, increases starch and tuber purity by 1%.

In the changed economic conditions, the development of the technology of the Bryansk experimental potato station was directed to; development of short-rotation crop rotations with lupine or clover; recoilless and milling tillage; autumn and spring cutting of ridges, slitting; changing the width of the rows to 90 cm; reducing the multiplicity of interdietary tillage when using herbicides; protection of planting against pests and diseases depending on the degree of resistance of varieties.

The high efficiency was shown by the biologized technology during the filling in August of narrow-leaved lupin for siderate. At the same time, the use of fertilizers was reduced: nitrogen by 50%, phosphoric potassium - by a third. The use of suncore {1.2 kg/ha) after milling formation and growth of ridges made it possible to completely eliminate inter-row tillage of the soil. At the same time, with the ground mass and root remains of lupin, the soil received (kg/ha):

N-192, RgO531, K2O-172.

The density and hardness of the soil in the ridges was also most favorable.

Such a biological technology made it possible to get an average of 20022004 years. A high harvest (t/ha): at the Bryansk delicacy - 33.8, Rozhdestvensky -.30.8, Aspia - 30.4. At -

crop growth was 1.42.5 tons/ha compared to traditional technology (60 tons/ha of manure + N] 20P140K160 + main tillage + full mechanized care).

2.3 Dutch potato technology.

In recent years, more varieties of Dutch potatoes have been cultivated in agricultural enterprises, farm and household farms, as well as in garden plots. After testing them at state sites, more than 30 varieties from the Netherlands are recommended for cultivation in certain regions of Russia. However, not all of them fell in love with catophel growers and remained for further reproduction and use. Replenishment of the potato variety with productive Dutch varieties practically did not affect the increase in yields. After all, our Russian varietal potatoes are potentially high-yielding and, even with incomplete implementation of the recommended technology, are able to produce 20 30 tons/ha. However, the average yield in private sector farms is slightly higher than 11 tons/ha, while in Dutch farmers it is 3040 tons/ha.

Simultaneously with the import of Dutch varieties into agricultural enterprises, scientists and practitioners carefully studied the Dutch potato cultivation technology. It is designed for farms with large potato fields, and provides for the use of a special set of agricultural machines. Potatoes are a crop of loose soils, air and water must freely enter the tubers.

Therefore, when growing it, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the development of a powerful root system and aboveground mass.

The basis of the Dutch potato cultivation technology is a complex of agricultural techniques. For soil treatment, milling tools with active working tools are used, the soil becomes very loose. Herbicides are necessarily used against weeds. They always observe technological discipline, that is, all the techniques provided for by agricultural equipment are performed qualitatively and on schedule. A distinctive feature of Dutch technology is to minimize the number of mechanical treatments when caring for landings. After formation of high-volume ridges in one pass of the unit, inter-row soil treatment is not carried out in the future.

Potato growers can usefully use separate elements of Dutch technology. Take at least the potato accommodation. For it, areas with high agrophone are distinguished and alternation of cultures is necessarily used, returned to its previous place no earlier than after 3-4 years. At the same time, the soil is cleared of pathogens, many fungal and bacterial diseases .

The quality of the planting material is the basis of Dutch technology. Russian gardeners should pay special attention to this. Dutch farmers only plant certified (high-quality) seed potatoes of productive varieties that are healthy from viral infection and other diseases. It must meet the standards of the standard: tubers with a diameter of 3050 mm, varietal purity and germination 100%, necessarily high reproduction:

superelites or elites are the main factors of productivity, varietal potatoes are not used below the second reproduction for seed purposes.

It is very important to correctly calculate the density of the planting of potatoes and the subsequent stem. To obtain a good standard seed material, the planting is thickened so that at least 30 stems develop per 1 m. For this, after germination, tubers are selected for planting, on which at least five eyes have grown, of which five main stems will develop. On 1 m square meters. planted 6, and on 100 m.sq. - 600 tubers .

Pre-plant tillage and plant care should create conditions for the rapid development of the bush and root system, especially in the first period of vegetation. This is facilitated by the obligatory germination or heating of tubers, shallow planting to a depth of 4 cm, when seedlings appear, high dipping and the formation of ridges 2325 cm high and 75 cm wide at the base.

After the formation of a high crest, other inter-row tillage is not provided for according to Dutch technology. But if you do not use herbicides against weeds, then you can not do without long-term tillage and dipping on our gardens. At the same time, frosting should be carried out with great care so as not to damage the root system of plants and not to shift entrenched stems .

The width of the rows is also of great importance. Dutch farmers plant potatoes with inter-rows of 75 cm. Unfortunately, due to land savings on our plantings, you can see narrow (4050 cm) inter-rows. This makes it difficult to pupate loose soil, developing roots are cut. As a result, plants lag behind in growth and development. Mandatory agro-reception on Dutch potato plantings - spraying plants with drugs against phytofluorosis - a harmful disease that in 3-4 days can kill all plants.

Since all potato growing technology is based on the creation of conditions for the rapid growth and development of plants, Dutch farmers remove tubers relatively early, this prevents their infection with phytofluorosis and other diseases. Before harvesting potatoes from the field - it is mandatory to remove the tops, the tubers are left in the soil for another 1012 days, depending on the purpose and variety. This contributes to their better maturation, rapid formation of a strong peel, which reduces mechanical damage, increases safety .

In many gardens, potatoes are grown according to a simplified, primitive scheme: planting - dipping - cleaning. They mainly use what they will have to plant - degenerate seed material of long-term use, which means an unknown mass reproduction, since few do simple seed-growing work - selecting tubers for seeds. The practice of cultivating potatoes and the use of techniques for combating phytofluorosis, including timely spraying of plants with protective drugs, has not yet entered into practice, which in some years leads to a significant shortage of crops.

Potatoes are a very fertile and plastic culture. Its low yield among gardeners is explained by the ignorance of its biological characteristics, the use of low reproduction dock material for planting, and a violation of technology.

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