Port Master Plan
- Added: 12.04.2018
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Initial data: Port location, basin - South; Navigation period, day - 365; Tidal level fluctuations, m - not; Number of shifts during loading and unloading operations - 3; Wave heights with 3% security, m - 1; Contents 1. Calculated indicators and values of port.1.1. Coefficient of monthly unevenness of cargo inflow to port.1.2. Net load capacity of design vessel .1.3 Design vessel-hour norm for loading and unloading works.1.4. Time of berth occupancy by load work.1.5. Time of berth occupancy under production berths caused by execution of auxiliary works.1.6. Daily capacity of cargo berth. 2. Determination of the number of cargo berths. 3. Determination of the number of passenger berths. 4. Additional berths. 5. Determination of the number of auxiliary berths. Dimensions of main elements of port.6.1. Design depths of berth 6.2. Depth of port water area and approach channel.6.3. Elevation of the cordon berth. Length of mooring front.6.5. The dimensions of the entrance raid and the approach channel. 6.6. Dimensions of inlet gate 6.7. Dimensions of operating aquatory.7.Mechanization diagram. The graphic part contains the master plan of the port on assignment, specifications of hydraulic engineering facilities and mechanization diagrams, Composition: Explanatory note. General plan of the port and specification of onshore facilities.
Project's Content
Генеральный план порта.frw
Пояснительная записка.docx
Ситуационный план уачстка.jpg
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Additional information
1.5. Berth occupancy time under production parking areas caused by auxiliary works
The intervals of time tvsp during which auxiliary operations are carried out (receipt and departure of the vessel, registration of cargo documents, cleaning, degassing and disinfection of holds, etc.) are called production sites. As a rule, these operations cannot be carried out in the process of freight work.
Elevation of the wharf cordon
Design value of berth elevation shall satisfy the following conditions:
Underground communications of the berth shall be located above the water horizon;
The berth must be non-flooded.
In the calculations of the course design, the elevation of the berth cordon is taken to be ± 2.5 m.
Input Raid and Approach Channel Dimensions
The dimensions and planned outline of the entrance raid shall ensure the complete suppression of the inertia of the vessel at the entrance to the port, the turning of the vessel by its own means to the required angle along the arc of circulation, the recoil of the anchor and the safe parking of the vessel on the raid.
Complete suppression of inertia and turning of the vessel is provided if a circle with a diameter can be inscribed on the area of the entrance raid
D = 3,5Lc. At the same time, the axis of the ship's passage must cross or touch this circle.
In constrained conditions, it is allowed to design the water area of the entrance raid as a semi-circle with a radius of R > 2.5 Lc.
In the course design, of the specified types of vessels, the ship 264m is the longest
Thus, the diameter of the navigation circle will be:
D = 3,5Lc = 645.
Генеральный план порта.frw