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Plate-rotor vacuum pump 2NVR-5DM

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Design and calculation of equipment in the technology of production of protective glasses at the stage of spraying of multilayer antireflection coating


1 Analytical Literature Review

1.1 Parameters of the antireflection coating using the example of protective optical glass

1.2 Sputtering features of antireflection coatings using electron beam evaporation

1.3 Electron beam evaporation method

1.4 Installations for application of thin films

1.5 Vacuum Pumps

1.5.1 Low vacuum pumps

1.5.2 High vacuum pumps

1.6 Vacuum traps

2 Engineering solutions.

3 Calculation of vacuum system

3.1 Calculation of gas flows

3.2 Selection and calculation of vacuum pumps

3.3 Determine compatibility of vacuum pumps

3.4 Calculation of pipelines conductivity and selection of vacuum system components

3.4.1 Calculation of pipeline conductivity from vacuum chamber to diffusion pump

3.4.2 Pressure distribution along the length of the high vacuum section

3.4.3 Calculation of pipelines conductivity from diffusion pump to mechanical pre-vacuum pump.

3.4.4 Pressure distribution along the length of the low-vacuum section.

3.5 Calculation of pre-vacuum cylinder

3.6 Calculation of the time to achieve the required vacuum

4 Substantiation of materials use and methods of corrosion protection

5 Occupational safety measures.


List of sources used

Project's Content

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1 Analytical Literature Review

1.1 Parameters of the antireflection coating using the example of protective optical glass

1.2 Sputtering features of antireflection coatings using electron beam evaporation

1.3 Electron beam evaporation method

1.4 Installations for application of thin films

1.5 Vacuum Pumps

1.5.1 Low vacuum pumps

1.5.2 High vacuum pumps

1.6 Vacuum traps

2 Engineering solutions

3 Calculation of vacuum system

3.1 Calculation of gas flows

3.2 Selection and calculation of vacuum pumps

3.3 Determine compatibility of vacuum pumps

3.4 Calculation of pipelines conductivity and selection of vacuum system components

3.4.1 Calculation of pipeline conductivity from vacuum chamber to diffusion pump

3.4.2 Pressure distribution along the length of the high vacuum section

3.4.3 Calculation of pipelines conductivity from diffusion pump to mechanical pre-vacuum pump

3.4.4 Pressure distribution along the length of the low-vacuum section

3.5 Calculation of pre-vacuum cylinder

3.6 Calculation of the time to achieve the required vacuum

4 Substantiation of materials use and methods of corrosion protection

5 Occupational safety measures


List of sources used


Explanatory note: 66 sheets, 26 drawings, 24 literary sources, 13 tables.


The purpose of the course project is the design and calculation of equipment in the technology of manufacturing protective windows.

This project describes the technology of manufacturing protective glasses, including the formation of an enlightening coating, conducted an analytical review of the literature on methods for producing thin films, electron-beam processing of materials, vacuum pumps, and accordingly made a conclusion on this section.

During the course project, an engineering solution is proposed, in which the method is selected, and the corresponding equipment for applying a multi-layer antireflection coating of MgF2 and Al2O3, for which a diagram of a vacuum system is compiled. High-vacuum (H400/7000) and low-vacuum (2HVR5DM) pumps are selected in the vacuum system to achieve the required level of vacuums (1‧103 Pa).

The vacuum system was calculated, which consisted of: calculating gas flows, selecting and calculating pumps, determining the compatibility of these pumps, calculating the conductivity of pipelines and selecting elements of the vacuum system.

The graphic part includes:

- drawing of general view of 2NVR5DM grade plate rotor pump - 2

Sheet A1.


The purpose of the course design is to select, justify and design the vacuum system required to apply a multilayer anti-glossing coating to the K8 glass.

In recent years, research and development have been carried out abroad to create a wide class of vacuum electron beam systems. Such installations have been used in many fields of science and technology. And the usefulness and efficiency of their use is proved by a significantly increased interest in the development and implementation of increasingly advanced systems.

Due to the growing competition in the creation and implementation of new optical devices, the need for their optimization, reduction in size and weight, and improvement in the quality of the components used in them has increased .

Also, due to technical progress in optoelectronics, optical instrument making, spectroscopy and holography, the optics of multilayer thin-film optical coatings are significantly developed. Interference coatings are used to obtain high reflection coefficients, to increase transmission and contrast, to spectral and energy separation and addition of optical signals and their chromatic correction, to change radiation polarization.

Vacuum is a perfectly clean process medium in which electrochemical and electrophysical processes can be carried out in the manufacture of microelectronics products.

1 Analytical Literature Review

1.1 Parameters of the enlightening coating using the example of the protective

optical glass

The process of applying a thin film to the glass surface in order to reduce the intensity of reflected light is called "optics enlightenment," since in an instrument with enlightening optical details the observed image becomes brighter. If in a complex optical device the amount of transmitted light is 12-20%, then the same device with illuminated optics passes 3-4 times more, and the amount of scattered light is also significantly reduced.

Multilayer antireflection coating is a sequence of at least three alternating layers of materials with different refractive indices. Earlier it was believed that 3-4 layers were enough for the visible region of the spectrum. Modern multilayer antireflection coatings of almost all manufacturers have 6-8 layers and are characterized by low reflection losses in the entire visible spectrum. The composition of the multilayer antireflective coating, in addition to the actual antireflective layers, usually includes auxiliary layers - improving adhesion to glass, protective, hydrophobic, etc.

The enlightening films may be of several kinds. The choice of the type of antireflection coating depends on the functional purpose of the part, the refractive index of its material, the transparency of the film in the given spectrum, the requirements for transparency, chemical and corrosion resistance, etc. The enlightenment is carried out by applying one-, two- and three-layer coatings to the surface of the part.

Two-layer enlightenment consists in applying two layers of substances to the surface of the substrate: the first with a larger and the second with a lower refractive index than the illuminating material.

The lens, as a rule, is part of the lens. If this lens is single, then it must have two sides at the pass: the right and the left. Therefore, the choice of coating on the part is a structural feature and is installed by the designer.

The designer produces a drawing on which the requirements are presented, namely one side to enlighten or two. Next, the designer, based on the operating conditions of the device, sets the parameters that should be at the output [1] from the requirements for the device.


This project describes the technology of making protective stelks, conducted an analytical review of the literature on: methods for producing thin films, electron beam processing of materials, installations for applying thin films in vacuum, vacuum pumps, vacuum traps.

During the course project, the electron beam evaporation method was chosen, since it ensures good quality of the applied coating. The VU2M unit is selected, since it provides the possibility of spraying both single-layer and multi-layer, as well as various types of optical coatings in the large spectrum (2501100 nm) and with simultaneous control of the film thickness. Invention proposes engineering solution, in which method is chosen, and corresponding equipment for application of multilayer antireflection coating MgF2/Al2O3 for which diagram of vacuum system for obtaining high vacuum is made. To achieve the required level of vacuum (1‧103 Pa), high-vacuum and low-vacuum pumps are selected in the vacuum system.

The vacuum system was calculated, which consisted of: calculation of gas flows Qinx = 2,2‧104 Pa‧m3/s. Vacuum pumps with nominal pumping speed were selected and calculated, diffusion pump H400/7000 was selected as a high vacuum pump with the following characteristics: nominal pumping speed 5.6 m3/s, limit residual pressure 7‧105 Pa, maximum exhaust pressure 27 Pa. As a low-vacuum pump, a mechanical plate pump 2HVR5DM was chosen with the following characteristics: nominal pumping speed of 0.005 m3/s, highest exhaust pressure

1‧10-2 Pa. The compatibility of these pumps was determined, the conductivity of the pipelines was calculated and the components of the vacuum system were selected. The volume of the pre-vacuum bottle V = 1,21‧102 m3 is calculated and the time to achieve the required vacuum level t = 7.652 minutes is calculated. The use of materials is justified and methods of protecting the vacuum plant from corrosion are considered.

Drawings content

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