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Pig fattener for 1000 places - diploma


The diploma project contains the architectural part, the organization and technology of construction production, the structural part, the estimate is calculated.

Project's Content

icon Арххитектура.dwg
icon Арххитектура.frw
icon диплом архитектура.doc
icon спецификация жб и столярка.doc
icon столярка.doc
icon Конструкции dwg.dwg
icon Конструкции dwg.frw
icon Конструкции.docx
icon Объектная смета.doc
icon Сводный сметный расчёт.doc
icon тэп.xlsx
icon plot.log
icon КОЛЯ Нулевая.docx
icon Коля организация1.dwg
icon Коля организация1.frw
icon отднлка.docx
icon Самусь Лист 1.dwg
icon Самусь Лист 1.frw
icon технико-экономические поазатели кранов.docx
icon Технология с кранами1.DOC
icon технология.dwg
icon технология.frw
icon титульник.doc

Additional information




Architectural - Building Part

Design - structural part

Organizational - Construction Part

Technico - economic part



Construction - a branch of material production, the activity of which consists in the construction and repair of buildings and structures or their individual components, creates the main production and non-production funds. The development and intensification of agricultural production, the increase in the level of housing and cultural conditions of rural residents are inextricably linked with the increase in financial investments in housing and agricultural construction. The growth of financial investments will lead to an increase in the volume of construction and installation work on the construction of new and reconstruction of already built housing, social, domestic and industrial agricultural facilities. The quality of construction, durability and usability of the building and structures depend to a large extent on the technical level of regulatory and technical documents in construction, their compliance with modern material and technologies and the implementation of existing standards by all participants in the construction process. Each construction shall be provided with design documentation. Design and estimate documentation is developed by design institutes on the basis of best practices and the latest achievements of construction science and technology.

Working drawings and organizational and technological solutions should provide for the implementation of plans to increase labor productivity and mechanization of civil and special works, ensure the focus of all organizational, technical and technological solutions on achieving the final result - commissioning of the facility with the necessary quality and within the deadlines established by construction standards.

This project was developed according to the issued assignment for the design of Pig Feed for 1000 places

The design takes into account the regulatory requirements of ESC D, SNiP, GOST, STB.

The diploma project provides for the development of four parts:

1. Architectural and construction part - design of structural elements of the building, master plan, selection of products;

2. Design and structural part - load collection, force determination and design of hollow prestressed coating plate;

3. Organizational and construction part - calculation of the scope of work for the construction of the facility, process map for brickwork, work schedule, construction master plan, basic instructions on safety, labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection.

4. Technical and economic part - local and object estimates, consolidated estimate of construction cost, TEP

General characteristics of the building

Developed by the project, the building "Pig Mumps for 1000 places" (rack - beam version) with plan dimensions in the axes 90 x 18 meters. The composition of the rooms is given in the explication of the rooms given in the graphic part of the diploma project (AS-1 sheet ).

The spatial rigidity and stability of the frame is ensured by welding of embedded parts of structures and silencing of seams with cement mortar M 100. In terms of durability, the building belongs to the II degree, since its structural elements are designed for a service life of at least 50100 years. In terms of fire resistance, the building belongs to the II degree. Building II liability class.

Technical and economic indicators

1. Total area - 1731m2

2. Working area 1620 m2

3. Construction volume - 6642 m3

4. Planning factor - K1 = 1.34

5. Volume factor - K2 = 5.12


The building is designed for fattening 1000 pigs. Animals enter the building at the age of 108 days with a living mass of each head of 30 kg. Pigs are kept at fattening for 164 days, when they reach the age of 272 days live weight 112 kg, they are transferred to slaughter. The pig house consists of 4 isolated sections with a capacity of 250 heads. Animals are kept in groups of 25 heads. Feeding pigs normalized two-dose, wet feed. Feed distribution is performed by KS15 feed distributor. Manure removal - mechanical, transporter TS1.

1.2General Plan

On the territory of the master plan, in addition to the designed building, other structures are provided - these are a pig mumps, a veterinary outpatient clinic, an isolator for pigs, a trench for storing silage, a warehouse of loose feed, a workshop for wet feed mixtures, a manure receiver .

General Plan TEP:

1. Plot area - 23858m2

2. Building area - 4545m2

3. Percentage of buildings - 19.05%

4. Road area - 601m2

5. Percentage of roads - 25.19%

6. Landscaping area - 13303m2

7. Greening percentage - 55.76%

1.3 Structural elements of the building

1.3.1 Bases

The foundations in the building are designed prefabricated reinforced concrete glass type for columns, as well as monolithic concrete with a width of 610mm, as well as 480mm. Foundation depth -1.300 Bottom elevation -1.450 m. Width of prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations of glass type is assigned structurally - 1200 mm.

Glass-type foundations are laid on a carefully planned and sealed surface of the base. The cast-in-situ foundation is made of concrete of class C 20/25 and is located at elevation minus 1.450m.

For uniform transfer of load from walls to glass-type foundations, foundation beams with a length equal to the pitch of columns - 6 m are laid on foundation edges. Horizontal waterproofing from two layers of waterproofing on bitumen mastic is designed along the top of the foundation beams. To protect the foundations from surface water along the perimeter of the building, asphalt concrete paving is performed with a width of 700mm along a crushed stone base with a thickness of 200 mm with a slope of 2% from the building.

1.3.2 Frame

In the designed building there is a rack beam frame consisting of rows of extreme and row of middle columns installed with a pitch of 6 m. Spans are covered by prefabricated reinforced concrete beams 6 m long, laid on columns. Reinforced concrete slabs are laid on the beams. Spatial rigidity and stability of the building frame is provided by welding of embedded and overlay parts in at least three places and sealing of joints with cement mortar M 100.

1.3.3 Walls

The building has designed external longitudinal walls from prefabricated reinforced concrete double-layer panels with a thickness of 300 mm, and end cross walls from ordinary ceramic bricks GOST 53080 M75 on M25 solution with a thickness of 510 mm.

Above the openings, prefabricated reinforced concrete bridges are laid in the walls, which are laid along the layer of M50 cement mortar.

Partitions in the building are made of brick GOST 53080 M75, 120 mm thick, with reinforcement through 5 rows of masonry.

Masonry of partitions is carried out on cement sand mortar of grade 100 from full ceramic brick according to STB116099.

1.5 Engineering Equipment

Heating - air, combined with ventilation and water from on-site farm networks. Coolant parameters - water 9570 С.

Ventilation - plenum-exhaust with mechanical and natural inducement of air.

Water supply - combined utility, production and fire protection from the external network of the farm. Head at the input - 16.5 m.

Production sewage - to the discharge channel.

Power supply - from external mains 380/220 V.

Hot water supply - centralized, from on-site farm networks. Head at the inlet 16 m.

Electric lighting - incandescent lamps and luminescent.

Communication device - telephony, radio, fire alarm

1.6 Basic Guidelines for Health, Safety, Fire and Environmental Protection.

When performing work on the construction site, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of TKP 451.03402006 (02250) "Labor safety in construction." The organization of the construction site, work areas and workplaces should ensure the labor of workers at all stages of the work. The construction site in settlements or on the territory of existing enterprises in order to avoid access by unauthorized persons shall be fenced and the design of the fences shall comply with the requirements of GOST 23407 78.

When organizing a construction site, placing sections of work, workplaces, passages of construction machines and vehicles, passages for people, it is necessary to establish hazardous production factors and designated safety signs and inscriptions of the established form.

The construction site, sites, workplaces, driveways and approaches to them in the dark should be illuminated. Work in unlit places is not allowed.

Wells, pits and other excavations in the ground in places of possible access of people should be covered with strong shields or fenced.

At the entrance to the construction site, a scheme for the movement of vehicles should be established, and clearly visible road signs on the roadsides and passageways. The speed of vehicles near the work sites shall not exceed 10 km/h in straight sections and 5 km/h in turns.

Driveways, passages and workplaces must be cleaned regularly, not cluttered, and sprinkled with sand or slag located outside buildings in winter.

Workplaces and passages to them at a height of 1.3 m or more shall be protected by temporary fences.

Warehousing of materials, structures and products shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or specifications for materials and products. They should be placed on leveled platforms, taking measures against spontaneous displacement, drawdown, showering and rolling of stored materials.

When performing work using machines, it is necessary to fulfill certain requirements. Prior to the commencement of work, the work manager must determine the diagrams and places of installation of the machines, indicate the methods of interaction and signaling of the driver with the working signalman. The working place of the machines must be determined so that sufficient space is provided for viewing the working area.

When performing work on the construction site, it is necessary to take measures to prevent electric shock to people. Metal parts of electrically driven machines and mechanisms shall be grounded. External temporary wiring shall be made with insulated wire and placed on supports at a height of not less than 2.5 m above workplaces, 3.5 m above passageways and 6 m above driveways.

Fire safety rules shall be observed at the construction site. Fire hydrants are installed on the permanent water supply. It is not allowed to use open fire within a radius of up to 50 m from the place of use and storage of explosive or flammable materials. Gaps should be observed between buildings.

Environmental protection requirements shall be observed during construction of the facility. Soil during cutting of vegetable layer is moved and stacked, and then used during improvement of territory.

Drawings content

icon Арххитектура.dwg


icon Конструкции dwg.dwg

Конструкции  dwg.dwg

icon Коля организация1.dwg

Коля организация1.dwg

icon Самусь Лист 1.dwg

Самусь Лист 1.dwg

icon технология.dwg
