Pedestrian crossing

- Added: 23.05.2021
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pedestrian crossing construction technology
Project's Content
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Additional information
1. Constructively research section
1.1 Description of the engineering area
1.2 Pedestrian crossing design
2. Calculation and processing section
2.1.Organising the construction site
2.2.Technology of pedestrian tunnel construction
2.3.Basic calculations
2.4.Technical characteristics of the equipment used during construction
3. Protection of the environment
3.1.Safe Technics
2.7.Change calculation
2.8. List of literature
The continuous deepening of the process of urbanization leads to the growth of large and largest cities, to the concentration of a large part of the population in them. The rapid growth of cities, the development of housing and communal construction, a significant increase in the level of motorization cause serious transport problems. One of the most radical ways to solve these problems in cities is the rational use of underground space, which provides for the creation of an extensive network of subways, motor vehicles and pedestrian tunnels, underground parking lots and garages, underground complexes, etc.
In the Soviet Union, underground pedestrian crossings were of purely functional importance, and after the collapse of the USSR, billboards began to appear in them, shops were built. Some especially large underpasses have even been transformed into shopping centers. Entrances to such underground pedestrian crossings are usually closed overnight. In cities where there is a metro, underpasses are often combined with the entrance to the metro station closest to them.
According to the plan of urban planners, some places can be reached exclusively through underground pedestrian crossings. One of these places is the square in the Berlin Tiergarten Park, on which the Victory Column is installed. This area is surrounded by a roadway with continuous automobile traffic. Pedestrians can cross it only at one of the four underpasses built in 1941 according to the plan of Johannes Huntenmüller. These underground pedestrian crossings are a favorite place for those who want to keep their memory in Berlin. Their walls are densely written with autographs of tourists from different countries.
Another interesting transition is in Simferopol under the Amethan Sultan Square (Central Market). All its tunnels converge on an open underground square on which there are kiosks. Similar crossings are located in Kiev, under Sevastopol Square and under Science Avenue near Moscow Square.
Advantages and disadvantages:
The advantages of the underpass include its small depth of occurrence (about 1.5 medium human growth) and the possibility of using street space for commercial purposes.
The disadvantages are very expensive construction, often requiring blocking of the street and earthworks with possible shifting of engineering networks. At the same time, underpasses are a significant obstacle for people with limited mobility, such as the elderly, the disabled, people with wheelchairs and young children. This problem is particularly acute in the CIS countries, where existing crossings were built before 1991 and are not equipped with special elevators or ramps. The presence of an underpass can encourage pedestrians to cross the street directly without going underground, which can provoke an accident and completely destroy the safety effect of the underpass that is expected during its construction. Also, the presence of underpasses negatively affects the convenience of traveling around the city on a bicycle, gyroscooter or skateboard.
The theme of my project is "organizing the construction of a pedestrian crossing."
The purpose of the project: to design an underground pedestrian crossing in the city of Izhevsk.
Project Tasks:
- Study climatic characteristics of the design area;
-Create underground pedestrian crossing;
-Compute transition elements.
Pedestrian crossing design
The tunnel part of the underground pedestrian crossing is accepted as single-span - 6 m wide, 29m long. Depth of laying 3.48 m.
A single-span pedestrian tunnel with a width of 6 m, in its design, represents a statistically inverted frame with a strut hinged to the "legs" frame. The frame girder serves as a bottom, staves, and the role of spacers is performed by a floor that receives loads from the roadway and from ground transport. The main assembly elements are:
• wall unit: PTS1, PT-C2, PTS3;
• stairways PTM2;
• ribbed slabs of PTP3 floor;
• PTD3 bottom slabs;
All prefabricated structures of transitions from concrete B250, reinforcement of all prefabricated structures of class A3 of grade 25G2S, class A1 of grade St3sp, embedded parts of steel St3sp.
Cast-in-situ sections of the slab at the pedestrian crossing are made of concrete of class B25 W6F300.
Wall blocks with the help of special releases of reinforcement in "boots" are combined with reinforcement of monolithic bottom (tray). The tray is reinforced and concreted in place with concrete VZO W6 F300.
Wall blocks and tray concrete are installed on concrete preparation. Preparation of concrete of class B15 W4 F300 with a double-sided slope of 10% is laid on the tray.
According to concrete preparation, floors with a total thickness of 10 cm are installed. Construction of stairways.
The entrances to the underpasses of the pedestrian crossing are made by stairwells. The width of the stairs is taken to be 3.0m.
Ladders in the underpass are made in the form of stair flights. The laying of staircases is accepted 1: 3.3 with the size of the steps 12 * 40 cm. In one march there are no more than 14 stages. The length of the platforms between the marches is taken to be 1.5 m. Stages and platforms are located with a slope for water removal from the surface.
The structure of the exits forms a box limiting the space for the location of stairways. The height of the stairwells is defined as the difference between the elevations of the sidewalk and the floor.
Staircase walls shall be mounted from prefabricated PTS2, PT-SZ, PTS1 wall blocks. "Shoemakers" of wall blocks using rebar outlets are monolithic with the bottom of staircases.
The actual stairwells are made of stairwells, factory readiness. Stairways are supported by prefabricated monolithic support structures as prefabricated structures, concrete blocks of FBS are used.
Undercarriage treads 8 cm thick are laid directly on stairways, on M25 cement mortar.
Intermediate platforms are also covered by granite slabs, stairwells are enclosed by a parapet, parapet fencing is made of monolithic concrete of the W6 F300 class, by monolithic reinforcement outlets from wall blocks of staircase boxes. Ladder walks of intermediate platforms have railing handrails attached to walls on brackets, at a height of 0.9 m from the top of the stage.
Calculation and processing section
2.1.Organising the construction site
The organization of the construction site shall be carried out in accordance with the PIC and the safety of workers' work, the passage of people, as well as the unhindered passage of vehicles at all stages of the work.
The construction site shall be fenced with a fence not less than 2m high.
Fences adjacent to places of mass passage of people shall be not less than 1.2m. If the pedestrian passage adjoins the roadway, it is necessary to make a continuous fence on the side of the road with a height of at least 1.1m.
Each construction site shall be provided with telephone or radio communications and security. The duty officer must have a list of emergency telephone numbers and responsible persons.
The boundaries of hazardous areas should be protected and marked with warning signs and signals clearly visible both during the day and at night.
On the fencing of the construction site territory, in a prominent place, an information board must be installed with the indication of the name of the object, general contractor, customer, names of responsible work manufacturers, telephone numbers, dates for the start and end of work.
The machines and mechanisms used on the construction site shall not exceed the maximum permissible noise levels. When performing work within the city in FNL, additional measures should be taken to reduce the noise level to a value determined by state standards.
The territory of the construction site, work areas, workplaces, driveways and passageways in the dark time of the vessels shall be illuminated with state standards and construction standards for the illumination of the place of work.
Signal lighting shall be provided on the fence adjacent to or located on the roadway and warning signs shall be installed.
Wells and pits on the site shall be closed or fenced, and trenches and pits shall be protected by railings with a height of 1.1m. Light fences shall be placed on the fences at night
All construction site costs shall be minimal. In this regard, the following conditions must be observed:
1. Inventory (temporary) buildings and structures are located in areas not subject to development by main construction facilities, in compliance with fire and sanitary standards, as well as safety rules.
2.The number and volume of inventory buildings and structures shall be as small as possible. This is achieved by using buildings already erected and subject to demolition for construction needs.
3. Distances of movement of construction loads within the construction site shall be minimal. At the same time, their transfer from place to place should be excluded.
4. It is necessary to lay first of all permanent engineering networks, which can be used for construction needs.
Administrative and sanitary buildings. Their capacity is provided based on the maximum estimated number of all employees, including subcontractors.
To provide working sanitary and household premises, production and household campuses are created on construction sites.
Industrial campuses shall be close to the places of work, located on the construction site in a safe area and have
surface water removal.
Domestic buildings and premises shall be located in relation to objects that emit dust, harmful gases and vapors, at a distance of not less than 50 m. from the windward side of the winds of the prevailing direction.
The distance from workplaces to canteens, dressing rooms, showers and washrooms shall not exceed 500 m, from workplaces to toilets - not more than 100 m, to heating rooms - not more than 150 m.
It is recommended to provide canopies for rest and places for smoking workers, which are determined at the rate of 0.2 m2 per 1 worker.
The master is obliged to monitor the integrity check, unloading, rational placement of equipment, structures, controllers, packages, arrangement of passages and driveways, compliance with technical rules
when organizing a warehouse, it is necessary to provide passages with a width of at least 1 m in the longitudinal direction - every 25 m, as well as transverse passages for vehicles, at a distance of 100 m from each other. The width of the driveways is set taking into account the dimensions of the used vehicles and their permissible approximation to the stored ones
structures not less than 1 m.
To ensure free gripping and lifting of structures, they are laid on gaskets, the size of which should exceed the size of protruding parts of the structure of at least 20 mm. Factory marking of structures shall be available for inspection.
Storage of equipment at the construction site. Depending on weight, size, nature of packing and degree of influence of atmospheric precipitation.
Storage equipment is divided into four groups:
1. Equipment requiring protection against direct effects of atmospheric precipitation, but not subject to damage from changes in air temperature; stored under canopies in the factory package;
2. Equipment in need of protection against moisture and damp
but not from changes in ambient air temperature, stored in closed non-insulated and non-heated warehouses;
3. Equipment in need of protection against moisture, damp and temperature changes is stored in closed insulated, heated and ventilated warehouses.
Trucks and boxes belonging to the same machine (unit) are stacked in one place in a rich way. The inventory of the contents of the boxes is packed in one of them. The second instance is stored in the warehouse office. Unpackaged small and medium parts should not be folded in bulk, they should be placed on racks.
The construction of temporary closed and open warehouses for the customer's equipment and supplies should be carried out according to standard projects with the funds provided for in the eighth chapter of the consolidated estimates.
To illuminate the construction area, use lamps with filament lamps or DRL installed on masts after 3040 m at a height of 2-8 m above the illuminated site, the illumination of workplaces is accepted in accordance with the type of work performed within 0100 lx.
Floodlights are installed for security lighting of site boundaries along its contour at an altitude of 8 m every 150200 m. Illumination created by security lighting shall not be less than 0.5 lux. Water supply and sewerage. Water at the construction site is used for industrial and household needs, as well as in case of extinguishing fires. As sources of water supply in the maximum water supply. If it is impossible to use a permanent water supply, a temporary water supply network is installed, the configuration of which can be ring, dead end or mixed.
Fire hydrants shall be installed every 125150m in places ensuring unhindered access of fire engines, the distance from buildings to the nearest hydrants shall not exceed 50 m.
In the absence of a central sewage network, all wastewater from the construction site should be removed: household and industrial wastewater after passing through the settling tanks with open or closed trays, channels or cuvettes to the evaporation fields; rain or meltwater with special open channels and furrows to the nearest reservoir, and in its absence outside the construction site. The total sump depth shall be within 1.53m. The sumps shall be equipped with a spare pipe for lowering the upper water layers.
Temporary roads are designed in one and two lanes: 3.5 and 6.0 m. For junctions, unloading in the area of cranes
road widening is being established. The minimum turning radius of temporary roads should be at least 12 m. Depending on the soil conditions of the paving site, temporary roads can be made of slag, crushed stone, brick fighting, etc.
On the lanes of large construction machines, inventory railway
2.2. Technology for the construction of a pedestrian tunnel.
1. Loading of tongue. Designate the working area of SP49V unit after its installation to the parking area.
2. Development of the pit. Excavation by excavator with loading into dump trucks is carried out to the level of the bottom of the pit.
3. Installation of wall blocks. When installing the next PT unit, it is necessary, without loosening the tension of the mounting slings, to attach it to the previously installed unit by welding steel straps.
4.Installation of mounting units. Installation and wedging of mounting blocks is carried out immediately after installation of each pair of wall panels of PT in their center. Then, installation beams MB1, MB-2.
5.Betonation of monolithic section. Dismantling of cast-in-situ units is performed after concrete strength gain of cast-in-situ sections is 70%.
6.Installation of slabs. The seams between the wall blocks shall be filled with M100 solution prior to installation of the slab.
7. Pit filling. Fill in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.0187. Fill the pit simultaneously on both sides with 1520 cm layers with compaction by vibration rammers. Compaction factor K = 0.95. It is not allowed to exceed the backfill of the pit on one side in relation to the other by more than the height of one layer.
8.Moving of vehicles when backfilling above the floor is less than 0.5 m is prohibited.
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