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OW Sports complex


Ventilation Working project. Ventilation of sports complex is accepted plenum-exhaust with mechanical impulse.
Indoor air in the plenum plant in winter time is carried out from a water heater. Supply air cleaning is performed by pocket filter with cleaning class G3. Provide thermal protection of all 15 mm thick Isover KH supply systems, except for P1 system on it isolate air valve and filter.
Heat supply of calorifers is carried out from the existing ITP with parameters 95-70 ° C.
Air ducts are made of galvanized steel according to GOST 14918-80 *..
The heating system is dependent with the preparation of water for heating by mixing pumps and WAN temperature controller.
Coolant parameters:.
Heating devices in the administrative room are accepted, aluminum radiators of the Thermal type, and air heating units in the gyms.
Each heating device has an automatic air sink, as well as a thermostat with a thermal head on the supply and a ball valve on the return pipeline. (Do not install shutoff valves for heating devices on staircases).
A balancing valve is installed on each supply heating riser, and a shut-off valve is installed on the reverse.
Two-tube heating is provided, with lower wiring and associated movement of the coolant. Steel water and gas pipelines are accepted.

Project's Content

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Additional information

Drawings content

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