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Sports complex - structures made of wood and plastics - course


Course project. Design of a single-storey frame building from wooden structures

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Building framework layout

2. Design a panel with a solid middle layer.

2.1 Design selection..

2.2 Load calculation..

2.3 Determination of geometric characteristics

2.4 Determination of calculated forces ..

2.5 Check of bearing capacity of the panel.

2.6 Check of panel deflections

2.7 Calculation for local loads.

3. Circular design

3.1 Selection of geometric diagram .

3.2 Load counting..

3.3 Determination of forces in arch sections

4. Constructive calculation of the arch ...

4.1 Selection of ar-ki section.

4.2 Section strength check

4.3 Calculation of tightening

4.4 Calculation of units ...

5. Rack calculation

6. List of used literature...

Layout of the structural framework of the building.

It is necessary to develop a design of a one-story frame building made of wooden structures (aboveground part). The building is intended for use as a sports building. It is envisaged that construction will be carried out in the III snow area and IV wind area. The width of the building in axes is 42 m., The length of the building is 66 m., The pitch of the transverse frames is 6 m., The useful height is 11 m. A flat metal roof will be used as a coating. Material from which larch bearing structures are made. The frame of three hinged glue-plated. Three-layer plates with foam aggregate will be used as enclosing structures. The ease of manufacture, reliability and cost-effectiveness of arches contributed to its use in covering the designed building.

Glued wooden arches are more efficient both economically and aesthetically compared to beam structures. They have the widest range of applications in buildings and structures for various purposes. Arched structures are used in the covering of industrial, warehouse, spectacular, exhibition, sports, spectacular, public and other buildings and structures of both large and small spans.

Arches are spacer structures. The presence of support reduces the calculated bending moments in them compared to the moments of the beam structures, which in turn leads to a decrease in working sections, and, therefore, to a decrease in material consumption. Rasp is perceived by steel tightening.

Since the span is more than 30 m, the glued wooden arch is designed three hinged from the condition of manufacture and transportation and is assembled from two bent elements. The outline of the arch is circular, described along an arc of circumference around one center.

The main knot joints of the three hinge arches are support and skate joints. In large-span arches with tightening there are provided - joints of tightening and attachment units of sub-scales. Support and skate hinges are made using roller hinges.

2. Design a panel with a solid middle layer.

It is required to design the insulated paving panel of the production building. The panels are laid directly on load-bearing structures installed with a spacing of 6 m. For maximum assembly, we take the dimensions of the panel in plan view 3000x6000 mm. The upper skin is adopted from an aluminum sheet with a thickness of 1 mm, and the lower one of steel with a thickness of 1 mm. The middle layer is made of polychlorovinyl foam of PCB1 grade with a volume mass of 100 kg/m3. Framing elements of panel are made of bent plywood profiles of channel type with height of 200 mm.

Circular arch design

Three-ball arches are statically defined systems, so determining the forces in them does not cause any difficulties. All static calculation will be performed in the following sequence:

1. selection of geometric scheme;

2. calculation of loads and identification of their action;

3. definition of forces in sections and compilation of a summary table of forces.

Drawings content

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