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Overhaul with elements of Bereze dormitory modernization - reinforcement of hollow floor slabs


Drawings with detailed study and specifications. Example of gain calculation.
Reinforcement of slabs is carried out on the basis of visual examination and recalculation of loads when making a change in the planning solution of the building. Thus, we strengthen the slabs, directly above which new partitions are arranged, and those in which defects are visually found indicating the unsuitability of further use of structures in the current conditions, namely:

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Additional information

Reinforcement of floor slabs

Reinforcement of slabs is carried out on the basis of visual examination and recalculation of loads when making a change in the planning solution of the building. Thus, we strengthen the slabs, directly above which new partitions are arranged, and those in which defects are visually found indicating the unsuitability of further use of structures in the current conditions, namely:

- absence of protective layer in stretched section area;

- bare reinforcement with active corrosion process;

- sockets and furrows in floors;

- rust stains;

- solution falling out of seams between reinforced concrete slabs;

- seedlings on the lower surface, salt deposits and growths (stalactites).

The placement of the reinforced slabs is shown on the floor plans in the graphic part.

Drawings content

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