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Overhaul of RVS-1000 m No. 1 at UPPN Shuma TsDNG-9

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PPR No. 52Kapital repair of RVS-1000m3 No. 1 at UPPN "Shumy" TsDNG-9OOO LUKOIL-PERM

Project's Content

icon 10 схема3.cdw
icon 22 .1 Стройгенплан.cdw
icon 22 Стройгенплан.cdw
icon 24.1 Патрубок Ду 500 в крыше.cdw
icon 24.2 Площадки и огр_на крыше_ разрезы.cdw
icon 24.3 Элемент кольцевого перехода ЭПК-1.cdw
icon 25.1 ЛШ ограждения.cdw
icon 25.2. Крепление ЛШ к стенке.cdw
icon 25.3 Мостик переходный огражд..cdw
icon 26.1 Первый пояс.cdw
icon 26.2 Строповка листа стенки.cdw
icon 26.3 л.Патруб. в стен. Ду25.cdw
icon 26.4.Патруб. в стен. Ду50.cdw
icon 26.5 Патруб. в стен. Ду100.cdw
icon 26.6 Патрубок Ду 150 в стенке.cdw
icon 26.7 Патрубок Ду 200 в стенки.cdw
icon 26.8 ЛЛ500.cdw
icon 26.9 ЛЛ 600х900.cdw
icon 27.1 пробоотборник.cdw
icon 27.2 корыто пробоотборник.cdw
icon 28.1.1 Спецплощадки ПГ.cdw
icon 28.1.площадка пеногенератора.cdw
icon 28.2.1 Спец стремянки ПГ.cdw
icon 28.2.стрем.пеноген.cdw
icon 28.3.Фланец пеногенератора.cdw
icon 29 Днище.cdw
icon 30 ПОЗ.cdw
icon 44-1 Стенка.doc
icon 44-2 Стенка-Днище.doc
icon 44-3 Трубы.doc
icon 8 схема1.cdw
icon 9 схема2.cdw
icon Автокран КС-54711-1.doc
icon Антикор внутр.план.cdw
icon Антикор наруж.план.cdw
icon ППР-52.doc
icon РВС-1.cdw
icon РВС.doc
icon Титульный РВС.doc
icon ТК 52-2 Шумы наружное АКЗ.doc
icon ТК 52.1 Шумы внутреннее АКЗ.doc

Additional information


1. General requirements

2. Stroygenplan

3. Lifting mechanisms and equipment used

4. List of lifting loads and removable load grippers

5. Performance of works

6. Safety requirements

7. Environmental protection activities

8. Accident Response Plan

9. Evaluation Sheet

Appendix A. Stroygenplan

Appendix B. Technical characteristics of cranes

Appendix B. Tank roof

Mine ladder

Tank wall

Internal filling

GPSS sites

Tank bottom

Gate valve maintenance area

Appendix G. Routings

For welding of wall sheets

For welding of wall and bottom

For welding of pipe joints

For PBC test

Internal CPS

External CPS

Appendix D. Work Schedule

Appendix E. Cargo slinging diagrams

Appendix J. Tour construction. Order and Typical Assembly Diagrams

2. Stroygenplan

2.1. Refer to Appendix A. Final layout of equipment to be agreed with UPPN management.

3. Lifting mechanisms and equipment used

3.1. Use crane KS547111, (technical specifications see Annex B) or other crane with similar technical specifications for unloading, dismantling and erection of tank steel structures.

3.2. It is allowed to use ground and manual suspension mounting winches, scaffolds of corresponding lifting capacity, both inside the tank and outside.

5. Performance of works

5.1. General requirements

5.1.1. Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following regulatory and technical documentation:

- SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization";

- SNiP 3.02.0187 "Earthworks, foundations and foundations";

- SNiP 3.04.0385 "Protection of building structures and structures against corrosion";

- SNiP 3.05.0584 "Process equipment and process pipelines";

- GOST R 529102008 "Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil products";

- PB 0360503 "Rules for arrangement of vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil products";

- VSN 31189 "Installation of steel vertical cylindrical tanks for storage of oil and oil products with volume from 100 to 50000 m3."

- RD 010022003 "Procedure for operation, maintenance and repair of vertical steel tanks in subsidiaries of OAO LUKOIL"

- RD 089595 "Regulation on technical diagnostics of welded vertical cylindrical tanks for oil and oil products."

- PB 0358503 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of process pipelines";

- PB 1038200 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes";

- "Production instruction for crane operators (drivers) on safe operation of boom self-propelled cranes (automobile, caterpillar and pneumatic wheelers)";

- "Production instruction for rafters on safe handling of lifting mechanisms."

5.1.2. The number of rafters is 2 people per shift. When lifting and moving loads, use braces.

5.1.3. Erection works shall be carried out in daytime from 800 to 1700

5.1.4. It is forbidden to move goods by cranes over existing production rooms and equipment.

5.1.5. All workers employed at the construction site must be trained in safe working methods by profession and type of work, certified and have certificates with them.

5.2. Work Sequence

5.2.1. Preparatory work Prior to the start of the tank repair work, it is necessary to prepare platforms for the operation of lifting equipment, storage of materials and products. Install a strong crossing through the pipeline underpass in the tank frame, for the passage of GPM and trucks.

5.2.2. Installation of cranes Install cranes for installation of equipment, piping units and steel structures in accordance with Appendix B. Install boom crane on cleaned, planned and tamped site (with inclination angle not more than 3 °), taking into account soil category and nature and with drainage.

It is not allowed to install a crane for operation on freshly assimilated undiminished soil, as well as on a site with a slope exceeding the one specified in the certificate. Strong and stable linings shall be laid under the remote supports. Linings for additional supports of the crane shall be its inventory.

During operation, monitor the soil condition to avoid subsidence. Cranes shall be installed in such a way that when lifting the load, it is not necessary to carry it in advance at the inclined position of the cargo ropes and it is possible to move the load, raised not less than 500 mm higher than the equipment encountered in the path, stacks of cargo, sides of rolling stock, etc., as well as during operation the distance between the turning part of the crane at any position and buildings, stacks of cargo and other objects were not less than 1000 mm.

5.2.3. Repair of the mine ladder. Mount the stand-alone shaft ladder. Maintain the distance between the supporting attachment plates and the welded seams of the tank wall:

vertical - not less than 250 mm;

horizontal - not less than 100 mm. Remove railings of stairways and intermediate platforms of shaft ladder. Install new railings of stairways and intermediate platforms that meet the requirements of the technical documentation: Grind all welds from slag and splash. Repair the base of the mine ladder, for this it is necessary to fill it with concrete mortar.

5.2.4. Repair of tank roof. To dismantle a branch pipe of Du500 on a tank roof; Fabricate and install a new reinforcing pad on the tank roof together with the nozzle DN 500; Check welded joints during vacuum tests of the tank, by soap - 100%; Dismantle maintenance platforms on the RVS roof, using gas and machine cutting; Manufacture new ring passages and install them together with old ones on the tank roof, close to the fences, according to the requirements of item 3.13.3 of PB 0360503 (the height of the fences from the platform floor to the top of the railings must be at least 1250mm .)

5.2.5. Repair of foam generator platforms. Remove old foam generators, service platform railings and stairs to them. Grind the places of welding of the removed structural elements flush with the main metal; Manufacture and install new railings of foam generator service platforms. The fences shall be made in accordance with the requirements of cl.1.4.18. PB 0862403; Cook the baseplates of the platforms along the contour. Fabricate and install new tunnel-type ladders for lowering from the roof to foam generator service platforms. Perform ladders according to the requirements of para. 1.4.17. PB 0862403; Fabricate and install guard gates; Fabricate and install new flange connections of foam generators Install new GPSS - 2000 - 2 pcs.

5.2.7. Tank bottom.

Repair the bottom together with replacement of parts of the first and second sheets of the first belt. Install vertical mounting devices of 3 pcs. outside the tank, preventing wall subsidence in the area of the 1st sheet; Mark and cut replaceable bottom sections:

mark the bottom sheets to be dismantled;

brace the tank wall in zone 1 of the sheet from the bottom;

cut out the dismantled sections of the bottom; Remove the old hydrophobic layer under the repair site; Lay a new hydrophobic layer of sand mixed with spent oil, followed by compaction, manually, to the design mark; Install the bottom section:

prepare the bottom sheet installation site. Install assembly limiters;

lay the bottom sheet in the prepared place;

perform preparation of bottom sheet edges for welding;

fit butt with bottom sheets and attach to bottom. The length of the tacks is 2030 mm, the distance between the tacks is 4050 mm;

perform welding of the tank bottom sheet;

remove mounting devices and grind places of welds flush with base metal;

other bottom sheets are welded in a similar manner;

leveling the protruding part of the bottom, if necessary, knock out the hydrophobic mixture;

prepare the edges of the welding wall sheet;

fit butt with bottom sheets and attach to bottom. The length of the tacks is 5060 mm, the distance between the tacks is 400500 mm;

welding the wall sheet to the bottom of the tank;

remove mounting devices and grind places of welds; Perform quality control of welds:

visual-measuring - 100%;

radiographic - 100% of welded joints of the bottom in the area of the wall belt adjoining;

5.2.8. Other works. Repair RVS windshield. Seal cracks and gaps in the pavement with bitumen. Perform graveling with concrete mortar, maintain the slope in accordance with the requirements of PB 0360503. Perform revision of valves NDKM250 and KPG250 with issue of certificate. Fabricate and install part (2 m) of the acceptance gate valve maintenance platform according to the requirements of PB 0862403, p. 1.4.18, 1.4.23, 1.4.16, 1.4.15:

excavate the pits for the foundations of the site supports;

leveling of foundation pits bottom under design elevation;

perform sand preparation for foundations b = 100 mm;

install foundation blocks for platform supports (2 pcs);

backfill the foundations;

install part of the site on the foundations and weld it to the existing site. Remove the pipe from gate valve No. 4691 (2 m), install the flange blanking on this gate valve. Cut temporary features on 5 1Tank Axis sheet. If necessary, weld the cutting places, with subsequent grinding flush.

5.2.9. Hydraulic testing of the tank Overpressure test of the tank; Tank vacuum test; Measure deviations of tank generatrices from vertical and measure deviations of the external contour of the bottom from horizontal.

5.2.10. Corrosion protection Apply the internal anticorrosive coating on the roof, wall, central stand, bottom, inner filling of the tank:

- installation of scaffolding and construction tour;

- sandblasting of all internal surfaces;

- dusting and degreasing of surfaces (immediately before painting);

- coating Intersel 670 on roof, wall, central stand in three layers;

- disassembly of tubular scaffolding and construction tour. Painting the outer surface of the tank:

- arrangement of tubular scaffolding;

- provision of dusting and degreasing of repair places (immediately before painting);

- application of primer to repair sites;

- painting in 2 layers of repair places with Vinikor62 material;

- dusting and degreasing of the entire surface of the tank (immediately before painting);

- painting in 1 layer of the entire tank with Vinicor62 material;

- application of logos and symbols;

- disassembly of tubular scaffolding.

6.4. Fire Safety

6.4.1. It is not allowed to accumulate combustible substances on the sites, they should be stored in closed metal containers in a safe place.

6.4.2. Fire fighting equipment shall be maintained in serviceable, serviceable condition. The number of fire extinguishers shall be at least two at the workplace. Passages to fire fighting equipment shall always be free and marked with appropriate signs.

6.4.3. On construction machines and mechanisms running on liquid fuel, install spark arresters on exhaust systems.

Drawings content

icon 10 схема3.cdw

10 схема3.cdw

icon 22 .1 Стройгенплан.cdw

22 .1 Стройгенплан.cdw

icon 24.1 Патрубок Ду 500 в крыше.cdw

24.1 Патрубок Ду 500 в крыше.cdw

icon 24.2 Площадки и огр_на крыше_ разрезы.cdw

24.2 Площадки и огр_на крыше_ разрезы.cdw

icon 24.3 Элемент кольцевого перехода ЭПК-1.cdw

24.3 Элемент кольцевого перехода ЭПК-1.cdw

icon 25.1 ЛШ ограждения.cdw

25.1 ЛШ ограждения.cdw

icon 25.2. Крепление ЛШ к стенке.cdw

25.2. Крепление ЛШ к стенке.cdw

icon 25.3 Мостик переходный огражд..cdw

25.3 Мостик переходный огражд..cdw

icon 26.1 Первый пояс.cdw

26.1 Первый пояс.cdw

icon 26.2 Строповка листа стенки.cdw

26.2 Строповка листа стенки.cdw

icon 26.3 л.Патруб. в стен. Ду25.cdw

26.3 л.Патруб. в стен. Ду25.cdw

icon 26.4.Патруб. в стен. Ду50.cdw

26.4.Патруб. в стен. Ду50.cdw

icon 26.5 Патруб. в стен. Ду100.cdw

26.5 Патруб. в стен. Ду100.cdw

icon 26.6 Патрубок Ду 150 в стенке.cdw

26.6 Патрубок Ду 150 в стенке.cdw

icon 26.7 Патрубок Ду 200 в стенки.cdw

26.7  Патрубок Ду 200 в стенки.cdw

icon 26.9 ЛЛ 600х900.cdw

26.9  ЛЛ 600х900.cdw

icon 27.1 пробоотборник.cdw

icon 27.2 корыто пробоотборник.cdw

icon 28.1.1 Спецплощадки ПГ.cdw

28.1.1 Спецплощадки ПГ.cdw

icon 28.1.площадка пеногенератора.cdw

28.1.площадка пеногенератора.cdw

icon 28.2.1 Спец стремянки ПГ.cdw

28.2.1 Спец стремянки ПГ.cdw

icon 28.2.стрем.пеноген.cdw


icon 28.3.Фланец пеногенератора.cdw

28.3.Фланец пеногенератора.cdw

icon 30 ПОЗ.cdw

30 ПОЗ.cdw

icon 8 схема1.cdw

8 схема1.cdw

icon 9 схема2.cdw

9 схема2.cdw

icon Антикор внутр.план.cdw

Антикор внутр.план.cdw

icon Антикор наруж.план.cdw

Антикор наруж.план.cdw

icon РВС-1.cdw
