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Outpatient clinic building for 30 visits per shift

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AR grade drawings

Project's Content

icon Амбулатория.dwg
icon ОПЗ амбулатория(174.30-71-ПЗ).doc

Additional information


1. General information and justifications

1.1 Basis for project development

1.2 Technical and economic indicators

2. Master Plan

2.1 Master Plan

2.2 Measures to restore the land plot

3.Technological solutions

4. Process Management and Occupational Safety

4.1 Sanitary and hygienic working conditions

4.2 Health and safety measures

5. Architectural and construction solutions

5.1 Brief description and justification of the architectural

building solutions

5.2 Design Solutions

5.3 Fire fighting measures

6. Engineering equipment, networks and systems

6.1 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

6.1.1 Design Input

6.1.2 Main Heating and Ventilation Solutions

6.1.3 Fire safety measures

6.1.4. Measures to reduce ventilation noise


6.1.5 Measures on corrosion protection and thermal protection

insulation of ducts and pipelines

6.2 Water supply and sewerage

6.2.1 Internal water supply and sewerage

6.2.2 Potable and Firefighting Water Supply

6.2.3. Hot Water Supply

6.2.4 Domestic sewage system

6.2.5. Rainwater sewer

6.2.6. On-site water supply and sewerage networks

6.3 Power supply, power electrical equipment,

complex automation, electrical lighting

6.3.1 Power supply

6.3.2 Characteristics of electric power consumers, defined by

calculation loads flattening

6.3.3 Automation Complex

6.3.4 Electrical lighting

6.4 Communication and Signaling

6.4.1 Fire alarm

6.4.2 Fire Alert

6.4.3 Communication

6.5 Fire extinguishing

6.6 Heat supply

6.6.1 Heat Supply Solutions

6.6.2 Fire-fighting measures for heat supply systems


6.6.3 Fuel-energy and material balances

6.6.4 Solutions for protection against external corrosion of networks and

heat supply units

6.6.5 Assessment of progressivity of design solutions

7. Applications

8. Drawings


1. Design Task

2. APZ

3. Copy of License D

4. Water Supply and Sanitation Specification

5. Heat Supply Specification

6. Power Supply Specification


174.30-0-GP Breakdown Plan

174.30-71-AR 1st floor plan

174.30-71-AR 2nd floor plan

174.30-71-AR Basement floor plan

174.30-71-TX Plan of the 1st floor. Equipment arrangement

174.30-71-TX Plan of the 2nd floor. Equipment arrangement

174.30-71-TX Basement Plan. Equipment arrangement

174.30-71-TX. With the Specification of the equipment

174.30-71-EM Single-line power supply diagram

174.30-71-VK System Diagram

174.30-71-VK System Diagram

174.30-71-ВК Schemes of the B1,T3,T systems

174.30-71-ОВ Scheme of a heating system. Heat supply system diagram

174.30-71- EO Power Supply Network Plan

2.1 Master Plan

The designed building of the outpatient clinic is located on Communist Street in the village of Stan Oyashinsky, Moshkovsky District, Novosibirsk Region, 60 meters from the existing hospital building along the roadway. 30 years of the Komsomol. In connection with the construction of the outpatient clinic, it is necessary to organize travel on the street. 30 years of Komsomol on both sides of the designed building, as well as transfer underground heating mains with water supply, and communication cable from the development site.

For access to the outpatient clinic building, existing auto-roads of the village are used, as well as designed sites and roads with paved asphalt concrete .

The height position of the designed building and the surrounding area is determined in connection with the elevations near the located buildings and roads. The elevation difference at the site is 1 m. Surface water from the site is drained along the trays of the designed roads to lower relief points .

The project provides for the improvement of the adjacent territory with the installation of sidewalks and landscaping with the planting of trees and shrubs of local species, the installation of flower beds and the installation of lawns.

For the location of the reconstructed building on the master plan, see Figure 174.30-O-GP.

Balance of territory within the limits of diversion:

The total area of ​ ​ the plot is 0.18 ha

Including the built-up area - 0.050ha

road area, sidewalks, bridge - 0.037ha

landscaping area - 0.093ha

2.2 Measures to restore the land plot

There is no fertile layer of land on the site at the site of the planned construction, therefore, after the completion of the construction of buildings and structures, the laying of communications on the restored surface of the site, a soil and vegetation layer with a capacity of up to 0.15 m is applied and landscaping is carried out with planting trees and shrubs, sowing grasses.

Technological solutions

The technological part of the working project of the outpatient clinic for 30 visits per day was developed on the basis of the Customer's task, in accordance with the requirements:

- SNiP 2.08.0289 * "Public buildings and structures";

- Manual "Design of Health Care Facilities."

The outpatient clinic is designed in the village of Stan Oyashinsky, Moshkov District, Novosibirsk Region.

The outpatient building is two-story with a basement.

In the basement there are: staff wardrobes, a medical archive, a room for the manager of the farm, technical rooms.

On the ground floor there are: a lobby, a registry, a wardrobe, a pharmacy kiosk, a filter box for children, pediatrician and a healthy child's offices, vaccinations and procedural rooms, a dressing room, a gynaecological room, a therapist's office, emergency rooms, an old-neck nurse's office, household, utility and technical rooms.

On the second floor there are: offices of a dentist, therapist, physiotherapy, laboratory, procedural rooms, sterilization, day care, administrative and utility rooms.

All rooms of the outpatient clinic are equipped with the necessary medical equipment and furniture.

The total number of workers is 28 people, the maximum shift is 19 people.

Mode of operation from 8-0 to 2000 hour.

4. Process Management and Occupational Safety

4.1 Sanitary and hygienic working conditions

Working and living conditions of medical personnel are organized in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN Sanitary facilities are located on two floors. At the entrance to the hospital hall, a wardrobe for street clothes is provided. All rooms have sinks. Bathrooms for staff and patients

4.2 Health and safety measures

All work with drugs, solutions that release harmful substances is carried out in exhaust cabinets.

The microclimate of the premises complies with the hygienic requirements of the current norms and rules.

All rooms are provided with heating in accordance with the requirements for heating.

Illumination indicators comply with the established standards.

Permissible noise levels at workplaces meet hygienic requirements.

Fluorographic cabinet is organized in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN in compliance with all safety measures.

All electrical equipment and networks are protected from personnel touching current-carrying parts. Metal current-carrying elements of the equipment are protected by means of zero protective conductors. The storage of narcotic drugs and medicines is organized in the office of a senior nurse in a safe. The office has a grille on the window and a security alarm.

The total working time is established in accordance with the current labour legislation.

5. architectural and construction solutions

5.1 Brief description and justification of architectural and construction solutions

Working project of outpatient clinic for 30 visits per shift developed for

construction in the village of Stan Oyashinsky, Moshkovsky district.

The composition of the premises of the outpatient clinic is determined by technological requirements.

the existing network of treatment and prophylactic institutions of this

area and technological assignment approved by the Chief Medical Officer

OGUZ "GNOKB" V.V.Stepanov.

The outpatient departments consist of three main groups:

- Common rooms

- Treatment and prevention units

- Service and auxiliary rooms

Common facilities include: lobby, reception, wardrobe

for visitors, latrines for visitors.

Treatment and prophylactic include - doctors' reception rooms,

bad, dressing, laboratory, physiotherapeutic room.

Office and auxiliary premises include - ka-bi-

nets of the head physician, nurse, manager, accountancy, room

staff, dressing rooms for domestic and working clothes,


In addition, the outpatient clinic has specialized sharks

Shersko gynaecological rooms, 2-bed day hospital

chambers with the necessary service rooms, department

emergency medical care (with a separate entrance from the street).

Interconnection of individual groups of premises is carried out in accordance with

with SNiP * and its manuals on institution design

HEALTH CARE SECTION 1Bulator polyclinic facilities,

Outpatient clinics.

The outpatient clinic is provided in a separate building.

nii with a plan size of 15x30m in axes. The building is two-story, with a basement and those underground. Two closed staircases are provided in the building

cells. A separate staircase is provided to connect the basement with the first

floor. From the basement there is an independent exit to the street.

Integration of adult and child care units in one volume

are determined by the specifics of outpatient clinics, but the made planning decisions are

will to isolate the intersection of adult visitor flows as much as possible

lei and children. Reception of children is located in the dead end zone of the outpatient clinic and ime-et

here is a reception and inspection box with a separate entrance from the street.

The children's department has a direct vertical connection to

a separate stairwell with physiotherapeutic and dentist-ches-

by some offices, which are also located in the dead end zone, which is

makes it possible to carry out a therapeutic process at a certain time without crossing flows with adult visitors.

Obstetrical and genecological offices are located in an isolated

zone from outpatient flows and have their expected.

The day hospital is also located in the dead end zone with its

group of service rooms with complete isolation from flows

visitors and patients of the outpatient clinic.

In the central part of the building on the first and second floors

there are common rooms of the outpatient clinic. The link between these

the cradle is a closed stairwell placed here.

On the ground floor in the end part of the building there is a service

emergency medical care with a separate external entrance.

The service is provided 24 hours a day.

5.2. Design Solutions


During the development of the project of the outpatient clinic, the following conditions were adopted:

• design snow load 240 kg/m2

• Wind pressure 38 kg/m2

• seismicity of the construction site - 6 points.

The outpatient clinic building is two-story with a basement, with a plan size of 30 x 15 m; height of floors 3.3 m; podvala2, 8 m.

Frame scheme, frame pitch 6 m, frame post pitch 6 m is used for the bearing metal frame.

The pavements and floors of the building are made with reinforced concrete multi-pillar slabs with a thickness of 220 cm. Overall stability of the structure is ensured by rigid coupling of beams with columns. Joints of columns with foundations are hinged. Monolithic reinforced concrete foundations. Wall fence of sandwich panels. The foundation base is semi-solid loam with the following characteristics, E = 4.5 MPa;

To eliminate subsidence properties of soils, crushed stone preparation with compaction was designed (2006 report code 06351g made by FSUE ZAPSIBGIPROVODKHOZ).


5.3.1 Fire fighting measures.

Fire safety standards are observed during design

SNiP 210197 *. Two staircases are provided in the design

closed type with exits to the outside: in one of them directly

outside to the other through the lobby. The width of the march is 1350mm.

Doors in staircases and external are also accepted 1350mm.

All doors on escape routes open towards evacuation

people from the building. Interior decoration of rooms and floors on the tracks

evacuations were accepted as non-combustible. Corridors are illuminated by natural light through window openings at the ends of corridors and in halls.

For process communication of basements with the ground floor

there is a separate staircase of closed type with

organization in the basement of the slag ladder with air overpressure

into it. Doors on the stairs to the basement are accepted as firefighting.

A separate exit to the outside is provided in the ceiling.

Window openings with pits are provided in the technical underground

for access by firefighters. The basement room is connected with the technical sub-floor

fire doors. Engineering facilities in the basement

are also provided with opposite doors, and the room

heat punet has independent outward outlet.

Decoration of rooms and floors in the basement are accepted from non-combustible materials.

Access to the roof is organized by an external metal staircase.

Drawings content

icon Амбулатория.dwg
