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Organization of TR zone operation at ATP in Arkhangelsk

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Full design of the office building/Plans, foundations, full design of NPP, AR.

Project's Content

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icon ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ.docx
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icon часть 3 ╣3.docx
icon часть 4.docx
icon часть 5 ╣1.doc
icon часть 5 ╣2.docx
icon часть 5 ╣3.docx

Additional information




1.1 Master Plan

1.2 General Part

1.3 Space Planning Solution

1.4 Structural part

1.5 Heat Engineering Calculation

1.6 External and internal networks

1.6.1 Water supply

1.6.2 Fecal sewage system

1.6.3 Rain sewer

1.6.4 Ventilation

1.6.5 Noise protection of premises

1.6.6 Light sources. Lighting fixtures

1.6.7 Telephony

1.7 Fire Safety Measures


2.1 Calculation of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete slab

2.1.1 Determination of design spans and loads

2.1.2 Determination of calculation forces

2.1.3 Determination of plate thickness

2.1.4 Selection of reinforcement section

2.1.5 Check of slab strength for push-through

2.2 Determination of forces in middle column

2.2.1 Load collection

2.3 Calculation of the sub-column


3.1 Job Instruction for monolithic frame device

3.1.1 Scope of application

3.1.2 Determination of scope of work during construction of monolithic frame

3.1.3 Selection of a set of machines and mechanisms for performance of works

3.2 Selection of installation cranes by technical parameters

3.3 Justification of crane selection by economic parameters

3.4 Formwork

3.4.1 Technological characteristics of slab formwork based on support towers

3.5 Installation of slab formwork

3.6 Installation of column formwork

3.7 Reinforcement works

3.8 Supply and laying of concrete mixture in formwork

3.9 Quality and acceptance requirements

3.9.1 Requirements for quality control during the construction of the plate and column

3.9.2 Construction and Installation Scope List

3.9.3 Calculation of labor, machine time and


3.9.4 Material and technical resources Material requirements list, semi-finished products,

products List of requirements for machines, mechanisms, tools, accessories

3.9.5 Technical and economic indicators

3.10 Schedule

3.10.1 Determination of Demand for Basic Building Materials, Products and Structures

3.10.2 Rationale for the organization of works

3.10.3 Basic technical and economic indicators of scheduling

3.11 Construction Plot Plan

3.11.1 Organization of warehousing

3.11.2 Inventory buildings

3.11.3 Temporary water supply

3.11.4 Temporary power supply

3.11.5 Technical and economic indicators



4.1 Safety and Health

4.2 Environmental Protection

4.3 Fire Safety


5.1 Calculation of estimated cost of construction and construction works

5.1.1 Explanatory note to the estimate documentation

5.1.2 Local estimates for types of works

5.1.3 Summary Estimate

5.2 Technical and Economic Parameters of Construction and Installation

5.3 How to reduce production costs and their efficiency




By construction ("construction") we mean the professional activity of a person related to the process of implementing construction objects: buildings and structures. The process of appearance of the construction object is, as a rule, quite long and complex: at first there is a need, then a financial and legal justification (material means and adherence to the law), it becomes possible to attract a team of artisans - architects and designers (the efforts of these mercenaries lead to the appearance of the project), and at the final stage the manufacturers of work - builders. In a broad sense, builders can be called all participants in this process: from the Owner to the Contractor, without the participation of at least one of which construction would not be possible. It is clear that the need for construction is natural, it is constantly supported by the demands of society: people need housing (ideally the most comfortable and luxurious and at the same time extremely cheap), it is necessary to place industries, institutions, trade, energy, entertainment and sports, etc. And if these needs are similar for different countries and national communities, then the conditions in which the construction process exists vary significantly. Russia is a huge country and almost the entire variety of climatic conditions is represented on its territory, but the main territories are superimposed, first of all, by the factor of cold seasons, complicating design decisions and making construction work difficult. In other words, building in Russia is not easy. This is not so much about

the peculiarities of the national economy, how much about relatively harsh natural conditions that reduce the life of common building materials in the world, and force them to turn to complex and expensive design solutions.

Of course, the "construction" does not stand still. All participants in the construction process change one way or another after the time, improving their skills and skills in accordance with the growing needs of society in the scale and quality of construction facilities, in the availability of construction solutions to a wide consumer, in reducing the construction time of buildings and structures.

General part

Liability Class 1; fire resistance degree - II, reliability factor - 1.

The justice building is made of monolithic reinforced concrete - a monolithic reinforced concrete slab floor and monolithic reinforced concrete columns. Outer walls are made of gas silicate blocks. Internal walls and partitions are made of brick and gas silicate blocks .

Construction decisions of the project were made on the basis of the technological features of the task, the master plan with placed buildings and structures, and taking into account the nomenclature of construction products used in the construction region.

The construction site is located on Schmidt Avenue in the city of Mogilev, on a territory free from development.

In accordance with SNB 2040197 "Construction heat engineering," the design outside air temperature is minus 29С.

Based on SNiP 2.01.0785 * "Loads and impacts," the normative value of wind pressure is 23 kg/m2 for the II region of Belarus, and the normative value of snow cover weight is 120 kg/m2 for the II region of the country. Prevailing westerly winds with an average wind speed of up to 4 m/s.

The engineering and geological conditions of the site are simple. In the structure of the geological section, dusty semi-solid loam takes part, there is no groundwater.

1.3 Space planning solutions

The building is located taking into account public purpose. The designed building is complex in plan with dimensions in axes of 49.2x28.2m., the height of the building is 26.9m.

On the ground floor of the justice building is the lobby, the office of the head of the logistics department, the guard room, the weapons storage room, the expedition room, the cells for the defendants and a number of utility rooms. The second floor of the building includes: the office of the head of the general department, a storeroom of material evidence, a room of civil cases with 30 seats, rooms of prosecutors, a room of lawyers, an office of a judge, a hall of criminal cases

40 seats, 36-seat criminal courtroom and utility rooms. The third floor of the building includes: the offices of judges, the civil affairs hall with 30 seats, the office of the head of the criminal affairs department, the office of a consultant, the criminal affairs hall with 40 seats, the criminal affairs hall with 36 seats and utility rooms. The fourth floor includes: the judge's office, a civil affairs hall with 30 seats, the office of the head of the civil affairs department, the consultant's office, the office of the head of the archive and a number of auxiliary premises. The fifth floor includes: the offices of judges, the office of the assistant chairman of the council of judges, the hall of the qualification board, the office of the chairman of the qualification board, the premises of the presidium, the office of the head of the financial and accounting department, financial and accounting department, cash desk, room for rest and meals, meeting room with 12 seats, the office of the administrator of the court, the office of the president of the court, the reception room, the office of the assistant chairman for criminal cases, reception room, office of the assistant chairman for civil affairs, office of the assistant judges and a number of auxiliary premises. The sixth floor includes: accounting, archive, office of the chief accountant and a number of special-purpose premises. On the seventh floor there are utility rooms and special rooms.

Technical and economic indicators of the building:

- total area of premises - 5495.07 m2

- usable area - 3184.79 m2

- building volume - 20901.81 m3

is the ratio of the useful area of the building to the total K1 = 0.58

-the ratio of the useful area of the building to the volume K2 = 0,152

1.4 Structural part

Design solutions are developed taking into account the existing nomenclature of prefabricated reinforced concrete products and standard design solutions of the Mogilev region.

Selection of main load-bearing and enclosing structures is carried out taking into account the unification of spans and elevations of floors and buildings, in order to reduce the number of standard sizes.

The construction of the building is supposed to be carried out with the installation of a monolithic beam-free reinforced concrete frame, monolithic reinforced concrete floor and monolithic reinforced concrete columns. The size of the building in the axes is 49.2x28.2m. The composition of the coating is four types. Type 1: monolithic reinforced concrete coating, steam insulation - thickness .02 mm ROCKWOOL, heat insulation layer - heat insulation slab SPODROCK 160 mm., layer to create a slope - ceramic concrete, leveling brace - cement-sand mortar M50 20 mm thick, water insulation carpet. Type 2: rafter leg - 180x100 mm., Runs - wooden bar with a cross section of 125x60 pitch 800 mm., Continuous wooden flooring from stringed boards of stringy. 25mm., coating - metal lining type Monterrey. Type 3: lining of 2 layers of gypsum board gypsum boards KNAUF 25mm., insulation - mineral wool boards ROCKMIN 50mm., grating - bar 2x50x50, steam insulation - layer of duplicated polyethylene, interstrop space - heat exchanger - 150mm, windshield and 180mm. 25mm., coating - metal lining company "RANNILA PROFIIL."

Type 4: base - monolithic reinforced concrete coating., bracing - cement-sand mortar M50 in slope, water insulation carpet.

The main part of the building is covered with a pitched roof .

The external walls of the 1st floor are made of blocks of cellular concrete STB111798 on adhesive mortar with decorative ordinary blocks 1KBOLTSP8K (red color/. " The external walls of the second and seventh floors are made of blocks of cellular concrete STB111798 on adhesive solution, on the outer side the wall is covered with a layer of vapor-permeable plaster/two primer layers of plaster mixture, a coating layer of plaster mixture. On the inside, the walls are covered with a layer of cement plaster.

Floor partitions - from gas silicate blocks XXXV2,0700352 STB1117-78.

Individual glass-type foundations made of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete for columns are designed in the building, preparation from C8 class concrete with a thickness of 100 mm should be carried out for the foundation body base, the dimensions in the plan should be taken by the dimensions of the sole plus 100 mm. on each side. Foundation blocks are laid out under the walls as per GOST 1357978.

The design of the foundation arrangement provides for vertical waterproofing of the surfaces of two layers of hot bituminopolymer waterproofing mastic of MBPG brand in contact with the soil according to STB12622.0g. Horizontal waterproofing of walls at the floor level of the first floor shall be made of a layer of bituminous-polymer material GPxBEPP according to a leveling brace made of M100 layer solution. 20 mm., horizontal waterproofing of the walls at the basement floor level should be made of M200 cement-sand mortar with thickness of 20 mm.

The stairwell in the building is designed from monolithic reinforced concrete and is the core of rigidity .

Entrance doors, tambour doors - as per STB 113898.

Internal doors - as per STB 113898.

Windows as per STB 113898.

Around the building there is a pavement tile P20.10.6 gray, 1.15m wide.

Interior decoration of the premises is adopted depending on the purpose of the premises taking into account operating conditions .

Structural diagrams of buildings are presented on the project drawings.

External and internal networks

1.6.1 Water supply. The source of centralized water supply is the existing networks. The water quality in the underground source complies with the requirements of SanPiN water supply network, to which the design building is to be connected in accordance with the specifications, is laid along the construction site from cast iron pipes with a diameter of 100 mm to a depth of 2.3-2.8 m to the top of the pipes. The network has fire hydrants.

1.6.2 Fecal sewage system. Domestic wastewater from the building is supplied by gravity to the designed domestic sewage network. Together with domestic wastewater from other buildings, they are pumped to the existing wastewater treatment plants of the city.

1.6.3 Rain sewer. The rain sewer system, according to the project, is connected to the city. Technical solutions for heating and ventilation provide the microclimate parameters in the rooms within the permissible limits, in accordance with SanPiN - 96, GOST 30494 - 96. Heating of buildings is mainly provided by water heating systems.

1.6.4 Ventilation. All rooms are provided with plenum ventilation with mechanical and natural motivation. In the rooms, as a rule, a balance is provided between the flow rate of supply and exhaust air. Automatic control is provided for ventilation systems and heat supply systems of heaters.

1.6.5 Noise protection of rooms. Ventilation system is equipped with silencers. Fan casing and air ducts within ventilation chambers are covered with vibration absorbing mastic. Fans are connected to the duct network by flexible inserts. Ventilation units are installed on vibration base.

1.6.6 Light sources. Lighting fixtures. Two types of lighting are accepted: evacuation and local. Power distribution is provided through power and lighting boards with circuit breakers. Evacuation lighting is separated from the number of general lighting lamps and

It is fed by independent groups regardless of the network of working lighting. Luminaires are selected according to existing nomenclature types, environment characteristics and space assignments.

1.6.7 Telephony. To telephonize the building, it is necessary to build a single-hole telephone network from the existing telephone network to the designed building. Telephone sets are installed in administrative offices and in halls.

1.7 Fire Safety Measures

Arrangement of on-site transport and fire-fighting passages providing quick access to buildings and fire hydrants.

The adopted space-planning and structural solutions make it possible to ensure the safe evacuation of people and material assets from buildings, floors and premises in case of a fire. The number of evacuation exits, the width of doors, corridors, passages, marches and staircase platforms, as well as the distance from workplaces to the nearest evacuation exits comply with the current fire standards. Metal fire ladders are installed on the height differences of buildings.

Drawings content

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