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Organization of D-2 diagnostic post on ATP for servicing Lada Kalina cars

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The purpose of this diploma project is to organize the work of the D-2 diagnostic post of the motor transport enterprise for servicing Lada Kalina cars.

Project's Content

icon Участок диагностирования_исп.cdw
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icon Чертеж тормозного стенд.cdw
icon Схема технологического процесса Д-2.cdw

Additional information




2.1 Purpose and characteristics of road transport enterprise

2.2 Characteristics of cars considered in the project

2.3 Characteristics of the designed subdivision


3.1 Selection of initial maintenance and mileage standards before overhaul and their correction

3.2 Selection of initial standards of rolling stock downtime in maintenance and repair and their correction

3.3 Determination of technical readiness factor

3.4 Determination of vehicle utilization

3.5 Determination of total annual mileage in ATP

3.6 Definition of the annual maintenance and diagnostics programme for motor vehicles

3.7 Definition of replacement program by types of maintenance and diagnostics

3.8 Determination of labour intensity of technical impacts

3.9 Determination of total annual labour intensity of technical impacts

3.10 Determination of number of repair workers in maintenance area


4.1 Selection of method of maintenance and TR production organization in ATP

4.2 Process Diagram at Diagnostic Station

4.3 Selection of operation mode of production units

4.4 Calculation of number of maintenance, TR and diagnostics posts

4.5 Distribution of performers by specialty and qualification

4.6 Selection of process equipment for D-

4.7 Calculation of production area of the post


5.1 Overview of existing brake bench structures

5.2 Rationale for Choosing a Specific Model

5.3 Job Instruction for Equipment Operation


7. Occupational safety

7.1 Organization of labor protection work at ATP

7.2 Hazardous and harmful production factors operating at the post. Measures to combat them

7.3 Creation of microclimate at workplaces

7.3.1 Ventilation calculation

7.3.2 Calculation of illumination

7.4 Safety Instructions for Selected Equipment



Recently, requirements for the technical condition of motor vehicles have increased significantly, which are regulated by state and international standards. Ensuring the fulfillment of these requirements during the entire period of operation of the car is due to the high-quality work of highly qualified maintenance personnel corresponding to the state of the art automotive technology. Currently, the development and provision of enterprises with regulatory and technological documentation has practically ceased, which could not but affect the level of technical condition of cars.

During the operation of the car, as a result of a number of factors (loads, vibrations, moisture, air flows, abrasive particles, temperature), an irreversible deterioration of its technical condition occurs due to wear and damage to its parts, as well as a change in a number of their properties (elasticity, ductility). The change in the technical condition of the car is due to the operation of its units and mechanisms, the influence of the external environment, factors that include hidden defects in car parts, overload. To prevent defects and eliminate them in a timely manner, the car is subjected to maintenance and repair.

The purpose of this diploma work is to design a diagnostic zone for ATP with the aim of specializing the labor of industrial workers, increasing labor productivity due to the use of modern equipment and improving the quality of work, and thereby reducing the downtime of rolling stock.

The purpose of this diploma project is to organize the work of the D-2 diagnostic post of the motor transport enterprise for servicing Lada Kalina cars.

Analytical part

Purpose and characteristics of road transport enterprise

In terms of production purpose, a motor transport enterprise is passenger and provides transport work, storage and an incomplete partial amount of work on maintenance and maintenance of passenger rolling stock:

carriage of passengers,

provision of transport services to the population,

provision of transport services to organizations,

repair and maintenance of road transport;

foreign economic activity;

This enterprise belongs to the category of public motor transport enterprises and is intended for passenger transportation.

In organizing production activities, ATP is a complex that carries out transport work, all types of maintenance and maintenance, storage of rolling stock.

This enterprise belongs to the category of public motor transport enterprises and is intended for passenger transportation.

In organizing production activities, ATP is a complex that carries out transport work, all types of maintenance and maintenance, storage of rolling stock.

ATP carries out passenger transportation in Samara - category of operating conditions (UEIII).

Characteristics of cars considered in the project

Lada Kalina (VAZ1119) is a family of Russian cars of group II of the small class. It was produced by AvtoVAZ PJSC from November 18, 2004 to 2018.

The development of the car began by AvtoVAZ in 1993. In 1998, the designed car was called "LadaKalina." Prototypes were shown in 1999 - hatchback, in 2000 - sedan and in 2001 - station wagon. Kalina was the first AvtoVAZ car designed using computer technologies.

The engine is equipped with an electronic fuel injection and ignition control system. The design of the car body meets modern safety requirements. Due to the length of the LADA Samara family, the VAZ1119 has better maneuverability and is more adapted to traffic conditions in the urban environment. Depending on the configuration, the car is equipped with an anti-lock brake system (ABS), airbags for the driver and front passenger, air conditioning, electric power steering. Since the beginning of 2011, the LADA Kalina family has been equipped with the Egaz electronic gas pedal.

Organizational and technological part

Selection of method of maintenance and TR production organization in ATP

Depending on the number of posts for this type and the level of their specialization, two main methods of organizing car maintenance work are distinguished:

method of universal posts;

method of specialized posts.

Posts with any of these methods can be dead ends and travel.

The essence of the method of universal posts is that all works provided for this type of maintenance are carried out in full at the post by a group of performers consisting of workers of various specialties or universal workers.

One form of the method of universal posts service with passing specialized links of workers or individual performers.

The essence of the method of specialized posts is that the entire scope of work of this type of maintenance is distributed into several posts. Posts and workers specialize in them either by type of work, or by units and systems of the car. In addition, separate specialized posts are organized at ATP, where certain types of work or operations are carried out regardless of the type of maintenance.

The method of specialized posts can be in-line and operational. The in-line maintenance method is the most progressive, but its use gives a technical and economic effect only for ATPs with a large number of single-car and single-type rolling stock.

With this method, all operations are performed at several specialized posts located in a certain technological sequence, the totality of which is called a service line. The posts on the service line can be located both straight-through, i.e. in the direction of movement, and in the transverse direction.

The disadvantage of any production line is the impossibility of changing the scope of work at any of the posts, if for these purposes there is no provision for previously redundant "sliding" workers included in the execution of additional related repairs. Therefore, in order to maintain the calculated line stroke, one or two repairman fitters should be provided as part of the specialized team, as well as an insufficiently loaded foreman, the total time reserve of which should be approximately 15% of the total work on the line.

The presence of an additional post on the line itself or separately from it, on which work could be completed, for some reason not performed on the stream, also allows to maintain the rhythmicity of the line.

For the in-line method of TO-1 and TO-2 of specialized posts, it should be provided according to the standard technology of performance of regulated works by types of maintenance.

The necessary conditions for TO-1 and TO-2 on the stream are:

replacement program for technologically compatible rolling stock must be at least: for TO-1 12-15 services, for TO-2 5-6 services

availability of three or more workers for TO-1 single cars, for road trains - two or more; for TO-2 single cars of four work posts or more, for three or more;

the calculated number of service lines of this type shall be an integer with permissible deviations from it ± 0.1 in terms of one line.

If all these conditions are met for TO-1 and TO-2 zones, in-line production using a conveyor or other mechanics is economically feasible for the forced movement of cars. [10, from 72-76]

Diagnosis will be organized at a separate D-2 post

Rationale for Selecting a Specific Model

Based on all the advantages and disadvantages of platform and roller brake stands, we choose the STM 3500 M roller brake stand, which is in operation, since with its help it is possible to determine a larger number of parameters necessary to check the technical condition of the car brake system.

Job Instruction for Equipment Operation

Preparation for operation

Connect the 3-phase supply voltage to the input switch.

Before work to replace in the motor - reducers deaf jellied traffic jams with traffic jams with openings (sapun). Check presence of oil in motor-reducers and presence of lubricant in roller bearings housings. Fill with appropriate lubricant if necessary.

Set the general circuit breaker to the ON position. Turn on the stand. Then turn on your computer. The main menu of the program that controls the operation of the stand appears on the monitor screen. Select "Auxiliary programs" item from the main menu and "equipment check" submode. Check the equipment.

To perform a comprehensive check, prepare a serviceable car with a serviceable braking system, with an axle load of not more than 3500 kg. Perform a full diagnosis of the braking system of the car. The correct functioning of all sensors and programs is indicated by the absence of error messages displayed on the monitor screen.

The procedure for working with the bench is as follows:

switch on the control rack;

Enable your personal computer. Load brake bench control program;

select the desired mode of operation from the main menu;

Select the vehicle to be diagnosed from the database or enter a new one;

Select automatic or manual diagnostic mode.

attach force sensor on TS brake pedal;

dry brake shoes and drums in "Dry" submode. To do this, on command on the screen of the monitor, traffic light or information board "Enter" stop at the roller installation. Then press the brake pedal by command "Smooth brakes." The drying process lasts about 20 s or until slipping by one of the wheels;

measure maximum braking forces, coefficient of non-uniformity of wheel braking forces and force on the control. On command "Brake smoothly," press the brake pedal;

measure the resistance to rotation of non-braking wheels and determine the ovality coefficient in the "Partial load" submode. After rotation of rollers starts for 4 sec, resistance to rotation of non-braking wheels is measured. The brake pedal must remain released. Then press the brake pedal on "Smooth brakes" command until "Hold" command appears. On this command, hold the brake pedal in the unchanged position until the "Release" command is issued, after which the pedal is smoothly released. After the "Hold" command is issued, within 8 s, a data set is performed to calculate the ovality coefficient at incomplete load of the braking system;

measure the maximum braking forces generated by the parking system and the forces on the control in the "Parking" submode. To do this, use the "Smooth brakes" command to actuate the parking braking system, acting on the control (lever or pedal) through the force sensor. On "Leave" command, check out the diagnosed axis from the roller unit.

On this, the diagnosis of the axis ends, the diagnosis of subsequent axes is carried out in the same way.

It includes such works as keeping the bench clean and checking the fixtures of the controls, the reliability of connecting the connectors.

Periodic maintenance mainly consists in maintenance of the roller unit.

The main operations carried out during periodic maintenance are:

lubricant of a chain of basic rollers to be produced once a month;

oil replacement in the motor - gearboxes shall be performed once a year or every 500750 hours of operation;

once every six months replacement of lubricant in roller bearing supports;

adjust the amount of drive run-out as necessary;

adjust the axial clearance in the bearings of the intermediate drive shaft as necessary;

Check the oil level in the actuator once a month.

It is also necessary to carry out preventive work, which is carried out during the annual inspection of the technical condition. At the same time, the condition of paint and varnish, galvanic coatings, attachment of parts and assembly units, locking of fastening joints, reliability of packs and contact joints, absence of chips and cracks on parts made of insulating material are visually checked. Places subjected to corrosion should be cleaned and covered with enamel (lacquer) and grease (if necessary). During visual inspection, it is recommended to check the completeness of the bench and the condition of the accessories. Accumulation of dust inside the power cabinet and dirt on the surface of moving mechanical parts of the roller unit can cause overheating and damage to the elements. Dust removal shall be performed by dry air blowing. Outside, dust and dirt are removed with a soft rag and brush. The surfaces of the keyboard and monitor should be cleaned with a tampon wetted with 40% ethyl alcohol solution. The contaminated surface of the structural elements of the bench can be cleaned with a soft cloth moistened with water with synthetic washing powder dissolved in it.


The theme of the thesis is the organization of the D-2 advanced diagnostics post on ATP for servicing Lada Kalina cars

In the course of the work, parameters such as: annual scope of work, number of maintenance and maintenance posts, number of personnel, area of ​ ​ premises were calculated. Number of posts: 1 main post, 1 standby

Selection of process equipment was made.

Based on the calculations, he completed the site plan with the placement of equipment and technological equipment.

In the design part, the area braking bench is calculated. Purpose, technical characteristics, device, principle of operation.

The general view drawing of the bench and detail are graphically represented

The fifth part of the diploma project is devoted to calculations of economic indicators, the expected level of profitability will be 32.1%, this will allow to reimburse the invested funds over 3 years, which indicates the economic efficiency of the organization of this site.

In the course of this thesis, a D-2 advanced diagnostics post was developed on ATP for servicing Lada Kalina cars

The annual production program, the annual scope of work was calculated, the number of production workers was calculated, the subdivision was calculated, equipment and equipment were selected, a process map and a layout drawing of the subdivision itself were compiled. The production area is calculated - 81 sq.m.

The company complies with all labor protection rules, primarily sanitary and hygienic requirements, equipment and tool requirements.

Drawings content

icon Участок диагностирования_исп.cdw

Участок диагностирования_исп.cdw

icon Чертеж тормозного стенд.cdw

Чертеж тормозного стенд.cdw

icon Схема технологического процесса Д-2.cdw

Схема технологического процесса Д-2.cdw

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