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One-section 9-storey panel building - AR

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Arceless panel building on the prefabricated panel foundation, construction district city N.Novgorod

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Introduction

1.1. Design Task

1.2. Purpose of the building and its capacity

1.3. Building class, fire resistance, durability

2. General plan

2.1. General part

2.2. Modern planning situation

2.3. Architectural, Planning and Spatial Organization

2.4. System of cultural and consumer services

2.5. Organization of the road network and traffic scheme

2.6. Territory Engineering Training

3. Space Planning Solution

3.1. Purpose of the building, features of the functional process,

main room groups

3.2. Justification of the main groups of premises

3.3. Addressing Key Security Issues

4. Constructive solution

4.1. Structural system

4.2. Features

4.2.1. Bases

4.2.2. External panels

4.2.3. Overlappings

4.2.4. Roof Construction

4.2.5. Partitions

4.2.6. Windows, doors

4.2.7. Ladders

4.2.8. Floors

4.2.9. Refuse chute

5. Engineering equipment

6. Architectural and compositional solution

7. Thermal engineering calculation of external enclosing structures

Appendix A. Floor plans

Appendix B. Section 3 -

Appendix B. Layout of floor elements

Appendix D. Roof Plan

Appendix D. Explication of buildings. Schematic symbols

Annex E. Bibliographic list

1. introduction

1.1. Design Task

The design task in accordance with the methodological instructions [1] is adopted independently as follows:

Purpose of the building - residential

Number of floors - 9

Number of sections - 1

Structural diagram of the building - arceless

External enclosing structures - panels

Foundations - prefabricated panel

Construction area - Kirov

The arceless panel building on the prefabricated panel foundation, the construction district of the city of N. Novgorod, the site for the building has a slight slope, which we neglect during the design process. There is no information on soils.

1.2. Purpose of the building and its capacity

As intended, this building is a residential 38 apartment building, that is, it is intended for the long-term residence of people and appropriate servicing of their domestic and cultural needs, so the building must be equipped with all types of necessary communal improvement (water supply, sewage, heating, etc.).

The space-planning unit of this type of building is an apartment; communication spaces - corridors, stair elevator units, shafts; auxiliary - room of garbage duct.

1.3. Building class, fire resistance, durability

The degree of fire resistance of buildings is accepted depending on the purpose, category by explosion and fire hazard, floor area, building storey. In this case:

fire resistance degree - II;

durability degree - II;

capital class - II.

2. Master Plan

2.1. Common part.

The residential area "Chistye Ponds" is divided into two lines of construction.

Boundaries of the designed territory of the first stage of construction:

on the north side of the Mostovitsa river, on the east - the village. New, on the west side - the sanitary protection zone from the poultry farm, on the south side - the city highway designed by the Nizhny Novgorod Institute.

The second stage of construction is carried out in the southern direction (the village of Stolbiki), in the western (el. Kurochkin) due to the further reduction of the sanitary protection zone, and in the northern one beyond the Mostovitsa River, where box-type garages are currently located.

The project was developed primarily for construction with the beginning of the development of the microdistrict, directly bordering the village. New. There is a good transport connection with the city center and the untapped capacity of the Uchkhoz boiler house.

2.2. Modern planning situation.

The territory reserved for priority construction is mainly free from development - two-story preserved residential buildings are located on Ukrainskaya Street, a boarding school and a bathhouse are located on the 4th five-year plan street. The entire territory was used for agricultural land, and the subsidiary farm of the Lepse plant was located here. A large area on the western side is occupied by a sanitary protection zone from the poultry farm.

The territory of the designed area currently has good transport connection with the central part of the city - along the street Ukrainian pos. New on the eastern side and Kazan tract on the western side.

There are no high-trunk trees and shrubs on the site. The relief is quite calm and favorable for development, the highest marks in the area of ​ ​ the settlement of Kurochkina.

2.3. Architectural-planning and space-spatial organization.

In the allotted territory, five microdistricts were designed for the first time of construction.

The street network is due to the presence (in the project) of two city highways and connections with the existing streets of the village. New and the settlement of Kurochkina.

Residential buildings are formed by houses of different storeys - from five to sixteen floors. The main development is long houses of 912 floors. In compositionally critical places, high-rise houses are designed.

Each microdistrict has a full set of institutions for social and cultural services. These are mainly built-in attached enterprises, which makes it possible to provide residents with the necessary service facilities with the introduction of housing.

Separate service enterprises were also designed: a clinic, a sports and leisure center, a bath and laundry plant, a housing and communal services building for residents of the district. Objects of regional significance - hypermarket, fire station, PBX building. In the most picturesque place, with existing ponds, an Orthodox church with accompanying buildings has been designed. Children's schools and preschools form inner-district green spaces. School plots have a developed complex of sports grounds that residents of the microdistrict can use.

The planning structures of microdistricts allow the formation of land plots for development in accordance with the requirements of the urban planning code.

Each residential group has all the necessary areas for recreation, children's games, and physical education.

The project proposes to actively use the underground space for car parking - in each group of houses a parking lot for 50 places is designed. Thus, the load of transport on the courtyard territory is reduced. The sites above the parking lots are landscaped. The coastal strip of the Mostovitsa River should be landscaped with the organization of a recreation and sports area on it.

Existing garages on the opposite side of the river on the second stage of construction should be demolished. The green zone of the Mostovitsa River will be a real recreation area for residents of the district.

Designed residential development and capacity of the district.

The residential district consists of five microdistricts - No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 of multi-storey buildings.

Area of ​ ​ micron No. 1 - 16.1 hectares ;

Micron area No. 2 - 4.70 ha;

The area of ​ ​ micron No. 3 is 15.8 hectares ;

Area of ​ ​ micron No. 4 - 19.4 hectares ;

The area of ​ ​ micron No. 5 is 14.7 hectares.

According to the current SNiPa 2.07.0189 * (att. 4, TB. 2) the estimated population density was adopted 420 people/ha, the average for the project - 358 people/ha.

The population of microdistricts according to the project with an estimated security of 19.41 m2 of the total area of ​ ​ apartments per person is:

1 μr5923.0 people;

2 μrn 1523.0 people;

3 micron - 5633.0 people;

4 μr5417.0 people;

5 micron - 5252.0 people.

The total population in the projected microdistricts will be 23748.0 people. The housing stock of the district is 426.65 thousand m2. By microdistrict:

1 mkrn105.780 sq.m

2 μrn - 27.420 m2

3 mkrn101.400 sq.m

4 μrn - 97,500 m2

5 μrn - 94.550 m2

2.4. System of cultural and consumer services.

Educational institutions.

General education schools and preschool institutions are designed in accordance with the current standards for each microdistrict. In two microdistricts No. 1 and No. 3, which have large areas, two preschool institutions are designed. In microdistrict No. 2, where only one residential group is located, children's institutions are not provided - children will use the school and kindergartens located in neighboring microdistricts - No. 1 and No. 4.

Health facilities.

The project provides for one clinic for adults, a children's clinic, and women's consultations. Pharmacies are designed in each microdistrict built into residential buildings.

Cultural and arts institutions, sports facilities.

In quarter No. 5, where a bathhouse and a school already exist, a large sports center with all the necessary premises and venues has been designed. Since such large public facilities (hypermarket) will be designed according to individual projects, the capacity of which will be determined accordingly to time and need. Premises for cultural and mass work, leisure, amateur activities, children's clubs are designed built-in attached to residential buildings and in a complex of microdistrict school sports facilities. School stadiums and sports grounds are designed to serve all residents of the microdistrict. Open sports grounds will be located in the recreation area near the Mostovitsa River.

Trading institutions.

Institutions of trade, catering, consumer services are dispersed built-in and attached to residential buildings of the microdistrict. Hypermarket - a shopping center of urban importance is designed separately. In addition to retail premises, it provides cafes, bars, a cinema, consumer services enterprises, and game halls.

Management organizations and institutions, credit and financial institutions, communications enterprises, housing and communal services institutions.

Branches of communications and banks are located as part of built-in general premises of microdistricts. The administrative building is provided as part of a hypermarket.

Of the housing and communal services institutions in the territory adjacent to residential development, a municipal housing enterprise (MPZHK) with a base, a bathhouse with a laundry, and a fire station were designed. Public toilets shall be located in public places according to calculations.

3.2. Justification of the main groups of premises.

The mutual arrangement of all rooms is designed in such a way as to reduce the access time from one room to another, that is, to make the functional process as fast as possible.

The layout of the building premises is made taking into account their relationship and requirements for this city:

• The entrance to the building has a double tambour 1.5 m deep.

• Each apartment is separated from the stairwell by a double door

• Stairwell and elevator hall have natural lighting.

• Bathrooms adjoin only the internal walls of the building

Vertical communications are carried out in the building using a two-march staircase. The stairwell is planned as an internal day-to-day operation, made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements. The stairs have a slope of 1:2.

Also in the building there is one elevator with a carrying capacity of 500 kg. The elevator is designed for moving residents from floor to floor, lifting luggage.

3.3.Resolving basic safety issues.

Evacuation of people from the building is carried out in the same ways as the movement of basic human flows.

From the point of view of fire safety, elevators and stairs are installed correctly, ensuring the free movement of human flows and excluding their intersection in the main directions. The distance from any point of the building does not exceed the required, the widths of the flights and platforms are sufficient for the normal evacuation of people from the building .

4. constructive solution

4.1 Structural system.

The structural diagram of the building is cross-wall with a variable pitch of transverse load-bearing walls (carkless). Such a scheme ensures the spatial rigidity of the building. Stability of external walls is ensured by their spatial interaction with floors and adjacent internal walls.

All prefabricated elements of the building are combined with steel bonds. Wall panels are connected in height in two levels.

The basis of the building is foundation cushions, on which basement single-layer panels rest, through which the load is transferred from the building to the base.

Wall external panels are three-layer with the use of an effective insulation - polystyrene foam with a thickness of 150 mm (required according to the thermal design). To form the external walls of the building, wall panels 3.0 m high were used.

Floors are made of reinforced concrete slabs with dimensions per room. Interstage floors are supported on three to four sides. Slabs are made of M200 grade concrete. Monolithic sections are used.

4.2 Structural elements.

4.2.1. Foundations.

Foundations - prefabricated slabs. Foundation slab is designed flat.

Depth of foundation laying is assigned depending on standard depth of seasonal ground freezing 2.5 m.

Basement wall panels in the underground part of the building are designed to perceive soil pressure. From sediments filtering through the soil, the wall is protected by coating with hot bitumen in two times. To prevent the penetration of rain and meltwater to the underground parts of the building, the surface of the building site is planned with a slope of 1% of the building. Around the entire building along the external walls, a pavement is arranged with a width of 1000 mm and a slope of 0.03.

Holes are arranged in foundation walls to supply utilities.

Foundation pads and single-layer panels are also used as the foundation for the elevator.

4.2.2. External panels.

External panel walls are provided from the 1.0201 series with two-row structural curvature. Panel design - three-layer of light concrete and insulation (extrusion polystyrene foam). Concrete layers of the panel are combined with flexible links. Flexible linkage structures consist of separate metal rods ensuring the installation unity of concrete layers with independence of their static operation. Flexible bonds do not prevent thermal deformation of the outer concrete layer of the wall, excluding the occurrence of temperature forces in the inner layer. Elements of flexible bonds are made of low-alloyed steels resistant to atmospheric corrosion. The outer enclosing layer has only enclosing functions. The thickness of the inner layer is 100 mm. The outer layer is designed with a thickness of 65 mm and is reinforced with a welded mesh.

Minimum class for compression of light concrete B10. Based on the heat engineering calculation, the thickness of the panels is assumed to be 350 mm. The outer wall panels are supported by a layer of cement mortar. The connection of the loop-bracket panels is formed by the installation of steel clamps in the loop reinforcement outlets of the panels .

Drained joints are used. The structural difference between drained joints and closed joints lies in the organization of floor-by-floor withdrawal of water penetrated into the joints. The main elements of the drained joint: a mouth sealed by the type of a closed joint, a decompression (drained) cavity, a drainage apron, a drainage hole.

To ensure external drainage on the upper faces of the mating panels in the zone of intersection of vertical and horizontal joints, drain aprons with a size of 220 × 220 mm, a thickness of 3-4 mm from a rubber sheet according to GOST 733877 or folgoisole according to GOST 2042975 should be glued. For the sticker of rubber aprons, adhesive of the KN type is used, aprons made of folgoisole - rubber-bitumen mastics. A 420 mm length section of sealing gasket is installed over the apron on the horizontal surface of the water protection ridge symmetrically relative to the vertical joint axis. Work should be done from the slab, after filling the structures with vertical joints. Mouths of joints shall be filled with sealing mastic along sealing gaskets with subsequent application of protective coating. In the zone of intersection of vertical and horizontal joints, a drainage hole 5060 mm wide (2530 mm in each direction from the axis of the vertical joint) is left. For this purpose in filling of joints mouths it is necessary to arrange corresponding breaks. Drained joints are made in accordance with [14].

Facade protective-finishing layer of panels is made of conventional solutions (followed by painting). On the inner side, a finishing layer of solution with a density of up to 1800 kg/m3 with a thickness of not more than 15 mm is applied to the panel.

Three-layer designs have significant advantages over one- and two-layer designs:

- increased resistance to water permeability of the facade layer;

- the possibility to change the strength of the wall in a wide range (due to increasing the class of concrete, reinforcement and increasing the cross-section of the bearing layer) and its heat-protective qualities (due to insulators of various efficiency).

Such advantages make the construction of a wall of three-layer concrete panels universal.

4.2.3. Overlaps.

Solid plates with thickness of 140 mm are used as floors.

Floor slabs are fixed between themselves and the walls of the building using steel anchors, which are made of round reinforcement steel with a diameter of 6 mm. Slots between slabs are sealed with M200 concrete. On the side surfaces of the floor panels there are key recesses that facilitate the formation of concrete key vertical joints between the panels (after silencing), which perceive vertical and horizontal shifting forces.

Floor slabs have all necessary operational holes.

The floors above the elevator hall are monolithic due to the shape complex in plan. Monolithic sections have thickness of 180 mm and are made of concrete of B7.5 class.

4.2.4. Roof construction.

The roof is an external structure that performs a complex of load-bearing and enclosing functions in the building. The outer cover of the roof is the roof. This roof is non-operational. Roof of the given building contains bearing elements, waterproofing and base for it. Bearing element of roof is made of reinforced concrete slabs, thermal insulation is made of slab material - polystyrene foam .

Attic - warm (heat insulation layer is located at the top of the attic space) and ventilated, the presence of ventilated attic space reduces the overheating of the upper floor rooms during the hot season and drains the structures above the rooms with a wet mode.

Taking into account the storey and the space-planning solution of the building, the type of internal organization of atmospheric precipitation removal (through risers - drains located inside the building) and external - through drains is simultaneously adopted. Two internal funnels are provided

(the cross-sectional area of the funnel shall be taken at 1.5 cm ² per 1 m ² of roof area [5]). To ensure drainage, the roof surface is given a slope of 0.03 %.

Waterproofing of the roof is carried out in the traditional way - the device of a multi-layer carpet made of glass-reinforced glass of the CPM brand.

4.2.5. Partitions.

Panel gypsum concrete partitions made of M35 gypsum concrete with a ratio of components (gypsum, cement, sawdust) in volume are used. Internal bearing walls are 160 mm thick (inter-apartment), 120 mm (inter-room), 140 mm (basement). To organize reliable sound insulation of premises, it is necessary that JB (air insulation index) of the partition structure is greater than or equal to the normative one (50 Db and more), and JY (shock insulation index) is less than or equal to the normative one (67 Db and less). It is in accordance with this requirement that partitions are selected [15].

Attachment of panels along vertical faces to load-bearing structures in two levels by panel height. Fixation to the ceiling with the length of the panels up to 1.5 m at one point, with a longer length - two points. Note here that attachment points are located at 0.5 m from panel edge .

Fixation of gypsum-concrete partition panels to external and internal walls, floor panels, as well as connection of gypsum-concrete partitions to each other is carried out by staples with overlaps of various design and ribs (fasteners).

4.2.6. Windows, doors.

Window sizes are assigned in accordance with the normative requirements of natural illumination, architectural composition, savings of one-time and operating costs. Window blocks in separate-paired bindings are used. According to heat engineering calculation we accept triple glazing in separate-paired bindings with RO = 0.55m2 OS/W. Dimensions of window openings:

O1 - 1210х1500 mm;

O2 – 1510х1500 mm.

To fill the door openings, panel door wooden webs with the following dimensions are used:

D1 - 910 mm;

D2 - 710 mm;

D3 - 1310 mm;

DB - 760 mm.

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