Oil pipeline D = 1000 NPS Sukhodolnaya - NPS Rodionovskaya km 181 - km 191
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Диплом одноэтажный жилой дом.dwg
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Table of contents
1 General description of construction area
1.1 Brief description of the pipeline route
1.2 Climatic conditions
1.3 Hydrological characteristics of the construction site
1.4 Geological structure of route soils
2 Mobilization period
3 Architectural and construction solutions
3.1 Initial data
3.2 Master Plan
3.3 Space-planning solution of the building
3.4 Structural solutions
3.5 Heat Engineering Calculation
3.5.1 Calculation of the outer wall
3.5.2 Calculation of the basement floor
3.5.3 Calculation of overlap above the entrance
3.5.4 Calculation of attic floor
3.5 Exterior Finishes
3.6 Interior Finishes
3.7 Fire prevention and evacuation
3.8 Engineering equipment
3.9 Main construction indicators
4 Basic solutions for construction organization
4.1 Construction plan and transportation diagram
4.2 Construction Duration
4.3 Construction Subdivision Structure
5 Performance of works
5.1 Preparatory works
5.1.1 Acceptance of the route from the customer and geodetic breakdown
5.1.2 Construction strip layout
5.1.3 Removal and restoration of fertile soil layer Scope of application Organization and procedure of works Quality requirements and acceptance of works
5.1.4 Arrangement of track passage
5.1.5 Loading and unloading operations Scope of application Organization and procedure of works Quality requirements and acceptance of works
5.2 Main Linear Operations
5.2.1 Earthworks Scope of application Organization and procedure of works execution Quality and acceptance requirements
5.2.2 Welding of swivel joints at pipe welding base Scope of application Organization and procedure of works execution Requirements for quality and acceptance of works
5.2.3 Insulation of welded joints Scope of application Organization and procedure of works execution Quality requirements and acceptance of works
5.2.4 Installation of insulated pipeline Scope of application Organization and procedure of works execution Quality requirements and acceptance of works
5.2.6 Cavity cleaning and testing
6 Quality control of ring welded joints
7 Safety and environmental protection
7.1 General requirements
7.1 Earthworks
7.2 Handling and Transport
7.3 Assembly and welding works
7.4 Quality control of welded joints
7.5 Insulation-laying works
7.6 Cleaning of cavity and testing of pipeline
7.7 Execution of works near the power transmission line
7.8 Environmental protection
8 Manual arc welding of non-rotating ring joints of main pipelines
8.1 Justification for manual arc welding
8.2 Overview of existing methods of welding of ring joints of main pipelines
8.2.1 Essence of manual arc welding method
8.2.2 Automatic arc welding under flux layer
8.2.3 Automatic arc welding in the environment of protective gases
8.2.4 Automatic welding of non-rotating joints with powder wire with forced formation of seam
8.2.5 Electrical contact welding by melting
8.3 Manual arc welding technology of non-rotating ring joints of main pipelines
8.3.1 Welding electrodes
8.3.2 Welded joints and seams Welded joints and seams. Types of joints and their geometric characteristics Seam design. Purpose and welding technology of its individual layers
8.3.3 Stages of Development of RDS Technology Pipe Edge Preparation Electrode selection Welding current Choice of seam design Determination of welding speed
8.3.4 Preparatory operations Cleaning of cavity, inspection, repair and grinding of pipe edges Joint assembly Preheating
8.3.5 Welding and Installation Diagrams and Methods
8.4 Job Instruction for manual arc welding of non-rotating joints of the Sukhodolnaya-Rodionovskaya oil pipeline
8.4.1 Scope of application
8.4.2 Organization and procedure of works execution
8.4.3 Quality requirements and acceptance of works
8.5 Peculiarities of technology of flooding and tie-in of coils (elimination of process breaks)
8.6 Process map for elimination of gaps during construction of linear part of the main oil pipeline "Sukhodolnaya - Rodionovskaya"
8.6.1 Scope of application
8.6.2 Organization and procedure of works Installation of flaw Coil tie-in
8.6.3 Quality requirements and acceptance of works
Quantity takeoff
Calculation of Construction Strip Planning Quantities
Calculation of reclamation scope
Trench Development Scope Count
Calculation of loading and unloading volumes
Welding and Installation Scope Count
Calculation of insulation-laying works volumes
Piping Test Scope Count
Calculation of construction contract price
Calculation of labor costs and calculation of construction scheduling
Calculation of labor costs
Calculation of Construction Schedule
Today, oil and gas are the most important product of Russia in the world market. Revenues from their sale make up a very significant part (up to 30% - according to the statements of the Prime Minister of Russia, although in fact this figure is obviously more) of the state budget. In addition, they are the most important raw materials for many sectors of the Russian economy itself, including the fuel and energy complex. Therefore, the most important issues for the oil and gas industry and the whole country are the issues of effective extraction and transportation of minerals to the consumer (or buyer).
Geographically, oil and gas production and consumption areas are separated by considerable distances, since the main mineral reserves are concentrated in the North and the East, and their main consumers are the central and western regions. In this regard, one of the most significant is the problem of transportation of oil and gas. The unqualified leader among the different delivery methods is pipeline transport - trunk pipelines. Under these conditions, it is advisable to consider the problem of the quality of the construction of trunk pipelines as a factor that largely determines the subsequent reliability of their operation, on which the well-being of the country as a whole largely depends
The problem of the quality of the construction of main pipelines automatically breaks down into smaller ones, since the quality of the construction of the entire pipeline as a whole depends on the quality of certain types of work performed during construction: preparatory, earthworks, welding, insulation-laying, tests. Welding and installation works are the most important process that greatly affects the performance of the future structure. Welding today is the only way to connect individual pipes in the section (preliminary welding of rotary joints) and in a continuous thread (welding of non-rotary joints). The most common in pipeline construction in Russia compared to other methods of welding non-rotating joints is still manual (electro) arc welding (RDS) with a thick-coated electrode. There are several reasons for this. First, these are the merits of the RDS:
1) universality of the method. RDS is suitable for welding of all types of connections of main pipelines (MT). Moreover, some types of welding, according to current standards, require only manual arc welding (the so-called special welding);
2) absence of the need to use sophisticated high-tech equipment and highly qualified personnel for its maintenance, which is necessary for most automatic welding methods;
3) the cheapness of the method (this is especially typical for Russia, where the ratio of labor costs to total construction costs is an order of magnitude lower than the same indicator in developed countries).
Secondly, we should mention the conditions and events characteristic of our country from the late eighties to the present day:
1) the collapse of the USSR and the economic crisis, which led to the decline of the entire construction industry, including the construction of main pipelines. One of the results of these processes was the deterioration of the logistics base of construction. An example is the situation with installations for automatic electrical contact welding by melting non-rotating joints of pipes of large diameters "North." These plants were successfully used in construction, as they provided high quality welding, high productivity and complete automation of welding. At present, all of them are in a state unserviceable, and their restoration or construction of new ones is economically unjustified;
2) the general technical and technological lag of Russia from developed countries, in which the use of automatic welding methods is due to both the high level of construction culture (which these methods require) and the much better material and technical support of the construction process.
All of the above factors give rise to such a wide use of manual arc welding in the construction of main pipelines, even considering the fact that the method is not progressive. There is no doubt that with the development of the Russian economy, automatic welding methods will become widespread in the construction of main pipelines. But this is a matter of not so distant, but still the future. And at present, manual arc welding remains the most used method for welding non-rotating ring joints of main pipelines.
In this work, an attempt was made to analyze the manual arc welding technology, systematize data dispersed according to various sources on the diagrams and principles of the organization of work using this method, compare theoretical material with practical material obtained during work on construction (production practice) of three different pipeline systems, as well as try to give conclusions on the feasibility and prospects of further use of manual arc welding in the construction of oil and gas main transport facilities.
1 general description of the construction area
1.1 Brief description of the pipeline route
The construction area is located in the western part of the Rostov region north of Rostov-on-Don. The route was laid along the territory of Chertkovsky, Millerovsky, Tarasovsky, Kamensky, Krasnosulinsky, RodionNesvetaysky districts, as well as the lands of the cities of Novoshakhtinsk and Zverevo, Rostov Region.
The present work considers the construction of a section of the Sukhodolnaya-Rodionovskaya oil pipeline bypassing the territory of Ukraine from PC 200 to PC 300 (181-191 km). The projected site is located in the Krasnosulinsky district.
1.2 Climatic conditions
The climate of the region is formed under the influence of general and local climatic factors: solar radiation, circulation of the atmosphere underlying the surface. The average annual air temperature along the highway varies from 7 ° C in the Sukhodolnaya area to 8 ° C, in the Rodionovskaya area. The first frosts are observed in the first-second half of October. The earliest frosts are observed in the second or third decade of September.
Winter begins in the second half of November. The duration of the period with stable frosts is an average of 6090 days. The coldest month of the year is January. The average monthly temperature in January in the area of the route varies from minus 9 to minus 6 ° C. The absolute minimum temperature at the Rossosh weather station is minus 36 ° C. Thaws are observed in winters with active cyclonic activity.
Summer is hot, dry. The warmest month is July, the average temperature of which is 2223 ° C. The absolute maximum July temperature is 43 ° C.
The average annual rainfall by m/s Rossosh is 567 mm. In the warm period of the year, 330 mm falls, in the cold - 237 mm. The largest average monthly rainfall is observed in July - 58 mm.
Snow cover appears, on average, in the third decade of November. The first snow usually becomes with a return of heat. A steady snow cover forms, on average, in the second half of December. The duration of the period with snow cover is 100120 days. The average height of the snow cover is 1520 cm. The destruction and descent of the snow cover proceeds much faster than its formation. In early April, the territory is completely free of snow. The maximum normative thickness of the ice wall for a height of 10 m above the earth's surface with a repeatability of 1 time every 5 years can reach 20 mm or more, with a repeatability of 1 time every 10 years - more than 22 mm.
The average annual wind speed is 4.55.5 m/s. The highest average wind speed (up to 6.8 m/s) is observed in February. In summer, wind speed is less than in winter. In the characteristic of the wind regime, gale winds with significant damage occupy a special place. Storms and hurricanes have both east and west directions.
The natural relief of the construction area is flat, but hilly, the elevations range from 23 m to 250 m. The territory is significantly developed. Anthropogenic landforms are represented by embankments under roads and railways, terricons at mines.
The surface of the construction territory is mainly plowed and occupied by cultural crops, partially covered with steppe and meadow vegetation. Surface and ground water is collected in beams, streams, ravines and flows into the rivers Complete, Melovaya, Likhaya, Mal. Rotten, Bol. Rotten, Seversky Donets, Kereta, Kundryuchya, etc.
The soil and vegetation cover of the territory under consideration is closely related to the climatic features of southern Russia. Most of this territory is occupied by southern chernozems. The natural vegetation cover is multi-equivocal steppes. Currently, the steppe is almost completely plowed under agricultural land. Virgin lands have been preserved in insignificant areas. In the landscape of the steppes, bayrack forests in the upper reaches of beams and floodplain forests in river valleys play a prominent role, and a network of forest belts is widely developed.
1.3 Hydrological characteristics of the construction site
Orographically, the construction site is located on the DonoDonetsk elevated plain and Donetsk Kryazh. On the border between them flows the Seversky Donets River. The DonoDonetsk plain on the site under consideration is divided by numerous beams, ravines and valleys of the Melovaya and Complete rivers. Donetsk ridge is a hill divided by a dense erosion network in all directions. The depth of separation in some places reaches 150200m. This section is crossed by the rivers Likhaya, Balka Osinovaya, Bolshaya Gnilusha, Malaya Gnilusha, Kundryuchya, Galuta, and Kereta.
The hydrographic network of this territory belongs to the basin of the Sea of Azov. Due to the significant regulation of the river in the low water, as a rule, they shallow a lot, many of them dry up in places and turn into a number of disjointed molds overgrown with reeds and other moisture-loving vegetation. During floods and floods, when the flow rate increases sharply, the rivers of the region perform noticeable erosion work.
The Seversky Donets River is the largest tributary of the river. Don, the Seversky Donets River is navigable. The river valley is trapezoidal. The left bank is steep and is cut by a network of ravines with trapped slopes. Right - gentle. The floodplain of the river with a width of about 2.39 km is covered with forest vegetation. The riverbed is composed of silted sands. Above and below the projected gate there are waterworks designed primarily to provide minimum navigable levels. The width of the water protection zone of the river is 500 m. The width of the river at low water is 130 m, the depth is 5 m.
The Melovaya River flows in a trapezoidal valley. The width of the floodplain is 600 m. The banks and bottom of the river are subject to erosion. Both banks are covered with steppe vegetation. In particularly arid years, the watercourse dries up. The width of the river is 12 m. The greatest depth is 1.0 m. The conservation zone of the river is 100 m.
The Full River in the area of the junction forms a large gentle bend. The riverbed is overgrown with reeds, the left breech is eroded, it is possible to shift the channel to the left. The width of the river at low water is 12 m, the depth of 0.4 m is 100 m. The river bed is expected to shift in the next 50 years relative to the original position by 75.5 m.
The Likhaya River has a rectilinear stable channel. The width of the river at low water is 13 m, the depth is 2 m, it has a protection zone of 100 m. The river is located in support from the pond. Erosion of the coast is not observed.
Osinovaya beam is a left-bank tributary of the river. Kundryuchya. The valley of the trough-shaped watercourse with a flat bottom, overgrown with individual trees and small areas of shrub. The bottom of the channel is composed of non-rolled boulders of different sizes. In the intermediate period, the watercourse does not dry up. The width of the channel at low water is 1.0 m, the depth is 0.3 m.
The Bolshaya Gnilusha River has a trough-shaped watercourse valley with a flat, wide bottom, overgrown with trees and shrubs. Steep low shores are subject to slight erosion. The bottom is silty without stones. In the intermediate period, the watercourse dries up. The protection zone of the river is 100 m.
The Malaya Gnilusha River has a trough-shaped watercourse with a wide flat bottom of the River Bank, steep, collapsing and subject to slight erosion. The bottom is flat, yields of bedrock are observed. In the intermediate period, the watercourse dries up the Protection Zone of the river 50 m.
The Kundryuchya River flows in a trough-shaped valley with steep slopes. The bottom of the valley is flat with a well-developed channel. The depth of the erosion entry of the watercourse relative to the main shores reaches 5 m. The width of the river at low water is 2.5 m, the depth is 1.3 m. The conservation zone is 100 m. The riverbed is overgrown.
From small watercourses, the Galuta River should be distinguished. The width of the river in the low water is 26 m, the depth is 0.2 m, the protection zone of the river is 50 m. The Galuta River flows into the Sokolovskoye reservoir, which is used for household water supply. The flow of the river is regulated by ponds upstream. The shores do not erode. In the intermediate period, the watercourse dries up.
The Kereta River has a trough-shaped valley with a flat wide bottom. The floodplain is overgrown with swamp vegetation. Erosion of the coast is not observed. The bottom of the river is composed of loam. In the intermediate period, the watercourse dries up. The protection zone of the river is 50 m.
The designed section of the oil pipeline does not cross these rivers.
1.4 Geological structure of route soils
Deployed deposits of the coal system, Paleogene and Neogene systems, covered by a cover of quaternary sediments, take part in the geological structure.
Sandstones. In the section, sandstones, as a rule, are common in the form of undisturbed formations, the thickness of which ranges from tens of centimeters to tens of meters. Usually - these are massive, cemented, different-grained rocks of gray, greenish-atoserous, yellowish-brown color from dark to light shades, depending on the content of quartz, which prevails in their composition.
Aleurolites. Being a transition rock between argillites and sandstones, aleurolites compose low-power interlayers in sandstones or form rhythmic delamination in argillitaleurolite packs reaching a power of more than 100 m. Transitions from aleurolite rocks to sandstones or argillites in the section are usually gradual.
Argillites. Rocks are distributed in the form of insignificant layers (from centimeters to the first meters) that form rhythmic interplating with aleurolites, or make up relatively uniform packs with a capacity of up to several tens of meters. The color of the rocks is dark gray to black, characteristically thin-layered texture. Layering, as a rule, is subparallel horizontal, less often - lens-wavy. The structure of argillites is usually aleuropelite or phytagmoaleuropelite.
Limestone. On the territory under consideration, limestones are distributed in the form of low-power strata (rarely more than 1,52.0 m), lying among argillites and aleurolites. As a rule, these are strong massive rocks of dark-skinned, sometimes light gray color, with organogenic, organogenic clumping or organogenic metritic structures. Less common are chemogenic micro-grained, pelitomorphic and oolite structures. Limestones, as a rule, are dark-grained, clay, micro-grained.
2 mobilization period
During the mobilization period, it is planned to perform the following main works:
- train and certify workers;
- at the railway station of the DOZ plant in the village of Molodezhniy, Zverevo, prepare a site for the acceptance of pipes, equipment and materials;
- prepare construction equipment for acceptance of insulated pipe;
- in order to protect the factory insulation coating, order, manufacture protective devices and soft linings on the metal parts of cranes, crane pipe layouts, mounting devices ("towels," rubberized slings, crossarms, grips, etc.), conics of pipe locomotives, etc.;
- rent a room for specialists in the area of the unloading station;
- organize communication, dispatch service, install telephones;
- organize the maintenance base;
- carry out permanent and temporary removal of land for the route of the oil pipeline and the placement of temporary buildings and structures;
- clarify the geodetic breakdown of the route of the oil pipeline and ground facilities sites and accept them in kind;
- obtain design and estimate documentation from the Customer;
- to conduct the survey and arrangement of quarries of local inert materials.
Диплом одноэтажный жилой дом.dwg
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