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Project's Content
ПЗ ЭС ЭО.doc
Additional information
1. General provisions
2. Power supply
3. Electricity metering
4. Power electrical equipment
5. Electric lighting
5.1. Internal electric lighting of buildings and structures
6. Lightning protection, zeroing
7. Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Solutions
8. States
9. Low-voltage electric drive
Table 1 Key technical indicators
General provisions
The electrical part of the project "Overhaul of the GSU of social services of SOSSZN" Chernsky boarding school for the disabled and the elderly "is developed on the basis of:
- design tasks
- existing regulations and standards;
- SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical devices";
- SNiP 2.04.0997 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures";
- SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting";
- SNiP-2.08.0289 "Public buildings and structures";
- PUE (7th edition) "Electrical Installation Rules";
- PUE 2004 "Electrical Installation Rules";
- VSN 20584 "Instruction on design of electrical installations of process automation systems";
- SP 311102003 Design and installation of electrical installations of LCD
and public buildings
- SNiP 2.04.0185 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings";
- SNiP 2.04.0591 * "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";
- regulations and recommendations of VNIPI TPEP and other guidance materials and standards.
The scope of work includes determining the electrical load, making the main technical decisions on power supply, power electrical equipment, electrical illumination of designed buildings and structures, grounding and rounding, automation systems, low-voltage electric drive.
This section of the project provides solutions for:
- The State Social Service Unit of SOSSZN "Chernsky boarding school for the disabled and the elderly."
Refer to Table 1 for the main technical indicators.
2. Power supply
According to the degree of reliability of power supply, electric receivers belong to category II of electric supply according to the classification of PUE.
The 1st category of power supply includes:
- emergency electric lighting;
- fire and security alarms;
- external lighting;
- automation boards, which provide operation above the number systems.
Installed power of power supply category I -2.7 kW (refer to power supply schematic diagram).
Power supply of the designed electric receivers is performed at 380/220 V voltage from the existing transformer substation.
This project provides for:
- installation of introductory device of VR1A1110UKhL4 type and switchgear VR3A28UKhL4 type in the basement;
- laying of supply lines with voltage of 380/2200 V from BRU to distribution boards to electric consumers;
Uninterruptible power supply is provided for the control system, fire protection alarm, fire warning.
3. Electricity metering
The design provides for the accounting of electricity directly on the exhaust lines of the BRU in the electrical panel. Three-phase induction counters SET41/1, 3x10A, 380V are used as metering devices.
4. Power electrical equipment
Selection of all electric motors and starting equipment supplied with process equipment is not provided by design. Distribution points for power electric receivers are imported and domestic with circuit breakers on outgoing lines.
Power supply of electric receivers of all designed consumers is performed by distribution lines at 0.4 kV voltage with sections from 2.5 to 50 mm.
Supply and distribution mains are made by WBGng grade copper cable laid in PVC pipes in concrete floor preparation, hidden along walls and in the bar.
In accordance with paragraph 2.1.31 of PUE2004, the wiring shall provide the possibility of easy recognition along the entire length of the electrical network conductor by colors:
- blue color - to indicate zero operating conductor of electrical network;
- a two-color combination of green-yellow color along the entire length with blue marks at the ends of the lines that are applied during installation - to indicate a combined zero working and zero protective pro-water;
- black, brown, red, purple, gray, pink, white, orange, turquoise - to indicate a phase pro-water.
As additional measures for fire safety, automatic disconnection of ventilation units serving rooms protected by fire alarm is provided when the latter is triggered.
To disconnect exhaust ventilation systems in case of fire, a magnetic starter is installed in the immediate vicinity of the starting equipment serving these ventilation systems.
To check the line on the boards having an independent disconnector, they are checked for actuation. The signal comes from IR.
All electrical networks of 0.38/0.22 kV are selected taking into account their protection from short-circuit currents, and networks in fire hazardous rooms - taking into account overload protection.
To connect computers, sockets with the 3rd gap contact are provided.
As an additional measure of protection against electric shock, differential switches are installed on the group lines of the outlet network.
5. Electric lighting
5.1. Internal electric lighting of buildings and structures
The project provides for the following types of artificial lighting :
- working;
- evacuation;
- local.
The lighting voltage is 220V, with the voltage of the lamps - 220V.
Power supply of all types of electric lighting is provided from lighting boards, which are powered from one section of the BRU.
All rooms of the building and structures are equipped with working lighting.
Evacuation lighting is designed along the escape routes from the building and indicates the direction of movement to the exit from the building.
"Exit" light indicators are installed above the room outputs and connected to the emergency lighting network.
The normalized illumination values and types of lighting fixtures are accepted and correspond to the technological purpose of the premises, environmental characteristic, category according to PUE.
To illuminate the kitchen (vegetable workshop, meat-and-meat workshop, etc.), light fixtures of dust and moisture-proof design with fluorescent lamps, dining room - lamps with fluorescent lamps are adopted; bathrooms, auxiliary rooms and wards - with incandescent lamps.
An extensive network of sockets is provided to connect local lighting lighting devices.
Control of all types of lighting is provided mainly by switches installed at the entrances to the premises, except for rooms with fire hazardous environment, where the switches are brought to adjacent rooms with normal environment by PUE, as well as using linear automatic switches installed on emergency lighting boards.
Main and group lighting networks of designed buildings shall be made with cable with copper conductors of BVGng grade three and five-wire by TNCS system.
The networks inside the building are laid by the building structures of the building open, hidden, in the bar, hidden by the walls.
In accordance with paragraph 2.1.31 of PUE2004, the wiring should provide the possibility of easy recognition along the entire length of the electrical network conductor by color (see the section of power electrical equipment).
Grounding and protective safety measures of the electric lighting plant are provided in accordance with the requirements of chap. 1.7 of PUE, (7th edition) GOST-R-50571-94 and other regulatory documents.
The following are used as protective conductors (PE):
- fifth conductor in three-phase distribution network with zero working conductor;
- third conductor in single-phase distribution network with zero working conductor.
As an additional measure of protection against electric shock, differential switches are installed on the group lines of the outlet network.
To ensure fire and explosion safety and compliance with the requirements of fire and explosion safety norms and regulations, the use of electrical equipment and wiring of the corresponding design is provided.
Maintenance of the lighting unit is carried out at a suspension height of lamps up to 5 m from ladders-ladders.
6. Lightning protection, zeroing
According to the JI 153 34.21.1222003 Instruction on lightning protection measures, the designed building refers to the usual ones and must be protected from direct lightning strikes and skidding of high potential through ground metal communications.
The external lightning protection system of the building consists of a lightning-receiving grid made of steel rolled rod d = 8mm with a pitch of 6 m x 6 m, laid in a roof insulation, current conductors - lanes made of steel rolled rod d = 8mm along the perimeter of the building after 20 m and grounding conductors - angular steel 63x63x6 with a length of 2.5m, interconnected by strip steel 40x4 mm.
In addition, RRs with a leakage current of 30 mA are grounded, metal bodies of lighting fixtures and stationary electrical equipment are busy by laying a special core.
To protect the maintenance personnel, the project provides for protective suspension. Working and specially designed zero conductors of supply and distribution networks connected to the zero conductor of supply cables are used as lead-in conductors.
Electrical equipment enclosures, electric motors, lighting fixtures, cable gasket structures and other equipment that is not energized in normal mode, but which may be under such due to insulation failure, shall be occupied.
Zeroing is carried out by connecting the zeroed parts of the electrical installation to the zero wire of the supply network using a protective conductor (PE), which uses separate ka-white cores or specially laid conductors with green-yellow insulation.
The system of zoning conductors of the electrical installation of the building is connected to the grounded neutral of the BRU by means of zero cores of the feeding ka-belies.
The protective conductor is laid in such a way that during de-installation there is no rupture of the suspension of other devices, that is, the pro-masonry of the protected conductor, with a loop is prohibited.
Branches of the protected conductor must be made in a soldering box, and a permanent connection must be used by welding or special clamping, which provides reliable contact.
Connection of the zero protective conductor to the zero busbar of the lead-in panel shall be made on different clamps with a zero working pro-driver.
The lighting fixtures are occupied by a separate conductor from the zero protective busbar of the supply panel (PE).
Steel wiring pipes, zero wires of distribution networks, steel strip of 40x4 mm and 25x4 mm (grounding in electrical panel) connected to zero core of supply cable and connected to the substation ground loop are used as lead-in conductors.
The potential equalization bus is connected to the PN conductor of the pi-melting line, a grounding conductor connected to the grounding device of the electrical installation, metal communication pipes included in the structure, and a lightning protection system.
The main potential equalization bus is provided with copper and is painted green-yellow.
7. Solution in power supply and electrical equipment systems for energy efficiency and energy saving measures.
The project provides for the following energy efficiency measures:
- energy-efficient light sources are used to illuminate the premises;
- room lighting control system, provides disconnection of part of lighting fixtures, in accordance with natural illumination change;
- on-duty lighting of the premises is provided.
The electrical part of the project takes into account the following measures to save electric energy:
- placement of distribution boards in the center of electrical loads of the building;
- selection of the section of supply lines according to the permissible voltage loss and laying of electrical networks along the shortest routes;
- application of energy-efficient electrical equipment;
- use of regular actuation of lamps parallel to windows;
- economical schemes for switching on with outdoor lighting at night.
To ensure fire safety, the use of electrical equipment and wiring of the corresponding design, etc. having certificates of compliance with the Russian Federation is provided.
8. States
The number of service personnel is determined in accordance with the current all-Russian and industry standards.
To service the electrical installation of this enterprise, 2 people are provided: engineering and technical personnel 1chel., working personnel - 1 person.
9. Low-voltage electric drive.
This section provides power supply and motor control for plumbing systems and installations.
Electric motors are selected in process and plumbing parts of the project.
Electric motors are powered from ~ 380V, 50 Hz mains.
To control exhaust systems, complete control cabinets and switches installed in the immediate vicinity of the units are used.
Power supply of control boxes is provided through distribution boards connected to the electrical network.
Electrical wiring to electric motors is made by cables with copper cores.
It is provided for laying in PVC pipes in concrete floor preparation and open laying on walls, process and construction structures.
Motor enclosures shall be grounded (occupied) in accordance with PUE requirements.
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