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Nine-story large-panel residential building of sectional type - AR


Course project. Nine-story large-panel residential building of sectional type

Project's Content

icon Пояснительная записка. Девятиэтажный крупнопанельный жилой дом секционного типа.docx
icon Девятиэтажный крупнопанельный жилой дом секционного типа.dwg

Additional information


1. Enter _________________________________________________________

2. Characteristics of natural and climatic conditions ______________________

3. General Plan ___________________________________________________

4. Architectural and planning design _______________________________

5. Architectural and structural solution _______________________________

5.1. Funda-ment _________________________________________________

5.2. Ste-ny _____________________________________________________

5.3. Staircase and elevator unit ____________________________________

5.4. Crossroads _______________________________________________

5.5. Kra sha ___________________________________________________

6. Calculation of enclosing structures __________________________________

6.1. Calculation of normalized heat transfer resistance Rreq ________

6.2. Designing enclosing structures ___________________

6.3. Check of calculated parameters ___________________________

7. Engineering equipment of the building ___________________________________

7.1. Heating system _________________________________________

7.2. Valve- _______________________________________________

7.3. Water supply and drainage _____________________________

7.4. Power supply system __________________________________

7.5. Garbage dump _________________________________________

8. Literature______________________________________________________

1. Introduction

On assignment, it is necessary to design a nine-story large-panel residential building of the sectional type. The construction site takes the city of Perm. External walls shall be made in the form of three-layer precast reinforced concrete wall panels with effective insulation. Floors are made as solid reinforced concrete slabs, with a thickness of 160mm, with support on 3-4 bearing walls. A roof with a roll-free roof, a warm attic, an internal drain. The foundation is tape, prefabricated, reinforced concrete. Stairs - two-march, prefabricated reinforced concrete from large elements.

The number of sections in the building is 1. The capacity of the standard floor of the section is 1-2-2-3. The orientation of the building is meridional. Floor height - 2.8 m. Ground planning elevation: 0.95. The floor mark of the technical underground: 2.20. The structural system is a wall system with a mixed pitch of bearing walls.

5. Architectural and structural solution

The structural system of the designed building is wall, with a mixed pitch of transverse bearing walls.

5.1. Bases

The foundation of the building is tape, prefabricated, reinforced concrete; is installed under structural structures.

The foundation is made of reinforced concrete pillow slabs (foundation blocks) and basement wall blocks.

Depth of foundation laying for load-bearing walls is determined by formula:

Nz.f. = Np.gr. + ground layout elevation. + filling =

= 1.80 + (0.95) + (0.10) = 2.85 m

External Structural Wall Foundation:

The lower part - pillow plates of FL grade 12.24 (length 2400mm, width 1200 mm, height 300 mm), FL 12.12 (length 1200mm, width 1200 mm, height 300 mm) and FL 12.8 (length 800mm, width 1200 mm, height 300 mm), rest on a sand filling 100 mm high.

The upper part - concrete blocks of the underground walls of the FBS 24.3.6 brand (length 2400 mm, width 300 mm, height 580 mm), installed on the shower. The blocks are supported by basement panels (300 mm wide), installed under external load-bearing walls (350 mm wide).

Foundation of internal structural walls:

The lower part - pillow plates of FL 10.12 grade (length 1200mm, width 1000 mm, height 300 mm) and FL 10.8 (length 800mm, width 1000 mm, height 300 mm), rest on a sandy filling 100 mm high.

The upper part - concrete blocks of the underground walls of the FBS 24.3.6 brand (length 2400 mm, width 300 mm, height 580 mm), installed on the shower. The blocks are supported by basement panels (300 mm wide), installed under internal load-bearing walls (160 mm wide).

Gaps between foundation cushions 20, 35, 40, 55, 60, 80, 150 mm.

The outer wall of the foundation is coated with hot bitumen in two times for vertical waterproofing .

A foundation in the form of a rectangular plate 3000x2930 mm is arranged under the elevator shaft.

5.2. Walls

The external load-bearing walls of the building are three-layer prefabricated reinforced concrete wall panels with effective insulation. The thickness of the panels is 350 mm.

The outer concrete layer 70 mm thick of frost-resistant concrete of the MRZ35 grade performs a protective function, the load from it is given through flexible connections to the inner concrete layer 100 mm thick. The insulation layer consists of an effective insulating agent - an extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 180 mm.

The internal structural walls of the building are single-layer wall panels 160 mm thick.

Inter-room partitions - single-layer wall panels 80 mm thick.

External walls are attached to coordination axes - 100 mm. Installation of internal walls in the joint of external walls - 30 mm with welding of embedded parts. Joints of panels after welding are insulated, sealed and sealed.

Air and heat insulation of joints is solved by sealing of joint from inside with roll waterproofing material and installation of inserts from effective insulators.

5.3. Ladder Lift Unit

The ladder and lift node of the building is formed by interfloor ladders, the lift mine, a refuse chute.

The dimensions of the assembly in the coordination axes are 4800x4800 mm.

Stairs - two-march, prefabricated reinforced concrete from large element-ments. Grade of the flight of stairs LM14.12 (length 2400 mm, width 1200 mm, height 1400 mm). Grade of staircase inter-storey platforms LP28.12 (length 2800 mm, width 1220 mm). The platforms have protrusions on short sides and a hole for passing the garbage duct (400 mm); rests on inner bearing transverse walls. Stairways are attached to inter-storey platforms by welding. Walls of stairwell are made non-combustible. The stairwell is unnamed, has natural and artificial lighting.

A passenger elevator with a carrying capacity of 500 kg and a speed of 11.4 m/s was designed in the building. Sizes of the elevator of 1550х1700 mm. The elevator shaft is designed as a self-supporting structure of reinforced concrete volume blocks with a wall thickness of 140 mm. It is made of heavy concrete of M200 grade, reinforced with a spatial reinforcement frame. There are gaps for sound insulation. The elevator engine room is located in the attic.

5.4. Overlappings

Floors in the building are flat solid reinforced concrete slabs, 160mm thick, resting on 3-4 bearing walls. The depth of the floors resting on the external walls is 100 mm, on the internal walls - 80 mm.

Slabs are laid in slots of wall panels and are connected to each other and to walls by means of anchor bolts.

Floor slab tags:

- P.66.36.16

- P.60.36.16

- P.60.30.16

- P.54.36.16

- P.54.30.16

- P.48.36.16

- P.48.30.16

- P.48.24.16

- P.24.24.16

- PB 66.12.16

- PB 60.12.16

5.5. Roof

A roof with a roll-free roof, a warm attic, an internal drain. Plates rest on longitudinal bearing walls and tray panels and adjoin transverse ones. The attic consists of non-insulated attic floors, insulated frieze external panels, tray panels, roofing panels with insulation glued to them (polystyrene cement foam) and supporting support elements.

Ventilation of the warm attic is arranged through the exhaust shaft. The ventilation units of the garbage line, sanitary units and kitchens are combined into ventilation shafts, which go at an angle vertically, through all floors, cross the coating and go to the attic in the form of the head of the ventilation shaft.

The catchment is carried out through the drain from the tray panels to the water intake funnels, through which water enters the riser of the internal drain of the building, arranged in the internal walls with the necessary waterproofing, and is transported to the sewage system.

7. Building Engineering Equipment

7.1. Heating systems

Heating - central, water, with artificial circulation of coolant, single-tube, with lower mains, vertical risers. Riser routing in rooms - closed. Heating devices - aluminum sectional radiators.

Heating is carried out from the CHP. Temperature condition of 70105 wasps.

7.2. Ventilation

Air inflow into the rooms is carried out through windows, exhaust - through ventilation channels and shafts in kitchens and bathrooms.

Ventilation consists of prefabricated channels, coarse-section shafts, to which exhaust grids of all ventilated rooms located on the same vertical are connected. Ventilation units are made of M200 concrete, the thickness of the walls of the channels reinforced with a mesh, 50 mm.

The air discharged from the premises enters the attic and is removed through the exhaust shaft with a section of 1280x2040 mm.

7.3. Water supply and drainage

All elements are placed concentrated in the area of sanitary and kitchen blocks of apartments. These are not structural structures. They are arranged on floors, on a layer of sand or wood fiber.

The sewage system is vertical, non-pressurized, with horizontal wiring.

7.4. Power supply system

Networks are placed in special panels on staircases. Electric panels are provided with vertical and horizontal channels and a niche for floor boards and electric mains. In niches there is distribution device of electric networks and equipment of communication devices. Internal wiring of power grids is designed hidden.

Floor-to-floor electrical support is provided by laying in wall panels of units with electrical equipment system, television and telephone cables.

7.5. Rubbish disposal

The garbage duct consists of a rigid vertical shaft (400 mm) with intake valves and passes through all inter-storey staircases. The barrel ends in the upper part with a pipe with a deflector, in the lower part - with a gate device that closes the barrel of the garbage duct. Lower part of barrel is located in garbage collection chamber above trolley with container. The trunk of the garbage duct is made of asbestos cement, placed open, covered with a biologically resistant material.

The garbage collection chamber (2.2 m high) is located in the outer area of ​ ​ the building with an entrance to it. The floor of the chamber is 5 cm above the pavement level. Access ramp slope i = 8%. The entrance is separate, isolated from the windows. Chamber is equipped with water supply valve.

Drawings content

icon Девятиэтажный крупнопанельный жилой дом секционного типа.dwg

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