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Natural Foundation Design. - DBE, Drawings


Course project. Explanatory note with detailed selection and calculation of the foundation of a single-span industrial building. Building Plan & Section Drawing, Combined Foundation Plan, Section, Schedule

Project's Content

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Source Data:

I. Selection of soil layer for foundation erection

II. Calculation and design of shallow foundations

1. Collection of loads on the foundation

2. Determination of forces acting on the columnar foundation

3. Determination of foundation depth

4. Sizing the sole of a stand-alone foundation

5. Strength check of weak underlying layer

6. Calculation of foundation settlement

7. Checking the influence of the adjacent foundation

8. Roll calculation

9. Shear calculation

III. Pile Foundation Calculation and Design

1. Determination of pile foundation pile bed depth

2. Determination of pile bearing capacity

3. Determination of required number of piles

4. Check of pile loads:

5. Check of pressure on the base of the conditional foundation

6. Settlement calculation of pile foundation

7. Selection of equipment for pile diving

8. Pit Design

IV. Collection of loads on other columns of the building

V. Techno-economic comparison

VI. Calculation of shallow foundation by material

1. Calculation for push-through

2. Calculation for splitting

3. Selection of reinforcement

4. Calculation of the strength of the sub-column

5. Calculation for local crumbling



The course design was developed in accordance with the task and is the calculation and design of the foundation. The project consists of an explanatory note and a graphic part. Graphic part is developed on the 1st sheet A1. The project includes selection for the set industrial building the column base of small laying and the pile base, the choice of the most economic option of the base and selection for it of a reinforcing framework. The purpose of the course project is to consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge obtained during the study of the discipline "Foundations and Foundations."

Drawings content

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