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Modernization of the air temperature automation system in the poultry house

  • Added: 10.02.2022
  • Size: 2 MB
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The diploma project contains 57 pages of a calculation and explanatory note and 5 sheets of format 1 graphic material.
The initial data for the diploma design are the materials of the survey of the poultry farm and the standard design of the poultry house.
The production of poultry products, poultry meat and edible eggs, as a rule, develops on an industrial basis.
The purpose of the automation of the technological process is to create a system of automatic temperature control in the poultry house, which fully satisfied the technological requirements for keeping and growing poultry.
The choice of technological and electrical equipment for keeping and growing poultry was carried out. The choice of engines, start-up protective equipment, power wiring was carried out.
In a special part of the project, the system of automation of air temperature in the poultry house based on a microprocessor system was modernized. The analysis and synthesis of the automatic control system is carried out, the qualitative indicators of the system are determined.
The issue of installation and operation of electrical equipment is considered. The technical and economic indicators of the project have been determined.

Composition: Explanatory note, Poultry house automation scheme, Structural diagram of automation, Transient and frequency characteristics of the system, Schematic diagram of the microprocessor system of automation of the poultry house, Scheme of electrical connections and connections of the control panel, Schematic diagram of measuring air humidity in the poultry house

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